Jia Li smiled and came to his side to reply to him, "It was great. Your little girl is very smart."
"I know, our genes are powerful. In other to relieve you of this stress, I have contacted 3 teachers for her, so she can be home-schooled for some time before we decide to send her off to school." Fu Hua said to her.
Jia Li said in worry, "I have been thinking about how I can bear to let my daughter go to Kindergarten and away from us. That thought scares me, and I can tell you that I do not trust that anyone can take care of my daughter the way I do."
"I also feel the same way. If not that it's going to be a good development for her, I wouldn't want her to leave the house either. But for now, she will be home-schooled till she turns 2." Fu Hua said.
These first-time parent were scared of sending their precious little daughter to Kindergarten because of their insecurities. They didn't trust that outsiders will be able to look after her the way they do.
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The Lunar Curse: A Second Chance With Alpha Draven