"What...what about you, can I know a little about your childhood, and a little about your adulthood?" Jia Li asked after mustering up the courage to do so.
"There is nothing special about my life, but since you asked, I will tell you a little about it. I grew up under my grandparents' care and discipline. At that time, my father was based in another city because of the military posting. My mother couldn't bear to stay away from him for so long, so she let my grandparents take care of me and she went to join my father. Before my grandmother died, she handed FJ to me, because I had a similar vision to hers, so that's how I came to be the owner of FJ."
Hearing his childhood story from him, Jia Li came to understand the reason he is obedient to Grandfather Fu.
Nearing towards the end of their conversation, Fu Hua revealed to her.
The Lunar Curse: A Second Chance With Alpha Draven