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47.82% My New Life in TBATE / Chapter 33: Treasury and an Invitation

Capítulo 33: Treasury and an Invitation

Being able to fly makes things so much, that I hate I'm only now getting it. Me and Tuk flew right over the trees and I had thought about flying up to Xyrus, but I figured that might be weird if I didn't come back through the gate.

Landing softly back on to the grass I take quick steps to the gate, and walk through. On the other side the calming quiet of the Beast Glades is replaced with the bustling city of Xyrus. The gate guard slightly tips his helmet towards me and I give a small nod in return.

To inform the king I'm ready for my trip to the treasury I first have to get Kaspian to send out a letter for me and then in a week I should be able to go. However I might as well sell the beast cores of the various mana beasts I defeated while in the Glades. Selling beast cores is what showed what made adventuring such a lucrative profession. Even just a B rank core of the right beast could be sold to the guild for a hundred gold.

Now you have me coming in with A rank and AA rank cores, beasts of various rarities, it now starts to enter the thousands of gold range. Which means after 7 months of journeying in the deepest reaches of the beast glades I had hundreds of cores of those higher ranks. Though I don't sell them all to the adventurers guild, 1 because they would never be able to afford them all and 2 I can make even more money from them by selling them at my dad's auction house as Rez.

Greedy nobles will triple or sometimes even quadruple the price of certain cores just to give their children a leg up in the competition. Either way after selling a few beast cores I make my way to Kaspian's office. Another perk of being S rank is that I could pretty much go to straight to his office without needing the receptionist to guide me or check with Kaspian. I did try to not abuse my perk though, as I can imagine how annoying someone barging in unannounced would be.

My soft knock is followed by.

"Come in." So step through the door and see Kaspian sitting behind his desk like normal with lots of papers scattered on his desk. I walk to the empty chair and take my seat as he just keeps staring at me, waiting to see what I want.

"I'm ready to go to the treasury." His eyes widened briefly before he nodded and pulled a rolled up paper from a drawer. He called for a receptionist who quickly entered, took the letter and left just as quickly.

"We should get a response in a couple days with a date. Now why did you come back so soon? You still had around 5 months, it's only October." Kaspian questioned as he leaned back in his chair.

"I finished the training I set out to do, and decided to cash in on my trip to the treasury. This way I can relax the next few months before mother forces me to attend Xyrus." He just nods with a sigh and leans back forward to his papers.

"Is that all then?" He asks as he begins scribbling.

"Actually no, speaking of Xyrus in fact. What about if I funded a small school for children that also had adventurer classes. It would be free to enter and the lessons in actual schooling would just be the basics, but the adventuring party would surely help a lot of new adventurers." Kaspian stops writing and looks back to me before massaging his temples.

"It wouldn't hurt that's for sure, but you do realize the all the stuff you would have to do to run it right." I just wave my hand at that.

"I can get other people to run it, besides I could hire retired adventurers or even current adventurers to do one class a week or something. It will be for kid between 5-10 and the top scorers will get a recommendation from Rez to attend the Xyrus academy. Obviously they have to have formed their mana core, but you get the idea." Kaspian nods while continuing to think on the idea.

"It could definitely work as long as you market it around Rez, you would definitely get a lot of people who would want to help. I imagine some would even do it for free." I stood up and held out my hand. Kaspian looked at it confused but gripped it in a handshake anyways.

"Glad I could count on you to oversee this Mister Kas." I said with a cheery smile as I made my way to the door.

"Hey wait! I didn't agree to oversee this mess!" I pointed at his hand and then mine before joining 2 of mine in a handshake. I could see his teeth gritting.

"Don't worry so much Mister Kas, just get one of your receptionist to handle everything and tell me how much money you need to get the ball rolling. It'll be fine." With that I step out of his office, out the guild hall and eventually all the way back home. I'm sure everyone will be surprised to see me back so soon, and I wonder how Reynolds is doing with his training with those salamander beats cores.

I had him start with the red one before I left 7 months ago, so depending on his dedication he should be on to the Thunder Salamander core by now. Maybe he'll give Arthur a little 'shock' when he returns. Hehe. Nearing the manor I see Reynolds outside training while I could see Lilia mediating… as well as Ellie? I'm sure she's just trying to copy Lilia, I highly doubt she actually meditating.

Reynolds hadn't noticed my approach so I gather some flames at the same temperature as his and join into his little training by jumping in front of his punches. He falters slightly at first but smirks and we begin trading blows in his fighting style for about 20 minutes before he finally steps back breathing heavily.

"Hah. Damn Jaron, you've really improved since I first started training you." He said this all with a grin on his face.

"Haha, don't worry Uncle Rey you've gotten stronger too. Your flames are much hotter than they used to be." Returning his grin with my own cheeky one. Looking to the side I see our audience grew from 2 meditators to 3 other people as well. Mother, Father and Aunt Alice.

"Hey everyone. I'm home early." I say with a bright smile, and Lilia as well as Ellie charge into me with hugs. Followed slowly by my parents.

"Welcome home brother/Jaron/Jay!" My parents and the Leywins call me Jaron, obviously Lilia calls me brother and I told Ellie she could call me Jay ever since she tried to say my name the first time and couldn't.

"Thanks everyone, glad to be back." We all made our way inside the house to have an early dinner while I told them my reason for coming back.

"Yup, I'll be home for a while as I've completed what I set out to do in the Beast Glades." Everyone's aura took on a hue of yellow over the soft blue that seems to be the norm, and the smiles on their faces made me assume yellow meant happy.

"So what are you going to be doing? The next semester for Xyrus doesn't start for quite a while." My mother asked me.

"Well I'm going to be using my trip to the royal treasury, so that will happen soon and I'm also opening up a children's school." Everyone went quiet and looked at me strangely.

"A school? Like Xyrus?" Asked my father.

"Ehhh, yes and no. It will mostly cover basic learning that maybe not all kids parents can teach them. Adventurer classes, and meditation classes. I'm sure most kids aren't going to like meditation, but even being forced to do it for 10 minutes a day will be better than nothing." My parents look at the Leywins to see them nodding their heads in agreement.

"Do you need any help with it?" My father asked while adjusting his glasses.

"I wouldn't say to help, especially from someone like you. I've got Kaspian handling the starting process and I'm going to use my Rez alias to sponsor it. Kaspian is going to reach out to retired adventurers to teach the adventurer classes, and have his assistants find some suitable teachers." Everyone nodded with smiles.

"That's a great idea Jaron, there are a lot of family's that can't afford tutors or will never have the chance to go to Xyrus." Aunt Alice spoke this time after taking a sip of tea.

The night went on with them telling me about all the day to day things that happened while I was gone. A week went bye when I got a message from Kaspian that I would be able to go visit the Royal treasury tomorrow. It was kind of sudden to have to be ready the next day, but I guess when you're dealing with royals you work on their time.

Night came and went, meaning it was time to meet a royal escort outside the gates and they would guide me in the castle. Arriving in the square I saw a studious man with a nobleman's outfit, a pair of glasses and what looked like a clipboard. He spotted me and immediately waved his hand in my direction, and I quickly stepped toward him.

"Greetings Lord Rez, I'm here as your guide while inside the castle. Also the Prince and Princess would like to meet you before you leave as it's not often one gets to meet a S class adventurer. You will meet the King in the treasury and then after that apparently the King has something he wants to ask you as well." I just nod to the man and turns back to the portal.

"Thank you for guiding me, mr…?" The man finished it for me quickly.

"Martin Dreyl." My eyes widen at that.

"Do you know Krenshaw Dreyl?" His face slightly scowls.

"Yes that is my arrogant cousin, why?" He asks with a look to me as he sets the gate for the Glayder Castle.

"I was in a party with him one time." He just nods and doesn't speak again. Eventually the gate lights up and he steps, i quickly follow suit and step through as well. The scenery changes to that of a grand hall with several other gates stationed against the walls. Each gate had a name of a town over it, the floors were covered in beautiful carpets.

Maids bustled in the halls as I followed behind Martin, each taking a moment to gawk at my mask before hurrying along with a look from Martin. We eventually arrived in a room that seemed to be made to receive guests and serve tea, I could really use some tea honestly. Looking further I catch the form of Kathyln and Curtis sitting at a table with some guards and attendants standing against the walls.

As I approach I see Martin stop but waving me on as he bows, Curtis waves me forward and I get a fair bit closer before I also give a deep bow. While I do have certain privileges as a S rank adventurer there's no need to annoy a royal just because I have to much pride for a quick bow. They both smile at the gesture and wave towards a seat across from the both of them.

"Greetings Prince Curtis and Princess Kathyln. I heard you wanted to meet me?" I picked up the cup of tea in front of me and began lightly sipping on it.

"How can you drink that through your mask?" Kathyln asked with wide eyes. I chuckle lightly, while setting the cup down.

"Magic~." I say while wiggling my fingers over my cup.

"Hmph." Was her only response as she looked entirely dissatisfied with the response.

"Childish displays aside, shouldn't you be taller? You don't exactly fit the image I had of a S rank adventurer." I just chuckle again around my tea cup.

"No I imagine not Prince Curtis. I suppose you imagine someone like Mikail, my fellow S ranker." He nods before speaking again.

"Who is stronger between you and Mikail?" He gazed intently at me and I set my cup down and hold my hand to my chin.

"Hmm I imagine Mikail would not want to fight me." He looks slightly annoyed at my response.

"That didn't really answer my question."

"No I suppose it didn't." I take another sip from my cup and find it almost out, setting it on the small saucer I slide it to the edge of the table where an attendant walked forward and filled. Before she left I leaned over.

"Please prepare me a bag of the leaves used to make this tea." She stopped momentarily before looking to Curtis and Kathyln who nodded and then she in turn nodded to me.

"Thank you." Looking back at the 2 royals I wait for anymore questions.

"Any other questions? If not I'm ready to enter the treasury." They look between each other and neither seems to have another but then Curtis looks toward me.

"Do you have proof of how strong you claim to be?" I pull out my adventurer card and he shakes his head.

"That's not the kind of proof I want." He says

"Hmmm, I don't quite know if it's appropriate but I do have the skull of quite the mana beast, though I'm not sure it would be appropriate to bring it out here." I said while tapping a finger to cheek area of my mask.

"Then how about you duel our royal guard! He's a Light Yellow core mage." I see a guard to the side with a great sword smirk at me and I just sigh.

"I don't think that would be wise my Prince. What happens if I beat your guard, would you be confident in his strength after that to protect you or your sister?" As I say that the guard steps forward with a scowl.

"If some uppity adventurer thinks he can be me then I'd want him to prove it in a fight not with words." His hand rested on the hilt of his sword.

"Ooh yes, reach for your sword while mine is not on me. Very scary sir guard, but while you protect the family from a castle, i adventure and slay monsters that would leave you shaking." He grits again and steps forward again, several of the other guards look angered as well hand on hilts.

"You watch your tone adventurer you may be S rank, but you're not worthy of being here." He glares at me intently before Curtis stands and holds up a hand.

"Sir Lyle watch your words because the my father is the one who invited Mr Rez here." Lyle bows and steps back to the wall.

"Sorry, your highness." I let out a little chuckle to which Curtis turns to me now.

"And you Mr. Rez would be smart to not antagonize the royal guard." I just raise my hands beside my hands.

"You're right Prince Curtis, the lion should care not for the opinions of sheep after all." This time it's Curtis who looks annoyed and judging by his red aura that matches the guards he might actually be. Kathyln's aura through the whole ordeal was an unmoving silver, until I started 'antagonizing' the guard them her aura shifted to a pinkish hue of silver.

Saved by the bell so to speak, Martin stepped forward.

"Pardon my interruption but the king is ready to meet you in the treasury." He says while still bowing to the ground.

"It's quite alright Martin, you may guide him to the royal treasury. However Rez, I want you to duel Sir Lyle before you leave." I paused from my getting up from chair and look at the Prince then Lyle who is smirking. Giving off a great sigh as I raise completely.

"Very well your highness. I just hope you don't come to regret that decision." With that I followed Martin out the tea room, but another voice spoke up.

"Thank you for the entertaining tea time Mr. Rez. I look forward to your duel." I nod my head to her and say.

"Thank you Princess."

Arriving at the Royal treasury I see the King and Queen standing outside with several guards.

"There you are adventurer Rez, I was beginning to wonder if you had gotten lost." Blaine says as he looks to Martin for an explanation, but i answered for him.

"I apologize my King, but I was having an engaging conversation with your children. Also I suppose you should know that I was challenged to a duel by your son against a Royal guard named Lyle. I apologize again if this proves troublesome." I finish with a slight bow, and they just eye me curiously.

"If you don't mind indulging my son's whims, then whatever the outcome it will fall on him for challenging a S rank adventurer. He doesn't seem to realize his strong they are, he hasn't quite witnessed the world yet." The King finished with a grim expression and Priscilla copied it. They both quickly went back to normal and held their arms toward the door.

"Enough of this, lets enter the treasury. Then you can show my son how narrow sighted he is to the world, and maybe make that meat brain Lyle see sense as well." He said with a shake of his head as the guards opened the door to the treasury.

Shelves lined the walls of many grand and decorative artifacts, swords, axes, shields and an assortment of necklaces. On the floor we're gold encrusted barrels containing coins and more ornate swords. Chests as well filled with gold coins, and necklaces as well as chalices. However what drew my attention was a bo staff placed inside a display case. I imagine most think it to be a staff for magic casting, but no this is to be used for attacking physically.

The staff itself isn't what drew me but rather what was inside the staff, another Phoenix Asura Will.

"How about this staff your majesty?" I ask as I left the glass of the display case and gently lift the staff off the stand. The moment I do I feel the Will of the Asura inside the staff slightly prove me before entering my body. All of this happened in front of the royals but they couldn't see anything as only other Phoenix Asuras would be able to.

Memories of a traveling male bo staff user through Dicathen flooded my mind. I instantly knew how to use the bo staff and found that it really did double as a conjurer's staff. Yureas (Your Ray es) showed to be a master of the staff as well as Vivum, the same as most Phoenix Asuras, he traveled Dicathen healing the ravages of war in the early days. Healing those that suffered from the First War between the races as he felt responsible in helping the people of Dicathen.

I was brought out of the memories when the King answered me.

"Are you sure adventurer Rez? I heard that you were a sword user and augmenter. What use do you have with a Conjurers staff?" He asked with a perplexed expression.

"I'm a bit of a weapon enthusiast and I like to learn various kinds. This is actually a Bo Staff. It's actual intention is for hitting rather than casting." He hums to himself as he stares at the Bo staff.

"If you're sure there is nothing you would rather have then feel free to take it." I give a slight bow and slide the Bo staff through the strap of my pack behind my back.

"Thank you, your majesty. Now it seems I have a duel waiting for me. If you wouldn't mind I would walk with you and the Queen as I don't know where I should be heading." The Queen gives as slight smile and Blaine gives a nod.

"Of course, that will be fine." We began walking and I was beside King Blaine on his right and Priscilla was on his left.

"Actually Rez there is something else I wanted to ask you about as well while you were here." I turn my head towards him while still walking alongside him.

"What is it your majesty?" He looks to Priscilla who gives a nod and he sighs slightly.

"There is changes happening in the world, great changes. 4 months from now the 3 races, Humans, Dwarves and Elves, will hold a tournament between the races as well as announce the integration of their races children attending Xyrus Academy. I would like you to participate in that tournament, as a representative of the Human race. The tournament also holds another purpose but you will learn that at the day of the tournament with the rest." He paused and waited for my response at the door that leads to training hard where I would be fighting Sir Lyle.

"Hmmm, the opportunity to fight other strong opponents. Not to mention the other races too. I would be happy to." I say as I turn towards him.

"I'm happy to here it Rez, though you won't be fighting the other races. And that is part of the purpose I can't tell you yet. You'll only be fighting other human males like yourself." He paused momentarily before looking me up and down.

"You are male aren't you?" He asked seriously and I heard the Queen chuckle as well as the guards. Even as Rez my size gets me mistake for a girl. How troublesome.

"Yes your majesty, I assure you I'm male. Now I don't want to keep my opponent waiting any longer." They give nods and we step out onto the training field, servants holding chairs immediately place them down for the King and Queen to sit beside Curtis and Kathyln. Kathyln smiles at me, and I give a small wave.

"Finally you show up, I was beginning to think you chickened out." Came the voice of sir Lyle and I could feel a tick mark form on my face. Deciding to have a little fun I turn to the royal family.

"Prince Curtis this place seems much more appropriate. Do you want to see something I kept from the quest that made me a S rank adventurer." The king having an idea of what it might be as he read the report smiled widely.

"It won't get you out of the duel Mr. Rez." He says with a confident smirk on his face.

"Oh I would never think to do that. Lets just call this a… bonus." I say as I wave my hand slightly. Guessing the appropriate distance I summon the Wyvern skull next to Sir Lyle, who yells and falls to the ground. I pretend I didn't see it and continue.

"This… your highness. Is the skull of a Wyvern, a S class mana beast that I defeated in single combat. As you can see by the seated form of your royal guard it's quite large." Pulling it back into my ring, I grab the Bo staff of my back and begin spinning and twirling it spring my body with the skills of master Yureas. Sir Lyle looks a little unsure now, but he shakes his head and stands up.

"How do we know that's even real?!" He yells out, while I laugh at him.

"Haha Sir Lyle it matters not to me whether you believe it, but I'm sure after this 'duel' you'll know better." I get into a fighting stance with the bo staff.

"Where is your sword! You're supposed to be a swordsman, I hope you don't plan on using this as an excuse when you lose." Prince Curtis yells from his seat.

"Do not worry Prince Curtis, I assure you. I'm quite skilled with this staff."


Author's Note

Apologies I didn't actually expect this chapter to go this long, but here we are. I don't know if the Comic ever talks about it but in the books Arthur is able to come back to Sapin earlier than originally told because of a tournament all the races would be attending. Sadly that's the last we hear of the tournament to my knowledge, so I decided to dive deeper into it, and I'm sure some of you might have guessed what the tournament decides.

Should be a fun time, and the tournament happens the day Arthur returns. Which means I will do a POV of him watching Rez fight in the tournament and then his reaction to finding out that was Jaron afterwards.

Flexing the Wyvern was petty, but if you aren't going to flex basically killing a dragon what else would you keep the skull for?

Rapidly approaching MC meeting Arthur and I hope I can write it in a way that everyone likes. Which is technically impossible, but I'll my best.

Also random wish to see TBATE become an anime one day. A guilty pleasure of mine is to watch the MMVs of the comic on YouTube before I write this FF and it just makes me want an anime adaptation that much more.

Thanks for reading.


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