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It was a Saturday and Dylan was busy finishing his assignment when he received an email from the company he assigned to look into Rita and his mother a few days ago. The email stated that he was supposed to meet the boss at Heritage Club in two hours’ time since it was an emergency. When he went there for his case, he was surprised when they didn't invoice him but told him that they would get back to him after they made a few inquiries. And now he was to meet the boss. Did all this mean that his case was a bit complicated or what? He was going to find out later when he goes there. He left his assignment and began to prepare for his appointment. Knowing about Rita and his mother's whereabouts was of much importance than his assignment at the moment.

One and half hour later he was giving the valet his Lamborghini Aventador S keys and a tip on top when he arrived at the club. He went to the reception where he checked his name and was taken to one of the private galleries in the club. Who was he meeting? He was full of questions which disappeared the second he entered that gallery. He had never seen such exquisite and unique paintings before. It was like seeing one of Pablo Picasso's paintings, the modern versions. The way this artist or artists outlined nature was something he could never understand. He continued to walk in the gallery looking at the paintings and looking for his appointment. He reached the back of the gallery and saw her sitting on a bench staring at the wall. On the wall was a painting of peach blossom. The drawing was a lot similar to the tattoo he once saw on her face. He walked towards her and stood next to her.

'What a coincidence?' he said.

'It's not a coincidence Dylan, take a seat.'

'What does this mean?' he asked as he sat down next to her.

'You will know after a while.'

'Don't tell me you are the boss I’m supposed to be meeting.'

'I'm afraid I am.'

'Wow. I didn't know you work at that company too.'

'I don't work there; I own the company.'

'You deserve my respect, Violet.'

'Thank you.'

'What do you see, when you are looking at that painting?'

'Do you want me to be honest?'

'Lies, I don't like them so be honest.'

'The first time I saw the painting, what came to my mind was you.'

'Me! Why?'

'That tattoo on your face, it looks the same. I can never forget how beautiful it is, so when I saw it you popped into my mind.'

'That is the first time I am hearing something like that.'



'What do you see Violet?'

'I see how beautiful nature is and how much we should treasure it. Everything we have should be cherished because once lost it may be difficult to recover it. Sometimes it may be hard to recover it but we may still recover it even if it's just a small piece but some of them it will become impossible.'

'Have you ever lost something?'

'Everything, you can say. Some I recovered, some I never but I realized that whatever it may be must not pull me down. I should keep on living and looking forward because once I look back I may never be able to go forward again.' Violet said looking at him. 'Let's leave that story aside shall we and you tell me why you want to investigate these two.'

'Isn't that supposed to be my personal issues?'

'I don't care whether it's personal or not. What I care about is how you are going to use that information once you get It.' she said with a serious face. He could tell that she was serious and a bit mad and he wouldn't want that.

'Okay, I will tell you.'

Dylan told her about how he was suspecting that Rita was hiding something and how he thinks that there were other motives behind his arrangement and Rita. As for his mother, he wanted to know if she was still alive or not, if she was alive he wanted to know everything about her. He just wanted to see his mother and asked her why she did what she did.

'If all questions had answers, I would be the happiest woman in the world.' Violet said after finishing listening to him.

'So are you going to take my case?'

'I already took it that is why we are here.'

'How should I pay you?'

'I want that painting, bring it to my mansion in two days and I will give you what you want.'

'Where is it?'

'Come to the club and someone will send you there,' she said as she stood up, ready to leave.

'Is that all?'

'Yes, I have another appointment. Be at ease and you will have your answers.' she said leaving.

He watched as she left and sighed. She was something else. She called him here for that. He had worked to do. He found the curator and asked her about the painting. Its history was quite fascinating, the artist was still new and it was one of her first pieces. The price was okay so he paid for it and left his address. The painting was to be delivered to his apartment the following day, giving him another day to bring it to Violet's mansion.

It didn't take long for his car to come to the entrance, thanking the valet he got into his car and drove off. He still had assignments to finish back home and a dinner appointment with Rita too. It was going to be a long day after all.

Violet kept looking at her crystal ball; things were much more interesting when it comes to the Dark's family. She was seated in her gazebo, basking in the sunlight and the cool breeze. Sitting there waiting for Dylan having some orange juice and playing with her crystal ball was all she could do now.

'Ma'am, a Mr. Dark is here to see you.'

'Really? Send him in.'

'Okay, I will get to it immediately.'

'Where is Anne?'

'Miss Anne went out she said she will be back soon.'

'Okay, send the guest in.'

What was she up to? It was good news to hear that she went out without reporting to her, she was now acting like a child and not subordinate. It was nice seeing her not acting like a robot. She just hoped that she won't live a life like hers, she would be happy to see her introducing a man to her. At her age, she never dated anyone. She was really a bad example to her child. She heard her maid's voice directing someone and she knew her guest was here. She turned her head and saw him holding a bouquet of flowers, what a romantic person?

'I thought you were not going to make it,' Violet said as she politely smiled at Dylan.

'How can I not come and miss a great opportunity to see the rumored mansion of Lucid Dreams?'

'So you listen to those gossips?'

'It's everywhere in the club. Everyone wonders what really lies beyond that gate.'

'I guess now you know what's there.'

'Yes, I’m honored. It's beautiful and amazing. Everything about it is much better than my family's mansion.'

'Are you trying to flatter me right now?'

'I’m just being honest.'

'You better not be lying. Where are my manners? Take a seat.'

'Thank you,' he said as he sat opposite to her.

He handed her the flowers and she smiled.

'I thought you were never going to give me that.'

'I nearly forgot.'

'Let's get down to business. What do you want to know first?'


'Okay. Rita is dating someone secretly, it's been going on for two years but in order not to be an unfilial daughter she went ahead and started seeing you. Let's just say she doesn't love you and your affection is mutual. You don't love her, so I guess there is nothing to worry about.'

'How do you know about that?'

'I'm a witch, have you forgot about that?'

'Stop joking with me and tell me more.'

'She is dating a poor guy but don't worry everything will be just fine as long you both make your stand clear before it goes out of hand.'

'Are you a fortune teller too?'


'Is that all on her?'

'Nothing important, she is not interesting after all. I don't waste my time on people like her.'

'Does that mean you have more details relating my mother?'

'Maybe, yes or no.'

'Are you playing with me Violet?'

'It's more exciting this way. Don't you just love the suspense?'

'It's my mother we talking about now!' he raised his voice at her.

'Oh, look at that anger. I just love it.'

'Stop it and just tell me.'

'I used to be a very impulsive like you until I learnt a lesson, patience pays. You need to be calm and rational when you want to receive important news. If you are like this, do you want me to close your mouth or freeze you so that you won't do something stupid when you hear bad news?'

'Are you implying there us bad news?'

'Think whatever you want, for now I’m going to cool you down and when you become rational signal me and I will rescue you.'

'What do you mean by that?'

'Let's do a magic show,' she said and snapped her fingers, immediately freezing Dylan at the spot. He couldn't move and he was struggling but she said, 'calm down first.'

The moment he froze unable to fight whatever Violet was doing to him he ended up dosing and the next thing he knew he blacked out. Just like a dream he saw his mother from the moment when he was young, how happy she was when she gave birth to him. How she raised him by herself doing all sorts of work and suffering all sorts of hardships. He saw his life and hers as if he was in a cinema, watching and not being able to do anything whenever he saw something that pained him. Violet was so cruel to do this to him. He saw the day his mom left him at his father's place, how much he cried so that she won't leave but she turned her back on him and never glanced at him once more. He hated her because of that but she was still his mother, the person he missed the most. What surprised him was what came next. She cried a lot more than he did when she was leaving and as she reached the corner she fainted. She was taken to the hospital; the doctors were rushing and panicking. Was she dying? He couldn't do anything but just cry as he watched his mother lying hopelessly there as the doctors run everywhere trying to save her. He watched as the line on the monitor became started to become straight, he started screaming and at that moment his eyes opened. He looked around; his mother was no longer there. He was lying in an unfamiliar place; Violet was nowhere to be found. He looked around again and this time Anne came in holding a glass of water.

'You are awake? Have some water,' she said as she stopped where he was. He sat up straight and took the glass from her and gulped the water down.


'No problem.'

'Where is she? I need to see her.'

'I will take you to her. Let's go.'

He got out of the bed and followed her out of the room.

It was the first time he was seeing the inside of the mansion; it really lived to his expectations. The walls were filled with paintings and no photos were found. The corridor was quite long and after a while they made a turn which led to door. What was that room? He wondered. Anne knocked once and opened the door. He followed suit and saw Violet seated in a very big white chair like a queen. Her eyes were closed listening to classical music; he had never been interested in that genre. It made him sleepy so he cancelled it out.

'Mother, he is here,' Anne said as she stopped in front of Violet.

Wait a second. Did Anne just say mother to Violet? What was happening in this place? The thought of them being related was just something he never thought of.

'You may leave.'

'Do you want me to bring you anything?'

'No but inform the club that I will be having dinner there. Tell them to prepare something.'

'I will inform them. I will take my leave.'

And just like that Anne left leaving him and Violet alone.

'I can hear your heart beating very fast from here, you need to sit and calm down.'

He didn't want to argue, last time he did it he ended up experiencing something more painful and cruel so he sat on one of the chairs.

'Did you see your mother?'

'What was that? A hallucination method of some sort.'

'Maybe but tell me what you saw and think.'

'I saw her dying.'

'Did she?'

'It ended so quickly so I didn't get to see what happened.'

'Good then, now I will ask some questions and you my boy answer truthfully.'

'I will answer anything as long as you tell me about her.'

'What will you do if you learn that she is dead?'

'Visit her grave and perform my duties as a son and asks for forgiveness.'

'What did you do that you need to ask for forgiveness?'

'For some time I hate her for abandoning me to those people. If she was still alive she wouldn't let them treat me that way.'

'You should be grateful that someone is taking care of you, giving you money to spend and giving you freedom and attention.'

'Talking from experience?'

'I do the questioning. So what if she survived?'

'I want to see her and ask her about everything. I want to understand her own side of the story and want to know what my current parents have anything to do with my mother's disappearance.'

'That makes sense, I would also ask the same if it was me. Too bad I didn't get my answers.'

'Continue to persist and I believe just like me you will get your answers.'

'As for the question relating your mother you will find your answer soon.' Violet said and dialed her cell phone, moments later Anne came in.

'Take him to the room.'

'What room again? You are not going to hypnotize me again, are you?'

'Why should I be cruel to one person in just one day? If you want the answers to your questions then just do as you are told or I will send you back home and be warned, no matter how much you will try to look for her you will never find her. I am the only option you have, so go!'

The idea of not getting the answers after getting this far was terrifying.

'I will go with her,'

'You should have said that before. Now follow Anne and be obedient.'

'Yes, ma'am.'

He stood up and followed Anne out of the office. They didn't go back the way they came but they went in another direction. There were so many rooms that they passed and his mind kept on thinking about what he was going to encounter in the room he was supposed to enter. Anne finally stopped in front of door that looked very old as if it didn't belong to the mansion.

'Enter and get your answers.'


'Why? Are you scared?'

'To be honest, yes I am.'

'This is what you have to go through; it's you who need the answers. I already have my answers. Now go before she changes her mind.'

He gathered all the courage he could and opened the huge door. As if it was haunted it kept on making some creak sounds but he still opened it and entered the room. So dark and mysterious, he couldn't see anything but a light suddenly appeared and he followed it. His mother used to say if you can't see just follow the light and he did the same. He was walking, stumbling and falling but he still continued to go on until it became bright all of a sudden. The scene before him was beautiful, just like a scene from a fantasy movie. The air was fresh and cool, not contaminated by any smoke. The flowers were moving freely, the birds chirping everywhere. Everything seemed happy and free. What was the meaning of all this?

'Dylan!!' a familiar voice called out his name and his heart dropped.

'Mother!' he said in disbelief as he turned his head towards the voice.

He could not believe it that was her standing right in front of him as if she was a ghost. He knew this was one of Violet's tricks.

'Is that really you?' he asked walking towards her.

She looked so beautiful, happy than the way she was before.

'Who else can it be Dee?'

She was the only one who called him with that way.

'You didn't leave me?'

'I will never leave you my love.'

'Where are you?'

'I'm here with you.'

'I don't mean that.'

'I know what you mean. When it is time, mother will come and see you but until then mother has a debt she needs to repay.'

'I can pay it for you, just come back to me.'

'Some debts cannot be repaid by someone else. There is always a price for everything and this price I need to pay it alone.'

'What happened to you really?'

'I'm happy to see your son, obey your father and don't make me lose face or your family but learn to share your thoughts. Don't keep them inside.'

He could tell she was about to leave and there was nothing he could do to stop it he couldn't even touch her; she was just like a fog.

'I never got to say this but I’m sorry mother and I love you.'

'I know Dee. I know. Mother has a lot to do, I will see you soon.'

'When can I see you?'

'Ask her, she may know a way but there is always a price. Remember that.'

'I will do anything.'

'Don't do anything rash and take care of yourself. Goodbye, I love you son.' she said as disappeared into thin air. Before he could grasp what had just happened he found himself at the entrance of the door as if he never went in. He tried to open it but the door didn't even bulge.

'She wants to see you,' a familiar voice said making him stop to do what he was doing. He turned and saw Anne staring at him.

'It has already served its purpose, now follow me.'

He followed her but this time they didn't turn to the office but went outside to the gazebo where he first saw her in the morning. She was seated there having some juice and snacks, receiving a shoulder massage from a maid.

'The kid is back. Did you have a nice chat with your mother Dee?'

'How did you.....?'

'I know what I want, that's how I get to be what I am right now.'

'What does my mother owe you?'

'That's a secret between the two of us and something I won't tell you no matter what.'

'I want to see her.'

'Until she repays her debt she won't see you but if you want to see her then you need to sign a contract, only then will you be able to see her.'

'I will do anything, just tell me how.'

'Go home for now and I will think about it. Find me again in three days and I will tell you.'

'Don't go back on your word.'

'I won't.'

'I will take my leave; I have a lot to do.'

'I guess you do, don't forget to open up to Rita before it's too late. You wouldn't want to make your mother miserable.'

He couldn't answer her, he had forgotten about Rita completely especially after this whole bizarre encounter with his mother and Violet. He just left and went straight to his car. He used a totally different gate to leave the mansion and was surprised to see it joining the road that one uses after using the wisdom gate. This was one of the strangest, scariest days since the day he was born. Experiencing something like this again would make him get a stroke or a strange disease that could strike him dead. Violet was really a witch and he had experienced it. The debt his mother owed was the one that was on his mind now. He wondered what his own would be when he signs the contract. He felt like he was going to sell his soul to the devil but he would pay any price just to see his mother again.

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