The next morning, Jia Li and Fu Hua had breakfast together, with Jia Li eating so little.
"Why don't you eat more, you have an exam today." Fu Hua said with a frown.
"No, I'm fine. It's exactly because I have an exam this morning that I'm tensed." Jia Li replied as she wiped her mouth.
"Are you that nervous?" Fu Hua asked.
"Yeah, and if I eat more, I will end up throwing everything up. I don't want my stomach to be uncomfortable when I'm already dealing with being tense." Jia Li said.
"Okay. I will take you out for dinner later today." Fu Hua said to her after glancing at the food she ate so little from, and she tried hard to hide her smile.
After breakfast, Fu Hua and Jia Li left the house together.
Today, Fu Hua let her take the cab to school, while he drove straight to the hospital to see Feng Alix.
The Lunar Curse: A Second Chance With Alpha Draven
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