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28.57% Asking For It (Original Superhero) / Chapter 4: Amazonia

Capítulo 4: Amazonia

"Amazonia, it's a pleasure to meet you. Thank you for making the time."

"Whatever. Let's just get this over with."

Adam can't help but raise an eyebrow at the dismissal, and the way she snubs his currently outstretched hand, ignoring the attempted handshake. With her arms crossed over her chest, the gorgeous raven-haired heroine looked rather displeased with the entire situation. Which, given what he knew about her, made some sense. Still, he would have expected her to put on more of an act.

Unlike Star Child and Roadrunner, Amazonia didn't have a civilian identity. The incredibly powerful woman existed solely in her superheroine identity, allowing it to be both her stage name and the name used for her hero work. Basically, she was Amazonia to everyone all the time, always on, never off. She made her money, not through a company like Star Industries, but through her brand and the frequent exhibition matches she did with all sorts of pro wrestlers, both men and women.

With half a dozen clothing lines and hundreds of pieces of merchandise for all ages, Amazonia was a household name, all across America. People loved to watch her work, whether it was in the ring or out of it. The amount of property damage she could create just by showing up to fight a villain and his men should have been enough to bury her in debt, but as a member of The Team and one of the most powerful supers in the world, she was Teflon.

Nothing stuck to her, and more often than not it was the criminals she fought and put in the ground who ended up paying the price for any damage she had to cause in the pursuit of justice.

Of course, that was all the public-facing information one could find on her. Once one had the right connections, one found out that Amazonia had a few other ways of keeping the government agencies in charge of these things off her back. At any point they could try to prosecute her after all, and while her membership on The Team did afford some protection against that potential outcome, The Team weren't the end-all-be-all to authority on Planet Earth.

They were considered the strongest and certainly the most well-known, but if they started flaunting the rules TOO much in the wrong ways, then they could end up being ganged up on by all of the other superheroines that called the planet their home.

This was all to say, on top of her public appearances and exhibition matches with certain Pro Wrestlers, Amazonia also did… private matches. The only thing was, the kind of man that wanted a private wrestling match with Amazonia was a truly weak sort of man, in a number of different ways. Still, that was the category Adam currently fell into, having arranged for this meeting through Star Child at Amazonia's own mansion.

The place was beautiful to be sure, absolutely gorgeous even, and fully staffed with people who took care of Amazonia's every need, making sure that her red, white, and blue star-spangled costumes were always ready for her, making sure that she always had her meals when she wanted them, taking care of just about everything Amazonia could want within reason… and sometimes without.

It was the butler who had met Adam at the door and escorted him in, but that man was long gone, having deposited him at the entrance of Amazonia's own personal gym. The place was kitted out with everything you could think of that a wrestler might need, including the wrestling ring. Amazonia, having been lifting weights when Adam first entered, was about to turn and head in that direction when she must have seen the look of consternation on his face.

Turning back to him, the raven-haired heroine plants her hands on her hips and glares.

"Just so you know, I'm only doing this for Star Child. You got the friend discount thanks to her, which means I don't have to be nice about it. Thirty minutes in the ring, and then we're done. Of course, you can always tap out earlier than that… including right now, if you're getting cold feet."

Here, in private with the superheroine, it's abundantly more obvious that she's fed up with her entire shtick. While outwardly she's had to keep up appearances and be the strongest, best wrestler that the world has ever seen, keeping a smile on her face while winning match after match, it's very clear that she's not happy, now that it's just the two of them.

He supposes that's also what the friend discount means, that she not only doesn't have to be nice about it, but she also can be more herself with him as well. Though, he imagines that the old adage 'no one would ever believe you' also stands true here. He could try to go out and smear her name after this… but no one would ever believe him, at least in her eyes. More than that, Amazonia no doubt expects him to keep his mouth shut because he's an employee of her friend and teammate.

Regardless, Adam's jaw firms up in the face of Amazonia's acidic attitude. Something akin to resolve fills his gaze, which makes her raise HER eyebrows in response as his hands clench into fists at his sides.

"No… no, I paid for my time. I'm going to get my money's worth."

Snorting indelicately, the gorgeous, muscular heroine just shrugs her shoulders and starts heading for the wrestling ring. Adam follows her, beginning to strip down as he does. Off comes the shirt and the pants, revealing the gym shorts he was wearing underneath. He's half-tempted to go fully nude right off the bat to see what she says or does about it, but no. Best to… ease into this sort of thing. He's not quite ready to put her in her place after all. That comes later.

Amazonia slips into the ring and Adam climbs in after her, watching as she saunters forward to the other side before finally turning back around to face him. Because he's watching, he gets to see how her eyes go wide at his appearance, her jaw actually dropping just a little bit before she recovers herself a moment later. Crossing her arms back over her eagle-cradled chest, the superheroine grunts.

"You're more filled out than I was expecting a doctor to be, I'll admit."

And indeed, he is. Once the shirt and pants are gone, he's showing off a muscular, chiseled physique that he actually didn't have a couple weeks ago. Amazonia's surprise is not unwarranted, because she's likely seen him in the news at least a couple of times, and while Adam has never been scrawny, standing at a comfortable six feet all his adult life, he's a bit beyond that now. Broad shouldered and with a new height of six foot four inches, he's actually eye level with Amazonia, something that the superheroine is just starting to notice as her eyes travel up and down his body.

"I've been working on bettering myself for quite some time, Amazonia. One could say I recently had a… breakthrough, of sorts."

Humming, she nods at that. She's in no way flustered, not yet at least, but Adam likes to think she looks a smidgen more interested and a little less closed off than before. Uncrossing her arms, the female wrestler cocks her head to the side.

"I hope you're not expecting to win here, doc. Star Child told me she explained the rules to you. I don't throw fights, so if you paid that much money thinking you were going to be able to do what no man has ever managed, then you need to adjust your thinking, fast."

He likes to imagine he hears just a little bit of the depression he knows she's feeling in her voice while she says that. Adam just nods along though, knowing full well that no matter how much she might want to lose, Amazonia's pride as a woman, a heroine, and a wrestler won't allow her to just… throw a match. She has to be beaten, fair and square, and that's not something just anyone can offer her. Certainly, it's nothing any man can offer her.

At least, not to her knowledge.

Smirking slightly, Adam rolls his shoulders and shakes his head.

"I'll admit, I'm here because I think I can beat you, Amazonia. You don't need to worry though; I don't expect you to hold back on my account. Teach me a lesson, if you want. But you won't break my spirit."

For a moment, Amazonia bristles… and then she smirks herself, letting out a bark of laughter, Amazonia drops into a stance, looking ready to come at him.

"According to the tabloids, Star Child's already done that part. I'll try to send you back to her mostly in one piece. But no promises!"

As far as trash talk went, it wasn't bad. It would have even worked, if the truth of the situation wasn't so drastically different from the rumors everyone had latched onto and refused to let go of. As it is, Adam is as calm as he can be with the Strongest Woman on Earth bearing down upon him. As Amazonia approaches, she does so at a half-jog, not in the least bit cautious or concerned about him.

When she finally gets within grabbing range, she reaches for him almost contemptuously… allowing for Adam to reach back. He knows that she knows what he's doing, he knows she's easily able to track where his hands are going even as he reaches for her hands to try and lock them up. She lets him do it anyways though, clearly expecting to win that game of Mercy with ease. The childhood game, where you would lace fingers with another kid and then test your might against one another, forcing their hands back or having your hands forced back until one of you finally shouted, nay, begged for mercy.

Except, things don't quite go as Amazonia is so obviously expecting. Their fingers lace together, their palms clap against one another, and even as she tries to push him back, Adam sets himself like a tree and refuses to budge. The Unstoppable Force meets the Immovable Object for a moment as Amazonia's eyes start to get progressively wider at the display of strength on his end.

Of course, neither of them is actually Unstoppable nor Immovable. In spite of immense strength, they're both only human. And despite his initial resistance, Adam can feel it as Amazonia ramps up her strength more and more and begins to push him back. If things continue, she'll still win. She's still stronger than him, after all. So, rather than continuing to play the same game… he flips the script. More accurately, he flips her.

Pushing off of the ring with all his might, Adam swings Amazonia around, the shocked superheroine letting out a particularly feminine 'eep!' as she's thrown over his head and onto her back, landing with a hefty resonating impact that shakes the entire wrestling ring. Only the fact that it's clearly made to be able to handle her weight and at least a good amount of her strength keeps the thing intact, probably. Either way, Adam stands over Amazonia as she lays there flat on her back, blinking up at him.

"I hate to be that guy, but I DID pay for a full thirty minutes, Amazonia. I hope you aren't intending to cheat me out of my time."

Far from sounding annoyed or like he's actually accusing her of such a thing, Adam's voice is light and teasing. Still, Amazonia surges up to her feet and Adam takes a respectful step backwards, putting some distance between them as she looks caught between fight or flight for a long moment.

"You. You are impossibly strong. You, a man, have powers."

Lifting his brow once more, Adam hums at that.

"Or maybe you were merely caught off guard, Amazonia."

THAT gets her incensed. Hands clench into fists and teeth grind against one another as she glares at him. Adam just basks in her anger, his own lips curled upwards into a soft, sinister smirk. It's so very good when things go according to plan, and so far, all of this is according to HIS plan.

"How?! How did you gain that strength?"

Letting out a sigh, Adam shakes his head.

"You're asking the wrong question, Amazonia. Rather than how, you should be asking 'what'."

Her faces scrunches up in confusion at that, like she bit a lemon. Adam just grins.

"More specifically, you should be asking what I'm willing to use my strength for. For both our benefits."

The way she stiffens as he calls out her deepest, darkest secret just like that lets Adam know she knows exactly what he's talking about. That's right, not only is he impossibly strong, but he also knows that her greatest wish in life is to be beaten by a man and forcefully taken right then and there on a wrestling mat just like the one currently under their feet.

After a moment though, Amazonia's glaring re-intensifies, and she mutters something under her breath. Brow furrowing, Adam leans forward a little.

"Sorry, what was that?"

In truth, he heard her… he was just provoking her. And it works, Amazonia snarls and then lunges forward, repeating herself at the top of her lungs.

"You are not stronger than me!"

She'd noticed just as he did. If he hadn't flipped her as he'd done, using her own strength against her, she would have won their test of wills. She would have won their test of STRENGTH. And indeed, when Adam first entered this room, he wasn't as strong as Amazonia. He was only as strong as Star Child.

That's HIS great secret. He's completed the other side of the coin, though calling it that is barely scraping the surface of the complexity of what he's done. His power nullification bands wouldn't have done shit to help him against Amazonia. Even without her powers, she could have wrestled him into submission with just her normal human physique.

What Adam needed in order to deal with the Strongest Woman in the World… was to become the Strongest Man in the World. And so, he'd done it. He wasn't classified as a super-genius for nothing. He'd managed it via gene-therapy. Giving himself his very own superpower. Just one, that was all he could really afford… but it was the best superpower he could possibly think of, given his other preexisting advantages.

He'd given himself the power… to copy other powers.

Needless to say, he'd started with his hypno-slut Star Child. The more intimate he was with the heroine he was copying, the faster he copied the power. And so, fucking his mind controlled blonde bitch for a couple of hours had given him all of her superpowers, from her ability to fly to her super strength speed. Everything, he had it.

Amazonia was the next up after that. Arranging this private wrestling match between them, Adam had shown up a changed man. He'd shown up with a purpose, a need to not just conquer her… but take all he could get as well. Star Child was probably the most capable superheroine on Earth. Her power set not only made her bulletproof and indeed immune to most weaponry, but it also let her fly as supersonic speeds.

However, Amazonia was still stronger than Star Child, at least by a bit. Which was why, when Adam had first arrived, Amazonia was still stronger than him as well. By now, however? By now, he had copied a good portion of Amazonia's powers on top of Star Child's. And much to his growing excitement as the raven-haired beauty comes towards him again, steaming mad, Adam can tell that their powers are adding up, not cancelling each other out or anything like he'd potentially feared.

He was as strong as Star Child before. Now he's as strong as Star Child and half of Amazonia combined. This time, when she comes in towards him, intent on teaching him a lesson and perhaps beating some answers out of him, Adam once again meets her charge with his hands outstretched. This time however, he moves too fast for her to follow or react to, as his fingers once more interlock with hers, their palms clapping together hard enough to generate a mild shockwave this time around.

Amazonia's face sets into a determined expression as they end up gritting their teeth and struggling against one another. Then… it becomes disbelieving, and finally panicked, as Adam's gritted teeth widen into a big toothy grin, and he starts to really PUSH. Just like that, Amazonia's strength proves to not be enough for the first time in her life. Just like that, the superheroine finds herself being overwhelmed.

"Let's have some fun, shall we?"

In an instant, Adam is behind her and kneeing her in the back hard enough to send Amazonia down to the mat. He's not just stronger than her now that he's copied both her and Star Child's powers. He's faster too, even without doing the same to Roadrunner. And so, Adam is able to easily manhandle her, forcing her into a camel clutch position without much issue as he places his hands under her chin and yanks back her head, forcing her spine to arch painfully as she gurgles.

"You like that, Amazonia? Here's a little secret for you… I know that you do. I know that you love it, bitch. You want to be dominated in a wrestling ring so bad that you've been paying porn companies to make your fantasy come to life. You've even started getting so desperate that you've been handpicking actresses that look like you, more and more and more."

Gasping, choking as he holds her steady, Amazonia struggles, thrashes really. But nothing she does can get her free. She grabs at his leg and tears with enough strength to rip any human man's leg clean off. Probably enough strength to pull a whole block of concrete out of a building. But still, Adam doesn't budge. She's not strong enough to stop him and he can feel her starting to realize it, even as she thrashes even harder.

Switching up positions, Adam spins Amazonia over onto her back and sits down on her abdomen. His hands grab her wrists and pin her arms back on either side of her head, even as he pushes his crotch forward, letting the tent formed by his now fully erect cock push into the underside of her chest suggestively.

"This is your favorite position, isn't it? I've done my research. This isn't even good form, it's not even a proper pin. And yet, time and time again, you suggest it as the way that the man starts his defilement and domination of the woman in your little pornos. I wonder why. Is it because you like just how helpless it makes the woman look?"

Shuddering and shivering beneath him, flushed and flustered beyond belief, Amazonia goes on to show exactly why this isn't a proper pin, her feet coming up behind him high enough to kick him in the back of his head. He barely even feels it, and in that moment, Adam sees a look of defeat spread across Amazonia's face for the first time… ever. And given just how much news coverage there's been of her, from her crimefighting to her exhibition matches, that's saying something.

Experimentally, Adam releases her wrists… but Amazonia doesn't try to do anything with her arms. She just lays there under him, blushing and averting her gaze. Grinning as he recognizes the look of a woman who's simply resigned herself to letting the man have his way with her from Amazonia's commissioned pornos, Adam chuckles and shakes his head.

"I guess I win, don't I? Which means all of THIS is now mine."

On the word 'THIS' he reaches out and grabs Amazonia's plump tits through her bodice, watching her gasp and flush an even darker shade of red as he touches her. He fondles her for a few moments, before hooking his index finger into the middle of her cleavage, gripping with just one digit the golden eagle that makes up the top of her skimpy costume.

Then he pulls, ripping it away with ease and filling the room with a loud tearing sound as he tosses the torn half of the garment that comes away on his finger off to the side. Half-undressed now, Amazonia's tits are exposed to open air and her nipples are rapidly hardening as they shake and jiggle ever so slightly with her gasping breaths. Her heaving, panting, nakedly aroused breaths. With a lust-filled growl of his own, Adam leans forward and grasps at her tits directly now, gripping them both harshly and capturing one of her nipples in his mouth.

He gives it a good, hefty tongue lashing that startles a whimper and a moan out of Amazonia as the powerful woman squirms under him, utterly helpless. His grip on her tits is harsh and unforgiving, and probably the first time a man has been able to actually… well, manhandle her, in her entire life. Finally pulling his mouth away from the Greek woman's tits, Adam reaches down and yanks his gym shorts and boxers out of the way, releasing his cock from its confines as he thrusts it forward between her massive milk jugs.

Her breath hitches again as he forces his impressive length all the way through the valley of her breasts and out the top. She tries to avoid looking at it, tries to act like she's not incredibly interested in all of this, so Adam forces her to acknowledge it just like he knows she wants him to. In another move straight out of the numerous pornos that Amazonia had had made on this exact subject, Adam grabs her by her lush black locks and yanks her head forward and up, until his cock is pressing against her lips with every thrust through her massive tits.

"Open up."

His command is followed after a moment of hesitation, and then she's sucking on his cock, though that's all she's doing. With a growl, Adam slaps the back of her head with his free hand, a level of abuse he wouldn't normally engage in, but another thing he knows Amazonia likes. And maybe, just maybe, part of him likes it too.

"Use your tongue!"

And so, she does, eyes going crossed as she stares at his cock with a face so red it might as well be atomic. His member pistons in and out of the soft valley of her breasts and into the pillows she calls lips for several long minutes, Adam grunting and groaning as he thoroughly enjoys himself the entire time. Amazonia, for her part, is clawing at the mat beneath her, and even though the wrestling ring is made to handle her strength, it's not doing a good job right now. She's tearing furrows out of the mat, even as he's dominating her with his own strength and all but fucking his face on his cock.

With a growl and a lust-filled holler, Adam throws his head back at the same moment that he begins to cum. His seed explodes out of his cock and into Amazonia's mouth, only to completely overwhelm the gorgeous superheroine. She might have fantasized about this happening to her for years, but that fantasy has never been made a reality… until now.

As such, she's completely unprepared for any of it, and in the end her entire face along with her tits ends up coated in his cum. That's alright though, Adam is pretty sure that features heavily in most of her pornos as well, the men cumming on the women's faces. As does this next part.

Pulling back, Adam shuffles down the length of Amazonia's body until he can grab her hips and throw her over onto her hands and knees. The strongest woman in the world gasps at the rough treatment, still unused to being manhandled like this. And yet, when he grabs her by her hips, yanks her back into his crotch, and tears the lower half of her costume off of her as well, Amazonia moans like a wanton whore.

More than that, when he slaps his cockhead against her pussy lips from behind, he's met with a wetness that startles even him. He would have expected a puddle, given just how sopping Amazonia is, but apparently her costume is highly absorbent, because only now is her pussy leaking all over the fucking place with her immense, intense arousal.

Sneering a little, Adam reaches forward and grabs Amazonia by her hair once more, yanking her head back into the air as he fits his cock against her slit with his other hand.

"Admit it, bitch. Say it. Beg for it."

They both know what he's telling her to do, even if he's not going into any further detail. With a throaty groan, Amazonia shudders and gives in, surrendering completely… just like every female wrestler in every porno she's ever funded.

"Y-You won… I lost. You b-beat me. I'm just a weakling little bitch who c-couldn't stand up to your strength. F-Fuck… fuck me. T-Take me! Please, c-claim me as your prize for forcing me to submit!"

He doesn't need to be told twice. All of that was more for her sake than his, after all. Or so Adam tells himself, as he slams his cock DEEP into Amazonia from behind, groaning and luxuriating in the tight feel of her pussy walls clenching down around his dick and trying to instinctively drive him out. Or maybe they're trying to hold him in. In the end, it doesn't matter which it is. They accomplish neither when all is said and done.

Instead, Adam rams into Amazonia with all his might, not stopped or slowed by anything or anyone, certainly not the worthless slutty submissive bitch he's in the midst of conquering. Rearing back his free hand as he yanks on her hair with the other, Adam brings his palm down HARD on Amazonia's fantastically toned ass… and is gratified by the meaty impact and the jiggle that only he, in the entire world, could probably produce now.



Amazonia's feminine cries are music to his ears after years and years of seeing her as nothing more than this unapproachable uber-woman, this incredibly powerful superheroine. Now, she's nothing more than his bitch, nothing more than a cock cozy for his dick. He drills deeper and deeper into her with every thrust, until he's bouncing off of the entrance to her womb itself, slamming up against her cervix with all due force.

… And then, slowly but surely, he feels even that giving away before his new super strength. By now, Adam can estimate that he has all of Amazonia's powers, combined with all of Star Child's powers. That much raw strength… it might not be incorrect to say it's enough might to do some serious damage on a seriously massive scale.

For now, though, the only damage being done is to Amazonia's wrestling ring. The whole thing is shaking with every thrust he makes into her from behind, until finally it gives out entirely and they both end up falling to the floor. Adam doesn't let that stop him though, even as the entire room shakes a bit, every impact of his thighs against Amazonia's massive ass cheeks causing a minor sonic boom. The violence with which Adam is fucking the superheroine is… considerable, but it's no less than the bitch wants, and more importantly, no less than she deserves.

With a triumphant roar, Adam thrusts into Amazonia one final time, and unloads deep inside of her womb. He's already penetrated that most sacred of places by this point, making even her womb into his as he marked his territory. His cum explodes out into her, filling her to the brim and then some. As she pants and groans and moans in his grasp, Adam cums and cums and cums, before finally dropping his hold on her hair, letting her fall forward onto her face, completely unconscious.

Slowly pulling out of her, the empowered man slowly stands up, barely even tired as he looks down at Amazonia's defeated, freshly fucked form. Roadrunner had been a start, but this… this was truly where he took what was his. With his own superpowers… with ALL of the superpowers out there, no one could ever look down upon him, ever again. He was-


The familiar voice of Star Child breaks through his inner monologue and Adam blinks as he glances over to see her floating through the door of the training room. Brow furrowing, Adam immediately defaults to the worst-case scenario and barks out his response.

"Analysis Mode!"

To his relief, Star Child still drops into the hypnotic trance with ease, meaning that his initial thought, that this was some kind of trap, was… probably incorrect? To be fair, the longer he thinks about it, the less sense the theory makes. Indeed, it was ultimately a theory too stupid to be becoming of someone of his intellect. Still…

"What are you doing here?"

"I was alerted to a disturbance by Amazonia's staff, Primary. They didn't know what was happening, as this part of the grounds is completely closed off to anyone but Amazonia and her guests. They were also too afraid to get any closer, and instead sent for me, since I was the one most likely to be able to help in the event of a villain attack that could give even Amazonia a run for her money."

Slowly nodding, Adam lets out a sigh. Yeah, that all made sense, actually. He hadn't meant to go all out or anything like that, but it looked like he had let his emotions get the better of him. Though, a glance down at Amazonia's passed out form makes it clear she didn't mind one bit. Indeed, she'd enjoyed what they'd done very, very much.

"… Get over here and suck my cock, Star Child."

"Of course, Primary."

As his entranced hypno-slut swoops over and drops to her knees before him, sucking his cock like the good little dutiful mind-controlled heroine she is, Adam rests his hand atop her head and smiles. Tonight, had been a complete success. His power-copying was working perfectly and now he had not one, not two, but three superheroines under his thumb and loving every moment of it.

But he was far from done securing his place in history. This… this was just the beginning.


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CambrianBeckett CambrianBeckett

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