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46.66% My Last Breath: Book One of the Portal Series / Chapter 21: Chapter Seventeen: They Ate Everyone, Didn't They?

Capítulo 21: Chapter Seventeen: They Ate Everyone, Didn't They?

"Ellie, wake up."

The voice startles me from a hard sleep and I shoot up into a sitting position, trembling. My eyes glance around in the darkness, finding Jane standing next to the bed. I lean away from her.

She keeps her voice low, "I need you to come with me."

I scan my eyes around the room finding nothing out of place, but I prepare to run if I have to; even though my eyelids keep sticking together again and I almost droop in exhaustion. I still force myself to get to my feet as quickly as possible, assuming that we have to start a great escape from the Hunters once more.

I mumble blandly, "What is going on?"

Jane shushes me, whispering, "We're going to sneak out of the house and go to Earth."

Her words don't make me feel any better, finally realizing that we don't have to flee from the Hunters but instead walk knowingly into their trap. What has overcome her?

At one point last night I thought I'd follow behind Luke and Koda, but the more I thought about them walking into a trap the more I realized I wouldn't be any help. They won't come back, I'm convinced because the little sister Jane talks of never did either. What's the point in going back when I know I'll be imprisoned again.

Last night when Jane arrived back from her tutoring at the University, she was unsettled about Koda and Luke leaving so abruptly. She wanted them to come back and refused to even allow me to talk about leaving to follow them. Afterward, I laid in bed thinking about the situation for hours, finally deciding a more greedy opinion.

"We have to sneak out and go to Earth before it's too late."

"What?" I'm shocked.

"Come on Ellie, we're going. Grab my coat." She hands it to me forcefully and begins to tiptoe out the bedroom door.

I go behind Jane, pleading to her not to leave but she doesn't stop. My first instinct is not to grab ahold of her but to wake my grandmother in the next room. She would cease Jane from leaving, but at the last second when I'm gripping the handle of the door I look back at my sister and with the expression she makes I don't turn the handle.

Her face is illuminated by the light coming from the bathroom beside the staircase. She looks utterly defeated, her blue eyes are sunken slightly and I think she knows my plan of exposing her. Her frown makes me sigh and turn to fully face her.

I recognize what is happening instantly. At this moment she's experiencing the feeling of betrayal, something sadly I understand from Koda leaving me behind. He took the best opportunity for his safety and I was just about to do the same, how dare I do this to someone else?

She's put her trust in me, I decide that she's always had her trust in me. I can't betray her like this, I can't do what Koda did to me. Jane wouldn't do this to me.

And so with that thought, I move away from the door, Jane's stiff face turning into a more relieved expression and her taking a big breath. She starts tip-toeing down the stairs, looking back at me as if I'd second guess my decision. We get our shoes and sneak out the side door through the kitchen.

"We shouldn't be doing this," I say, breathing in the exhilarating night air. It's so fresh it feels like I'm breathing for the first time.

"But it's the right thing to do. We have to try," Jane replies.

The spring air is chilly and the further we pace down the street the more I become covered in goosebumps, or is it because of what we're getting into? We're practically getting ready to walk into a trap ourselves. A trap I assume is for me.

Before we can get to the main street the sound of a door swinging shut comes to my attention. I freeze, "Jane, stop."

She does as I say and looks around the empty street, "Can't this wait?"

"I heard something."

Jane grabs my arm and pulls me onto the main street, "Ellie, don't forget there's vampires living here. They're out all night, that's probably what you heard."

I nod but look over my shoulder anyway, not seeing anyone in the darkness behind us. Even if we were being followed there's no way we'd see them, this makes it more frightening.

I decide to pick up my pace, following close beside Jane. On the main street, we find it full of people- well vampires. They sketch me out once more, making me worry that they are what they're made out to be in movies. Bloodthirsty creatures are nothing I want to be part of.

After entering the portal building I sigh of relief, feeling much safer where no one could be watching me. Jane and I sign the logbook, but just ad I'm putting the ink pen down the door to my left swings open forcefully.

I whip my head over, ready to run from whoever that man was I'd seen multiple times but instead am shocked to see Estelle and Lynn. Their infuriating reflections tell me they're ready to argue and with that, they're simultaneously beginning to yell. I flinch, not enjoying the way they're speaking but understand that they're trying to keep us from leaving. The girls stayed up all night to watch for us to leave because Luke told them he knew Jane would sneak out.

Jane gives them a dirty look, allowing her messy long hair to fall into her eyes, "Why does Luke always know what I'm up to?" She takes a look at me stunned, "You know, doesn't that frustrate you?" I shrug, not really knowing much about him or anyone else to that matter. Jane continues, looking past me to the girls by the entrance, "No way are you two going to force us back! How about this, you can either stay here and watch us go or come with us."

Wow, Jane can get sassy.

The girls with bags under their eyes look at each other, Estelle speaking first, "I am not going back-"

While Lynn says slightly after, "Koda said they can't follow him no matter what. I have to keep my word."

Jane buts in, "You're word? Why are you keeping your word when it's my brother and cousin in danger and the rest of my family!"

"I care about them. I care about your whole family! You guys took us in, not even questioning it. I'm grateful for everyone." Lynn admits with tears in her eyes.

The intenseness makes me cower and step back behind Jane. The woman behind the desk keeps her eyes low, not daring to enter into our business.

Estelle stomps her foot like a child, "I am staying here no matter what! We are safer here Lynn, we can't be taken back."

Lynn ignores her, giving me the side-eye, "Koda told me not to let Ellie go under any circumstances."

"Why are you so close to Koda?" Jane's rebuttal makes Lynn look down at the floor. She changes the subject instantly, "Jane, let her stay, please. For her safety."

Jane raises her voice, "I think I'm more than capable of handling this situation."

Estelle whispers, "Come on, they've made their decision. Let's go back."

Lynn shakes her head no. Then looking at Jane and I, "Then we can't let you take care of this yourself."

Tears begin running down Jane's face, "This is the first time we've had almost our full family back together. I'm not going to let it fall apart already."

Jane ignores the girls and grabs my arm and pulls me through the doors to the portal room. It glistens, pulling me into a trance-like state and allowing Jane to push me through it.

Within a matter of seconds, the atmosphere changes and I breathe in the smell of pine and a stuffy fog. I'm snapped into a different mindset as if nothing had happened before. It was like I blinked and we were encased in the forest. The starry night sky shining down on us, duller than Elyria's stars.

"I don't think they're coming," Jane says as she steps off the platform, her shoes crunching into the leaves.

I do as well and only after walking in a direction for less than ten seconds I hear two additional heartbeats, heavy breaths, and a screech of horror, "Did that just happen?"

I spin around discovering Estelle and Lynn standing a yard behind us. In the dark, I see outlines of frowns on their lips. I wish I could fully see the expressions of pure confusion or fright on their faces. For sure Estelle is pouting because she wanted to be selfish and stay on Elyria for her own safety, while Lynn is trying to keep me back on Elyria for Koda's sake.

Jane just shrugs them off, "Welp, looks like you two are stuck here whether you like it or not because you can't go back through the portal without an Elyrian or you'll drown."

"How'd we get through the portal alone then?" Estelle tries to be a smart alec.

Jane keeps walking, not even taking a glance over her shoulder at them, "The spirit is the one who drowns you, she's only on the Earth side."

"Wait for us!" Estelle screeches, letting it repeat through the forest air.

Jane murmurs, "You best not be yelling in these woods, we don't wanna be heard." Her words shut up the girls immediately and she adds, "I mean unless you want to get taken back to that prison."

From the moment I met Jane, she has been nothing but sweet to me. I have never heard her talk too petty, so irritated. I didn't know she could be this way. But it makes me assume she doesn't let anybody walk all over her.

The wind whips around, causing noises that discomfort my ears. I become utterly weary, feeling the hairs on the back of my neck stick up on end. Being spooked is one thing but getting in your head and spooking yourself is even worse.

I anticipate hearing noises of other human-like people nearby but we eventually get to Jane's vehicle unscathed. I'm quite surprised a Hunter or two didn't stake out at her car waiting for us. We took precautions anyway, making sure no one was nearby; of course, my ears did the trick of declaring it was safe.

The ride back to the mansion happens with a blink of an eye because one second I was hopping into the vehicle and my eyes batting shut, then the next I'm awoken to a light turning on in the front.

Once the four of us are outside of the home, while Estelle and Lynn almost cling to each other, I stop everyone whispering, "Be quiet."

I look around the darkness, not noticing anything different just yet. We find Koda's vehicle, my grandparents', as well as another that Jane assures me is my uncle's. The only sounds I manage to hear outside are animals, crickets chirping, and the winds whooshing through the rolling hills.

Jane sighs, "Ellie it's safe right now. Koda and Luke are here, they messaged me during the drive."

I become confused, "Only them?"

"Yep." She whispers as she walks around the front of the car to the sidewalk on the left. She follows the path leading to the front door, "They said they'd meet us over here."

Once I get closer I hear faint sounds of two people. One whispers, "They're here, unlock the door."

The front door opens, leaving two dark figures on the other side of the glass screen door. We walk up the steps as Koda is swinging the second door open, "Get inside, hurry."

We do as he says and once the door is shut as gently as Jane can make it I frown, "Why are all of the lights off?"

Jane locks the door is locked in every way possible while Koda answers, "They won't know we are here if they're scoping around the area."

"Wouldn't they hear all the cars?" I argue.

"Sure if they were close enough-" Koda stops dead in his tracks, "Jane didn't didn't tell me she brought all three of you!"

I speak once more, "We have walked into a trap." My eyes glance down at my shadows of legs as I think, why do I always have to feel so socially awkward.

"The Hunters will do anything to get Ellie back," Koda agrees. "Jane, you have to take her back to Luke's right now! And take the other two back!"

Jane only groans, "You know Koda, this is not the night for you to be telling me what to do. I made the decision to come save the both of you because you don't know what you're doing."

"That's not true!" Luke buts in.

"And do you have a plan?" The boys stay silent, but Koda's heartbeat intensifies. "I didn't think so."

Somethings up with Koda so I take all of the courage I have for the moment and speak, "Koda knows something he isn't telling us."

Lynn announces, "Okay, okay. Why don't we just take Ellie home." Again changing the subject?

Jane's mouth falls open, "You two are keeping something from us."

Koda looks at her, "My only plan was to keep Ellie away from here, that's all. I don't want her to get taken again."

"I want Lynn safe." Luke blurts. Is he really still crushing on her, especially after how she's been talking to Koda almost non-stop?

"I'm not taking Ellie back." Jane insists, "I'm not taking anyone back. We are here to stick together and make things right. After this, our family will be together again." She sounds hopeful but I don't think that's enough right now.

"Ellie can not be part of this. Please just trust me!" Koda begs.

Estelle murmurs, "I think you should all trust Koda."

Jane starts walking off, "Not after he ditched our family for years, arrived back out of nowhere, and refused to tell us anything."

Estelle looks at Koda, "I think you need to give him another chance."

Where is this all coming from? I dislike all of the tension and strange feelings everyone gives off.

"No." Jane spits.

Luke suddenly stands his ground, "This arguing is going to get us nowhere..."

"So then what do you have to tell us?" I ask.

"My parents and grandfather are missing, and all of the Guard." Luke saddens the mood.

Jane paces up and down the hallway beside the staircase, "There has to be some kind of clue."

With a single second, it dawns on me, "I overheard the phone call when Marek called..."

"When?" Luke sounds hopeful.

"The last time. He said something about wolves." I know that is what I've heard, but I don't know what that means. "It has to do with the Hunters."

Koda says, "I know it does."

"You guys didn't find anything else?" Jane questions the boys, "What about a dream journal."

"I'm not sure dad brought his with him," Luke informs her. "We can look upstairs anyway."

With that, he's sending Koda and I upstairs, Estelle following behind closely. My brother walks through the home in the dark so easily, as if he was brought up here; which could possibly be true. We walk over the balcony and enter the wing of the house that is considered Marek's.

We pass by a bedroom, a sitting area, a bathroom, and a staircase, to get to a very large bedroom. Koda shuts the blinds at the window and clicks the light on, dimming it to low lighting.

I see a suitcase of clothes was left behind, the bag that my uncle brought with him when he first left but nothing truly peculiar. The room is messy, but Koda assures me it's always been that way.

A book stuffed between the wall and the bedside table catches my eye, "Koda, did you see this before?"


Estelle walks close to my brother, as the pair watch over my shoulder. I snatch the book up in my hands, seeing a blank leather cover. It doesn't look like it was made in the United States, so I assume it's from Elyria. This must be some sort of notebook, but I flip the first page open anyway.

After reading a few lines of the first page, it comes to my understanding that this is the dream journal.

The twenty-first page is the last entry, dating only two nights ago:

Last night marks the second dream I have had about grandma. She came to warn me about something but didn't say what. The only thing she said was not to go.

The scene changed quickly and I don't remember where I am. Outside. I'm running somewhere. I think I'm being chased.

I show the entry to Koda, confused, "What does that mean?"

He takes a look at the entry, "I don't know how to explain this to you both, but our family will have dreams about Gram's mom. She comes into them to tell us things."

Estelle steps back from Koda, "Does this mean that the dead are warning us about the future?"

"Technically the future is always changing because every person has their own decisions. But the communication between my great grandmother and parts of my family is her observing what she can and giving us information."

"Is that even allowed?" I'm just as puzzled.

"The only family I've heard of that can interact with the dead is our family. But Gram's powers are different than this."

Without any notice, a howl outside startles me. I block out everything else and hear where the creature's sound is coming from. I end up running out the door to the bedroom, dropping the book where I once stood.

My ears follow the sound to the backside of the estate, running past the bathroom and a staircase to the nook in the curve of the corridor. I take no consideration to the seating area and jump up onto the couch, gazing out the window. Even though I can't see anything out in the darkness I find outlines of pine trees, a patio, and some shapes of what looks like some kind of stone blocks.

"What is she doing?" Estelle whispers to Koda from close behind me, making me flinch and spin my head around.

I announce, "I heard something barking or howling from outside."

Koda shrugs, "There are coyotes in the woods, we've always heard them out here."

Estelle looks at me strangely, "I don't know how you can hear them? I hear nothing."

I want to argue with her, wondering how she possibly heard nothing but there's already been too much conflict tonight. Besides, I don't want to be the one to start it.

I step down from the furniture while Koda hands me the book, "Can you bring this to Luke for me?"

Taking the book I nod and walk down the hall to the door that connects to the balcony. Koda and Estelle do not follow, but I notice nothing of the sort until I'm meeting Luke at the top of the staircase and hearing Estelle say, "Do you think you could promise me something?"

"I can't promise you much, but please tell me."

She takes a second to finally say, "You've been so close to Lynn, but I was wondering if you'd watch out for me? I don't have a person to depend on, no one to talk to other than Lynn. I don't know if we're going to die so I'm just gonna say it, I was wondering if you'd like to be that person?"

"I hope you know that Lynn doesn't like me that way."

"That can't be true." Estelle laughs somewhat uncomfortably.

"I don't like her like that, but if you want to know she's starting to like Luke."


The girl gasps.

And Koda adds, "I would love to get to know you."

Luke shouts down to the others, distracting me from the conversation I've been listening in on. They all come into the front room, and Estelle and Koda finally trail behind me.

We have a quick decision to meet in the library where it's more enclosed and safe from the large windows in the front room. Jane makes sure the cloth blinds are shut in the room and closes the curtains, lastly shutting the glass doors. Now nobody could see us if they were on the front step.

She dims the light just as Koda did upstairs so it doesn't draw attention to us and explains that because we possess my uncle's dream book we need to keep it in here. As we discuss the content of the most recent page of the book, I continue to hear the sounds of howls from outside.

I sit on the window seat, deciding to take a peek outside of the tall window behind me. At first, I think my mind is playing tricks on me because I instantly am drawn to a large dog-like figure under the pine tree. I hear the black figure step out, crunching on sticks below its feet.

"I see something!" I point out the window, "Remember when I mentioned wolves? I think Marek was right, we have to be surrounded by wolves."

Lynn whispers, "You are talking about werewolves." Suddenly the thought clicks in all of our brains and we scatter frantically to make sense of it. I shudder, "No, they couldn't be here on Earth could they?"

Estelle quivers, "They ate every one, didn't they?"

She sits next to Koda on the couch as he is wringing his hands, "Let's hope not."

Koda sits up and turns around to look out the window, Lynn does also. They both draw back the curtain and blinds slowly. I stare at them, knowing I may have solved a mystery but put to note a much greater issue. My two siblings immediately present a ghostly look upon their faces.

"I don't think those are cayotes." I moan.

"They're werewolves." Koda shrieks.

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