Bai Fen was forced to adjust to her new lifestyle, and it was not like she had a choice. After a week passed, given the day she was told she could visit her daughter, Bai Fen immediately left for the prison after bringing a lot of food for Bai Jun.
When Bai Fen got to the prison, she was told that she couldn't give the food she brought to Bai Jun, because food was not allowed from outside. As if that was not enough blow to Bai Fen, she was only given 20 minutes to see Bai Jun.
Bai Fen was frustrated with the whole situation, and finally broke down in tears when she saw Bai Jun walk over with 2 prison guards acting as escorts. There were few visible scars on Bai Jun's face when Bai Fen got a clearer view of her.
The first thing Bai Jun did when she saw her mother, was to run to her and cry with tears rolling down her cheeks while begging her to take her out of that place.
The Lunar Curse: A Second Chance With Alpha Draven