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15.62% Mason Aves: The Wizard(Kinda Complete.. again) / Chapter 20: Apparition

Capítulo 20: Apparition

A/N: Pat-reon: HelloDarkness07

Two Chapters today, again. This one's the first.





I keep chanting in my mind, while wearing the Enchanted Goblin's Silver ring on my finger. This Ring was made according to the instructions of Lady Saraswati, the first Sorceress Supreme of this Universe, and the second Sorcerer Supreme after Agamotto himself.

Agamotto, being a literal God, didn't need any device to create portals to everywhere in the Multiverse. Saraswati, however, was just a priestess of Oshtur, and hence she needed something to facilitate her Teleportation. Sure, there were spells, but they were too drawn out, and took too much energy out of her, and the other mortals.

God, it feels so weird to know that Gods actually exist here, or existed. At least, Saraswati wasn't the Goddess from Hinduism that I was familiar with, she was just another human with the same name. Although, she must have been an impressive one, to be named the Sorcerer Supreme.

Anyway, Lady Saraswati devised the first Portal Ring, that allowed her to create Portals to anywhere in the Universe, and if one becomes capable enough, even out of this Universe.

Her Ring was meant to be worn by two fingers of your non-dominant hand, preferably the Index and Middle fingers, and was Enchanted to connect to the Universe. This connection, the Universal Magic, along with the Enchantments allowed the Ring to create Portals.

But it wasn't enough to just wear the Rings after the enchantments were cast. You need to have an image of your destination, do the required Hand gestures, and actually be good enough at channelling Universal Magic. You need to be actually good at Sorcery.

Which, I pretty much am. I mean, I'm not the most powerful, nor the most knowledgeable, when it comes to Sorcery, but what I do know is I'm good enough to channel Universal Magic without a problem.

Taking a deep breath, I raise my left hand up, straighten it in front of me with just my index and middle finger raised, while the other fingers were half closed. Then, I lift my right hand and hold it in the same position as the left hand.

Focusing on the destination I'm hoping to reach, and focusing on the intent of opening the portal there, I channel my Magic into the Ring, and start moving my right hand in a clockwise direction. My right hand moves in a circle, barely one foot in diameter, as the left hand stays in it's spot, at my chest height.

For the first few seconds, nothing happens. Slowly, however, sparks start forming in the air in front of me. I smile, immediately becoming ecstatic, and then scowl, as the sparks disappear.

Well, no one said it'll be easy.

Lifting my hands once more, I continue to practice. Until the Apparition lessons reach their practical portion, which will happen beginning next week, I'll have to rely on Portals for travelling.

If I succeed, that is.


A week later, I fly through the wall of the Room of Hidden Things, in my Astral Form. I couldn't sleep today, and so, left my body to rest on my bed, and came here to try and find something interesting like I usually do.

Since I could now use Magic while in the Astral Plane, thanks to the increased Potency of my Magic, I just kept what I found aside, to take later.

I'd already mastered the use of the Sling Ring, which should make me a proper Sorcerer according to the current Rules of Kamar Taj, I think. After mastering the Sling Ring, and after knowing that the Enchantments were perfect, I did something else to it.

I melted a little more of the Goblin's Silver, and dipped the Sling Ring into it, so that other people don't manage to decode the Runes. For anyone that sees it, it'll look like a normal ring, or so I hope.

I wasn't going to hide the Ring, but wear it always, since it was so damn useful. Really, it was literally a Portal Ring, why would I ever remove it?

I even added a Resizing Charm, so it always fits me no matter how buffed up, or thin I get. Thankfully, Resizing Charms don't interfere with other enchantments.

Anyway, the Ring was already Enchanted. Covering it with another layer of Goblin's Silver did not mess with the Enchantments even a little. Good thing I researched it though, or I'd have left the Runes open for anyone to read and decode.

As I drop from the 7th floor to the 6th, I suddenly freeze, seeing Headmaster Dippet looking out the window. This is weird, it's literally 3 AM right now, why is he still awake?

I'm one to talk, I'm awake too.

I watch him for a few seconds, but then turn around to leave, knowing that he probably wants to stay alone right now, for some reason. I've spent a lot of my days, both in this life, and the last, staring out the window, crying, listening to music, just staring at the stars.

He might not be crying right now, but his reflection does look a bit contemplating.

As I turn away and float just a bit away from Dippet, he suddenly says, "Going somewhere, Me Aves?"




Well.. fuck.

I freeze in my spot, unmoving, most of it because of shock, but some of it because of fear. He's the headmaster, and almost 300 years old! I could be 10 times as strong as I am now, and I'll still be a literal ant in front of him.

Seeing me frozen, in the reflection on the window, Headmaster Dippet turns around, and looks at my Astral Form, top to bottom. He nods, for some reason, and says, "You've been practicing I see, a lot. Good, don't get complacent in the Mystic Arts, or the consequences will be dire."

"You can see me?!" I blurt out, ignoring his weird tip, and still staring at Dippet with equal amounts of fear, respect, and curiosity.

Fear, because I don't know the rules regarding using Sorcery in Hogwarts, and I was literally just breaking Curfew. He didn't say anything that might hint at me being punished, but still.

Respect, because he was the first Wizard that I've seen noticing my Astral form. I've literally done the worm in front of Professor Merrythought's eyes, while she was teaching our class, and she didn't even twitch.

And curiosity, because he wasn't immediately throwing spells, or punishments at me.

Dippet snorts, and says, "You overestimate yourself, Mr Aves. Every spell can be seen through, you just need the determination to do it. No spell is perfect. And separating your Astral Form, as complex as it might be, is still a spell. It might come under Sorcery, but it is a Spell all the same."

That.. makes sense. Nothing is perfect, no shield is a perfect defence, no sword has a perfect blade, and no spell is a perfect spell. Everything has a counter, and that's the one rule of Magic that even I had forgotten to take into consideration.

I'm just glad he didn't catch me doing anything embarrassing.

I gulp a little bit of saliva, and ask, "You.. aren't going to expel me.. are you?"

I wasn't afraid of being expelled, but I was afraid of the Consequences that come with it. I won't ever be able to sit my NEWTs, and no NEWTs means I won't go anywhere in the Wizarding world. Granted, I can still find my place in the muggle world, but still.

Contrary to my expectations, Dippet just laughs loudly, and says, "Expel you? My boy, breaking Curfew is not that serious of a crime!"

Seeing my disbelief openly showing on my face, he laughs again, this time silently, and says, "No, child. I won't expel you for learning Sorcery. Hogwarts is a place for learning. And no matter what the Ministry stooges might want to happen, Sorcery isn't forbidden to learn." He then winks at me, and says, "Besides, you aren't the only Wizard who dabbles in Sorcery."

And with that, he simply creates 4 circular Tao Mandala shields around his body, without even moving from his place, that then spin around him at a steady pace, and then vanishes it into golden dust with the snap of his fingers.

I simply gape at the spectacle, since I still wasn't able to conjure, let alone control more than two items at a time. I could either conjure two weapons, two shields, one weapon and a shield, or a single spell at a time of a different category. But, I always need to use my hand to guide where I want the spells to go. He literally did it all without even moving.

Seeing me gape at him, Dippet chuckles, and says, "Ah, the joy of exceeding your students' expectations and surprising them. Never gets old. Let's have a cup of tea in my office tomorrow, after lunch. The password is Draconis. And Mr Aves? I'd appreciate if you don't break the Curfew too frequently. It's not a good habit, you know."

Before I can do more than nod at him, he didappears from right in front of my eyes- bloody show off- leaving me with the extremely worrying revelation. Headmaster Dippet can see into the Astral Plane.

If Dippet can, who else is able to do that? Can Merrythought? Or Dumbledore? Hope not, the worm was the least embarrassing thing I did when trying the Astral form out.

Turning around, I go back towards the Room of Hidden Things. I won't be able to sleep even now, not with this hanging over my head.


The next afternoon, after lunch, I walk towards the Headmaster's office, my hand clenching every few seconds, thanks to my nervousness.

I know, after seeing yesterday's show of strength, that there's nothing I can do as of now, to escape Hogwarts, if Dippet wants to harm me, or have me arrested. Portals are an option, but they don't work inside Hogwarts. The Wards were just that good.

I'll have to go down to the Chamber of Secrets first, and then create a portal from down there. Salazar, being a Sorcerer himself, had made it possible to create portals while inside the Chamber.

Not exactly secure, since anyone who knows about it can come here, but it's the bloody Chamber of Secrets! Those who know about it, and are alive right now, could literally be counted on one hand.

Dorea, Darla, Ana, Me, and the Ancient One. I'm not stupid enough to dismiss her knowing about the Chamber. She might also know about me using the Chamber, thanks to the bloody Time Stone she has access to. Fucking cheat.

Soon, I reach the Gargoyle that guards the Entrance to the Headmaster's office, and after giving it the password, I walk up the stairs.

Knocking on the door, I wait to be called in. I don't have to wait too long, as within a few seconds, Dippet's voice calls out, "Come on in, Mr Aves."

Taking another deep breath, I push the door open, and walk into the Headmaster's office for the first time in my life. It was similar to what I remember seeing in the Movies, with the absence of the Phoenix, or even the perch for it. Some parts were different from the movies, because this wasn't Dumbledore's office. This office was Dippet's, who was sitting there staring at me with a lot of open amusement.

Dippet was sat behind a table, and behind him was a wall, that was covered almost entirely in portraits. The portraits were obviously of the old Headmasters and Headmistresses, going back about 600 years. They must have some stories, won't they?

Dippet smiles at me in reassurance, snaps his fingers, freezing the Portraits and covering them with a curtain, which does work in calming me down a little, and points towards the chair on the other side of the table.

I sit down on the chair, and wait for him to talk, while looking at everything that catches my eye. Books, lots of books, many of them I've actually read in the Room of Knowledge. Huh, didn't know Dippet was interested in Rituals so much.

"An impressive collection, is it not? I've found these all over the world, and spent 200 years of my life collecting them." Dippet says, bringing me out of my observations.

I nod at him, and say, "Yes, sir." Pausing, I ask, "Am I going to be punished?"

Dippet smiles, and ignoring my question, he asks, "Sorcery is wonderful, is it not? Wandless Magic, pacts with Gods and Demons, they're something else altogether."

"I wouldn't know, Headmaster. I haven't made any pacts, and don't plan on making them" I slowly say, wondering when he'll get to the point.

Dippet claps, and exclaims, "Wonderful! Your teacher must've had a good head on their shoulder."

Ah, fishing for details.

I shrug, not answering the unasked question.

Dippet smiles amusedly, and says, "Mr Aves, I'm not going to punish you for learning Sorcery, because as I told you yesterday, it isn't illegal, or forbidden. However, Sorcery or not, breaking school rules is still punishable. So, you'll be spending 1 hour for the next three days with Professor Slughorn, cleaning his Cauldrons for breaking the curfew."

I sigh, a bit relieved. This could have been a lot worse. Nodding, I say, "I understand, Headmaster. I will take care not to break curfew again."

Well, I'll take care not to get caught.

Dippet chuckles, probably already knowing my thoughts despite not actually hearing them. He says, "Now, let's talk business." And then, turning entirely serious, he asks, "Who taught you Sorcery, Mr Aves?"

"Would you believe me if I said no one?" I ask, already knowing the answer.

Dippet just keeps staring at me, and slowly says, "This.. is no joking matter, Mr Aves. In this entire school building, as of this moment, there are only 4 people who know about the Mystic Arts, and only two of them have learned it. Those two are currently in this office. And I know for a fact, that no one in Kamar Taj taught this to you."

"And why do you still not believe that no one actually taught me, and that I learned it by myself?" I ask in return.

Dippet says, "I learned the Mystic Arts at Kamar Taj, Mr Aves. I spent 3 years there before my Master deemed me ready to learn Astral projection, and I was already 70 years old when I begun learning it. I know how hard it is to learn, with a teacher, so I know what I'm saying. And you can't just start Sorcery without a Master to guide you, I've seen better Wizards than you get lost in the Multiverse."

I literally can't get away from answering him, can I? He's too knowledgeable for me to fool. I'll probably have to speak the truth, or as much truth as I can spare.

Sighing, I say, "I didn't learn Astral Projection on purpose."

"What do you mean?" The headmaster asks, looking curious, but I can see he was also becoming a bit frustrated with me.

Shrugging, I answer, "I was sleeping one night, and I somehow instinctively did it in my sleep. I behaved like a drunk, and only after I returned to my body, I began learning Sorcery."

"You're not lying." Dippet says, surprised. As I nod, he whispers, "Fascinating. This.. is unheard of. But still, someone must've taught you Sorcery." Pausing, he softly asks, "I beg you, Mr Aves. Please, tell me who taught you, because this is the matter of our School's security."

Okay, I can understand that. If a muggle has access to Hogwarts, it'll be a bad thing, Sorcerer or not. Hogwarts was literally built to be a defence against the Muggle armies of the time, to be a stronghold.

I open my mouth to answer, but I don't need to answer, because something else happens. Helena, appearing right in between us, rising from the ground, gives me a look that says, 'Just go with it' and turns to Dippet, who had gotten a bit defensive, jumping at her sudden appearance.

"What is the meaning of this?" Dippet asks Helena, glaring at her.

Helena looks at him a bit apologetically, and says, "I apologise, Headmaster. I came here to help my student, who was being illegally interrogated by you."

"I'm not interrogating anyone." Dippet says, frowning at her.

Helena points her thumb at me, as I was just gaping at the going ons, and says, "This sure looks like an interrogation to me."

Dippet frowns, his eyes getting unfocused, and then widens them. Turning to me, he says, "Well, this is awkward. I did not mean to scare you, Mr Aves. It's just.. I really need to know who taught you Sorcery."

I open my mouth to answer, but once again Helena gets in between us, and says, "I think it's obvious, innit? I am the one who gave Mason the knowledge of Sorcery, and I am the one who guided him through learning it."

Dippet gapes, switching his eyes between us, and then asks, "But.. but.. you're a Ghost!"

"Thank you for pointing it out, Headmaster." Helena gracefully says, making even the Headmaster feel ashamed. Nodding in satisfaction, while I internally laugh at how the tables have turned, Helena says, "I didn't personally teach him, Headmaster. I simply guided him. I helped him find the knowledge necessary for learning Sorcery, I helped him connect to the Universe, and I helped him understand everything that he might not, he is a smart boy, you know. That's all. No other being, Wizard, Sorcerer, God, or Demon, had a hand in Mason learning Sorcery. It was just him, me, and a lot of books."

Dippet slowly nods, accepting the answer, although his face shows that he isn't completely believing it, and then asks, "Why would you even do all this?"

Helena smiles, making me realise that she's going to reveal something that I'd rather stay hidden. I pray, with all my heart, that she doesn't say what I think she's going to say.

Proving my fears right, Helena says, "That part's easy. Mason here is my sister's last descendant. I want him to get as strong as possible, so he doesn't die too soon."

The sound of a slap is heard, as my hand reaches my face, while Dippet just keeps gaping at us. He's doing that a lot, is he okay?

"You- you're a Ravenclaw descendant?" He softly whispers, in shock, because of course he knows who Helena is.

By Gods, this day just keeps getting better and better.


Soon, the situation is all cleared up, and I'm allowed to leave the office, although my detentions still stood. Cleaning Cauldrons, all because I broke curfew and got caught. At least he didn't punish me for all the times that I didn't get caught.

Dippet did warn me about Sorcery, he said, "Remember, Mr Aves. Some Realms may offer you great power, beyond what both Wizards and Sorcerers know of, but the power always comes at a price. And it always, without any exception, corrupts. So, be careful of whomever you make pacts with."

I'd just told him, "I'm a Wizard first, and Sorcerer last. The only Magic I'm using, is my own."

And by my own, I mean my Personal Magic, and the Universal Magic, both of which are completely non corruptive. And sure, there are many Realms out there that don't corrupt, some even ruled by literal Demons that don't give a fuck, but I don't trust them, I don't like them.

I'd rather just use my own magic, thank you very much, even if it might mean I'm giving myself a disadvantage.

But there were a few things that I learned in this conversation. One, not many Wizards who know about Sorcery actually learn it. Wizards don't like using anything other than their own Magic, just like me, and they probably wrongly assume that Sorcery is all about outer dimensions.

And the number of people who know about Sorcery are low in the first place. Maybe only just the higher ups in the Ministry, and a few Obliviators, Aurors, etc.

But well, at least now I know that I'm doing nothing illegal, and so, I can continue with my daily routine. Without a single worry.

"Well, that was fun." I say, looking at Helena while walking towards the stairs.

Floating right beside me, Helena says, "Yes, yes it was."

Using my telepathy, I say to her, 'So when did you decide that I'm your student? I think I must've missed that discussion.'

Helena smiles amusedly, raising her eyebrow, and says, 'I was watching over your interrogation, and I knew that other than showing him the Room, or the Chamber, nothing would have convinced the Headmaster about you learning by yourself. So, I made a decision.'

I nod, impulsive decision it might have been, but it did save me from revealing more of my important secrets.

'But now he does know that there's a secret stash of books here, somewhere, that only you and I have access to. He might keep a closer eye on us now.' I say, musing over the possibilities. Good thing I'm a guest of just a few days now. But I should probably get my friends started on Occlumency now, can't dismiss any of the teachers(cough Dumbledore cough) using Legilimency on them.

Helena smiles, and says, 'There's already a rumour of a secret library, Mason. But since I proclaimed you a descendant of my mother, the Headmaster would rightly assume that the Library can only be accessed by those of my mother's blood.'

Heh, true. Dippet did seem a bit disheartened while sending me off. Could be that, or it could be something else. The main thing is, I'm not in trouble anymore.

I'm free to study again!


My first practical Apparition lesson begins with a small lecture, repeating what we were told the last time. The lesson before this one, the first lesson overall, was a purely theoretical one, and every other lesson from now on will be a practical one.

"The Wards around Hogwarts usually don't allow for apparition, or disapparition. You cannot apparate out of Hogwarts, nor can you apparate inside Hogwarts, that's just how it is, and that's how it's always been." Wilkie Twycross says, pacing in front of us.

We were all 6th and 7th year students, with me being the only one not yet 17. Boy, everyone must be jealous of me right now, I know Darla is.

We were standing in the Great Hall, inside small two feet wide circles that were drawn on the ground. Each circle was separated by a distance of about 8 feet between them, while every odd circle was left empty. That empty circle on the ground in front of us was going to be our target for apparition.

Twycross turns around, pacing the other way, and says, "The Headmaster, however, has generously decided to lower the wards around the Great Hall, for the two hours that we will be here. So, don't waste this fine opportunity, or our efforts."

"Now, you know the three D's. What are they?"

"Destination, Determination, Deliberation." We all chorus together, many of us rolling our eyes, despite our nervousness.

Nodding in satisfaction, Twycross says, "Good, now. You have your destination in front of you. Focus on it, and be determined to Deliberately go there. Simple as that."

And then, there's a sound of shuffling shoes, as different students spin on their feet to no effect. They were probably the ones who just know that twisting feet equals apparition. Idiots.

Closing my eyes, I calm myself down, and then open them. For a few seconds, I keep starting at the circle drawn on the ground in front of me, keeping the location as my sole Focus.

Then, holding my wand in my hand, pointed downwards, I send my magic towards it, and twist myself around my right foot. I feel a tug, as my body bends within itself, and then, I feel a pressure high enough to make me almost black out.

It was similar to what I'd felt that day, when I'd done the ritual to go around the Realms, only the pressure was way higher this time. Probably because it's actually my physical form this time.

And then, the pressure disappears, and I come out of the very narrow tunnel, and drop down on my knees, breathing hard. Ugh, I feel like puking.

"Bravo! A first attempt, although unsuccessful! Good job, Mr.." I hear the sound of paper shuffling as I focus on breathing through the mouth, and then "..Aves. Huh, he's not 17, that's.. odd. Next time, focus on actually going to your destination, and not just think about it."

What the fuck is he talking about? I managed to apparate.. didn't I?

Opening my eyes, I find myself staring at the ground, still kneeling down on the ground, sweat dripping from my chin. Unfortunately, I was still in the same spot.

So.. I apparated to the same spot? How does that even work? Implications.

Shaking my head, I stand up and stumble towards the table full of refreshments, to drink some water. I think I'd best rest for a minute or two. Didn't know apparition will be this hard.


As I'm resting, I hear a loud crack, followed by a loud scream, and then more screams of fright from around the first scream. I immediately snap my head towards the sound, to see a girl from Slytherin had managed to apparate to her Destination. Unfortunately for her, she had left her entire left leg behind, and was currently screaming out in pain.

Ouch, that's.. painful to watch.

"BLEEEUGHH!" This sound echoes all around the Great Hall, making me immediately close my eyes, and cast a Bubblehead Charm around my head.

And there goes the lunch of half the class. This.. is going to be a long, long subject to learn.


Sighing, I sit down on the table, remembering what had happened this afternoon right in this room.

I didn't try apparating again, since I had felt a sliver of doubt creeping up behind me. And I know, that Apparating in doubt, even if it is unconscious, is a mistake waiting to happen.

From beside me, Dorea asks, "What? Failed in apparating in the first try?"

While her question was asked as a joke, I couldn't help but snort. I say, "Yes, actually. I apparated in the first try, but I apparated to the same place. So it didn't count."

"Damn, Mason. You're just.. jumping steps 5 at a time, aren't you?" She says, shaking her head.

I smile at her, a bit half heartedly, since my doubt was still in my mind, and go back to my dinner. I'll have to meditate tonight, a lot.

Darla and Ana take that moment to enter the Great Hall together, walking as if they weren't just snogging somewhere 5 minutes ago.

They weren't exactly dating, but they were snogging quite frequently, using the Room of Requirements, or one empty room or the other. Depending on their mood.

As Darla sits down in front of me, with Ana taking the seat to her left, I ask, "Did you have fun.. studying?"

Darla blushes, and nods rapidly, while Ana answers, "Oh yes, we studied for a long time today. I think Darla left a mark on my shoulder though. Is it still there?"

And then, shamelessly, Anna pulls her robe a bit away to show us her shoulder, and sure enough, Darla had left her a love bite.

Smiling amusedly, and seeing Darla turn even more red-faced, I say, "That's one hell of a Stinging Charm, Darla. How did you manage to get it this strong?"

"Practice." Darla mumbles, still blushing.

Dorea looks impressed, having no idea what we're actually talking about, and says, "Damn, I really need to work on my offense, don't I? I've been using this spell since I was 8 and I still can't get the wound to be this pronounced. Can I join you girls in your training?"

This just causes Ana and I to laugh, and Darla to blush even more, while Dorea just looks on silently, not understanding what the joke is. Dorea doesn't know about Darla and Ana yet, she's still too.. innocent, but opinionated.

We don't yet know how she'll react.

But till then, they're happy together, and that's all that matters. Now, if only the public was a bit more tolerant.

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