"Sir, do you think this will work?" Butler Lu asked.
Apart from the old man, he was the next person that knew all about his plans to get Fu Hua and Jia Li married. The old man told him about the matter two months back.
"Of course, it will work, do you doubt my capabilities?" Grandfather Fu asked with a question mark ❓
"No, Sir. I'm only worried about young master Fu Hua. He doesn't like to be pushed around, so with you doing this, he might rebel." Butler Lu voiced out his concern.
"He doesn't dare to rebel against me! I raised him, and I have let him live his life. I don't always ask him for something, so what's so hard about this?" Grandfather Fu asked.
"Sir, have you ever thought that young master Fu Hua might have a girlfriend, but has been hiding her?" Butler Fu asked.
"It's not my business. If he had a girlfriend, what reason is genuine enough to hide her from us?" Grandfather Fu asked with furrowed brows.
The Lunar Curse: A Second Chance With Alpha Draven
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