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81.48% Ghost Rider Through the Multiverse / Chapter 43: Ch 41 A Crazy Fun Time

Capítulo 43: Ch 41 A Crazy Fun Time

Currently, the Thousand Sunny is making its way through the thick fog of the Florian Triangle.

Leo was sitting in Robin's lap in the form of a bat while she was petting him, while Nami was busy with her maps.

As he enjoyed the soothing strokes, he was thinking over what he had just learned. Before leaving the island Brook officially joined the crew and a grave was made for his previous crew.

Having consumed Moria's soul, Leo focused on certain things and got to know about the next part of the Grandline, the other Warlords and the four Emperors.

While he was bored, he also remembered there was a woman called Lola, who came from the New World, so he read her mind to see what he could expect. As a result, he learned about some islands they might arrive at, how to get to Fishman Island and... About her mother, one of the Four Emperors, Big Mom.

When he saw all the memories of Big Mom, he instantly knew he was going to kill her. So, he decided to steal part of a Vivre card that Lola had, meaning he can find her anywhere.

Leo - 'Heh! It is almost too easy.'

At the end of his thought, he started to laugh out loud, but his small bat form just made him make cute squeaks. Robin liked it so much that she lifted him up and hugged him into her chest.

Robin - 'So cute!'

Being suffocated between Robin's breasts, Leo panicked for a moment, but then remembered he doesn't need to worry about such thing and relaxed into the heavenly pillows.

Leo - 'This is nice...'

He yawned and nuzzled into Robin, making her smile happily.


A few hours later, the ship eventually got out of the Florian Triangle and started making its way to Fishman Island. But, as they were making distance between them and the thick mass of fog, something strange occurred.

In the fog, three shadows the size of mountains appeared with the middle one having two glowing red eyes.

When the shadows appeared, Leo became alert and his eyes shot open while in Robin's embrace, meeting the shadows gaze. He was surprised and confused, because when they appeared, he suddenly felt hundreds, if not thousands of spirits similar to how Mary was when she was still the Going Merry.

He was intrigued by it, so he made a clone which jumped into the air and began hovering.

Sticking his hand out, he started using the Dark Dark fruits gravity aspect, along with the Attract Attract fruit and began sucking the fog, plus the souls towards himself and consumed everything. By doing this, he also found a small connection between the two powers, making him wonder whether there was more behind it.

As he sucked the fog and souls into himself, Leo felt something strange happening inside him. His Will started growing by leaps and bounds, meaning his Haki growing by leaps and bounds. He can also generate the fog now, which will be fun for creating horror moments.

From the increase in his Haki, his Conquerors Haki exploded out of him, making him have to act quickly and restrain it. While reining it in, his Haki got condensed around his body like an invisible shield.

Noticing that his Haki was now coating his entire body, it felt like nothing could even touch him and it made him feel more powerful.

With the Florian Triangle no more, the clone went back to the ship and dispelled, giving the real Leo his rewards.

Once that was over with, Leo just enjoyed getting cuddled for awhile. Before the day was over though, he decided to portal over to Amazon Lily and spend time with the three Boa sisters. He wanted to be able to take them out on a date, but with both of their identities, that isn't much of an option at this point in time. It would be too much of a nuisance.

Fortunately, it's not much of an issue, because he can just go to another world or something. For now, they were all happy enough to spend time together.


While Leo was leisurely sailing the sea with the crew, a meeting was happening at the headquarters of the World Government.

An extremely muscular, broad-chested, tan-skinned, strong-shouldered elderly man who has his whitened hair and beard arranged in an array of spikes, was finishing a conversation over transponder snail. This person is Kong, the former Fleet Admiral and current Commander-in-Chief.

Kong - "So, you are positive that Bartholomew Kuma was destroyed?"

He had a sour expression, as he had just been informed of the loss of a valuable asset.

Subordinate - "Yes sir. We have checked multiple times and it has been confirmed that he is gone."

After receiving another confirmation, Kong grit his teeth angrily, before eventually answering.

Kong - "... You are dismissed."


With anger, he had crushed the receiver and then left his office, heading for a certain room.


After a long, solemn walk, Kong arrived in front of two large white doors adorned with gold detailing.

He carefully knocked on the door and waited for for permission to enter.

A few minutes later, he heard an elderly voice from the other side of the door.

??? - "Enter..."

With a nervous gulp, Kong grabbed the handle and opened the door, then walked in and closed it behind him.

Now in the room, he saw five elderly men sitting around a table. He slowly made his way forward, before stopping a few feet away and bowing respectfully.

Kong - "Elders..."

He waited for them to speak before he did anything else.

One of the Elder spoke after a moment. He is a tall and thin, bearded man with long white hair.

Elder1 - "Stop bowing and tell us what you have come here for."

Kong did as he was told and began explaining.

Kong - "The experimental asset, Bartholomew Kuma aka the Pacifista... Has been destroyed..."

The moment he finished speaking, he felt the room become cold and the atmosphere tense.

Elder1 - "Explain!"

Kong - "Yesterday, the Pacifista was sent to inform the Warlord, Gecko Moria, that his attendance to the execution of Gol D. Roger's son was mandatory..."

He paused for a moment and caught his breath.

Kong - "Since then, contact was lost and afterward, confirmation was made when the active signal was found dead."

Elder1 - "... How?"

Sweating a bit, Kong nervously answered.

Kong - "... We don't know..."

With his answer, a wave of killing intent hit him, making him fearfully and hurriedly continue.

Kong - "But! It is our best assumption that it was none other that 'The Reaper', Leonardo Blaze!"

The Elders killing intent died down.

Elder1 - "What leads you to believe it was him?"

Kong - "The last confirmed position of The Reaper was Water7. It is highly likely that he and the crew he is with would be sailing through the Florian Triangle, where Gecko Moria had staked his territory. He has proven himself to be a vicious individual, with no qualms in killing thousands, and that he has the ability to do so... From our reports, he would have no difficulty in killing Gecko Moria."

When he finished speaking, the room went silent and the tense atmosphere grew thicker.

The Elders all looked at each other seriously.

One of the Elders, who had a hat on and scar across the left side of his face, spoke angrily.

Elder2 - "This Leonardo Blaze is becoming too much of a nuisance!"

Another Elder, who is bald and has a birthmark on his forehead, along with a big white mustache, nodded in agreement.

Elder3 - "Indeed... If this goes on, others will cease to obey the World Government. He must be dealt with."

A forth Elder spoke up. He is bald, wears glasses and a gi, while carrying a sword.

Elder4 - "Yes, but by who? From the reports, he was able to match even that fool Garp in strength and Haki, it won't be easy to find someone to kill him."

Elder3 - "Then we will send those stronger than Garp."

The Elders all looked at each other and nodded, before looking at Kong, who had been silently waiting.

Elder1 - "You may leave now."

Kong was relieved to be told this, but before he left, he had a question.

Kong - "Elder... If I may, what shall be done about the execution? Should it be postponed?"

Elder2 - "No. The execution is to continue as planned. We can not afford to lose such an opportunity to end not only the son of Roger, but also Whitebeard. Now leave, we have private matters to discuss."

Kong - "Yes, Elders."

Kong then backed away, turned around and exited the room. (A/N: Leaving the five old men to fuck one another! Kekkekkek! Jk! But now you're imagining it, aren't ya?)


After spending some time with Hancock, Sandersonia and Marigold, Leo portalled back to the Thousand Sunny and ended up sleeping next to the girls in his wolf form.

- Several days later -

The Leo and crew had been through a crazy journey. Candy storms. Serpent streams. Round rainbows. Hell, the sea was on fire at one point.

But, all the hardship was worth it when they reached the Red Line and the Log Pose was pointing straight down.

Luffy - "We're finally here! We made it!"

While the others were revelling in this achievement, Leo was staring up at the top of the Red Line, feeling a large amount of sinners up there.

Luffy - "So, how do we get to Fishman Island?"

Getting pulled from his thoughts by Luffy's excitement, Leo looked at him and answered.

Leo - "Well, we can do it the easy way or the Luffy way."

The crew looked at Leo, understanding what the easy way was and then at Luffy, sighing as they knew what they would have to do. They all dejectedly spoke at the same time.

Crew - "Just tell us what we need to do..."

Luffy was just standing to the side, looking at them in confusion.

Leo - "Well, we need to find our way to the Sabaody Archipelago."

Nami - "Where is that?"

Tilting her head, Nami asked him, only to receive a shrug.

Leo - "No clue."

Nami comically fell over, then got up and threw a shoe at him.

Nami - "Then why did you mention it!?"

Leo let his body become sand, causing the shoe to pass straight through him as he laughed.

Leo - "Calm down, calm down. I might not know, but someone else does."

Nami - "And who's that?"

She sceptically asked him, as she went to retrieve her shoe.

Leo - "One of the two individuals inside of him".

He smile innocently and point behind everyone. The others all followed his finger, looking behind them and seeing a big rabbit-like Sea King.

Sea King - "Grrr!"

Having just now noticed the Sea King, they all pursed their lips and began sweating, then mechanically turned to Leo and saw his smile, only to feel shivers run down the spines.

Leo - "I've been thinking this for awhile, but you all need to work on your senses more... Maybe I should train you all again?"

He tilted his head as he smiled, though his smile only made him scary in the eyes of the others, who were having traumatic flashbacks to the last time he trained them. Meanwhile, the ones who hadn't been through the Leonardo Blaze training experience, Marry, Anna and Reiju, all had question marks floating over their heads.

Leo on the other hand, was having a grand time messing with his friends, but decided to cut it short. Considering there was a mermaid and talking starfish in need of saving.

Letting his smile vanish, and the crew take a deep breath in relief, he looked at the Sea King and with a thought...


The Sea King exploded into a bloody mess. He manipulated all the blood to glow to him, then condensed it into a few small blood pellets and then chucked into his mouth, getting his first taste of blood after acquiring the Vampire devil fruit.

When the Sea King exploded, two figures became visible and started falling, but Leo was nice enough to grab them with telekinesis and lower them to the deck gently.

Now that things settled down again, the crew could see a mermaid with green hair and a starfish with a hat.

There was some surprise about these two being in the Sea King, but the atmosphere changed when Sanji did his usual thing and began flirting with the mermaid.

Seeing this, everyone sighed tiredly, while Leo got ticked off. He'd finally had enough of Sanji bullshit.

Leo stomped over to him.

Leo - "Sanji!"

After calling his name, he took his Ghost Rider form, just as Sanji turned around.

Sanji - "Wha-!"

Before Sanji could complete his question, Leo grabbed his face and prevented him from speaking.

GR Leo - "Look into my eyes!"

Sanji was force to look into Leo's empty sockets.

GR Leo - "Feel the distress your harassment has caused the women of your past!"

Leo's eyes began whirling with Hellfire and Sanji was forced to feel the discomfort he had caused numerous women with his behaviour.

Essentially, Leo was using the Penance Stare, but at a lower output and specifically targeting certain sins.

When he was done, Leo dropped Sanji, who instantly collapsed to his knees and was panting.

GR Leo - "Fix your behaviour or I'll do it for you."

Dropping out of his GR form, Leo walked away from him and sat down while waving the others off.

Leo - "Talk to the girl and get her to help."

Things felt a bit awkward after that, but they soon got down to business. The mermaid, aka Camie, introduced herself and explained some stuff about herself.

Meanwhile, Leo was sitting with Mary, Anna and Reiju, who did really care about Camie's storytelling.

Mary was sitting in his lap and getting her hair brushed, as she smiled joyfully and swung her legs.

Leo had a question for Reiju.

Leo - "Reiju, aren't you mad at me?"

She shrugged in response.

Reiju - "Why should I be mad? All you did was teach him a lesson and try to make him a better person, and you were right to do so."

Leo - "Hmm. Okay then."

While they were relaxing, Camie had brought out a transponder snail and tried to contact her friend, Hatchin, only to find he was being held captive by human traffickers. So, with the help of fish, that were called by Camie, they started heading to where the kidnappers base was. Though, this was mostly because Luffy was promised octopus fritters.

Having set course in the direction the fish were going, it was only a matter of time until they arrived at their destination.

After hearing the conversation over the transponder snail, Nami seemed uncomfortable. She went and sat with Leo, who obviously knew what was wrong.

He held her hand to comfort her.

Nami - "Leo... Is it him?"

Leo - "Yes, it's Hachi."

Nami - "So he didn't die..."

Leo - "No. But, you know why I let him live, right?"

Nami - "Yeah, I know... Hachi was stupid and the type to just do what he was told."

She smiled and looked at him.

Nami - "It doesn't matter anymore anyways. Bellemere is alive, so I can try to let it go."

Leo let go of her hand and stroked her head, soothing her mind as she relaxed into it.


A little while later, the fish that were leading the way, departed in fear and then some flying fish came from the sky, but simply said one word.

Leo -"[Die]"

Putting the power of the Speech Speech fruit to the test with that single word, the fish and their riders died instantaneously, then fell into the sea.

Leo - "Guess we're close."

The crews mouth hung open for a moment, before they shout in unison.

Crew - "Aw! Come on!!! How much stronger can you get!?!?"

Leo laughed at them and said.

Leo - "Infinitely! Suck it!"

They all fell to their knees in defeat, while Leo acted haughtily


Soon enough, they arrived at a floating bases, where they saw someone bound and in a cage, hanging over the sea.

To save time, Leo pulled Hachi towards the ship and shot lightning into the water, controlling it to kill everyone and destroy everything. Slavery was one of the things he refuses to forgive, so nobody made it out alive.

From there, there was a tearful reunion between Camie and Hachi, and then the mass production of octopus fritters for the crew. Hachi apologised for everything he did to Nami and she told him that she hasn't forgiven him, but he could begin to make it up to her.

And finally, with the assistance of the three guests, they all arrived at the Sabaody Archipelago.

The moment he arrived, Leo sent out his Observation Haki, with some of his Will inside, across the whole island. When he did this, only two people noticed and replied, by challenging with their own Haki.

Seeing he was being challenged, Leo grinned and put more might into it and completely suppressed the other two Wills.


In a bar, a deceivingly youthful looking woman was smoking a cigarette and chuckling.

??? - "My my~ As strong as the rumour say, if not stronger."


In an auction house, an old man in chains was grinning to himself.

??? - "What a monster! This generation is truly amazing!"


Sabaody Archipelago is sectioned off into groves from 1-60 and the Thousand Sunny was taken to Grove 41.

Everyone got of the ship and Leo stored it away, then gathered with everyone and made them all a beacon bracelet.

The group started to discuss where they were going to go and an amusement park was mentioned, causing Mary and secretly Anna excited.

Mary went in front of Leo and began bouncing in excitement.

Mary - "Leo! Leo! Will you take me and Anna to the park!? Please!"

Looking at Nami with an expression asking for help, he only saw her smiling and waving as she walked away with one group, leaving him to resign himself

Leo - 'Okay. I guess it's about time I accepted the situation.' "Alright. Let's go now."

She was so excited that Leo thought she looked like a kid in a candy store. However, her thoughts were somewhere else.

Mary - 'A date with Leo! A date with Leo!!!'

Mary quickly her arm around his and started to pull him. Anna also wrapped herself around his other arm, but seemed shyer than normal.

Noticing Anna's apparent shyness, Leo began thinking to himself.

Leo - 'Is she shy about intimacy? Hoo~ That should be fun.'

He made a couple clones to go around the archipelago and continued to be dragged along by Mary while smiling slightly.


Going straight the the amusement park, Leo and the girls instantly got on some rides. Unfortunately, Leo could only feel bored by them.

A roller coaster isn't all that great when you can break the sound barrier by jogging...

Fortunately, being with the girls made up for it, because seeing them be so happy made him happy.


Meanwhile, the clones began walking around the Archipelago, going in different directions and slowly making their way to something.

As they both wandered about, they drew quite a bit of attention from civilians, pirates, bounty hunters and human traffickers.

Civilians were concerned to see an infamous person like him on the Archipelago. Pirates were wary, know his reputation as someone to kill with out blinking an eye. Bounty hunters and traffickers were filled with greed and trepidation, wanting to collect his bounty or sell him, but knowing that it wouldn't be possible.

As the two clones walked they both ended up coming across a fight.

One clone came across a fight between a Skypiean Monk and a masked guy using sickles for weapons. On the side, watching the show was a blonde guy in a trench coat, a man with a navy like attire and finally, someone who Leo was adamant to not forget, the person with a devil fruit that defys all common Sense, Law.

Now that he had met him, he was tempted to kill him, but Law wasn't too bad of a guy, so he settled for remembering his soul for now.

The other three on the other hand... They had nothing stopping him from reaping their lives.

Using telekinesis, he surprised everyone by lifting them and anyone else deserving of death, into the air.

C.Leo - "Well, well, well."

Hearing his voice everyone looked at the clone and froze in fear. He was walking towards them with a bloodthirsty grin.

C.Leo - "So many snacks! I almost don't know who's soul I should eat first. The only thing missing... Is a show!!"

With that said, he started slowly tearing them apart and/or burning them, all while laughing with a crazed expression.


The other clone came across a fight between a red haired guy and some dude with weirdly long arms with extra joints.

Continuing his walk forward, the clone said one word.

C.Leo - "[Kneel]"

Everyone was forced to their knees, unable to resist the order. Walking into the centre of everything, the clone looked at everyone coldly and destainfully spat.

C.Leo - "Pathetic. Weak little ants like you shouldn't be making so much noise..."

The red haired man was enraged by this treatment and shouted at him.

Red dude - "What did you do you bastard!?"

C.Leo turned his head and looked him in the eye.

C.Leo - "Why would I tell a dead man?"

He used Penance Stare and killed him, then did the same to the other guy and both of their crews, before continuing his walk to his target and leaving a bunch of scared bystanders.


After everyone was aware of their insignificant levels of strength, both clones leisurely made their way through the Archipelago.

One clone ended up in a run down residential area and broke into a house, then destroyed the floorboards and pulled out a chest. breaking the chest, he pulled out a Devil Fruit and consumed it, before dispelling himself.

The other arrived at an auction house, where they were sell various thing, but mostly humans. He killed everyone who was involved with slavery and freed most of the slaves, killing a few others. Once he was done, he went into the storage area and got a Devil Fruit, consumed it and dispelled.


Leo and the girls had been enjoying their time together, but Mary had become hungry from all the running about, so they were on their way to find a restaurant.

This was also when the clones dispelled and he retrieved all his rewards.

< Mid Mortal - 18.6% >

He also got multiple devil fruit abilities, like the; Magnet- Magnet fruit, Straw-Straw fruit, Venge-Venge fruit(Urouge's unnamed), Tone-Tone fruit, Ryu Ryu no Mi, Model: Allosaurus. All from the the pirate captains he killed.

From the two Devil Fruits he consumed, he got the Project-Project fruit, which allows him to project any image he wants, either in a screen like fashion or a 3D hologram form. The other fruit was the Mind-Mind fruit and was basically just something that a psychic would have, such as; telekinesis, telepathy, mind control, mind reading, memory manipulation, etc.

Leo - 'Neat. I can have some fun with the projection one. Hehehe.'

A sinister, yet playful light appeared in Leo's eyes as he walked. Though, it was less walking, more being pulled... Still...


Eventually, Mary found a restaurant that she was interested in and walked inside while dragging Leo, who was talking with Anna.

When they entered the restaurant, everyone inside became quiet. Looking around, you could see everyone staring at Leo nervously.

A moment passed, before an especially nervous looking waiter walked up to the three of them and stuttered.

Waiter - "H-hello, S-sir! Madams! I-I am s-sorry to inform y-you... *Gulp* B-but there aren't any tables available."

The waiter closed his eyes in fear, expecting to have something terrible done to him. Leo though, he simply swept his gaze across the room, until his eyes landed on short, fat man that looked like a mafia boss or something, causing his gaze to sharpen.

Leo raised his hand to the waiter and everyone expected him to do something terrible, but he simply patted the waiter on his shoulder, causing him to jump, before speaking.

Leo - "That won't be an issue."

He then walked past the waiter, with the girls following him. Heading straight for the mafia looking guys table, Leo swiped his hand and shot Hellfire at him, killing him and his lackeys instantly, turning them into ash, but also removing it to avoid making a mess. He also acquired the Castle-Castle fruit from consuming the man's soul.

Leo grinned sadistically.

Leo - "See? There was a table free after all."

Everyone in the restaurant tried to swallow their saliva, only to find their mouths to be bone dry.

Waiter - "*Gulp* Y-yes! W-well then, I shall go get some more seats for your company."

Leo waved him off.

Leo - "No need. I can do it."

And so he did. He made two more seats, and then he sat down with the girls, who didn't care in the least about him killing someone.

While everyone else was scared to move, Leo and the girls looked over the menu, the ordered whatever they wanted.


Because of Leo's reputation, the chefs made the food as quickly and perfectly as they could, so it wasn't long before they began eating. By now, most people had left the restaurant, fearing for their safety. But, there were some that saw that Leo didn't care about them and simply enjoyed their meals, though they tried to remain as quiet as they could just incase.

When they were almost finished though, Leo felt one his beacon get activated, so he made a clone and sent it to find out what was wrong.

The clone immediately left and went to where the beacon was, finding a somewhat frantic Nami.

Nami - "Leo! Camie got kidnapped!"

The clone was calm and cold hearing this.

C.Leo - "Don't worry. This was 'expected' and there won't be a problem."

Nami looked at him, recognising that he was a clone by his attitude. And from what he said, she could confer that this was an event he was already aware of, which made her unhappy as she whispered.

Nami - "Why didn't you tell me?"

C.Leo - "Apologies, it never occurred. But, I am nearing the end of what I can take advantage of. Anyways, I need to inform my real self."

The clone then dispelled himself, giving Leo the memories. Upon receiving the memories, Leo stopped eating and smiled eerily. He then made some clones and sent them to guide the others to where Camie was being sold.

Wiping his mouth with a napkin, which he then dropped on his plate, he stood and spoke to the girls.

Leo - "Girls, time to go. Things are about to get real fun, for me atleast. Hehehe!"

Mary spoke with food stuff her mouth, like a cute little hamster.

Mary - "Is it another thing you knew was going to happen?"

Leo raised an eyebrow curiously.

Leo - "Hmm? Did you hear my conversation with Nami? Back when I told her about who I really am?"

Mary and Anna's eyes widened nervously, before they shyly looked down.

Mary - "Y-yes..."

Anna - "Sorry..."

In response, Leo sighed and shook his head, then walked around and stroked their heads.

Leo - "Don't worry. I should have expected this anyways, and I was thinking of telling you two and Robin about it anyways."

Knowing that he wasn't mad, Mary and Anna were relieved and happy.

Leo - "Now, come on. We need to get going."

The girls nodded and wiped their mouths, before getting up. Leo dumped a ton of cash on the table and began making his way to where Camie was, along with the girls.

As everyone made their way to Grove 1, dark clouds began gathering above the Sabaody Archipelago, while Leo began smiling viciously in anticipation.


One after another, each member of the crew arrived at the slave auction house. When they all had gathered, all but one clone dispelled. The one clone disappeared to somewhere else and Leo lead the group over to the back entrance, which is meant for merchandise and employees.

As they got closer, guards came to stop them, Leo stopped and stared at them while grinning. His pupils turned into slits and his irises glowed dimly, causing the guards to turn to stone.

Naga, who had been sleeping inside his coat, woke up when she felt him use the Basilisk petrifying stare and slithered out of his coat, wrapping herself around his neck.

She looked at Leo curiously and started producing little hisses.

Naga - {What's happening?}

Leo responded telepathically.

Leo ["I'm going to be having some fun soon, that's all. Can you go over to Robin for awhile?"]

Naga rubbed her head against his cheek and hissed again.

Naga - {Okay, Papa!}

Leo's eyes widened in surprise, while Naga happily leaped through over to Robin and nuzzled into her.

He was shocked to know that Naga saw him as her father, but when he thought about it, it made sense. She was able to be born thanks to his Haki, and he was also a Basilisk himself in a way, so he decided to just accept it and continued what he was going to do.

Restarting his walk, he walked into the building and expected to have more people oppose him, but was disappointed. Instead of employees, he found an old man with a beard and glasses, surrounded by unconscious employees. The old man is Silvers Rayleigh.

Leo was kind of bummed out by having no resistance to amuse him.

Leo - "What's the deal, old man?"

He called out to Reyleigh, like a child that had his fun ruined.

Rayleigh - "Hahaha! Just thought I would save you some effort is all! Sorry if you wanted the fun."

Leo - "Tch! Whatever..."

The others in the crew looked between them in confusion.

Luffy - "Hey, Leo, do you know this old guy?"

Leo - "Not personally. This guy is Silvers Rayleigh, the right-hand to Gol D. Roger."

Hearing that the old man was the Pirate King's right-hand, Luffy and the others were somewhat shocked and amazed.

Rayleigh - "Hahaha! That's in the past, now I'm just 'Ray', the ship coating expert."

Leo - "Uhuh. Well, I have something planned and need to complete my set up."

Leo looked at the slaves, which included Camie, and clicked his fingers, forcefully removing all the explosive collars from the ones that deserved it. The collars exploded, but he contained the blast and muted them.

The would-be slaves, upon realising their collars were gone and that they were alive, all began to cry from joy. The ones that still had collars were angry and desperate, as they begged for them to be removed, but Leo simply slammed them into the wall and made them stay there.

After all the slaves exited the cells, Leo made a portal that lead to a bar in Grove 13, where a woman call Shakky, a friend of Rayleigh's, was at.

Leo looked at the others.

Leo - "You should all probably head through there and wait for a little while."

They were confused as to what he meant and Nami asked the groups question.

Nami - "What are you going to be doing?"

This made Leo smile, but they all knew it was a smile that meant he was going to do something crazy.

Leo - "I'm going to be putting on a show and to watch, you just need to look at the sky."

Nami put her hand on her face and sighed.

Nami - "*Sigh* I can't talk you out of whatever you're going to do, can I?"

She didn't even have to get an answer from him, before she smiled wryly.

Nami - "Well, don't take too long then."

Going up to him, she hugged him and then walked through the portal. The others waved him off and went through as well, not bothering ask any questions.

After everyone went through, only Leo and Rayleigh remained. Leo looked at Rayleigh.

Leo - "Why are you still here?"

Rayleigh looked at him seriously.

Rayleigh - "I don't know what you plan to do, but I can guess. Are you sure you want to do this?"

Leo's smile didn't change as he answered.

Leo - "I'm not worried. This will just be the beginning, and the end will be when each and every one of those 'celestial dragons' are dead!... So, yes, I'm sure."

He stared directly into Rayleigh's eyes, while his Haki moved on its own and pressured Rayleigh a bit.

Rayleigh - "... *Sigh* Fine. It's not like I can stop you anyways. I'll see you later."

Rayleigh patted Leo on his shoulder and walked through the portal as well. When he was gone, Leo closed the portal and began walking, making his way to the stage.

He stopped just before the stage and saw a man in the middle of selling a slave.

Leo decided to started controlling the man's blood and made his body contort in unnatural ways, causing him to stream out in pain. The guests all became alarmed, but that was nothing compared to what happened next.

By manipulating the darkness/shadows inside the man's body, Leo made an entity that pushed its hand out of the man's mouth and then ripped him open as it sprung out into the open.

The shadow being then turned to the body and start eating it, causing fear in all the watchers, who tried to scream and run away, but produced no sound and were unable to move.

Leo then walked out on to the stage, stopping once he reached the centre, where he turned to his audience and spread his arms out dramatically, his smile on display to everyone.

Leo - "Ladies and Gentlemen! I am so glad to have you with us today!"

His eyes scanned the audience and saw expression of dread appear on some people's faces. These people were the ones that knew he was and caused his smile to grow wider, as his canines seemed to grow longer and sharper in his excitement.

Leo - "I see that some of you know of me! I'm flattered, truly. But! For those who might not know of my infamy, allow me to introduce myself. I am Leonardo Blaze, a pirate with a 2 billion Berry bounty, notorious for the destruction of Enies Lobby and killing numerous people!"

Now that they had heard who he was, they realised the situation they were in and became for afraid, which Leo revelled in as he bowed exaggeratedly.

Leo - "It's a pleasure to meet you all..."

He straightened himself up and looked at them again, letting him see three individuals that were trying to shout something. These were the 'celestial dragons'; Roswald, Charlos and Shalria.

Leo - "Ah! How rude of me, the guests of honour appear to have something to say and here I am, hogging the spotlight!"

He clicked his fingers and allowed them to talk.

R - "What is the meaning of this you filthy peasant!? Do you know who I am!?!?"

C - "Stupid human!! I'll make you my new slave!!"

S - "No! He will be my slave!!"

Leo simply continued smiling and clicked his fingers again, silencing them.

Leo - "Why, of course, I know who you are. You are the reason I'm here. And I am pleased to inform you, I, nor anyone else will be your slaves, because today..."

Letting his words linger for a moment, Leo looked at them all with glee, before releasing a tsunami of bloodlust.

Leo - "Is the day you die!!!"

Smiling like a lunatic, he threw his head began laughing crazily to match his smile.

He abruptly stopped laughing and stared at them all with an eerie smile.

Leo - "However... You're not the main attraction, but rather the bait."

Once he was finished speaking, he used telekinesis and tore the roof off the building, revealing a dark, cloud covered sky with skulls made of those clouds flying around.

Projected on to the clouds, was the scene of Leo standing infront of all the slave buyers. This was thanks to the clone that wasn't dispelled.

Instead of dispelling, the clone turned invisible and waited until the show began, at which point he started projecting the scene on the clouds.

Looking at the projection, Leo spread his arms open again and smiled.

Leo - "Smile everyone! The whole Archipelago can see you!"

He laughed some more and read the minds of the celestial dragons, finding out how to get an Admiral to come over. All he had do was get a transponder from their bodyguards, so he took one from them.

Using the transponder snail, he started the call and began talking.

Leo - "Hello? Testing, testing. 1, 2 ,3."

Snail - "Report."

Smiling, Leo answered in a cheerful tone.

Leo - "Yo! This is Leonardo Blaze speaking and I just wanted to inform you, I am currently in possession of three of your celestial dragons and will begin torturing them soon! Just thought you ought to know. Bye-bye!"

He then ended the call and threw the snail away.

Leo - "Now to set the stage."

Spreading his Observation Haki across the Archipelago, along with his Sin Perception, he began lifting every sinner up into the air and pulled them over to his position. He also raised the people from at the auction house.

Going to the sky himself, he looked at the ground below and began tapping his chin in thought, before clicking his fingers together when he got an idea.

Pointing his hand at the auction house, he ripped off Naruto and 'almighty pushed' it to oblivion. He then started moving people on the ground and placing them in crawling/fleeing positions.

When he had them in place, he smirked and started petrifying them all. As they got petrified, they cried and screamed, making their status all have horrified expressions.

Once all of them were petrified, Leo gazed upon his masterpiece. What he had done, was use hundred, if not thousands of people to create a mountain of terrified statues. Even then, he still had people left over.

Nodding to himself with a pleased expression, Leo looked at the rest of the scum suspended in the air and with a thought, made them explode. He then controlled the mass amount of blood and threw it at his art piece, dying it red.

Now completely satisfied, he flew over to the top of his mountain, which was relatively flat, and created a black throne, which he ran his hand across the back of and then sat down on.

Upon sitting down, the atmosphere around Leo completely change. From a murderous psycho to a cold tyrant.

From his throne, he looked at the last of his captives, the three celestial dragons, who were at a lower position than himself. After seeing all that he'd just done, the three of them were no longer so sure of themselves and fear had arisen in their hearts.

Thinking for a moment, Leo made a clone, which immediately left to Amazon Lily in order to get the Boa sisters. It went there, explained briefly and then took them to Nami, before dispelling.

When the clone was dispelled, the corner of Leo's lips curve upwards slightly and began speaking as he stared at them.

Leo - "Now then, I have some time to 'kill', so why don't we have some fun?"

Creating three clones, he had them go torture the celestial dragons, while everyone one on the Archipelago got to watch. Causing most to vomit.

Beginning his wait, Leo placed his elbow on the arm of his throne and rested his head on him hand with a cold expression.


After a few minutes had passed, Leo had grown bored and began messing around with his power to pass the time. He had his hand infront of him, with his palm facing up.

Concentrating, he began focusing his Haki into his hand and then had it form into a translucent ball, the size of a baseball. Continuing, he started making the Haki spin around in different directions.

Having succeeded quite easily, he began infusing his Will into it, and it turned red and black, giving it an eerie and destructive appearance. Essentially, it was a Haki Rasengan... Hakigan...?

He stared at the Hakigan in his hand for a moment, before his gaze shifted and was set upon a group of Marines that had just arrived. One in particular was dressed like a sumo wrestler and carrying an axe.

Beside the sumo wrestler, there was four 'people' that had the exact same appearance as Bartholomew Kuma. These are the cyborgs, modelled after Kuma, called Pacifista's.

Leo - "Great, test subjects."

Lifting the Pacifista's, he brought them infront of him and put the in a row. He then pushed his hand towards the one in front, causing the Hakigan to just barely touch it.

The moment the ball of Haki made contact, it exploded and created a big beam that engulfed the Pacifista's, destroying them to the point nothing was remaining. Even then, the beam continued going and obliterated one of the massive tree that make up Sabaody.

Fortunately, the beam was directed upwards, so it ended up going into space.

Looking at the result of his improvised Rasengan, Leo felt impressed.

Leo - "Hm... Not bad."

He then moved his gaze back to the Marines, who had expressions of fear and disbelief.

Snorting at them with disdain, he pointed a finger at them and began producing fog, the same fog he took from the Florian Triangle. The fog drifted down and covered all the Marines, who were to scared to move.

Unfortunately for them, their fear was about to increase. From the fog, sounds that could only come from monstrous creatures, the likes of which you would hear in nightmares, appeared.

The Marines were frozen, the only movement being the chattering of their teeth.

Slowly, the fog started to recede, revealing horrifying monsters, torn straight from deepest depths of their minds. For some, the fear was too much and they fell to the ground, dead from a heart attack.

Silence fell on the area for a brief moment, before they all, without exception, began screaming in fear and attempted to flee, only to be beset upon my their worst personal nightmare.

Leo retracted his hand and watched the be torn apart by monsters.

Everything was still being projected on to the clouds above, for everyone to see. For most however, it was all too much and they retreated to their houses, cowering in fright.

For the ones still watching, it was because they felt justice was being dealt at last or they simply had strong stomachs and wanted to see the final outcome. Though, in some people, a spark of worship had arisen within their hearts.


Almost twenty minutes later, the Marines were long dead and the monster were gone. Leo was getting annoyed and beginning to think that an Admiral wasn't going to come.

Leo - "Are they really not going to come... I didn't think they would give up an opportunity to try and get rid of me..."

He started mumbling to himself, disappointed that he would have to wait.

Leo - "Well, this is disa-"

Before he finished, something large hit the ground and made a dust cloud. Then, beside the dust cloud, a person appeared from a beam of light.

Smirking slightly, Leo stood up.

Leo - "It's about time someone showed up... Though, I wasn't expecting two people, it's not an issue."

The dust cloud dispersed, revealing a man that looked like a gorilla. Literally, because the man had a zoan devil fruit.

Leo - "Kizaru and... Kong, right?"

Leo asked a completely rhetorical question. Though, he only knows about Kong because of the memories of others.

Kong - "Reaper... You better be prepared to die!"

Leo - "I was thinking of telling you that. Funny."

Kizaru - "Hoo... That is funny."

In a split second, Kizaru shot two beams of light at Leo's eyes, intending to blind him. He then moved quickly and kicked at Leo's head.

However, rather than hitting Leo, Kizaru's leg was caught and Leo was staring right at him with disappointment.

Squeezing Kizaru's leg, causing him to groan in pain, Leo then threw over to Kong.

Leo - "*Sigh* What a disappointment... How have none of you figured out, that you can't hurt me?"

Raising his hand to his face, he stuck his fingers into his eyes and pulled them out, then squished them in his hand while directing his empty sockets towards his two foes, who were shocked.

Leo - "Attempting to blind me is completely pointless. I don't need eyes to 'see'."

Kong growled angrily.

Kong - "Why the hell are you doing this, you damn monster!"

Smirking, Leo answered.

Leo - "I'm simply embracing what I am-"

He then burst into flames and shifted to his Ghost Rider form.

GR Leo - "A Demon!!"

Imposing his Conquerors Haki on them, he made the two of them fall to their knees.

GR Leo - "And as a Demon, it is only right that I oppose the 'world'."

Throwing his arms to the side, he began laughing eerily, before stopping abruptly and releasing them from his Haki. He lowered one arm back down, while pointing towards them with his other hand.

GR Leo - "Now... Fight me. Entertain me. And DIE FOR ME!!!"

Without waiting another second, Leo jumped down from his mountain and punched towards Kong, who immediately covered himself in Haki as a defence.

When Leo's fist connected, it sounded like he hit a chunck of metal, as Kong was instantly buried into the ground.

Using Haki throughout his body, without increasing his strength, Leo pivoted on his right leg and roundhouse kicked Kizaru.

Kizaru was well prepared for the incoming kick and had his Armament Haki fully activated, as he crossed his arms in front of himself to block.

However, despite Kizaru using his Haki to the fullest, Leo's kick broke straight through his block, breaking his arms and caving in his chest.

Kizaru went flying away for a moment, until he was stopped by Leo with telekinesis.

Leo pulled Kizaru back and felt irritated that he wasn't even strong enough to take that one kick.

Just as he was about to shove his hand through Kizaru's chest, Kong jumped out of the ground and punched Leo away with a roar.

Flying through the air for a moment, Leo flipped in the air and reoriented himself, as he got back on the ground.

He looked at Kong and his teeth began chattering in excitement.

GR Leo - "Kekeke! Finally, someone that can take a normal hit from me!"

In a burst of speed, Leo appeared behind Kizaru and ripped his head off.

GR Leo - "Now that he's gone, I can enjoy a good fight."

Seemingly enraged by Leo killing the Admiral, Kong charged straight at him, smashing his body into Leo.

Leo was prepared for it and even welcomed it, using this as a way to measure how strong Kong was.

Taking the full force of the hit, Leo was sent flying again, but quickly stopped himself and began walking towards Kong.

GR Leo - "Not bad. Roughly 35-40,000 tons of force. If I had to guess, you are at a Haki multiplier of eight and you are only in your hybrid form. You are almost double my base strength like this."

He continued walking until he was infront of Kong. Stopping and looking up at him.

GR Leo - "However..."


Leo's arm shot out and he punched Kong in his stomach, while vibrating his hand to increase the damage, and making an explosion capable of destroying a tank.

Kong was the one to be sent flying this time, as Leo stood with his arm out and smoke coming from his hand, as he continued his sentence.

GR Leo - "It's not enough."

Using Soru, Leo went behind Kong, grabbing his head while he was mid-air and smashing him into the ground.

In retaliation, Kong swung his Haki covered arm at Leo. Leo avoided the hit easily, by maintaining his hold on Kong's head and doing a single arm handstand. The thing about Kong, is that he has decent strength, but shit speed.

Using the same arm he swung at Leo, Kong grabbed hold of the arm being used for the handstand. This didn't help him, because Leo began turning his body 180 degrees at his elbow, which made a sick crunching sound.

Leo then swung his body down and kicked Kong in his stomach with the power of vibration. Because of the kick, Kong let go of Leo as the air escaped his lungs, allowing Leo to push himself off of Kong and on to his feet, while his arm went back to the way it should be.

Kong got to his feet and looked at Leo with gritted teeth. Stooping over, he put his hands on the ground, but with his knuckles making contact instead of his palms.

With a roar, he began charging at Leo, and when he was close, he swung his arm at him. Leo dodge the swing effortlessly, but it was quickly followed by numerous swipes.

Ducking and weaving through the swipes, Leo started throwing quick and precise jabs at the joints of his opponent, repeatedly hitting the same spots.

Slowly, the hits stacked up and eventually caused Kongs arms to momentarily lock up. This was a moment Leo was all too happy to take advantage of, as he jumped up and kneed Kong in the face.

Kong's head reared back, as blood came from his broken nose. Leo quickly followed up his attack, by turning his right hands fingers into blades and swiping at Kong's neck.

However, when his bladed fingers made contact, sparks were made, along with a loud screeching noise. By using Haki on his neck, Kong saved himself from being decapitated.

With his left hand, Leo quickly did a palm attack to Kongs face and used Rokuogan, causing Kong's brain severe shock.

Kicking off Kong's chest, Leo jumped into the air and kicked toward him using Rankyaku, sending an air blade at him. Using the momentum from the kick, he flipped his body, so that his feet were facing the sky and then used Geppo, kicking of the air and shooting towards Kong, right behind the previously shot air blade.

Passing the air blade, Leo went behind Kong and spun around, kicking at his lower body, hitting him at the same time as the air blade.

Kong ended up having his upper body go backwards, while his lower body went forwards, causing him to turn into a pinwheel. As Kong spun, Leo thrust his hand forward and his fingers sunk into Kong's back, wrapping around his spine.

With a quick tug, Leo separated Kong's vertebrae and pulled his spine out, along with his skull.

GR Leo - "Shit... Well, it was fun while it lasted."

Throwing the spine aside, Leo decided to consume all the souls that he had left floating about.

< Mid Mortal - 23% >

Along with the strength increase, he got Kizaru's Light-Light fruit and Kong's Saru-Saru no Mi, Model: Megaprimatus.

This actually let Leo know, that Kong could have become 10x stronger if he did a full transformation, but at the cost of being slower.

With Kong dead, there was no one left to fight, meaning the only thing he had left to do, was kill the celestial dragon.

Dispelling the clones that had been constantly torturing the three scumbags, he lowered them down to the ground and force them to look at him.

GR Leo - "If not for the message your deaths will send, I would peraonally continue to torture your rotten souls for an eternity. Consider this good fortune..."

Forcing their eyes open, he began speaking.

GR Leo - "Look into my eyes... May your sins consume you and drag you to the deepest depths of Hell, so that God need never see you again!!!"

As fire whirled in his sockets, the three of them screamed in agony and were burned to ash by their sins.

Without another glance, Leo turned and shot to the sky, where he looked down on Sabaody, spreading his Observation and Conquerors Haki. He locked on to all the Human shop's on the island and stretched out his hand, before clenching it into a fist and destroying each shop, along with freeing the slaves.

GR Leo - "Slavery is hereby abolished from this island and all who take part in it... WILL DIE!!!"

Roaring into the sky, his Haki became thicker and stretched further than he even realised, causing many to pass-out.

After that, the projection on the clouds disappeared and the clone responsible, with it.

Returning to his human form, Leo flew over to the bar that the others were at.


Arriving at the bar, Leo entered inside and was immediately pounced on by Hancock, Sandersonia and Marigold. He caught them effortlessly, as they wailed into his chest with relief

Boa Sisters - "Thank you, thank you, thank you!!"

Being repeatedly thanked, Leo hugged the three of them and stroked their backs.

The reason for their behaviour, is because Roswald was the one they were enslaved to and it had no doubt been a terrible trauma to them. So, seeing the bastard get what he deserved, they were overwhelmed with relief and gratitude.


After awhile, the girls calmed down, but were still hugging him tightly.

Leo had to make a couch so that they could sit down. Right now, Rayleigh was talking to the others about his time as a pirate and about how long it will take to coat the ship.

Rayleigh - "The coating will take three days, so you can relax until them."

Luffy - "Three days!? Aw, I wanted to go to Fishman Island now!"

Luffy started loudly complaining, only to be hit in the head by Nami and told to be quiet.

Franky - "So, what are we gonna do for three days?"

Leo - "You guys could all do some training."

They looked at Leo, as he continued speaking.

Leo - "You are all strong, but people are stronger on the second half of the Grandline and things get more chaotic."

With some eagerness, Zoro clutched one of his swords and raised a question.

Zoro - "Really? How do you know that?"

Tapping his head, Leo answered.

Leo - "I got the memories of the Admiral I killed, remember?"

Zoro - "Oh, yeah... That is seriously useful..."

Leo - "Yup."

Luffy jumped in on the conversation.

Luffy - "Hey, Leo, how much stronger will they be?"

Leo - "Considering most people have at least one form of Haki, a lot stronger. If they have Armament Haki, you won't be able to hurt them, for the most part, and they will be able to increase their strength greatly. While, if they have Observation Haki, you'll be lucky to even get a hit in."

Rayleigh - "And if they have Conquerors Haki, then you'll in real trouble."

The majority of the crew looked at Rayleigh with confusion.

Luffy - "What's Conquerors Haki??"

Rayleigh looked at Leo.

Rayleigh - "You didn't tell them about it?"

Shrugging, Leo answered.

Leo - "I didn't see any point in telling them. Knowing about it doesn't mean they can use it or defend against it."

Rayleigh sighed and looked at Luffy.

Rayleigh - "Conquerors Haki is an ability not many have. It can't be achieved through training, but is something that you have to be born with. It's the ability to impose your own Will on to others, and if their own Will isn't strong enough, they will pass-out. There's more to it than just that, but you get the idea."

Downing his drink, Rayleigh stood up.

Rayleigh - "Anyways, I need to get your ship ready. Where is it?"

They looked at Leo and Rayleigh followed their gaze in confusion.

Leo - "I'm carrying it with me, so I'll come with you."

Hancock and her sisters had been silent till now, but hearing that he was going somewhere, they panicked for some reason. Fortunately, Leo quickly calmed them down with a simple promise.

Leo - "Alright, you three should go back to Amazon Lily. I have three days to relax, so I'll come over and visit."

Boa Sisters - "Okay..."

Leo opened a portal and they reluctantly walked through it. He then got up and left with Rayleigh, who had a grin.

Rayleigh - "Hahaha! Never thought I would see that little girl act like that. What's the secret kid?"

Leo sighed tiredly, as his shoulder sank.

Leo - "I wish I knew... Maybe then I could stop it from getting out of hand..."

Seeing Leo appear so tired, Rayleigh laughed at him.

Rayleigh - "Hahaha! Suffering from success!"

Singing again, Leo considered punching the old man for his mocking, but he held it in and continued walking down the path.


The next day, like he promised, Leo went to Amazon Lily, joined by the all girls.

He was just spending time with Hancock and her sisters. But, every so often, he would slip into thought.

All the girls notice this and we're somewhat concerned, wondering what could be plaguing his mind so much.

Robin - "Leo? Is everything okay?"

Being brought out of his thoughts by Robin, he looked up at the girls.

Leo - "Hm? Oh, yeah... Though, there is something I would like to tell you all. Well, except for Nami, Mary and Anna, because they already know."

Hearing that they already knew what he wanted to say, the three girls realised what he was going to do. Though, Nami was wondering when he had told Mary and Anna.

Robin - "If there is something you need, then you only need to ask."

Smiling at him, she hoped that it wasn't something bad.

Leo - "Don't worry, it's nothing bad. I want you all to know about-"

Leo proceeded to tell them all about how he got his powers and where he really came from. Sending some things straight to their minds to help.

When he was done, they were all sitting with their mouths wide open. He ended up sitting there twiddling his thumbs, as he pursed his lip together and waited for them to come to their senses. Meanwhile, the three who knew already, were giggling at them.

Robin was the first to snap back to reality.

Robin - "So... You don't come from this world?..."

She was followed by Hancock.

Hancock - "Adn you met an ACTUAL God?..."

Leo nodded in confirmation.

Girls - "..."

Robin fell back into her seat and exhaled, before looking at him in realisation.

Robin - "So, that's why you know so much, seemingly before it even happens..."

Leo - "Essentially."

It was at this moment, that Reiju spoke up.

Reiju - "As amazing as this is, how come you told me as well?"

Looking at her, Leo shrugged.

Leo - "I just did. I doubt you will betray my trust, and I think I might inform the others anyways."

Hearing that he trusts her, Reiju seemed surprised, as she looked down in thought.

Nami - "Oh, by the way, Leo, you said you were nearing the end of your foreknowledge, but how much left is there that you do know?"

Holding his chin in thought, Leo went through the different event.

Leo - "Well... If I go from yesterday, than Luffy was supposed to punch one of those inbred filth and the Admiral would arrive, which I took advantage of instead. Though, Kong arriving was a surprise.

After that, the crew would have split up and tried to run around the island, so that they could pass the three days coating issue. But, Bartholomew Kuma would have arrived and used his devil fruit ability to send everyone to different places around the world, saving you in a way.

Afterwards... There is just, Ace getting executed to draw Whitebeard out and kill him. Luffy would go to save Ace, but end up with him dead in his arms. But I doubt that will happen, considering I killed Blackbeard, who was supposed to catch Ace..."

Once he finished, he shrugged and looked at them.

Leo - "Yeah, that's about it. Not sure whether it's any good anymore though."

Suddenly, the atmosphere became awkward, as Hancock and her sisters looked at each other.

Hancock - "Umm, Leo, there is something you need to see..."

Standing up, Hancock left the room for a moment, before returning carrying a newspaper.

Raising an eyebrow, Leo read the paper, before cursing.

Leo - "Shit..."

[Urgent News!!! - The Execution of 'Fire Fist' Ace!

After the death of an Admiral, along with a Government Official, the World Government has decided to step up the execution of Fire Fist Ace.

Today, the execution will be broadcast around the world!]

Once again, the World had took things into its own hands, ensuring the execution of Ace...

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