"Father is not strict, he is mean, so don't try to sugarcoat it. I can't believe that after all these years, he still hasn't changed. I mean, how can a father abandon his child for so many years and hate her to the extent of not wanting to hear her name?." The third daughter asked.
The first daughter sighed and replied, "Sometimes, I'm grateful that I was married out of this family, otherwise I would have gone crazy long ago."
"I pity mother who has been living with him for over fifty years now. She must have suffered a lot more than us." The third daughter said as they slowly made their way to the storeroom.
Hearing the approaching footsteps, Old Mrs. Huang turned to glance at the hallway. The door to the storeroom was open, so she could see anyone coming towards that place.
Seeing her two daughters coming over, Old Mrs. Huang sighed and paused in her speech while waiting for them.
This chapter was not edited.
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The Lunar Curse: A Second Chance With Alpha Draven