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18.3% Reincarnated in an Otome game as a background character / Chapter 26: Chapter 18 - Schwarz: the black steed

Capítulo 26: Chapter 18 - Schwarz: the black steed

Regulux smiled with an expression of victory.

He activated a magic attack of the game, star rain. That attack was a level 11 attack.

It was very weak in the game, but in reality, it was a very strong attack.

The dust cloud kept coming out.

It wasn't moving at all.

"Even if my orion whip didn't hit you. You're too much of an idiot to fall for that weak attack."

"Lambert can dodge it with no problem. I trained with him a lot. He's my right-hand man for a reason. Anyway, easiest win in the world."

Regulux turned to leave, but at that moment, a small nugget covered in electricity flew straight to his cheek.

Blood was spurting out.

Turning around, he watched as a shadow came into view.

It was Razel.

He had a bit of dust and blood on him, but he was intact on his steed.

In fact, that's the strange thing.

The attack was too fast, even if he activated his Hawkeye, at least one or two hits should have hit the Pegasus.

But it was intact.

Razel pulled out another nugget, and went to play baseball with the prince.

"Eat this!"

The electric attack imbued in the nugget made it more lethal.

The prince used a magic shield and it was instantly destroyed.

He activated his attack again as he felt threatened by those little metallic nuggets.

"Light magic: star deluge!"

This time it wasn't one magic circle, it was several.

At least two dozen golden magic circles manifested in the air.

Regulux laughed in a way that an ally of justice should not.

"Hahaha, you won't be able to escape this!"


The intense light shone, the attack would begin at any moment.

Razel grabbed the handlebars of the steed and turned to flee.

But it was too late.

The attack began.

There was no way he could dodge that attack that was faster than the blink of an eye or the heartbeat of a dog.

Regulux's victory was certain.

But at that moment, something strange happened.

(I will not allow it.)

The thought of a consciousness echoed.

No one heard it.

(I will not allow you to touch it.)

At the moment the first blades of lights approached Razel's back. His steed, Schwarz, made a U-turn.

Razel did not understand, but he was heading straight for the prince.

The swords of light were coming at the same time.

Once again, a voice spoke unheard.

This time, I will not let my owner fall in front of me.

That voice... it came from Schwarz.

Razel could not change direction, he thought his end had come.

What he saw made him stop thinking.

Schwarz was handling himself.

The light swords looked like sharp knives being fired from a mini-gun.

The jet black steed flew with the elegance of a butterfly.

It dodged the attacks with great precision so that none of them would harm its body or its owner.

Up, down, left or right.

Schwarz went everywhere dodging the attacks.

The prince's smile of victory faded as he watched a simple machine perform miracles of driving.

Anyone would think that something like this was part of the driver's skill.

But in truth, it is the skill of the steed.

This, is the story of the one once known as the black lightning.


A long, long time ago.

When technology was not so advanced.

There was a child who looked longingly at a toy.

It wasn't your typical kid's toy.

It was a toy that only rich kids could buy.

It was known as a Pegasus. And it was used in sports more than anything else.

The boy watched from his father's workshop as the children of the rich had fun.

He went to his father who was working hard to ask him.

"Father. Could you buy me a Pegasus?"

The father stopped hammering to turn in annoyance to his son.

"We don't have the money for it."

"I know, I just wanted to confirm. Don't worry."

The boy walked away with a downcast face.

His father turned his face very annoyed.

It wasn't because of what his son asked for, it was because he didn't have the money to pay for one.

He was a master craftsman in the creation of Pegasus.

He got orders daily for the pieces.

They could live well thanks to that.

The problem was that living well and having plenty are opposites.

Because of taxes, they only had enough to eat and wear.

His father once had that dream too.

He understood his son's feelings.

It pained him not to be able to give him a toy.

But then one day. A request came in.

That request was normal.

Build a Pegasus for a child.

The man almost had it, until the customer came painfully to say.

"Would you like to personalize it?"

"Yes. My little boy heard that his little friends were doing it too. So, my son wants a personalized one too."

"B-But Mr. Customer, I already have everything ready in advance for what you asked for."

"Forget about it. I came to tell you that and bring you new parts."

Some men in suits came in with new parts for customization.

The craftsman said.

"I understand. But what should I do with these pieces?"

He pointed to the large mountain of spare parts for the original steed he was to build.

The nobleman selflessly touched his mustache as he said.

"Throw them away or keep them. I don't care."

With those words, the nobleman and his subordinates left.

His father was upset, he had to start all over again.

Just as he took out his pencil to draw, he once again visualized his son looking out the window.

Then, he looked at the drawing plan on the table. Then, an idea came to him.


The next day, he put up a sign that read.

Customizations are made to your mechanical steeds.

Orders came in like hotcakes.

Months passed and then years.

One day, the man hit his head.


In front of him was an object covered in sheets.

"I can't make it work!"

"I worked too hard to the point of getting sick and losing feeling in my fingers to buy a magic stone! But even with that... It won't turn on!"

The man before leaving his workshop, turned off the light.

As he closed the door he said. "Not everything can come true."

In that dark room, a small object glowed little by little.

In this world, they were known as mythological beings. Fairies they were called.

Those fairies, they lived hidden from humans.

A long time ago. Fairies were hunted for their beautiful transparent wings or sold as pets.

Their fear of humans was so great that they hid forever.

The little fairy had no form. She had been living in this workshop since the generation of the great-grandfather of the man who came out.

Every day, hidden, she watched as they worked hard.

Fairies have a life span.

In this world there is no such thing as something that can live forever.

The fairy, who was using her last strength to fly.

She approached the tools.

She could "hear" their voices.

(I want to work.)

(I don't want to give up.)

(Please work. Or otherwise, our existence will be useless.)

In Razel's previous life, there was a story about a puppeteer who wished for a son.

He built a puppet, and it came to life.

The developers thought it was an absurd idea and it was scrapped.

Or so they thought.

The little fairy listened to the tools' pleas.

Please, it works.

I don't want the master to be unhappy.

The little young master wants to be happy. I want him to be happy.

Then, with her last strength, the fairy approached the engine of the steed.

She gave a kiss, and disappeared.

But at that moment, the steed's eyes glowed bright red.


The next morning, the man could not believe his eyes.

He had built a steed, that Pegasus that was painted black due to the fact that it was the only thing left over from the scraps that the nobles discarded.

It was working.

When he went downstairs to enter his workshop, he found the engine running.

It was purring just like a motorcycle.

The man called his son.

The still sleepy boy asked.

"What's wrong-?"

The children's mouths and eyes opened like avocados at the sight of his gift.

"Congratulations son. Your present."

The boy ran to hug his dad and asked him a million questions. The most important, was one.

"What's its name?"

The man didn't know what to answer.

But, seeing the black color of the Pegasus. He said.

"Schwarz. Like his jet black color. That's what he will be called."

The boy was really happy.


The years went by.

And both the boy and the steed ....

"This is impossible!"

They were making history.

"This can't be?"

"It must be a lie!"

The boy, who was now a full-fledged man. He managed seconds ago to win a nationwide competition.

No one could believe that a commoner was capable of doing that.

His father, who was in the stands, was crying, smudging his gray mustache.

His son was also crying mounted from the steed that was built by his own father.


Years went by.

Years, lustrums and decades.

That jet black steed became a legend.

His name was known as the black lightning.

It was so fast that only a spot of black was visible.

The family of that master craftsman became important nobles.

They entered the world of jousting and sports as champions.

Only using the same model.

They said it was blessed by the goddess.

All models of Pegasus were made based on that legend.

Everyone wanted to have one like that.

A normal day like any other.

Victory would come to that family.

Until that is what happened.


The descendant of that master craftsman, was competing in a race. The race was almost won, Schwarz was in the lead as usual.

But his driver was a very impatient man.

He accelerated to the point where, if he tried to brake, he would crash anyway.

That's what happened.

To everyone's misfortune, that incident took the lives of bystanders. Including that of his firstborn son and wife.

The family was branded as cheaters among other things.

The steed was even detained for an investigation.

Of course, many of them were people envious of his fame.

There was nothing wrong with the steed.

The man had a multimillion demand.

He lost everything, the steed that made them famous was thrown away, never to be seen again.

The steed's eye watched his mourning go as he threw it away.

As it was raining. It looked like the steed was crying as it watched its owner leave.


(How long has it been?)

Schwarz wondered.

After many living together with those who loved him, he gained a conscience.

That conscience now wondered various things.

Among them, whether it was his fault for not slowing down.

(My master was driving too fast.)

(If... I had just slowed down a little, it wouldn't have happened.)

(It was my fault.)

(I'm completely useless.)

(Yes. I'm granted a second chance. This one time. I promise I'll protect him this time.)

(No matter who is next. I will protect my master from any danger.)

Then, Schwarz heard voices approaching.

"Hey, Cid, are you sure there's a Pegasus here I can use?"

"The janitor said he saw one years ago. That no one's ever come in here but him."

"But this place is huge with a capital letter."

Schwarz thought as the voices came closer.

(Th-This is the chance the heavens gave me!!!?)

(If so, I promise I will never lose again.)

(I only wish to run by my master's side.)

(I promise I will never again put him in danger because of me.)

"Oh. I found it."

"Are you serious, Cid?"


(Please grant me a chance is all I ask.)

(I will never betray you or let anything like that happen again.)

(By my name, I will not let anything bad happen to you.)

Schwarz thought about all that during his fight against the capture targets.

Every time Razel did something crazy, it was Schwarz who helped his master create that miracle.

Right now, that master was in imminent danger.

Defeat was clear.

But Schwarz swore before the heavens never to loose to his master again.

The swords of light danced along with the black body.

The spectators in the stands could not believe it.

To them, something strange was happening.

"... It's fascinating."

Not a single attack was touching that large black body.

They were even getting smaller, but not even with that, the swords of light were touching that steed that danced like lightning.

"How beautiful."

Lily said as she was backed up by Elize.

"No doubt. For a black figure, it dances in the sky like a bird."

To everyone, it should be a magical metal target flying wildly.

But what they saw was something else.

They saw...

(To my master!)

A beautiful true black Pegasus galloping in the sky.

Its beautiful wings black as night reflected the light.

His great black body shone marking every part of his body.

The swords of light no matter how fast they flew. They would never reach out to touch that jet black heavenly body.

That was Schwarz. The black steed that plows through the skies like dark lightning in the daytime.

(I will never lose again!!!!!)

The big jet-black body galloped fiercely in that burst of light.

Its head was going straight against the white steed.

Then, Regulux panicked.

He drew his sword, as Razel came to.

He didn't understand what was happening, but the prince was in front of him.

Using his bat as a weapon.

At the moment Schwarz collided with Weiss. The weapons of both combatants were letting sparks fly.


Razel shouted. While his partner.

(Go, master! Hit him with everythiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing!)

From the bottom of his metallic heart he supported his master. He generated a great speed that Regulux's steed could not withstand.

Little by little the head was sinking and the wings were coming off one by one.

That steed was of the highest quality.

The materials were expensive and foreign.

But even so, he was falling apart while his opponent was still intact.

"This is the end, prince!"

Razel was shouting in front of Regulux's face.

His handsome face, was showing despair.

The onlookers watched as they quickly approached.

Everyone was screaming.

Some supporting the prince.

Others for Razel.

But it was only the voices of the participants that echoed the most in the atmosphere.

Regulux released his hand and manifested a large magic circle behind him.

Several meters remained to get closer.

"Light magic: radiance of the cosmos!"

From the magic circle shot out missiles made of light.

They were rapidly approaching towards them.

Regulux used all his strength as he tried to move away from Razel.

Instead, Razel would not allow it.

As the missiles approached. He momentarily let the prince free.

He hit each and every one of the missiles straight into the mountain.

A huge explosion happened, but that didn't matter to him.

His bat, imbued with electricity.

He struck the steed's head and then lifted it against him.

Now Regulux was motionless and defeat was evident.

But, the prince's smile made a crescent.

Razel before lowering his bat, felt something lightly hit his cheek.

That lightness became very hard seconds later.

Then, the sky was upside down.

He didn't understand what was happening until he saw it.

Regulux used his free hand to create a small light whip.

The blow was hard enough to knock him off his feet.

But in that instant, Schwarz by himself descended to reach him before he fell.

Not even 10 seconds passed since Razel fell.

The prince used a magic circle to keep his steed in the air.

But, the victory was evident. The winner without a doubt is...

"It's my victory, nobody guy!"

The prince, just like in the game.

"What the hell are you talking about?" Razel shouted. "I haven't lost! Besides, you can't go on anymore."

"Bu~bu~" Made that sound the prince in denial.

"I am in the air. You fell down. It's my victory."

Razel emanated a murderous aura.

"Don't fuck with me, if you talk like that, then I won first!"

"Ahahaha, what a sore loser. Face it, I won. I'm still in the air and you fell."

"It was momentarily and now I'm in the air! I never touched the ground!"

"That doesn't matter!" said the prince after getting up and pointing to the referee.

"The referee already declared the winner as you fell!"

"What did you say!?"

Razel watched the referee who was making a complicated face.

He shouted at Razel.

"Th-The winner is Prince Regulux! Therefore, he wins the bet!"

When he heard those words, he immediately turned to the direction of the girls. He used his Hawkeye to see them.

Lily was comforting Elize who was crying as if she had just learned of the passing of a loved one.

Then he looked at Cid. Who was showing a face of nothing but horror at this outcome. Lambert, on the other hand, was showing a face that said, "It's normal the result."

Just like the game, the prince won and the villainess ending was as follows.

"Shit! Shit! Something like this... no, it can't be..."

Razel's mind for the first time wandered as he didn't know what to do.

He looked at the prince, the thought he had, was a horrifying one.

"If you plan to make Eli suffer! Then I, here and now, will kill you!"

Before Razel could step forward to hurt Regulux.

The earth shook.

At the same time, a scream rang out.


It sounded like a cry of a horrifying creature.

Everyone's gaze was focused on a large accumulation of dust.

Razel turned around to see something unimaginable.

"D-Don't fuck with me!"

The great white mountain was rising.


Dirt and trees were flying out.

"Why is that here?"

A large body was coming out from underground, manifesting a large monstrous appearance.

"Why... the last demon king's strongest pet is here!!!?"

A pangolin-like monster. A creature that could be said to be a distant cousin of the armadillo. It had appeared.

Its big mouth opened.


Everyone present was terrified.

Only Razel knew who this creature was.

It was the only one of its kind and in the world.

It was, Xerxes, the devourer of cities.

An enemy that to defeat it. You had to sacrifice a city in the game.

Siegburn Siegburn

The battle between Razel vs Regulux concludes in an unexpected way that no one can believe!?

What just happened?

5 chapters left before the epilogue.

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