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30.76% Reincarnated as Emiya in Fate/kaleid [DROPPED] / Chapter 16: The talk

Capítulo 16: The talk

(Shirou's pov)

Shirou: "Wait, before we begin."

I turn my head towards Nanami.

Shirou: "Nanami-san, can you leave us alone?"

I ask her as gentle as possible but I know that I'm still quite agitated around Truck-chan.

Nanami: "B-but..."

Shirou: "Please."

I literally beg her at this point. I don't want her to be tangled with supernatural more than necessary.

(Nanami's pov)

It was normal afternoon, I mean as normal as you can't get it when you watch your crush train magic or magecraft as Shirou-kun calls it. I don't really know the difference between them and he don't like to talk about it too much. The only information I got from Shirou-kun is that magecraft is fake magic or at least I understood it that way.

During his break we ate together a lunch that I made. I'm happy seeing him eat and enjoying it.

While Shirou-kun was enjoying his meal and I was enjoying the moment someone approached us.

It wasn't that strange to see someone here, unusual but not strange. I asked Shirou about it once and he said that since I met him he always pay attention to his surroundings and he only train with swords, spears, bows and daggers so the only magic he uses is to materialize them.

Seeing this figure Shirou-kun is visible shaken. Does he know her and if yes, what is his relationship with her.

These thoughts were broke when Shirou-kun moved before me as if protecting me. I don't know why he does that, she looks harmless but maybe I shouldn't judge book by it's cover since magic exists.

Shirou-kun and the unknown girl started talking and the girl introduced herself as Truck-chan. Hearing that Shirou snapped. His expression was full of rage.

After short but intense fight he summoned some kind of weapon I never saw before. It looked like a sword but I wouldn't be strange for someone to mistake it for a scythe.

He managed to slash her making blood spray around making me sick. I almost throw up our lunch from before. It's the first time I saw someone die in front of my eyes and the killer is none other than Shirou-kun. He looks really scary at the moment. He is nothing like the usual Shirou-kun that I know.

Even if he seemingly killed her after a moment she was standing before us like nothing happened. She even joked about it. I also can't follow their conversation. What are they talking about... Harpe, immortal slaying sword, trauma... I just don't get it. I thought that I know Shirou-kun fairly well but now I don't know anymore.

Suddenly Truck-chan seems to be more serious than before.

Truck-chan: "Let's talk business then."

Business? What kind of business can they talk about? They tried to kill each other or should I say that that Shirou-kun tried to kill her and she seemed to play with him.

Shirou-kun hearing frowns and turns in my direction trying to look as gentle and calm as possible but anyone could see that he forces himself as he is still very agitated.

Shirou: "Nanami-san, can you leave us alone?"

Hearing that heart aches. Does he really wants hide things from me that badly, does Truck-chan knows him that much better than me. I thought that after so much time we spend together we came at least a little bit closer but Shirou-kun still have many mysteries surrounding him.

I know that what I'm thinking is illogical and Shirou-kun has his own life and he doesn't have any obligation to tell me but is it wrong for me to want to be a part of his life.

I try to change his mind even if I know that it won't work.

Nanami: "B-but..."

Shirou: "Please."

He looks as if begging me to just leave them alone so I turned around and ran out of the forest. As I was running a tear drop run down of my cheek.

(Shirou's pov)

After my words Nanami ran from our direction. I know that I must hurted her doing that as no one like to be excluded but I can't let her listen to our conversation.

Truck-chan: "Shirou, you can't play with girls hearts."

Shirou: "You should know why I did this."

Truck-chan: "And you should know what I really mean. I know that you are not so blind or dense to not see her feelings towards you."

Shirou: "Enough about my love. What business did you want to talk about?"

I dodged the question skillfully not because I didn't want to answer it but I didn't want to talk to this fucking truck longer than necessary.

Truck-chan: "Sure... sure, dodge the question. It's not like I want to listen about your love live or anything."

Does she try to be a tsundere?

Truck-chan: "If you really want to know what I want to talk about I'll tell you. I wanted to congratulate you."

She says with the smile.

Shirou: "And for what?"

Truck-chan: "You finally start to change the cannon. As you have noticed Chloe didn't ran of from Luvia's home and you probably are curious why that happen."

She is not wrong. I had some thoughts about it and tried to figure out what caused that to happen. I had some theories but I have no way to confirm if any one of them is correct.

Truck-chan: "Do you want to know? Do you? Do you really want to know?"

She says as she pokes my cheek. I do the only natural thing possible in this situation and project Kanshou to slash her but unfortunately she dodges it.

Truck-chan: "You are no fun Shirou."

She pouts as she said these words.

Truck-chan: "Nevermind it. The reason Chloe stayed in the mansion is because of your conversation with Illya."

Shirou: "Which one? You are aware that she is my sister and I talk to her daily."

Truck-chan: "The one about power and responsibility. You have no idea how many emotion I had listening to you. I didn't know if I should laugh or cringe at it. Let's hope that you won't have the same fate as uncle Ben

Shirou: "Shut it, try to come up with great motivation speech by yourself and it's not my fault that this one was perfect for the occasion."

Truck-chan: "Tell that to the judge when Marvel will sue you."

Shirou: "We both know that Marvel does not exist here."

Wait stop, don't let her take you in her pace.

Shirou: "Let's not change topic too much. I know that you wouldn't be here just to congratulate me."

Truck-chan: "You got me there. I'm here to warn you. As the cannon changes you can't rely on your knowledge as you did before."

Shirou: "Tou don't need to tell me that. I already was thinking about it before. Who do you take me for?"

Truck-chan: "Sad little boy that would cry at the smallest act of kindness towards him."

Hearing that I turned a little red.

Shirou: "That was one moment of weakness after my reincarnation and you know it."

Truck-chan: "Yes... yes. Well, that's all I wanted to say, goodbye."

She turns around and start to leaves.

Shirou: "Wait, I have one question left. Why would you warn me."

She stops and turns her head in my direction looking confused.

Truck-chan: "What do you mean why? I told you before that you are one of my favourites so I wanted to help a little."

Shirou: "And the real reason?"

Truck-chan: "...Entertainment."

Shirou: "..."

Truck-chan: "If that's all, bye."

With that said she left

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