Standing in the middle of his bedroom, Tom sighed as he looked around the room. Although the bedroom was organized and the bedsheets had been changed, Lucy's scent was still in the room mixed with his.
His gaze moved to the dressing table. Lucy's cosmetic products, perfumes, hair brush, jewelry box, and a couple of other personal effects were arranged on one end while his were on the other end.
He walked into the closet and smiled wryly when he noticed that the housekeeper had arranged the closet, and Lucy's clothes were now hanging beside his.
Was she going to want to take her stuff with her? He didn't want any of the items to be moved. He loved having her stuff mixed with his this way.
Moving into her apartment didn't mean she couldn't sleep over at his from time to time, right? Or was that what she was thinking? Perhaps he would have to discuss it with her.
New Story Alert!!!
If you read “Forever Your Boyfriend” then you should add up the sequel “To Love And To Hate” to your library.
Even if you didn’t read Forever your boyfriend, you can add it up and read as well. You can read as a standalone story.
It’s going to be a short story and definitely not slow burn.