A few days later after Xiulan's mother had regained consciousness, she asked to see her benefactor.
Xiulan had just come over from work when her mother brought up the topic again.
"Mum, I've told you that he is busy, and will come on his own time," Xiulan replied as she sat on the couch in the room.
"This doesn't seem right to me, and it makes it look like I am ungrateful. Without his help, I may not be alive today. Xiulan, ask him to come over as I was t to thank him personally." Xiulan's mother insisted.
She really wanted to meet this person that helped to preserve her life, and give her the best hospital treatment she has ever received in her life.
She felt bad that for a week now, she hasn't seen him to say thanks. She also felt that it would be rude to ask him to come over so she can thank him, while in fact, she should be the one to find him, but she had no other option.
The Lunar Curse: A Second Chance With Alpha Draven