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25% The New Lord Of The Sky / Chapter 2: Learning and bonding

Capítulo 2: Learning and bonding

Percy POV

As stealthy as I could, I open the door to the master bedroom and as I walk inside, I noted that the master bedroom was way bigger than the guestroom something that I have expected, but not to this extent. In the little bit of light provided by the moon, I could see that the room was decorated in white marble mostly along with gold.

I also noted some paintings on the walls, but I couldn't see what the painting was about because of the darkness, to the right against the wall, there was also an 8 drawer double dresser made out of solid white wood, I could notice some engravings on the wood in gold as they were bright enough to take notice, but I was too far to clearly make out the engravings.

To the left far away from the entrance, where normally a wall would be there, a large walk-in closet made in greek style, the closet appear to be divided into two sections, I could see many different greek chitons and togas, some were very expensive looking, others were formal, and others were plain white. Along with the chitons and togas, I could make out expensive dresses for women and expensive male suits, sandals, shoes, and watches. All of this was in their two separate sections.

Next to the large closet, was what I recognize a large vanity desk with a mirror, on it stood three open large jewels boxes, each containing necklaces, rings, and earrings of expensive quality. Besides the boxes, I could see the outline of what I presume to be a makeup kit. It was obvious to guess who was the owner.

Right next to it, I could see two armor stands. One held a beautiful Godly ancient golden spartan armor forged to be wielded by a woman, along with the armor, attached to it was a short red cape. next to the golden armor was also a spartan shield. ( To have a more detailed picture, copy the following name and then go to your respective navigator to paste it, And then go to images and it should appear as the first picture on the left and if not, just look for it. Mulier Eden )

The armor stand next to it was vacant of any armor, I briefly thought that it was previously used for the armor of Zeus.

Suddenly I was brought out of my thoughts by the sound of sobs and I curse myself in my mind as I remember the main reason for my presence in this room.

I look at the direction of the sobs and I find at the far end of the room, a king-size bed with its bedsheets and blankets being white with golden greek engravings. But I also notice that right behind the bed, three large greek columns that rise from the grand floor and up to the ceiling of the room, but what surprised me was that an open grand balcony that provides with the view from the back of the great palace.

Turning my gaze to the bed, my eyes find the silhouette of Hera, I decided to silently walk up to the bed and when I was in front of it I could see her.

Her lower body was hidden by the bedsheets as they reach her waist level, but from what was visible, I could see that she was wearing a simple white chiton, she had her back toward me, her long black as the night hair resembled a waterfall of darkness descending her back.

I could see that she had her face shoved in the pillows as an effort to prevent her sobs and wailings from being heard.

It was obvious to me that she hasn't noticed my presence.

Just looking at her and hearing the now clear and loud sobs, I felt as my heart was being pierced by hundreds of blades, I didn't know that such sound could bring me such sadness and grief, especially from Hera herself.

It was then that I realize an important factor, and I cursed myself once again for my lack of wariness.

I have left the guest room in the same clothing that I went to sleep with early. So I was simply wearing black pajama pants with no T-shirt and I haven't realized that I was walking barefooted.

' Shit, such a predicament. Curse my bloody wariness.' I curse in my head as the possibility of Hera getting furious from my violation of her privacy grew even more self-evident.

Sighing while surrendering to my fate, I place one knee on the bed and crawl my way up to Hera.

Hera at hearing the bed quiver at my sudden added weight, she suddenly turns around startled, and at seeing me on her bed, shock appears on her expression.

It was also at this moment that I could finally see her face, and I didn't like the sight of her appearance, not one bit.

The few bangs of hair that fall on either side of her face were in disarray, a trail of tears could easily be seen to the world sliding down her face, her beautiful dark brown eyes were now red and puffy from crying so much, the little makeup that she had worn hours ago was now smeared around her eyes and cheeks. The upper part of her chiton was lightly drenched from her tears, her frame was trembling, and lastly her accelerated and uncontrollable breathing rate. Right now she doesn't look like a royal and powerful queen, but a weak woman filled with despair and grief.

I could see the astonishment in her eyes starting to be replaced by fury and humiliation, and just before she could utter her rage at my lack of regard for her privacy as I could feel her powerful godly aura starting to rise thanks to her anger, I darted forward and embrace her as I shift her head to rest against my chest, and my strong arms envelop her small waist.

I could feel her body tense at her sudden position.

" shh!, it's okay Hera, let it all out, you don't have to go through this alone, there is no shame in accepting assistance when you are in need. I'm here alongside you..." I whisper to her in a soothing and reassuring tone of voice.

And as if a dam of water was broken, I felt Hera's body start to shake as her sobs and cries once again broke the silence of the room as they also start to increase in volume.

I could feel my chest getting wet from the tears of Hera, I felt Hera strong arms embracing me back firmly as she pushes herself against my body, as I was her only anchor to the world of the living.

I shift my face in her dark hair, and my nostrils were immediately assaulted by the scent of vanilla.

And there we stood with me holding Hera in my arms while she grieves for what it felt like days when in reality only two hours had passed since I waked up as I could still feel Artemis in the skies.

It wasn't until Hera cries stopped and only the sound of soft sobs escaping from her mouth remains, that I turned my body around resulting in Hera's back once again facing the entrance as I decide to lie my back on the soft bed with Hera's body on me as I started to stop feeling my legs from staying in the previous position for two hours straight.

It wasn't until Hera completely stopped sobbing and shed tears as her body only slightly shiver from the chill air of the night, that I decide to release Hera from my arms as I gently laid her on the mattress while also covering her body with the bedsheets.

I maneuver my body until I was sitting over the edge of the bed, and just as I was about to get up, I felt my left arm being held by a smaller and softer hand than mine, I slowly turn my head to give a questioning gaze at Hera.

But I was surprised by seeing her expression, small tears were at the edge of sliding down from her eyes, and I could see her slightly biting at her lower lip while looking at me with an embarrassed and hopeful gaze.

" P-please, stay for the n-night, I don't want to be a-alone.."

I was shocked by the request, but looking at her flustered and vulnerable form, I knew that I couldn't deny her even if I wanted to, but I have to make sure that she's sure about this.

" Are you sure of this lady Hera? I can just go back to the guestroom, and I don't want to impose more than I already have."

At this, I see Hera swiftly shaking her head in refusal. " P-please, I insist, I'm not asking you this as lady Hera, but only as your aunt. I don't want to be alone tonight, please P-Perseus."

At hearing Hera's response in a tired and trembling voice, the almost non-existent hesitance that I have was violently smashed away as I nod in acceptance toward Hera.

As I lie down on the mattress while covering both me and Hera with the bedsheets, I turn sideways to face Hera, and with my left arm warped around her waist, I push her against my chest in a firm embrace.

I could feel Hera hugging me back as her head rested at the crook of my nack as I heard her sigh softly.

' This feels right, somehow, having her in my arms fills me with content.' I softly thought in my mind.

And it was true, by only having her in my arms, I felt complete, like all things in the world were just fine.

After only a couple minutes, I felt the slow and calming breathing of Hera signaling that she has fallen asleep. And so it was while holding her in my arms that I start to close my eyes as I start to fall in the realm of Morpheus.

3rd POV

The next time that Percy wakes up, He noticed that he was in bed with somebody else in his arms, looking down he was surprised to find his aunt in his arms.

Suddenly he remembers the events from last night, and he relaxes his muscles as they have become tense when he noticed the body of another person in his arms.

Looking around the room, he was stupefied by the beauty of the master bedroom, he could not notice because of the darkness from last night, but now thanks to the light of the sun, he could see the paintings containing beautiful images of black skies filled with stars, some with a waterfall in a forest at night under the light of the moon, three others were paintings of battles from ancient Greece and Rome, and two others with a peacock and surprisingly enough, lion.

Besides the paintings, He could now see some ancient Greek vases with flowers and plants around the room, adding more colors and life to it.

A shift from his arms along with hearing a sigh, force Percy to turn to face Hera, as she had waked up while Percy was admiring the room.

Silence filled the grand master bedroom as both were looking at each other nervously, but more Hera then Percy as she had never shown any weakness to anyone besides her now late husband.

She was so accustomed to holding her feelings inside of herself to only then release them in the privacy of her bedroom.

Last night, when she had broken down, she had never felt more weak and vulnerable in her entire life than that moment. All the frustration, anger, sadness and grief that she had to endure in the last 6 millennia, from the war against her father to all the conflicts that followed after, and lastly to all the pain and grief that filled her soul when Zeus cheated on her with other women, either mortal or immortal.

But the last blow was the fading of her brother, so sudden and unexpected, she may have wanted him to suffer in pain sometimes when she had discovered that he had cheated again, but never did she wished for him to fade, after all, he was still her younger brother.

And so, she cried like never before, she had broken down the chains that held down her misery and suffering, she had smashed the mask of indifference and coldness that she had worn for the last six millennia.

She was so lost in her misery that she hadn't realized that she wasn't alone anymore, therefore when she felt the bed quiver under the added weight of another body, she was naturally startled.

But never she had expected to be met with the sight of her nephew on her bed, crawling until he was right in front of her. She was shocked by his presence, but then she noticed his naked chest and realized that he was only wearing some sleeping pants.

Her astonishment than started to turn into fury and humiliation at being seen in such a Pathetic and vulnerable state.

But when she was embraced by Perseus, she was shocked once again. And when Perseus told her those sweet and comforting words, even as she tried to control her shaking body, her tears, and sobs with all her might, she so greatly failed.

And it was then that she stopped caring and just hugged Perseus back while letting out all her grief and misery while being comforted by him.

And now, as she nervously stares at Perseus, she wasn't sure what to say, the situation to her was so awkward that she simply stood there in his arms, but then as her gaze falls to his eyes, she was just mesmerized by them, his eyes were so blue that she could only be reminded of the sky, and as she keeps staring into them, she could make out the small lightning bolts going throughout them, so similar but also so different than those of her late brother.

Suddenly she was shaken from her thoughts as a blushing Percy releases her from his arms and moves to the edge of the bed, displaying her with his muscled back.

" I'm sorry about last night, but I heard your cries and couldn't help but became worried." She heard the whispered words from the nervous Percy.

She just looks at his back as she pondered over his statement, and she could notice that as the silence drags on, he became even more nervous, amusement filled her as she concludes that he expects her to be furious from last night, but the thing is that she wasn't and even if she wanted to be mad at him, she just couldn't as he had comforted her when she was in the greatest need of somebody.

" Perseus, look at me."

At this Percy couldn't help but flinch, he knew that he was going to be in trouble, but damn he didn't expect to be this scare. Slowly turning around, he faced Hera and was greeted with a sight that deeply surprised him.

There was Hera, the rays of the sun falling on her frame, brightening her beauty, but it was the smile that was on her face, a smile that was brightening enough to illuminate the room if it wasn't already by the sun that surprised him.

He could see as more humor fill her eyes at seeing his surprised look, and apparently, it was too much for her, as she starts laughing. Her laugh fills the room, and he had to confess that he just loved the sound of her laugh, to him it was the most beautiful sound that he had ever heard in his life.

Hera's laugh was contagious because Percy couldn't help but smile and chuckle a little bit. But then a smirk came over the face of Percy.

While Hera was laughing, she couldn't help but glance at Percy, and when she did, she saw his smirk making her stop laughing but it was too late as Percy launched himself toward Hera, she was pushed down with her back meeting the mattress of the bed at the same time that Percy settles himself to be above her body.

She was surprised by his bold move and she was about to demand what he was doing when suddenly Percy starts tickling her, and Hera couldn't help the eruption of laughs that escaped her mouth, she tried to shout at Percy to stop, but most of the time she couldn't finish her sentence as the laughter makes her unable to properly talk and the times that she did finish the sentence, it was ignored from Percy.

When Percy start tickling Hera, he was rewarded with her laughing and smiling face, he could see that all the sadness and grief that filled her eyes last night wasn't present, but now it was filled with a small piece of annoyance at her predicament while the rest of her emotions clearly shows Humor and joyfulness.

After three more minutes of playful torture, he decides to have some mercy on her and stopped. Hera at seeing Percy stop tickling her, she took bigs gasps of air while her chest tiredly moves up and down by her erratic breathing.

Percy at seeing the position that they were in started to blush and quickly got off from her. Hera also shares the blush on her face, but one could see playfulness in her brown eyes.

After having filled her lungs with air, she looks at Percy and couldn't help smiling at him.

" Thank you for last night, and while I think that the tickling part was unnecessary, I do appreciate the laughter, I can't remember the last time that I laugh so much," states Hera with a soft smile on her face while tenderly looking at Percy.

Percy at hearing Hera words, couldn't help but smile at her in return.

" It's okay Hera, you don't have to thank me, I was worried for you and seeing you like that last night didn't sit well with me." Percy sincerely told Hera, then he sends a smirk to Hera.

" And it is good to see you laughing, especially your smiling, you should smile more often, it brings your beauty out even more aunt Hera." Percy starts with his smirk, but as he keeps talking his smirk slowly developed in a soft smile.

Hera at hearing this, couldn't help suddenly be shy, as she hadn't be complimented like that in a long time, especially from someone so young like her nephew.

Suddenly Percy's stomach growls in hunger, it was loud enough that it resembles the small roar of a Lion.

" Well, aren't you hungry you overlarge lion?" questions a smirking Hera with playfulness very clear in her voice.

" Well I didn't eat since yesterday, and even then I have barely eaten, so can you blame me?" Replies an embarrassed Percy while he ran a hand through his long locks of hair.

Looking at Percy, Hera simply shakes her head in amusement and simply retorts.

" Well, if that's the case then what about you go back to the guest room and take a shower as I prepare breakfast."

Percy at hearing this nods in agreement and bow his head for a small fraction in gratitude, he got up from the bed and walks out of the room with the intent of getting a shower.

Hera at seeing Percy take his leave, she deeply stares in thought at where he had been only seconds ago. She was confused by her attitude toward the recently turned god, she hadn't felt this content and without worries since when she first married Zeus, but then it all went downhill after the first time he cheated on her.

Hera gets up from the bed as she fiercely shakes those thoughts out of her mind, she didn't want to be depressed again from her brother's fading, not after waking up in good spirits this morning.

She glances at her chiton and decided to change in another one more comfortable after taking a quick shower.

After finishing her shower and change in a different Chiton, she leaves her room and passes the living room as she marches toward the kitchen with the intent of cooking breakfast by herself, something that she hadn't done in centuries after one time that she argued with her husband, and after that Zeus had to order to some wind nymphs to cook food for him.

While she could just conjure some nectar and ambrosia, she wanted to cook something for herself and Percy, something that confused her but she didn't pay enough attention to it as she starts cooking.

Percy on the other hand just finished his shower, and as he was looking through the closet, he could only find white chitons, and while he didn't have problems with them, he was hoping to find some clothes of the modern-day.

' Well, it's not like I can leave the room and then the palace only with a towel as clothing.' Thought Percy, amusement along with annoyance filled his mind as he could already imagine the women population of Olympus going after him in hopes of him bedding one of them. He was sure that rumors of the new change of rule along with his ascending to godhood were already going through Olympus by now.

' Which reminds me, the greek and the Roman camps, which still surprises me, I have to ask Hera about that, they both still need to know of the change of rule.' Thought Percy as he starts getting dressed in one of the Chitons, which took him a couple of minutes in figuring out how to wear it, after that, he also put on some spartan sandals.

Finishing adjusting his Chiton, he leaves the room and walks toward the kitchen. Just as he entered the living room Percy could smell the aroma of food, and his stomach roared in hunger.

Just as he passed the frame of the entrance that leads to the Kitchen, he was greeted by the sight of the table packed with food.

But before he could distinguish the food that laid on the table, the laugh of Hera took his attention, and he sees her carrying two chalices in one hand while the other held a bottle of wine.

She was wearing a white chiton but this one looked more comfortable to him, and it also has gold engravings in greek at the edges. He could also notice that she has taken a quick shower as the ruined makeup from last night wasn't there anymore, and he has to admit that she looks even more beautiful than before when they have waked up.

" I could hear your stomach growl from here, for a moment I thought that a lion was inside of the palace." Joked Hera as she settles both Chalices and the bottle of wine on the large table.

After doing that, she turns to face Percy and she could see his face starts to gain a blush. Chuckling softly at his embarrassment, she also notices him wearing a white greek chiton, and she was surprised by just how good he looked in it.

Raising a brow at him she approaches him and starts to better adjust his Chiton as while he had put it on well enough for his first time, she could see that he had never wear one before.

Percy at seeing Hera adjust his chiton, mostly where it reaches his left shoulder as his right upper side was exposed, he couldn't help but be even more embarrassed but also grateful for her aid.

" There you go, you look nice in a chiton, you should wear it more, especially now that you are a God," Hera admits sincerely as she takes a seat at the table and motion with one of her hands for Percy to sit in front of her on the other side of the table.

" Well, I think that first I need to get used to it, don't you think?" Lightly retorts Percy as he takes a seat and finally examines the food, and he had to admit that Hera knew how to cook as the food in front of him look exquisite.

In front of him was a plate with fried eggs and slices of bacon, another one to his right was occupied by Barley Bread, and next to the plate was a glass filled with wine so that he could dip the bread. to his left, another plate laid with plentiful of purple grapes.

Right overhead his plate containing the fried eggs and slices of bacon and in the middle of the table laid a cooked chicken inside the pan that was used to cook it.

" I'm impressed, I didn't know you were going to cook all of this, thank you," Said Percy as he nods at Hera and starts eating his food, followed by Hera after she had told him that it was nothing.

After eating a portion of the chicken, Percy sends an amused look at Hera as he softly drinks the wine in his Chalice.

" What? you don't like it?" Asks a confused Hera as she was talking about the wine.

" It's not that, it is very good actually. No, I'm amused as it seems that you have forgotten that until recently I was sixteen years old," replied Percy as he again drinks the wine in his Chalice.

Surprised, Hera just looks at him.

" But does it matter at this point? you are after all a God, so age won't matter except for the wisdom that one gains after living for so long.

And do I have to remind you that you are now in the appearance of a man in his 26 years?." Retort an amused Hera as she gazes at Percy.

" Well when you put it like that it does sound pointless," responds Percy after having reflected over Hera's statement.

Hera nods in agreement, but she decides to share a piece of information not very well known by demigods.

" Indeed, but do you want to know an interesting detail about demigods that turns into Gods or Goddesses?" asks Hera to Percy while studying him closely.

At this, Percy was now interested as he questioning looks at Hera and nods in confirmation of her question.

" Well, my nephew, when a demigod and in the rare cases mortals from ancient Greece and Rome were gifted with Godhood and than accepted, they would sometimes age or in some cases de-age when this happens the age that they would find themselves with, was a reflection of their wisdom and personality, of course, they would then choose an age that they prefer and stay in it as we Gods can change our appearance and age.

Do you know what that means in your case?" asks Hera as she stares at Percy waiting for him to realize the answer.

Percy at hearing Hera's short lecture, and question. Answers by sharing the conclusion that he had reached after a couple of seconds thinking.

" I guess that as I'm in the form a man in his 26 years, I guess that it's because I'm more mature then what I would suppose to be in my real age?" ask for confirmation Percy as he looks at Hera.

At hearing Percy Answer, Hera nods with a small smile gracing her lips.

" Indeed Perseus, you were a man in the body of a sixteen-year-old, you were more matured than normally one would be at your age, and this appearance also reflects your personality, as I guess that you feel comfortable in this form, not even once you have thought about changing age, am I right ?"

At hearing Hera's answer and rhetorical question, Percy couldn't help but nod in agreement as not even once he has thought of changing his look. After this, they finish to eat and Percy helps Hera in collecting and washing the dishes.

After they were done, Percy looks at the sun and could see that it was roughly two o'clock, meaning that he and Hera still have three more hours free before they have to go to the council meeting.

" Lady Hera can I ask you something?" asks a slightly nervous Percy.

" What is it Perseus, and please when we're alone like this, just call me Hera," answers Hera as she curiously looks at Percy. They were now standing in the living room as she had just finished igniting the fire pit.

" If that's how it's going to work, I would also like for you to call me Percy when we're alone." At this Hera nods in agreement, and Percy decides to ask her what he has in mind.

"Well, I was wondering if you could help me in controlling my powers and things that gods can do if it's not an inconvenience of course," asks Percy with a hopeful look on his face.

" I understand why asking me to train you as I know what Zeus could do with his powers, even better than my other siblings. But you have to understand that there are somethings that I can't help you with, as even I don't completely understand how some powers of Zeus works, especially as my domains do not have an element like you or Poseidon, Hades, and Hestia." Responds Hera thoughtfully after reflecting over Percy's request.

" It doesn't matter, I would still like for you to help me, and if indeed there are somethings that you can't help me with, it's fine, it just means that I will have to work harder," States Percy after hearing Hera answer to his request, he badly wants to train with her.

Hera at hearing Percy, she couldn't bring herself to deny him, so she nods at him in acceptance.

" Very well, follow me," States Hera as she walks toward a door that Percy hadn't notice before and they enter a hallway, after walking some more they reach the back of the palace, and Percy has to admit that he was surprised.

The back of the palace was a big training ground, he could see some practice targets to practice archery on the left, right when one enters the training ground. To the right, he could see what he recognized as a large weapon rack containing swords, spears, maces, war hammers, axes, and shields.

He could recognize many different types of swords either from Greeks and Roman origins. The same goes for the other weapons and shields.

He was brought out from his thoughts by the voice of Hera.

" Alright Perseus, because you still don't possess your Armor yet. Your gonna have to summon a normal one for now."

" How am I going to summon an armor Hera, it doesn't sound that simple." Retorts a listening Percy.

" Listen well Percy, inside of you, are two main sources of power. one it's from your domains, but we get to that later. Concentrate on the other source, because it is your godly power and energy. Now, we gods summons things thanks to this source, I want you to focus and use that energy and try to summon a Spartan armor set on yourself, now be careful as when you do it for the first time you're going to-" at that moment Hera was interrupted by Percy as a white light appears around Percy, and suddenly it envelopes his body and the next second it disappears letting Percy being visible once again.

But this time he was wearing a golden spartan armor, his helmet was a corinthian spartan helmet with red plume, under the armor he was wearing a red tunic.

When Percy finishes expecting the armor, he looks at Hera but was surprised to see her looking at her right with a blush on her face.

" What's wrong Hera?" asks Percy confused.

Hera at hearing the question of Percy, she sends a small annoyed and flustered glare at him, surprising Percy.

" I was going to warn you that when you do this for the first time as you have never done this, there might be a fat chance of you becoming butt naked as your clothes changes to the ones that you have summoned, but of course you didn't let me finish nor give me the chance to turn away in the case." Spoke Hera with her blush slowly diminishing, as she looks Percy in the eyes.

At the revelation, Percy blushes in embarrassment at his aunt seeing him in his birthday suit. "Sorry?" offer weakly Percy in a shaky tone of voice.

At this Hera snorts in amusement, and told him to just ignore what happened.

" Very well then, I'm going to first teach you how to flash yourself around, as flashing it's the fastest way for a god to travel, after that, I teach you how to flash yourself with your domain of thunder as gods such as you who have an elemental domain can mix it while flashing, an example is Zeus thunder entrances, Hade's shadow travel, Hera small hurricane of fire, and Poseidon water and mist travel," spoke Hera.

At this, Percy nods, and a half-hour passed between them as Hera Teaches Percy how to teleport himself through flashing. And it took Percy the rest of the hour for him to learn how to teleport himself through thunder or electricity, something that he learned it's that he loves it, now He could understand the theatrics of Zeus and couldn't blame him for sometimes making such entrances.

" Good, now this it's where you focus on the source of your powers from your domains, as you might now know, lightning and thunders are your main form of attack, but there is also the trick of creating melee weapons and bows made out of lightning." Says Hera after seeing Percy thunder flashing himself back in Olympus from his short trip to France.

At this Percy couldn't help a grin take over his expression, because while he loved the powers over water and the sea that he used to possess from being a son of Poseidon, something that he had lost the moment that he became a god and inherited the domains of Zeus, he couldn't deny that the mere idea of being able to shoot lightning was remarkable.

After nodding at Hera, Percy starts to focus on his power and when he could feel his power from his domains, he concentrates on summoning lightning in his hands.

While Percy was summoning his powers, Hera was studying him along with his progress as she could see blue sparks of lightning starting to form in his hands. Suddenly Percy opened his eyes and they were shining blue as bolts of Lightning of the same color flashed through his eyes while lightning appears in existence in his hands.

Percy at seeing bolts of lightning flying throughout his hands and part of his forearms, he held out his right hand toward one of the greatly distanced practice targets for archery, taking two seconds to aim as he could easily see the target thanks to his godly sight, he shot a bolt of lightning, and Lo and Behold!, it hit the bullseye of the target as the bolt struck through the target as a hot knife would do to a piece of butter, leaving behind a hole the size of a basketball as the surrounding area of the blast was scorched black.

Percy at seeing the result of his lightning, couldn't help but grin in delight. He practiced some more with his lightning and when he was satisfied for the moment, he turns to look at Hera waiting for more instructions.

Hera meanwhile has been watching Percy as he practices with his lightning, and she has to admit that her nephew was learning fast. Seeing Percy finishing practice with his lightning and him turning toward her for more instructions she decided to talk.

" Well, I'm impressed as you're learning much faster than other new godlings would be with their powers.

The next thing that you're going to work on its both creating a storm and making thunders fall from the sky."

At this Percy got even more excited, but than a thought entered his mind and he decides to question Hera about it.

" But how am I going to do it, Because I seriously doubt that you want me to do all that here in Olympus," asks Percy while curiously looking at Hera for her response.

At this Hera couldn't help but smile in amusement. "You are the god of the sky Perseus, just as Poseidon can see and feel anything that is in or navigating through the sea, he can also create a physical form of his body made out of water in the sea as he can control it just as he was controlling his own body.

Just as Poseidon, you can see and feel anything that is in the sky along with seeing the ground below you. You can also create a physical form, but instead of water, the manifestation of your body it's going to be made out of clouds and if you choose even out of lightning."

( AU: For a more clear Idea, copy and than paste the following link in your navigator. Artwork/DZXZ9 )

At this Percy was shocked, He knew that Gods were powerful but damn he didn't expect all these formidable abilities and powers.

Recovering his composure he nods at Hera in acknowledgment of her lecture. Percy took a seat on the ground with crossed knees as he starts to focus on his power.

Somewhere in the Pacific Ocean

3rd POV

Elijah Anderson was a man in his 43 years, tan skin, tall and has a muscular body for a man in his age, he also has blond hair and light green eyes. He became captain of the American cargo ship MSC Gulsun that was under his charge almost a year ago.

Most of the containers only hold items like chemicals, foods, furniture, machinery, motor- and military vehicles and garments.

Elijah was drinking some orange juice from a glass of metal inside his office.

" Two more weeks and I'm going to spend a whole month in Miami as a Vacation." Mused out loud Elijah as he couldn't wait to finish this job of the month and rest.

Just as he was about to take a hold of his orange juice to take a sip of it, the roar of a powerful thunder was suddenly heard from the outside. To Elijah, it sounded like a bomb just went off right next to his ears, after the roar of the thunder died down, the ship started to violently swing from sides, his orange juice along with important documents and books that were on top of his desk fall off the desk and to the floor.

The rocking motions were strong enough that Elijah falls from his chair even as he was gripping the armrests as his life depended on them.

Getting up, he heard alarmed shouts and screams of his crew and as fast as possible without falling to the floor because of the ship rocking motions, he left his office and went to the bridge to discover what the hell was happening.

" What the hell it's going on people!" shouts Elijah when he entered the ship's bridge at his crew members.

" Captain we are inside of a storm! it just appeared from nowhere, the waves and winds are powerful enough to rock the ship, if it gets anymore stronger the ship might be consumed by waves and that will end with the ship sinking!." Shouted one of the officers of the bridge while he's trying to contacting the crew members in the engine and generator chambers for a status report through radio.

At this Elijah looks through the windows of the bridge for the first time, and he was greeted with the sight of the worst storm that he has ever seen in his life.

black clouds were obscuring the sky as the rain was falling from them, as the heavens themselves were crying, his ears finally heard the screeches of the strong winds outside, and lastly, the waves of the sea were smashing against the ship causing the rocking motions.

Just as Elijah was about to say something, Another thunder could have been heard, followed by many more roars of thunders as the black sky was briefly illuminated by the light of the thunders as the winds become even stronger.

It was obvious that the once strong storm has become a powerful thunderstorm.

" Shit!, it looks like the Greek God Perseus isn't happy at the moment." Sarcastically murmured one of the officers in the bridge as he along with others looked through the windows at hearing the thunders.

Elijah at hearing the words from the murmuring officer he quickly composes himself. "Well, ladies and gentlemen, what are all of you waiting for? go back at your stations at once and let's get out of this thunderstorm with our lives!" shouted the Captain as he took control of the wheel to stir the ship.

' And here I thought today was going to be a peaceful day.' Sarcastically thought Elijah as he starts giving orders to his crew members

Before the storm with Percy.

still 3rd POV

Percy suddenly felt like his mind was moving toward all directions at once, and honestly, it gave him a headache.

It wasn't until he cleared his mind and focus in one location and like magic, he was viewing the Pacific ocean from the sky. when Percy got used to the feeling that brings him in doing this, he concentrates on creating a frame of his body with the grey clouds hovering in the sky.

It took him a while, but after ten minutes of concentrating, he could feel his face made of clouds, while his eyes were composed of blue lightning, the details of his face were surprisingly clear for being formed from clouds, his long hair hovering around his face while also blending with the surrounding clouds.

He has to admit that it felt a little bit weird, to him it felt like being in two different places at once, but it gave him more determination in at least finishing forming the rest of his body till he reaches the lower waist level.

A process that took twenty more minutes of concentration. When he has completed in creating his body he moves his arms and upper body around intending to get used to it.

Percy also realizes that the rest of his missing lower body was composed of clouds. Finishing getting used to his now new body of clouds, he concentrates on creating a storm at his location.

It didn't take long as the clouds that he was presently made of along with the surrounding clouds became black as winds start to grow stronger and stronger creating tall and strong waves from the ocean below, and lastly, rain starts to fall from the clouds.

All things considered, to Percy the storm that he has just created was just as beautiful as it is dangerous, he observed his newly created storm for a couple of seconds and decides to finish it with the last touch, raising his right arm, he focuses some of his power until a thunderbolt was created in his hand.

Smiling at his accomplishment, Percy looks down at the ocean below, taking a few seconds to aim, he hurled the thunderbolt to one precise area below.

He barely has to wait at all as the next second a powerful rumble of thunder was heard to whoever was present as the darkness that was settled on the ocean was briefly illumined by the light of the thunder.

The storm became even more powerful if possible after the thunder flashed through the skies.

Percy was thoughtfully thinking about something, one of his domain was the storms, but in the world existed more than one storm, and as he was the god of thunder and lightning, it could be possible to create a...

' Can I? well, it is worth the effort to try.' Thought Percy as he concentrates on transforming the previously created storm into a thunderstorm.

Percy was surprised as he barely had to concentrate as in the next few seconds rumbles of thunders could be heard throughout all the ocean surrounding the thunderstorm.

" Well, at least I was right, now how do I dissolve-" Mused out loud Percy but he stops his train of thoughts as he sensed small presences below him.

" What the hell?" Spoke out loud Percy as he focuses his eyes in the waters below him. And it was then that He recognizes what was a Cargo ship navigating through the ocean and trying to get out of the thunderstorm below him.

He curses himself for not realizing that people were in the area, and so Percy starts to concentrate on his powers in slowly reducing the power of the thunderstorm while also reverting it to a normal storm.

And so the once-powerful Thunderstorm was reverted to a normal storm as the thunders start to die down along with the powerful winds.

Percy observes from his position high in the air as the cargo ship gets out of the storm, and keeps going in its new course.

" That was a close call, too close for my comfort." Murmurs Percy to himself.

Shaking his thoughts away, he concentrates on dispelling his body made out of clouds and get back to Olympus.

And after Percy opens his eyes again, he notices that he was back in Olympus. As he gets up he looks at Hera and notices her questioning look.

" I have successfully created a storm along with a thunderstorm including a physical form of clouds. although I had to stop as some mortals were in the area and I didn't want to cause any deaths."

Hera nods in acceptance and told him to be more careful next time.

" Well, I see that you have realized you can create thunderstorms by yourself," said Hera amused.

" Well, I thought that as one of my domain is Storms, and there are different kinds of storms out there and keeping in mind that I'm the god of thunder and lightning, it didn't take me long to realize it." responds a thoughtfully Percy.

" Indeed, you are the god of storms, but there are many different kinds of them, The different types of storms are hailstorms, ice storms, snowstorms, thunderstorms, wind storms, hurricanes, and tornadoes.

As you are the god of the sky along with the god of thunder, you could already create thunderstorms and wind storms. Unfortunately, you can't create hailstorms, ice storms, and snowstorms, as while they are storms, you can't either control or create them, all that you can do it's disperses them.

The same thing goes with hurricanes and tornadoes, you can't control or create them, all that you can do it's disperses them, but this time the difference here it's because there already is a minor god of hurricanes and tornadoes, a child of Zeus that became a god after giving his life in the ancient war between Greece and Persia." Explained Hera to Percy, who was surprised by the amount of information.

Percy nods at Hera in letting her know that he understood anything that she had explained.

Looking up, Percy notices that he still has an hour before he and Hera have to go to the council meeting.

" Hera, we still have some more time left, do you think that you can tell me how I can change in my sacred animals?" asks Percy at Hera.

' Well, we do still have some time so why not.' Reflects Hera at hearing her nephew question.

" Alright then, it shouldn't be hard, just focuses on your inner energy and just imagine transforming yourself in one of your sacred animals, keep in mind that you can transform into any kind of eagles and lions, as while the different kinds of them differ in some aspects, they are still eagles and lions at the end of the day." lectured Hera.

Percy has to admit that he would never grow tired of hearing her voice, he knew for a fact that he could stand there and listen to her voice all day without complaining.

" Alright," reply Percy as he imagines himself in transforming into a black Lion.

After ten minutes in silence, Hera was about to tell Percy that he could try again later but she stopped herself when suddenly Percy body starts to instantly change, and the next thing that she knows is that she was being watched by a giant black lion, Hera was surprised by its size as the lion reaches her height and the two were staring each other on the same eye level.

Suddenly the black Lion starts to slowly approach her, and Hera had to remind herself that this was Percy, because even if he was just walking, his size and appearance makes him a fearful figure to watch.

His short and powerful strides make it obvious that he was the predator, that he was a King, and what he wants, he gets.

When Percy was standing right in front of her face, she was surprised by him gently licking the right side of her face as he starts purring. Shocked, she distances herself to clean her face from the slime that his tongue left behind, all with a blush and a slightly displeased look.

Suddenly she hears laughing in her head as she feels the presence of somebody in her mind, it didn't take her more than two seconds to realize that it was Percy.

As she turns to look back at Percy, she sees him turn back in his human form, and he was still chuckling at her expense.

" You should have seen your face, it was hilarious" Briefly spoke Percy before he broke down in laughing again.

" Keep laughing and I will shove my spear where the sun doesn't shine my dear nephew." Spoke a threatening Hera as she summoned her symbol of Power, Lazarus, a beautiful crafted looking spear, its beauty was only matched by its power. Most of the spear was golden with silver and sky blue parts and decorations, the spear also possess engravings from ancient greek in Black.

At this Percy immediately stops laughing and quickly become serious, as while powerful, he was still learning to control his powers and wasn't interested in anger the queen of Olympus.

" Good, now that you stopped laughing at my expense, I say that you only have to daily train to master your powers and abilities, along with controlling your physical strength as we gods are also more powerful than mortals in physical strength," told Hera after finishing in cleaning her face and dismissing her Symbol of Power.

Percy nods in agreement, but he decided to ask something that was in the back of his mind to Hera.

" Um, Hera can you tell me about what is this about the Roman camp, and me also inheriting Zeus Roman aspect?"

At this Hera gains a surprised look as she had forgotten about that, she starts thinking about how to explain to him, but she soon realizes there is no easy way than to be blunt.

And so Hera starts explaining to Percy about how after the Fall of Greece, another aspect of them was created as the Romans found the temples of the Olympians Gods in the Greek cities and afterward they started to worship them, ending with them having a Roman aspect as they later became gods of Rome.

" This is Complicated, so now I have become Jupiter to the Romans, and the existence of either camp to them was kept in the dark because of the dispute of the Romans and Greeks. Well, isn't this fantastic?" Percy sarcastically murmured to himself.

Hera just shrugs her shoulders, she looks up toward the sky and realizes that only 20 minutes remained before they have to go to the council meeting.

" You should go back inside and take a quick shower and change your clothes as we shortly gonna have to go to the throne room."

Percy at hearing Hera, he nods in agreement.

" You can go ahead, I meet you there before the meeting starts," says Percy as he runs back into the palace.

Hera just shakes her head in amusement as she starts walking toward the throne room.

16 minutes later at the throne room.

Still 3rd POV

Hera was sitting on her throne as she was waiting for Percy. She didn't have to wait any longer as a thunder falls from the sky and hits the center of the throne room through an opening that's in the ceiling, and after dissipating it reveals Percy in a white Greek chiton covering his left side of the chest and shoulder while leaving his right side exposed to see his upper body and fit chest and abdominals.

Percy walks up to his throne as he grew to his 50 feet of height and took a seat on his throne and his connection with his domains became even more powerful.

" I see that you have decided to keep in mind my belief regarding you with Greek Chitons." says an amused Hera as she watched as Percy took a seat on his throne, while also exploring his exposed skin with her eyes.

Percy not noticing her gaze at his muscles just smirks at her, and simply responds. " Just as I hope that you will keep in mind my suggestion regarding your smile."

At this Hera sends an amusing look at Percy as she simply shakes her head in amusement.

Raising his right hand, Percy summoned a thunderbolt in his hand, and with accuracy threw it to the sky, and thunder was heard from everybody in Olympus and signaling that a meeting was about to start.

Lowering his Hand, Percy looks at Hera and sees her looking at him in amusement, just as he was about to say something, he witnesses her face becoming cold and indifferent once again as the others members of the council start teleporting in the throne room through flashes or walking through the doors that lead to it.

Only a couple of minutes passed and everyone was present in the throne room. Percy could see that all of them were curious about the new throne in the council, but they weren't talking about it as they knew they will be informed shortly.

And Percy has to admit that he was surprised to know that Hephaestus has already finished all his assignments.

" Welcome everyone, I hope that most of you have recovered from yesterday," says Percy while looking around the throne room, and sees most gods and goddess nodding in agreement.

" Perseus, if I might ask, why was a new throne created for ?" asks Athena the question that was in everyone's minds.

At this Percy shares a look with Hera and he sees her nods at him, something that wasn't missed by the rest of the gods.

" It should be rather clear Athena, I'm solely returning the throne of aunt Hestia along with letting her join the Olympian council once again as I'm sure that you all agree with me that her expulsion from the council was unjust, as she deserves to be part of it as the oldest child of Rhea and Kronos and as the second strongest goddess after Hera." Merely responds Percy with a small smile on his face.

The other Gods at hearing this were all surprised, but also agree with his decision as they all believe that Hestia's expulsion of the council was uncalled for, even Dionysus felt guilty when his aunt was kicked from the council so that he could take her place.

But nobody was more shocked than Hestia herself as she hadn't believed that one day she would have her throne back, the chance to be in the council with the rest of her siblings, nieces, and nephews.

When she composed herself she runs to Percy and gives him a warm embrace as a sign of her gratitude as she the biggest smile on her face with small trails of tears from joy descending her beautiful features.

After breaking the hug, Hestia happily goes to sit on her throne, and the moment that she did, her throne's blank appearance changed to that of a red throne with images of the earth and fire all around it.

While the gods were smiling at the happy Hestia, Hephaestus decided that it was time to present his forged items to Percy.

" Lord Perseus, I would like to give thee, your symbol of power as I have finished early this morning along with your Greek armor." Says Hephaestus as he gets up from his throne to stand in the center of the throne room.

At this Percy nods in acceptance as he also gets off his throne and walks up toward Hephaestus until he was standing right in front of him. At this Hephaestus summons an object covered in a black cloth, and making sure to not touch the hidden object, he uncovers it.

And all the gods present could see a master bolt like the one from Zeus, but one could see that it was more powerful than the original.

" Claim it, Lord Perseus, while you're doing that, pour both your godly energy and power from your domains of lightning and thunder in the master bolt." Told Hephaestus as Percy nods and then raises one of his hand as he starts to do as instructed by Hephaestus, the master bolt was engulfed in a white and blue aura, as the other gods recognized it as the aura of Percy.

Suddenly the master bolt flew toward the open hand of Percy and when they came in contact, a cloak of lightning engulfed Percy as the greatest thunder that everybody has ever seen and heard came flying down from the sky and it hits Percy, the result was a bright light blinding everybody for a couple of seconds, when they did got their eyesight back they were greeted with Percy holding his now Master bolt.

There stood Percy still at the height of fifty feet, but it was the master bolt that has changed some, it was now in the length of twenty feet, and instead of its long cylinder form, it resembles that of a lightning bolt as sparks of lightning flew throughout it.

Everyone could feel his power and now to some of them, it was official, Percy indeed was one of the big three.

Percy was shaken of his thoughts by Hephaestus as he told him that he still has to give him his armor, and so Percy simply dismissed his Master bolt, as he knew that he could summon it every time that he wanted as he could feel a connection to it.

Looking expectantly at Hephaestus, Hephaestus hands Percy a gold shaped crystal.

" What is this Hephaestus?" asks a confused Percy.

" Just do the same thing that you have done with your Master bolt, but this time use all your power." at this Percy nods and after a while, his body was engulfed in gold light. when it disappeared, it revealed Percy with his gold Greek armor.

The chest plate was in the color of Gold and it was made of Celestial Bronze, modeled to follow the contours of the wearer's body. The shoulders are protected by pauldrons made from tanned Nemean Lion pelt, with decorative strips falling down the upper arms.

The golden bracers cover the entire forearms. They were also made of celestial Bronze as the chest plate, and are decorated with similar motifs. The waist piece, the Pteruges, was made of the Nemean Lion pelt with somehow Hephaestus changing its appearance. It's a Pteruges that's split in the middle, with longer parts covering the upper thighs. the golden shin guards reach the knees and were also made from Celestial bronze, while the sandals were made from the remaining Nemean Lion pelt. And lastly, he was wearing a golden corinthian spartan helmet with a white plume.

( Basically, it's the same demigod armor from Assassin's Creed Odyssey but without the headpiece, look at the cover image of the story as that's the one I'm talking about.)

" Wow, Hephaestus you have made a perfect job, thank you" Percy nods to Hephaestus in Gratitude making Hephaestus abashed from his compliment.

" It's nothing, you should know that as long as you still have the power inside of you, your armor won't break, and all the damages that it would suffer will repair itself from your godly power after the battle it's over So that you don't get distracted in combat, like all the other armors of us Olympians. Now try to dismiss the armor, I have to make sure that everything works," says Hephaestus having explained the armor functions to Percy.

And as Percy does dismiss the armor, after the golden light dies down it reveals the white chiton and Spartan sandals that he was wearing previously. Hephaestus nods in acceptance and both of them walk back to their thrones.

" We Should inform the demigods of you inheriting Zeus throne." Spoke Hera after Percy took his seat on his throne.

Percy looks at the other gods and sees most of them agreeing in agreement. At this Percy nods in agreement.

" Very well, Hermes please go and fetch Chiron and Lupa," Hera told Hermes, and he nods and leaves the throne room by flashing away.

Silence filled the throne room as the gods were waiting for the arrival of the two mentioned people.

Nocturnal_50 Nocturnal_50

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