No one moved. All eyes watched the queen as she walked towards the huge portal that had opened suddenly. Anya bit her lower lip, tensed. This was not the first time she was seeing a portal that opened out of nowhere.
But, this was ten times more horrifying than the ones she had previously encountered. And this one didn't look like it was going to vanish anytime soon.
Clarice stopped in front of the looming portal and held out a hand towards it. A golden pearl which was the size of a base ball appeared on her palm, it's light shimmering like the rays of the sun. It was almost blinding.
Most of the guests had looked away as a result of the intensity of it's brightness. Many other who were curious, continued to watch.
"Don't be rude. This is not part of the deal. The time has not come. Accept this token of mine" she said and flicked it into the portal which shriveled up and vanished from sight.
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