A human being normally felt afraid when she caught a glimpse of a river of blood and knife. It would either cause a serious trauma towards that person and might affect her behavior and daily life.
I am not saying that it was me. Yes, I won't deny that I got terrified but because of Lisandro, I effortlessly coped with it.
And to know why he suddenly burst into laughter, I realized that it was a great way to express such triumph.
His golden-brown eyes sparkled and held my hands tightly. He said, "Help me pull this off from my body. It's quite annoying."
"Are you... are you sure? Am I truly allowed to get this out without cleaning and some... some cotton balls?"
My eyes widened, waiting for his answer. I thought he was only faking it but his response literally blew my head away.
"Come on, we don't have much time left. We have to save your sister and Brooke from Diane!"
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