Jia Li walked out of the house and went straight to the back to find her dog who was kept in its cage.
When the German Shepherd saw its owner, it started barking happily.
Jia Li smiled as she released it from its kennel and rubbed its head.
"Did you miss me already?" Jia Li asked with a loving smile as she knelt on the grass and rubbed its head.
She always made sure to come to see the dog and play with it every day. And most times when she doesn't have the time, the person grandfather Fu got to take care of it, will do that in her stead.
The dog barked to acknowledge Jia Li's words.
"I'm sorry. I'm sorry, I missed you too." Jia Li said as she hugged the dog with a smile.
The dog seemed happy as it stayed allowed Jia Li to hug her.
"Ocean, let's go for a walk." Jia Li said as she stood to her feet with a gentler gaze.
Ocean barked in acknowledgment as she followed Jia Li out.
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