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61.9% I reincarnated in Naruto without wishes?! / Chapter 24: Chapter-24: I became Hokage!

Capítulo 24: Chapter-24: I became Hokage!

(MC POV) (2 days later)

I woke up really early in the morning today.

I was going to be announced as the Hokage today. My sidegoal- I mean my dream will finally be fulfilled.

I can check that off my bucket list.

I quickly did the basic training in the morning and took a bubbly bath inside my Kamui dimension.

Karin was here too, washing my back while Haku was getting my clothes.

I rescued Karin during chunnin exams.

When we went to investigate Sasuke during the chunnin exam, I managed to 'kidnap' her. I knocked her out and directly took her to my dimension.

After she woke up, she was quite scared thinking that I was going to kill her but was surprised when I just laughed.

After calming down, I explained I rescued her and now Kusa thinks that she is dead. She was extremely happy after hearing this as it was like an invisible weight was released from her shoulders.

I need another one for clan revival program, after all.

She is a little clingy sometimes but I don't hate it.

After I took a bath, I came outside the Kamui dimension and went to Hokage tower, where the announcement of next Hokage was going to be held.

I got inside the tower where several civilian elders, All Elite jonins, My team, Koharu and Homura were waiting for me.

"You are quite late sensei/sensei Dattebayo!" Sakura and Naruto said.

"I need to look f*cking Fabulous when I am going to be the Hokage." I said.

"""""""Hai, Hai...""""""" Everyone said together.

What the f*ck? Were you all rehearsing the phrase?

"Anyway, Elite Jonin Kazuya Uchiha, It is time for the announcement. Here is the traditional Haori and the Hat. Wear them in a minute and come outside." Koharu said.

"Okay." I said.

"Okay, now go." Homura said.

(1 minute later)

After wearing the Haori and the Hat, I came outside.

A large number of people were waiting for me outside.

My popularity was already to the point that people would do anything to meet me.

"The Godaime Hokage, after careful consideration was decided to be, UCHIHA KAZUYA-SAMA!" A voice announced.

"YAYYY!!" The crowd screamed on top of their lungs.

After sometime, they calmed down and I started talking now.

"Welcome people of Konohagakure. Today, I am being announced as the Godaime Hokage. As a Hokage, it's my duty to work for Konoha as well as it's people. I will not waste your time with speeches and I will directly say something that will be remembered for generations to come....I will make Konohagakure no Sato great again!" I said with a smile.

The crowd went crazy this time.

Everyone was cheering on me in their own way.

I was really happy today.

No one hates this sort of love and attention, even if they are borderline psychotic, magic ninja that can conquer the world on a whim.

After the ceremony, I tried going into my office but it was locked.

Izumo and Kotetsu were outside, the office.

"What is happening? Why is the office locked?" I asked as I was genuinely curious.

"...Sir...It's a kid. He is Grandson of the 3rd Hokage, Konohamaru Sarutobi. We couldn't remove him, we are really sorry." They said.

Haah...I need to deal with another kid now?

"Don't worry. He is just a kid. I will deal with him." I said.

I was just going to go into the office but I was stopped by Naruto.

"Kazuya-sensei! Wait up! It's Konohamaru! The kid I told you about! Please let me convince him!" He said.

I saw that Naruto had 2 kids along with him too.

One girl was blushing while the boy in glasses had stars in his eyes.

"Pray tell who are they?" I asked Naruto.

"Oh! They are his friends, Moegi and Udon, Friends of Konohamaru!" Naruto said.

"Oh...So they're his friends. Don't worry, you should just watch, I will come back with him in a jiffy. Izumo and Kotetsu, ask someone to fix the Hokage office's door please." I said with a smile.

Izumo and Kotetsu had a bad feeling now.

"But the door is fine, Hokage-sam-" Izumo and Kotetsu said but were cut off because of a loud noise and they were confused now.

The current Hokage, Godaime Kazuya-sama, kicked the door extremely hard and broke it.

"VIBE CHECK! Come out kiddo!" I screamed.

I ran in a couple of traps but I just bulldozed through them very easily.

I casually approached the child, I grabbed him and yeeted him out of the office.

I came out of office, where Naruto and his friends were currently helping Konohamaru out.

"Now, I would like to ask...Why were you inside an Hokage's office?" I asked.

"It is my grandfather's office! Not yours!" He screamed.

"Oh no, you are wrong! It's used to be my sensei's Office, and now mine." I said.

"IT IS MY GRANDFATHER'S OFFICE!" he tried to attack me but I just stopped him with a finger.

"You need to start accepting the reality, Konohamaru. I don't think your grandfather would want you to be such a brat. He always talked vividly about you and how you were someone he expects to be a great shinobi in future. That is the reason why he named you Konohamaru. He always talked about you in our free time. I don't think you should disappoint him like this. Work towards your goal now. I will watch your progress with great interest." I said with a smile.

It was of course a talk no jutsu with lies mixed in.

I picked it up from Hiruzen.

"..." He was silent now.

"Now get out of here. You aren't a ninja yet. Naruto, you will go train now." I said as I entered the office.

This office...was mine now.

I created a few shadow clones and asked them to set the office up.

I used the Kamui to go in Kamui dimension to bring out Haku outside in the meantime.

She was someone I could trust with paperwork.

She already had some experience in dealing with paperwork so I could count on her.

"Haku~. Come out, I need you help. I am officially the Hokage now and I need some paperwork done. Karin, you can chill inside for the time being, I will introduce you into the village later." I said as I grabbed Haku, kissed her and brought her out of the Kamui dimension.

She had a flustered look on her face.

I like that look a lot.

"K-K-Kazuya-sama! Please don't tease me like that!" She said in a flustered tone.

"Hai, Hai... Now please help me a bit. My shadow clones have already arranged the office." I said with a smile.

After seeing all the documents, I was really disappointed.

The system in this village is so bad that I can sh*t on a paper and make a better system.

Looks like I need to change literally everything in this village.

I think that I should first deal with ROOT and ANBU.

after handling the documents, I called for ANBU commanders first.

All 5 commanders came inside.

They all kneeled together and said, "Did you ask for us, Hokage-sama?"

"I did." I said.

I changed my aura now.

If previous one was a warm one, this one was really cold.

Even Haku was a little surprised to see this side of me.

All ANBU commanders instantly started shivering.

"Why does the situation of the village is this bad when we have ANBU? None of you were able to deal with the enemy ninjas? Is the ANBU and ROOT this weak? Can you not even protect the village? " I asked.

"N-N-No Hokage-sama we were unabl-" One of the commanders tried saying something but I cut him off.

"Shut up." I said as I released my Killing Intent.

They instantly froze and started shivering even more.

I created a shadow clone.

"You will stay in the office and complete the rest. Haku, you will stay here for now. I deal with ANBU right now." I said.

"ANBU commanders, lead the way. I will be visiting and correcting the organization now. I will also deal with ROOT while I am at it. ROOT ninjas that are currently detained will be brought inside the ANBU headquarters now. One of you will also assemble all the ANBU members currently inside the village. What are your code names?" I asked.

"They are bir-" He tried to say something.

"Too complicated. You are #1 from now on. you are #2. you are #3. you are #4. you are #5." I said as I pointed them out.

"H-Hai, Hokage-sama." They said collectively.

"Change your masks with a white mask with the Number written on it. This will be your identity from now on as ANBU commanders." I said.

"Hai, Hokage-sama." They said.

After running for some time, I reached ANBU headquarters' training ground.

Everyone I asked for was collected.

The ROOT ninjas were tied in a corner too. They also had a lot of seals on them.

"ANBU members, you all may applaud yourself for being a big disappointment." I said with a smile.

Their was total silence in the hall currently.

"The organization itself isn't working. 2nd Hokage died because of an ambush, 3rd was hunted down, 4th died while dealing with an intruder. What does you organization even doing?! WHAT IS THIS USELESSNESS?!" I asked as I raised my voice and activated my sharingan.

No one could say anything.

They simply lacked the words.

They knew it was their duty and they failed.

"The ANBU training will be totally revamped. I will personally change the training plan. The village doesn't need weaklings in here. Because let me mention it explicitly. Whether you die..." I said as I pointed to one of the ANBU members.

"..or you die..." I said as I pointed towards another member.

"..or you..." I said as I pointed towards another member.

"It wouldn't make a difference to village...Your death will be insignificant. You all are too weak, currently. It seems like I was correct. Village has forgotten the terror and ugliness of the shinobi world because of momentary peace. I will not let 3rd Hokage's death be in vain." I said resolutely.

I could see their eyes shining behind their masks.

Talk no jutsu is working.

"As for ROOT members...You all committed many atrocities under Shimura Danzo. You too may have suffered under his command but you still are going to take the responsibility for your actions. You will be integrated in ANBU as a special squad as an act of redemption. I will also administer your training too." I said.


I just closed my eyes momentarily and activated Rinnegan to enhance my nails and deactivated the Rinnegan.

I flickered towards him with extreme speed and pierced his chest and took out his heart.

I utterly crushed the heart and threw it away.

Everyone was really uneasy with the brutality.

"I think you don't understand your situation exactly. What I said right now was an order. I will not accept failure or dissent in any situation. I am merely reforming the organization and its people to fulfill it's purpose, the reason it was created for. To do dirty work from behind the scenes and protect the village from the shadows. Are we clear? If not then raise the arm you would like to be chopped off and fed to dogs." I said in an authoritative tone.

"No, sir! We understand!" All of them said collectively.

"Return to your duties for now. Be ready for the hell tomorrow. If not, then you will die just like the this ROOT member." I said as I ripped off the now dead ROOT member's uniform and tore a part of his uniform.

I took a piece of cloth I tore to clean my hands.

I threw the piece of cloth afterwards.

"Someone deal with the body too." I said as I left.

To leave an even more long lasting impact, I released all my Killing Intent on them for a moment and immediately retracted it.








(Random new ANBU POV)

Today was the day the Godaime Hokage was announced.

I wasn't too excited because he was just a 12 year old.

What can he even do?

Not everyone is Kakashi-san.

Even if you got boosted through ranks with help of Sandaime-sama, doesn't mean that you are necessarily strong.

I was following my usual schedule of deciphering a coded message from one of the spies in other nations.

But something strange happened today.

One of the ANBU commanders asked us to assemble to Headquarters' training ground.

Hokage brat was visiting us? What happened?

It was a little surprising to see our commanders rushing in to call everyone when he could've just asked a few people for doing it but I just chalked it to him being eager to please the Hokage.

All the ANBU members were collected in the Headquarters' training ground.

After a while, all five ANBU commanders came in along with the Hokage.

My instincts were screaming at me to run far as I can go.

I was scared of a kid?

"ANBU members, you all may applaud yourself for being a big disappointment." He announced with a smile.

It was extremely surprising to hear.

No one spoke during the period because of the heavy feeling we were getting.

"The organization itself isn't working. 2nd Hokage died because of an ambush, 3rd was hunted down, 4th died while dealing with an intruder. What does you organization even doing?! WHAT IS THIS USELESSNESS?!" He said as he raised his voice and activated his dojutsu, the sharingan.

It was humiliating.

I never felt like that...but whatever he said was true. ANBU wasn't exactly fulfilling it's purpose. The results are disappointing all in all.

"The ANBU training will be totally revamped. I will personally change the training plan. The village doesn't need weaklings in here. Because let me mention it explicitly. Whether you die..."he said as he pointed to one of the ANBU members.

"..or you die..." he said as he pointed

"..or you..." he said as he pointed towards another member.

"It wouldn't make a difference to village...Your death will be insignificant. You all are too weak, currently. It seems like I was correct. Village has forgotten the terror and ugliness of the shinobi world because of momentary peace. I will not let 3rd Hokage's death be in vain." He said in a majestic tone.

I felt that we will be able to succeed under him.

He deserves our respect.

"As for ROOT members...You all committed many atrocities under Shimura Danzo. You too may have suffered under his command but you still are going to take the responsibility for your actions. You will be integrated in ANBU as a special squad as an act of redemption. I will also administer your training too." He said.

I feel that Hokage-sama is really amazing. I didn't think that he would even forgive ROOT members like that. But I still wonder about his strength.

"BUT WHY MUST WE SUFFER LIKE THAT?! DANZO-SAMA WA-" One of the ROOT members said out loud.

But what happened was next was stunning.

He closed his eyes momentarily as if trying to focus a bit and is nails started growing at extreme pace.

He then disappeared in the next instant and arrived in the ROOT member's blind spot and pierced his chest with a angelic smile on his face.

He looked like a devil in the current situation.

He ripped out that person's heart and just crushed it.

He then threw it away as if it was something insignificant. like a piece of trash.

It took everything out of me to just stand in his presence.

I could feel my knees giving in and I was about to fall but he suddenly withdrew all the pressure.

Everyone was sweating heavily and was about fall, just like me.

"I think you don't understand your situation exactly. What I said right now was an order. I will not accept failure or dissent in any situation. I am merely reforming the organization and its people to fulfill it's purpose, the reason it was created for. To do dirty work from behind the scenes and protect the village from the shadows. Are we clear? If not then raise the arm you would like to be chopped off and fed to dogs." He said in an authoritative and extremely terrifying tone.

The pressure he releases passively is no joke.

Even his talking holds significant weight behind it.

I was scared for my life as well as extremely surprised at whatever he said.

I wanted go very far away from him, curl up in a ball and cry.

My instincts were going wild.

I don't think that even commanders can oppose him.

"Return to your duties for now. Be ready for the hell tomorrow. If not, then you will die just like the this ROOT member." he said as he ripped off the now dead ROOT member's uniform and tore a piece of cloth.

He then cleaned his hand with the cloth piece and threw the piece of cloth away afterwards.

"Someone deal with the body too." he said as he left while releasing extremely high pressure momentarily and retracted it.

The previous pressure was nothing compared this one.

Every ANBU member except the High rankers and commanders dropped on their knees and started to shiver and some even piss their pants.

I was in the group who pissed themselves but that sort of pressure was unknown to any of us.

The people who didn't drop down were still shivering uncontrollably.

This was pressure of Kage level powerhouse.

We all promptly left and returned to our duties after cleaning up ourselves.

Looks like our lives will change radically.






(A/N: Did you like it?

I think that shinobi system was extremely flawed so I will fix everything.

Just wait for the changes to occur.

"Domain Expansion: Infinite void of Power stones!"

'What just happened? Was my domain overwhelmed? I can't see anything, I can't feel anything! no... I can see everything, I can feel everything. But the information is incomplete and just indicating towards powerstones...So I can't do anything!' (reader)

"This is inner world of limitless power stones. Perception, communication...Every action involved in living is forcibly carried out infinity times and is just in form of powerstones. It's ironic isn't it? When given everything (i.e. chapters), you can't do anything...but give me powerstones peacefully. But I will still ask you politely again." (Author-sama)

"Give me powerstones...or suffer."

Thanks for reading!)

xX_Overlord_N_Xx xX_Overlord_N_Xx

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