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6.66% My hero academia Fanfiction / Chapter 10: Chapter 9

Capítulo 10: Chapter 9

The rescue training was gruelling.

Not only were the students paired in bad matchups, their weaknesses were exposed immediately. Their minds also kept replaying what happened to the resident pervert.

After witnessing what happened to Mineta, a new emotion came into play with mostly everyone:


No, they weren't scared of the vigilante, per say. He seemed nice and friendly enough. They were just scared of what he can do.

Not only did he take down one of the most powerful in the class, Bakugo, he made him look like a warm up. The fact he was quirkless made them all second guess their established pride of their own skills.

He wasn't even that tall for a pro.

Another factor that scared them is the fact that not once did his disguise fall off. It was as if he knew just how to move without the clothes falling. Then again, he was a pro for a reason, even if he was a vigilante.

Everyone, even the girls, knew he wasn't kidding when he said he'd be an enemy to anyone who crosses the line, despite their gender.

The girls who cried were now relieved that the guy who had peeped, touched, and talked lustfully about them was taken care of, and hopefully for life.

Each shook their heads. Now wasn't the time to think about these things.

{In the ruins zone}

Sato and Aoyama discussed a game plan. Really, it was more along the lines of a 'I blast, you lift' kind of plan. They agreed and started their exercise when a horn sounded.

The first thing the duo did was look over the immediate area. Seeing that they didn't have quirks to help them check under rubble, they resorted to checking caves, trees and revines to see of anyone was trapped. Luckily, there were three civilians.

Smiling, they pulled the rescued out of their areas, but one person told them bad news.

There were more people trapped under rubble.

So there the two were, punching, lifting, and blasting obstacles that could be in their way.

However, they couldn't keep this up for long.

Aoyama and Sato were in a bind. They were at a severe disadvantage, and they knew this well. Something that Thirteen had said resonated in their minds.

This exercise was testing their weaknesses.

They questioned what that meant, until it actually happened.

Aoyama couldn't blast anymore rubble with his naval beam. The pain wouldn't stop. He was breathless, not only because of the overuse of his stomach, but because of his revelation.

They were going to fail at this rate. Their weaknesses weren't the environment, but themselves.

He looked towards his teammate, who was clutching his head, groaning.

Sato couldn't think. He could barely talk. They had managed to save fifteen civilians only because of dumb luck. Both he and Aoyama had no clue what rescue procedures to utilize, and the slowing of his brain didn't help matters either. He had consumed too much sugar, and now he was paying the price for it.

A horn sounded in the background, signalling the end of their exercise. Lowering their heads in shame, they both wondered how the others did.

{Central Plaza}

Izuku, Aizawa, Thirteen, Mina, and Eijiro sat in front of a monitor. On the screen were several split screens, all showing different angles and shots of the students and their exercises.

The procedure went as followed: Only one group will work at a time. This is so the instructors and other students can have a full picture of how each group performed. It was by different elements that each student was graded.

Element One: Rescue Attempt- Each student was graded by the total amount of hostages/civilians rescued.

Elements Two: Style of Rescue- Each student was graded on how they rescued the hostage/civilians. Their total points would increase if they followed procedures correctly, and their points would decrease if they harmed the rescued or resulted in their teammates getting hurt.

Element Three: Cooperation- Each student was graded on how they worked with others. Generally in rescue operations, heroes had to pair with others, no matter how random, to complete the task. This was huge in the hero business, no hero wanted to work with a lone wolf who refused to work with others.

The total amount of points provided: 100.

Seeing that Sato and Aoyama finished their exercise, the two teachers and vigilante discussed, while the students sitting out listened, soaking in as much information as they could.

"The first thing I noticed was the immediate game plan" Izuku started off. "They looked like they knew what they were doing at first, but their ideas slowly unraveled to the point where they just weren't functioning as a team." Izuku nodded at Thirteen, who raised her hand.

"If I may, Quirkless, but what I noticed was that they didn't take the time to think about their weaknesses. At first I thought so, but Aoyama had a look that can only be described as realization." The echoed voice sounded as if lost in thought.

Aizawa took the reigns. "On the upside, both worked well to ensure the people rescued were safe and away from any danger." The stoic voice directed his hands towards a camera shot of a reserve. "Unfortunately, one of the rescued was clipped by a naval beam, so we have to deduct points off of Aoyama. Sato, however, did a pretty decent job until his head started to slow." Aizawa pinched the bridge of his nose.

Izuku looked towards the two teachers. "So how many points are you giving them?"

Aizawa glanced at the vigilante, before clearing his throat. "Quirkless, you're going to help grade as well. It's good to have a second opinion, especially if it's someone who is decent at analysing a situation on the spot."

Izuku placed a hand over his chest, voice full of false flattery. "Aww, that is so nice to hear from you, softy. Nezu was right, you are a sweetheart." He chuckled and nudged the teacher in the ribs.

Aizawa groaned. "Don't make me take all I said back. You're just as bad as Hizashi."

Thirteen was the first to break the two's rambling. "I'd say we issue seventy-five points to Sato and sixty-five points to Aoyama. It seems fair, considering they were working together and did minimal harm, with Aoyama doing more damage to the civilian." She patiently waited for the other two to think over what she said.

Aizawa and Izuku nodded, silently voicing their agreements. They watched as the next batch of students walked into their respective location.

{In the Landside Zone}

Shoji, Koda, and Uraraka turned to each other. Uraraka made a silent analysis.

Ok, so let's see. Koda's powers is to manipulate animals, right? maybe the first thing for him to do is to have birds and small land mammals to take a look around and report what they find as we get acquainted with the environment. Unfortunately, his voice can only go so far.She looked towards Shoji.

Shoji could manipulate his tentacles into extra eyes, ears, and mouths. He could have a couple of them analyse different locations that might give off hidden clues, especially with people that need rescued. A weakness of his is that if he's blindsided, his limbs are no use if he can't detect anything.She thought about herself.

With me, I can lift up to three tonnes with zero gravity, but if I overuse my quirk, I get sick very easily.She turned to the two, themselves discussing a plan. "Koda!"

The tall, rocky boy looked at her.

"When the horn starts, communicate with any animals available, if there's any. Have them scout the land to see if there are any people needing rescue, and where they are. You have one of the most important roles here." She ended her talk with Koda with a thumbs up.

Turning to Shoji, she addressed his arms. "Shoji, while he's communicating with the animals, use your limbs to create eyes and ears and check around us for any dead give aways for hidden passages or areas. We need to check every spot." Shoji gave her a thumbs up.

"If you're wondering about me, my role is best saved for when we find the civilians. I can't do much else other than lift anything that might be securing them down or blocking our paths." Her face held nothing but determination.

Shoji and Koda glanced at each other, and smiled. Silently agreeing with everything she said. From there, the trio heard the signal, and got started.

The results weren't immediate, but the plan slowly gained traction. Right off the bat, Koda called for any animals, but only twenty showed up. While not a lot, it was enough. Thanks to the animals, Koda immediately knew where thirty hostages were. He found some civilians were clumped together in groups. Shoji and Uraraka followed. The former still searching around him and the latter alert.

Soon, they completed the exercise, weaknesses apparant.

Another landslide followed after the thirtiest civilian was saved. This development scared the animals away and blocked Shoji's extra senses to the point that they couldn't go on. At this rate. They knew they were done.

The horn sounded, signalling the end of their trial.

Satisfied with their work, the three students walked to the central plaza to meet up with the other finished students.

{Central Plaza}

The vigilante smiled under his covering. "I'm impressed. Each student was aware of their surroundings, strengths, and weaknesses, and still managed to pull their victory in the end."

Aizawa smirked, pride in his students visible for a second. "Yes, but the major issue was the surprise landslide. Instead of moving to a different location or ensuring the civilians were unharmed from it, they elected to look around like they lost their hearing. That one distraction cost them the lives of more civilians."

"While that may be true," the rescue hero started, "The end of the exercise was only a few seconds after the landslide, so I don't think that we should deduct too many points from them. I was very impressed with the Uraraka girl. I'd like to work with her in the future."

Nodding, Aizawa spoke. "I'd say overall each student should get around ninety points. They did good."

The two heroes in front of Aizawa agreed.

Kirishima and Mina were speechless. They chose not to say anything in the end, so just continued watching the footage.

{Conflagration Zone}

The horn sounded, and the three students were immediately bombarded with heat. It was enough to form blisters on any skin that touched anything on fire.

Ojiro noted that out of the three of them, Hagakure was the least fortunate. At first, Tokoyami, Hagakure, and Ojiro assumed that she was the lucky one. However, the were proven dead wrong.

While she was able to strip without anyone seeing, her skin was very, very exposed to the fire. She had no protection from it. Noting this, she put her clothes back on, hoping the sleeves and pants would protect her.

Ojiro was at a slight advantage. His tail was calloused to the point that the heat wouldn't burn his tail, but his tail was just...long. When attempting to save the civilians, he would accidentally smack his tail into object that would continue to catch on fire, thus endangering the civilians and himself more.

Tokoyami had the unfortunate weakness of light. His quirk- Dark shadow- needed darkness to thrive, and instead, he gained all the light in the world.

After ten minutes of discussion on what to do, all three agreed to the conclusion that Ojiro was the most important asset to the team. The asset soon became a liability, and with that liability, were only able to save twenty people. Tokoyami wasn't even much of a help. He just kept panicking and attempting to summon his shadow.

The horn sounded, and the trio left the area, heads lowered.

{Central Plaza}

Izuku hummed, deep in thought.

They had some of the best quirks I've seen, yet none of them utilized them well. Tokoyami had it the worst, which is understandable, but with his shadow gone, he just didn't know what to do. It was as if he believed that he couldn't function.

Hagakure can't help but be invisible, but she still has a body. She has to be careful not to bump into anyone since they can't see her. However, she did the most out of them by securing the civilians in safe zones. I think she should get the most points.

Ojiro may have a level head, considering he looks like he's trained in Martial arts, but as he kept knocking things over, his resolve faded as fast as a paper in flames. What will happen if he's on a job at a hostage situation, and the enemy shoots? He won't have a good time, for sure.Aizawa was about to speak when the vigilante next to him interrupted.

"Tokoyami: Forty points. Hagakure: Sixty points. Ojiro: Forty Five points." Izuku looked at the two teachers. "I'd rather talk about my reasons when the three students are present. I'd rather they hear it."

Aizawa nodded. "Very well. We'll hold you to that." He looked at the monitor, waiting for the next students to start.

{Flood Zone}

Todoroki was in deep thought. He looked over his teammates, deciphering their strengths and weaknesses. His brain had a list.


strengths: Physical strength, explosion in hand, can help him fly. Could be used to fly civilians to safety.

weaknesses: Personality. He would not want to work with us and go his own way. He also can't go near water since the less he sweats, the smaller and weaker his explosions.


Strengths: Fast. Can travel metres in mere seconds. Very team oriented.

Weaknesses: Space, travel. If in an enclosed area, he cannot move very fast. He is essentially Quirkless.


Strengths: Can locate civilians metres away by analyzing heart beats, breathes, and motions.

Weaknesses: Can't travel very far. Assistance needed.


Strengths: level head, ice. Can use ice as a platform to get others to safety.

Weaknesses: If not careful, I can freeze the water, which would freeze the civilians. I will not use my fire by any means.

The quiet teen turned towards his teammates. "I don't expect you all to do the work for me, so here's my plan..."

{Central Plaza}

"Well, look at that." The vigilante smirked. "Theyre actually making a plan. Much like Uraraka's team." He smiled. "I wonder how they'll work with Bakugo."

The two teachers looked at each other, then turned towards the screen.

{Flood Zone}

The horn sounded, the the four students got to work. Each had their own parts to this plan.

Iida couldn't move very much, as he only had the shipwreak to move from. His job was to collect tools and supplies, and to find any lifejackets and any boats to aid in civilians leaving the area.

Jirou had what was undoubtedly the most important job out of the entire crew. She listened with her earphone jacks for any civilians that needed aid. She found fifty in the entirety of the shipwreck.

Bakugo's role was one of the last things needed. His role was to escort civilians to land by flight. Once a civilian was found, he'd move them to land immediately. He too found no time to waste.

Todoroki's job was to assist Jirou. he'd help her grab onto civilians and hand them to Bakugo. He also found a life jacket and gave it to Jirou so she'd collect civilians. He didn't know how to comfort them, so he left that to his purple haired teammate.

When the horn sounded, ending the trial, they had collected all fifty civilians, which was the most in the class. Breathing sighs of relief, all four classmates walked to the central plaza, satisfied with their work. Even Bakugo was relieved.

{Central Plaza}

Thirteen was the first to speak up. "Aizawa, I am impressed with your students. Todoroki discussed a plan, and the four equally distributed the work and efficiently saved the civilians from harm." They two couldn't see it, but Thirteen had a smile on her face.

Aizawa nodded. "I have to keep a watch on those four now. They'd make a good rescue team in the future, if they are paired together."

Izuku spoke up. "if possible, I'd like to have Jirou and Todoroki Intern for me sometime. They were the most level headed out of all classmates thus far. Full points for all four?"

The other teachers nodded.

Izuku clapped his hands together. "Great! now we have one more round." He, with the students that completed their exercises, looked towards the screen.

{Downpour Zone}

It was so, so cold.

All four students picked up on this immediately. It was windy, it was stormy. It was-

"Cold!" the electric teen rubbed his hands up and down shoulders. "Why did we have to get picked for the wet zone?" He looked towards his team.

The other teens weren't faring so well either.

Tsuyu was drowsy. Turns out one of the major problems with being a frog is the fact that in cold temperatures, they get tired. Eventually, they hibernate.

Sero looked miserable. His tape wouldn't be effective here, since the torrents of rain prevented his tape from sticking to anything.

Momo could not stop shivering. She needed her fat glands to make stuff, but she needed everything she had to keep warm and save the civilians.

Kaminari thought about himself. He couldn't use his quirk. He'd fry everyone there.

It dawned on him. They were all essentially Quirkless. They needed to save the civilians without powers. A concept like this was foreign to them.

While Kaminari wasn't the sharpest tool in the shed, he knew when others were out of the picture. He had to think of a plan.

Think, Denki. How to we utilize everyone without our quirks? Tsuyu is out, Momo needs to conserve her energy, and sero can't use his tape. Think.

And idea flashed to mind.

The horn sounded, signalling for them to start.

He acted.

"Momo!" He yelled, grabbing the attention of the girl. "Can you create a crowbar and some rope?"

Momo looked at him, confused. "Of course! But what does that have to do with anything?"

"I have a plan! we're all quirkless out here. Except you're able to make stuff! I know you won't last that long with your skin having to be exposed. Trust me on this!" Kaminari went to check on his froggy teammate.

Momo was impressed. She hadn't expected for Kaminari of all people to come up with a plan. She sneezed. "I might as well try it. Let's see what he has in mind."

{Central Plaza}

Izuku smirked. "They figured it out."

Aizawa and Thirteen looked at him expextedly.

Izuku turned to them, eyes filled with joy. "You see, the reason I matched these four up is because they rely too much on their quirks. Based on what Nezu told me, Kaminari uses too much electricity, and fries his brain. Not once has he thought to actually use it.

"You'd think Asui had the advantage here, but you'd be poorly mistaken. I know a few guys that have frog like qualities, and every one of them hates the cold. They pass out just by being in the cold for even a couple hours.

"Yaoyorozu exposes skin to allow her quirk to be used freely. The bigger the creation, the more skin she exposes. So, what would happen if she's in an environment where her skin exposure is limited?

"Sero may be an all around kind of student, but he uses his tape all the time. I've never seen him do any sort of heavy lifting, or anything to help himself. So by limiting the amount of talent usage to zero, he'll have to figure out how to utilize his own self."

Izuku looked at the duo of teachers. "I know it's a lot to take in, but this how I analyse every day in the field." He turned back towards the screen, chuckling.

Aizawa was stunned. Never had he heard such detailed description on how to see a weakness and how to utilize them. This...kid... was terrifying sometimes.

"You're as crazy as Nezu." Aizawa grumbled. If Izuku heard him, he didn't respond.

{Downpour Zone}

"Help me!"

Sero and Kaminari rushed towards the source of the noise. They really made an excellent team. Despite being soaked to the bone, they pushed forward. Kaminari used the crowbar to remove the large piece of plywood from the civilian, and Sero used the rope to pull the civilian to his feet, since his hands were wet and could not be utilized fully.

The duo sent the civilian to Momo, who escorted the civilians out of the downpour zone. Since Tsuyu couldn't be in the zone, she was outside, keeping the civilians company, making them feel comfortable and safe.

This plan was probably the most thought out plan in the entirety of the student exercises. While the flood zone team utilized any quirk to their advantage, this team utilized their bodies without quirks. They thought out of the box and were able to successfully rescue forty five out of fifty civilians.

The horns sounded, ending their session. Walking towards the exit, Sero clapped Kaminari on the back, congratulating him on a good, well thought out plan.

Momo walked to Tsuyu, and before they left, Momo smiled towards Kaminari. "You know Kaminari, if you weren't such a perv I'd consider your offer on a date." She winked, and left with her froggy friend.

Kaminari was a red mess. He smiled, and vowed he would never be like his former friend. Sero nudged him, and teased him a bit of what Momo had told him. Kaminari laughed it off, thinking about what he'd done in the exercise.

{Central Plaza}

Izuku clapped his hands together, watching the four drenched students walk towards the class.

"Well done, all of you!" He was beaming, not that the class would know, but his energy was evident anyways.

"You all took your disadvantages and turned them into strengths! You saved civilians, so be proud you were able to make a difference, even if this was an exercise.

"Now, the MVPs of this exercise had to be the students in the downpour zone!" All four students looked up, surprise written in their features.

Izuku continued. "Each of you were completely wiped of any quirk, aside from Yaoyorozu, who had limited access to her quirk. Kaminari, you devised a plan that could work to each of your advantages. You used a tool that was utilized in removing any obstacles, and Sero used a tool similar to his tape, but to help the civilians escape. Yaoyorozu and Asui, while you had a small job, it was important nonetheless, because escort and helping civilians feel safe is necessary after a disaster."

Izuku pressed a button on Aizawa's wrist, where a light shone with the results of the exercise.

"These are the total amount of points you all gained from the exercise. If any of you had a low score, take this time to learn from your mistakes.

The scores were:

Yuga Aoyama: 65 points

Tsuyu Asui: 100 points

Tenya Iida: 100 points

Ochako Uraraka: 90 points

Masahiro Ojiro: 45 points

Denki Kaminari: 100 points

Koji Koda: 90 points

Rikido Sato: 75 points

Mezo Shoji: 90 points

Kyoja Jirou: 100 points

Hanta Sero: 100 points

Fumikage Tokoyami: 40 points

Shoto Todoroki: 100 points

Toru Hagakure: 60 points

Katsuki Bakugo: 90 points

Momo Yaoyorozu: 100 points

Aizawa cleared his throat, grabbing everyone's attention. "Alright, get ready to go. We'll discuss what's next when we get to class. Those that score lower than eighty points, meet me with me after school for instructions."

Turning to Izuku, he sighed. "You're coming, correct? With me to Nezu's office?"

Izuku nodded. "Yes. If you don't mind, I'd like to talk to the students on the way back, to answer any questions they may have about their results and anything with the training today."

Aizawa looked at his watch, debating if he should let this kid socialize. He thought better of it though. He saw this vigilante had good intentions.

"Alright, fine."

Izuku grinned. He'd be happy to help the students out.

Turning towards Thirteen, Aizawa bowed. "Thank you for your time today. We all appreciate it."

Thirteen laughed. "Dont worry about it. It is my job after all." Looking at the students she waved. "I hope to see you all soon! And with perfect scores in the next trial!" She walked away, and into a room near her.

Iida took this time to get everyone ready.

"Alright. 1-A! line up! let's go!

Izuku shook his head at how stiff the student could be.

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