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7.03% Mason Aves: The Wizard(Kinda Complete.. again) / Chapter 9: First Year

Capítulo 9: First Year

A/N: Pat-reon: HelloDarkness07.

Update: My mother is currently under meds, and is alright. The only symptoms she had, was a loss of taste, and the test showing positive results.

She wasn't actually sick, but we all decided to let her isolate at the Covid centre so she can recover away from the stress of home. She isn't getting worse, but since she wasn't actually visibly sick, we don't know if she's improving either.

Well, her oxygen levels are increasing, so there's that. She'll hopefully be home by the next week.

Thank you all for your well wishes! I'll keep you all up to date. Thank you.


The next morning at 6:30, I was standing in the Ravenclaw common room, staring right at a shelf in the in-house Library. Sly had turned invisible when I came down, and left through an exit available for the pets for who knows where. He refused to stay inside my robes or stay with me during the lessons.

The Library itself was not exactly inside the common room, but a little above it. A small flight of stairs led to a second floor balcony, barely 7 foot above the floor of the Common Room, which contained the Book Shelves.

There were 9 shelves, separated by a space big enough for a study table of 20 people each. Surprisingly, the size of the Library was bigger than the size of the common room, but it perfectly fit within it.

Shaking my head at this confusing feat of magic, I turn back to the shelves. Seven of them were clearly labelled for each year of Hogwarts, along with the two shelves for miscellaneous stuff.

On those yearly shelves, the compartments were further divided according to the subject matter. The First Year shelf only had our school study material, and so did the Second Years, along with a few novels. Surprisingly, I could see a big Sherlock collection, along with all the Jules Verne books.

The Third Year onwards, however, there were additional compartments for subjects that weren't offered in classes, but were safe to learn independently by those ages.

I was staring at the last two shelves, and just reading what subjects were available to study, even if it is probably just a basic understanding of it.

"Ah, you're already up?" the voice of an older person, than me, makes me look back towards the stairs leading to the Library. It was the male Prefect from last night, the one who led us here.

"Verne, right?" I ask, holding my hand out to the Prefect.

The 15 year old shakes my hand, and says, "You got that right. Julius Verne. Pleased to meet you."

My eyebrows twitch involuntarily, and I ask, "Your name.. is Julius Verne? Really?"

The prefect smiles widely, and says, "Ah, yes. You know Jules Verne. Our surname's the same as the author, and my father is a fan. So, naturally, he named me Julius to mess with people."

"Huh." I say, because what else can I say to that? I still say, "I hope you are his descendant or something. My name's Mason Aves, by the way."

"I know, and I'm not, a descendant, I mean. I checked." He says, and then turns towards the shelf I was observing.

So, it is possible to check for ancestors then? "How did you check for that? Is there a spell?" I ask, showing my curiosity on my face.

He says, "Well, you can go to Gringott's or the Inheritance Department in the Ministry and have a Genealogical Record made. They use your blood to find out any ancestors up to 1000 years ago."

I widen my eyes, and whisper, "Holy fuck."

"Yeah, drop those dreams, mate. There are no Vaults in Gringott's left by our ancestors or anything. Hell, Jules Verne was a muggle, who just had an amazing imagination. I'd thought his books were a sign of his Magical heritage, but no. Completely muggle." He interrupts, and shakes his head.

Before I can ask anything, he says, "You had the same face I did when I found out about it. I too, went in hopes, that at least one of my ancestor must have left a vault full of books behind. Most of the Vaults were claimed by the closest relatives of the time immediately, or sold in an auction if they manage to open it. But, who knows, you might just get lucky. And I suggest you go to the Goblins. It's 10 times more expensive, but they keep the records to themselves, so you don't get hounded by reporters or something."

That must be second hand instructions. I'm going to definitely take the Genealogy test, or whatever it is.

I then ask, "Fine, now what can you tell me about this Library?"

Julius smiles knowingly at the topic change, but still explains how the Library is set up. He says, "Well, as is obvious, books are sorted by year, and then subject. Ravenclaw House is the only house in Hogwarts with its own, private Library, so be careful who you give these books to. Whenever you take one book out of the shelf, your name is noted down magically on the Records book over in that corner."

I glance at the corner, and sure enough, there was an halfway open book with a quill placed in the middle of it.

"For the first two years at least, you won't be allowed to take anything, but the Magazines, from these two shelves." Julius says, pointing the Miscellaneous Shelves out. He then points the compartments in the shelves one by one, and says, "Alchemy, Beginners Warding, Healing, Enchanting, Rune Crafting, Curses, Rituals, all these have study materials beginning from the extreme basics, to just over 7th year level. The rest of the stuff is in the Restricted Section of the Hogwarts Library. And don't even bother trying to sneak a book out, your names will be registered as soon as you take a book out."

It was when he said that, that I realize that I'm no longer the only person listening. Tom McAvoy, Charis Black, Anastasia Greengrass, and a few more of the First Year Ravenclaw students were standing behind me, listening patiently.

I listen carefully, as he explains some more stuff, like how Alchemy needs us to pass our OWLs in Potions, Runes, Arithmancy, and Transfiguration, all with at least an Exceeds Expectations (EE) to gain access to even the introductory book. There were similar restrictions for the other subjects, other than Healing. That just needs the School Healer's permission.

Soon, once every first year was gathered, and it was time for breakfast, Julius and Marie, guided us back towards the Great Hall, with our book bags. They showed us recognisable portraits, or statues, or doors, so that we can make our way reliably to and from the Great Hall at least.

Marie says, "For the first week, we will be guiding you to every class, and back, so that you have enough time to memorize the way. After that, you're on your own, so better pay attention."

I was walking side by side with Tom, who whispers to me, "You think we'll have classes today?"

I shrug, not knowing it, and ask out loud, "Ms Goldfinch? Will we have classes today? And if so, what subjects?"

Marie doesn't even bother looking back, and says, "We all will have classes starting today, of course. It's Tuesday! As for the subjects, you'll know it when you get your timetable, which you will during the Breakfast."

"There you go." I say, having found the answer to his question.

During breakfast, we have our first meeting with Professor Merrythought, our Head of House. Since the first years were seated at the end of the table, nearest to the Teacher's Table, Merrythought was walking one by one, talking to everyone individually at least for a few seconds.

It wasn't much, just a small conversation about our summers.

When she comes to me, she hands me the copy of the Timetable, and asks, "Everything settled okay, Mr Aves?"

I nod, smile at her, and say, "Yes, Professor. I slept almost immediately after getting on the bed."

"Good, good. What subjects are you most looking forward to?" She then asks, skipping the summer question, probably knowing that I'm an orphanage resident.

I say, "Not one in particular, Professor. I've already read all my books, so any practical lesson is something I'm looking forward to." As she narrows her eyes at me, I say, "That doesn't mean I won't pay attention in theory! It's likely that I've missed something, and the lessons will help me correct it!"

Professor Merrythought nods, and says, "Good. I don't want to find you slacking in any of the classes, Mr Aves."

And then she leaves towards the next students, leaving me to return to my breakfast. Eggs and toast, along with a glass of warm milk.

Turning to my left, I see a conversation taking place over the recently given Time table, so I pick up my own copy to look at it. Boy, this is a light time table.

There wasn't a fixed time limit for each subject, but the entire Academic day, so to speak, amounted to just 4 hours, not counting the breaks. Potions was twice a weak, Monday and Thursday, each of these classes two hours long.

Charms, Transfiguration, DADA, and History of Magic were each three times a week, with two of the classes being 45 minutes long, and one being an hour long. Don't know what for, though.

Astronomy was once again, only two days a week, Wednesday and Friday. The Wednesday class was a theory class, 45 minutes long in the afternoon, while the Friday class was 2 hours long practical, at 10 PM. Since weekends were off, it was manageable.

Herbology had a two hour practical class on Wednesday, while the theory class was on Monday. And finally, on every other Monday evening, there was the flying lesson for an hour. It won't be the next Monday, but the one after that, and so on.

"Damn, this is.. light." I mumble, looking at how low the School hours actually were. 4 hours per day? That's it? The biggest day was Wednesday at 4 hours and 15 minutes.

"I think this is great." Anastasia Greengrass says from beside me. As I turn towards her, she says, "Remember, this is just classes. They'll expect us to do our homework, study additional information, and practice the spells."

"Good point." I accept, since I had completely forgotten that I'll be expected to do homework. Joy.

Sighing, I ask, "Which one are you most looking forward to?"

Greengrass smiles widely, which throws the Fanon coloured image of the Ice Queen Greengrass family out the window, and says, "I love Charms. My father is an enchanter, and I've seen him work it. How about you?"

"Same. Along with Transfiguration, and Potions. Those two subjects sure sound exciting." I say, feeling it good in having a normal conversation.

From in front of us, Charis Black sniffs, and says, "What does a.. muggleborn even know about Magical subjects?"

I don't take offense to it, because she's literally 11, and answer, "Magic might be new to me as a fact, but as a myth, I've known it my entire life. Seeing the stuff from the books I used to read, in the real world, is an excitement of its own. Plus, as I told the professor, I've already read all my books, so I have at least some idea of what I'm going to learn this year."

Charis opens her mouth, probably to try and insult me again, but Julius, who was sitting on my other side, says, "That's enough now. We're Ravens. The only thing that concerns us is Knowledge, and definitely not people's ancestry, or lack thereof. So, I better not find you deliberately insulting your fellow students, Ms Black."

As Charis nods, looking down at her plate again, Julius turns to me, and says, "And while it's impressive that you've managed to read all your books, don't get complacent. Ravenclaw as a House cares more about if you're actually learning, than your grades. Memorization is not tolerated here, you should truly understand your stuff before moving on. Got it?"

I nod, getting the point. I'll be expected to pay attention, and prove to my teachers that I am actually learning the subjects before I could get to the harder stuff. Well, I'll at least get that much practice in.

Our first class of the day was Charms, and we did not share it with any other House. That sure is a relief, as I did not intend to embarrass myself in my first class by being too excited. At least, not in front of other Houses.

Professor Thrud Rowle is the Charms Professor, and she was new at this school. At most 25 years old, Professor Rowle was a newly awarded Charms Master, and was a pretty good teacher, if I say so myself.

The first class wasn't anything special, obviously. After attendance was over with, Professor Rowle explained us about the basics of Magic, from the Magical Theory book. Side by side, she was also explaining what Charms actually are.

"You might have wondered, what Magic actually is, I'm sure. I know I did. Magic, is the supernatural force that allows us to change aspects of our world, at the most fundamental of the levels. Some arts use unnatural ways, that go against the Nature of Magic, to do it, which we call the Dark Arts. But most of the Magic is natural, that goes hand in hand with Nature. We do this by way of Magic spells."

Smiling, as we were listening intently, she continues, "Charms are Magic spells that add properties to an object, or have an effect on the world without having much in the way of visual effects. Charms change what the objects do, rather than what the objects are. For the first week, you won't be allowed to use your wand in the Class, until you understand exactly what Magic spells are, and how Charms work. Now, let's begin."

After 45 minutes of Charms, we were given 15 minutes to find the next classroom, and thankfully, the two 5th year Prefects came to pick us up. The next class was Defense Against Dark Arts.

Professor Merrythought was as strict as I expected, and was a no nonsense teacher. She too, started us off with teaching us some Magical Theory for the first class. Then, came the introduction to DADA, what it includes, and all that.

DADA is not a single subject, but using everything else we learn in our Defence. Charms, Herbology, Potions, Transfiguration, everything can be used in DADA. But, since this was just our first year, we won't have much. From what I read in the book, the first year focuses mostly on distraction and getting away. If any spells come under this category, then we'll probably learn it.

The same went on for Transfiguration, which we had with Hufflepuff, and Dumbledore looked even more excited than us students. The class took place after lunch, beginning at 1 PM. He started off with first changing the table behind him into a tiger, and had it roar loudly.

He then said, "Transfiguration is a precise art. A single mistake can have the harshest consequences, so anyone messing around in this class will be barred entry to the classes until I'm sure they've learned their lesson."

Like Professors Rowle and Merrythought, Dumbledore also explained some Magical Theory, along with the basics of his subject. Like, he explained what the bare basics of Transfiguration, what it is, how the spells are cast, and limits.

The final class of the day, was History of Magic, and damn, it was the most boring class ever. And I've learned addition of single digit numbers, while already having studied Masters Level Physics.

Professor Binns is a ghost, even this far into the past, and was far too focused on Goblins for it to not be a vendetta. First class itself, he began with the Goblin Rebellion of 1689, that was the final nail in the coffin that is the International Statute of Magical Secrecy.

He made the most exciting parts of history seem boring! So, I just read my history books during the 45 minutes class.

I actually read over the Statute of Secrecy part, and Binns was only partially correct. While the Goblin Rebellion did hold a hand in it, the main cause was the countless Wizards and Witches getting burnt at the stake by the Church.

The establishment of the Statute, and the formation of the International Confederation of Wizards, was meant to protect the Magical beings, Wizards and others alike, from prosecution by the muggles.

It was interesting, if I'd managed to not sleep at all. And so ended our first day at Hogwarts.

The next day, came Herbology which was held at sharp 9 in the morning. The class was held in a classroom near the Greenhouses. Again, the Prefects guided us there, as they did for every class yesterday. Surprisingly enough, we shared the classes with Gryffindor.

I was happy to meet with Darla again. Sure, we shared a few waves, hellos and byes in the hallways, and in the Great Hall, but talking wasn't possible as we didn't have much time yet.

So, until the Professor came, we spoke a bit, about the classes. She was happy in school, and had already made a couple friends amongst her dorm mates. But, we had to stop when the Professor came to start the class.

Herbert Beery is a cheery sort of guy, and enjoyed his subject. He began his lesson by saying, "Good morning, lads, lasses. Sit down. Usually, Wednesdays are reserved for Practical lessons, but since this us your first class of Herbology, ever, we'll start with a long, long, lesson."

Chuckling at our faces, he says, "Don't be upset, I'm sure that you'll come to enjoy the subject just as much as I do! Now, who here has read the first chapter of 1000 Magical Herbs and Fungi?"

After 1 hour 45 minutes of a completely theoretical Herbology lesson, came Astronomy, DADA, and then History of Magic, with the Lunch break between DADA and Charms.

Thursday brought our first Potions lesson, again, a lecture about different ingredients and the steps we'll have to go through to brew a successful Potion.

The class was held in the dungeons, with the Hufflepuff House once again, and was taught by the well known Professor Horace Slughorn.

And damn, he's an amazing teacher. At the end of the class, he took a small oral quiz, and almost everyone knew the answers to all the question, even if not all were perfect.

Our week ended with an Astronomy lesson, a practical this time, on Friday night, at 9 for two hours.

~~What's got you so happy?~~ Sly asks, the lazy snake having skipped classes in favour of either sleeping, or roaming around.

Turning towards him, I say, ~~I'm finally learning Magic, Sly. This.. is exactly what I'd hoped it'd be and it's perfect!~~

~~Tell me if there's anything interesting you've learned.~~ Sly says, and goes back down to sleep.

Poking him in his.. body, I ask, ~~What about you? Did you find anything interesting while roaming around?~~

Annoyed, Sly looks up at me, and says, ~~Other than many small pets, which I did not eat, you're welcome, there are many holes that I can go through. The forest is good enough, but there are more dangerous beings there than me.~~

~~You did remember to stay invisible, right?~~ I ask, worries of being found out.

While he can't stay invisible forever, and he refuses to anyway, I can't allow him to be seen by any teacher. Snakes are venomous, and Sly is a cobra. He won't bite anyone.. without reason.. but his presence here is a threat to the students still.

So, he goes to the forest to be free, be visible again.

Sly hisses angrily, and says, ~~You're lucky that I understand the need, human! Staying invisible is tiring. You better find a solution for us soon, or I'll have to reconsider staying with you!~~

Damn, Maybe it's time to find Helena once again.

As I go to sleep, I think over what else I did this week. I didn't do much, but kept to the regular nightly practice of using my magic spells on my list, which were still just 12. Only this time, I also did them using my Wand.

The feel of my magic is different, when used through my wand. Easier, in some ways, but harder in others. Easier in the way that I don't have to focus as hard as I have to wandless, but hard in the way that I need to be really precise to use magic through a wand.

Wand Motions, Incantations, and Intent are the necessity when using my wand. While I can just use my focus and imagination to cast spells, with a wand I need to use the other steps too.

Just the intent is not enough, at least for now. I expect that It'll get easier once I get used to a wand. But, even if I do, I won't stop using Wandless Magic.

I don't want to get so used to my Wand, that I forget using Wandless magic. That's entirely possible, I know.

So, I still kept two hours for my Wandless practice, including my Metamorphmagic, behind closed curtains.

I have just been getting used to the Castle for this entire week, so that I don't get lost or something, and just enjoying my classes. I won't even try to find the two best hidden secret rooms until at least next year. For now, I'll just study what I'm given, and some more.

I just hope my stay here won't be as exciting as Harry Potter's was.. was going to? Damn, time travel is confusing. Huh, better put that on the list of topics to study.


A/N: I'll skip to the summer probably, but I still don't know what the pace of the Hogwarts years will be. While I want to write more, there isn't much to write other than studying the spells he already knows, except with a wand.

One thing I want to say, the 12 spells he knew wandlessly aren't the SAME as the Wanded spells. You must have read something like Will magic, or Intent magic or something, its something like that.

His Magic is doing its best to fulfil his expectations of what the spells should do, and does it. That's why he'll still have to try hard to do the spells with a wand. He'll slowly get better, but it won't be enough to have him master 6th year spells in first year or something like that.

Also, Sly won't be a big part of the story. He's just.. there. He's a lazy snake, who just wants to roam and sleep around. That's it.

Anyway, tata!

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