Running through the night streets, Edward looked around and sighed when he saw that there was no one following him, putting his hands in his pockets, he stopped when he found himself in front of a house.
Keeping hidden in a position that the residents of the house couldn't see him, he observed the movements in the house and used his super hearing to hear what the people inside were talking about.
"Mom, I'm going to my room"
"no, stay here... today is your brother's birthday"
"my brother is already dead"
"I know, but... it doesn't cost anything to spend a day together in his honour"
"has no honour, don't you dare say it, you two weren't even home to take care of him when he got sick, and you didn't even show up the day he died"
He turned off his super hearing out of respect for the family there and walked away from the house already knowing the reason for not having a koyomi to save Kiss-Shot. Somehow Araragi Koyomi died in this universe, probably from a disease
As he walked the streets planning how he would retrieve the members of Kiss-Shot, as it would not be easy to do so, those hunters in question were very well-prepared and Edward knew that he would not be able to defeat them all at once.
Looking through the empty streets he noticed that a girl he recognized from the series was walking around a square, seeing the way she was walking carefree, he decided to go to her
Walking calmly, however, without making any noise, he gradually got close enough to the girl that she didn't notice him and sat down on a bench waiting for her to look back.
"Ho... my god" the girl named Hanekawa Tsubasa jumped with fright as she looked back and saw the black-haired man sitting on the bench behind her looking at her with his equally black eyes
The man was a Western foreigner, which was not common in countryside towns, and it intrigued her, was he the vampire she was looking for?
She saw that the man continued to look more, not making any kind of advance, which gave her the confidence to move closer.
"Sorry for the rudeness..." Hanekawa approached with a confused smile, "Were you here before?"
Edward smiled weakly at Hanekawa's question and placed his hand on his chin thoughtfully.
"Yes I was" He replied smiling gently "I'm sorry I didn't warn you, but it was really fun to see someone circling the park aimlessly for so long"
Hanekawa blushed a deep red, but soon came back to reality, shaking his head and looking back at the man
"I'm Hanekawa Tsubasa," She said smiling as she put her arms behind her back and circled Edward, "what's your name?"
"I'm Edward Elric," He said smiling back at her as he bowed politely in front of Hanekawa "so what are you doing this time of night on the Street Hanekawa-Chan ?"
"I was looking for something" She replied with a smile and sat down next to Edward, "You've heard the legend of the vampire in this region"
"A vampire?" Edward asked, forming a confused expression, "shouldn't they just be legends?"
"Yes, but it doesn't hurt to investigate, it's just that they exist" Hanekawa said with an excited smile on her face "I want to meet one if they exist"
"But, you know they eat people, right?" Edward snapped with concern on his face, "Wouldn't it be too dangerous if you found one of them?"
"Yes, but, it would still be cool, you can imagine, right? that if vampires exist, other supernatural beings can also exist, like gods" Hanekawa smiled dreamily speaking as she spoke raising her hands happily {maybe, if a god exist, it can change my life}
"yes, maybe they do exist, but remember the gods most of the time aren't good people" Edward replied seriously as he got up from the stool "you should be careful what you wish for Tsubasa-Chan because if you keep going looking eventually will find"
"But..." Hanekawa started to speak and turned to protest, but found no one, "He is gone"
Edward appeared a few meters away from Hanekawa and watched her from afar, final, wouldn't it be nice if she gets too involved with it, He didn't want to have to take responsibility for someone else's life while looking for the members of Kiss-shot
"I found you," Edward said as he looked in the opposite direction of Hanekawa and used his enhanced eyes to see a few kilometres away where he saw a very large man with pointy ears getting out of a taxi, "Now just plan when I'm going to attack "
To be continued