I can see you.
There you are. Milling around. Playing your part. Playing the Big Man...
Thinking you're hard.
You're going to pay.
And for all of it.
You think you're tough?
You don't know the half of it.
You believe you're entitled to it all?
Money? Friends? Family?
Your pretty slut of a daughter... With those two bastards she fucks? And her brat?
And your pretty lover? You think she's yours? Once a whore. Always a whore.
You think you get to have friends? And family?
I'll strip them all from you.
One at a time...
Piece by piece...
Until no-one will come near you.
And then... But only then... I'll finish you...
Time to play...
Voices protest indignation as I slam through the crowd, but I don't stop for apologies, instead, barging past the massed throng to the staircase to the mezzanine.