"Too slow!" Dick glowed in a fiery light and made a massive ball of fire in an instant.
I also took out the stone of Damsel and as three distinct mana flew through me, I fired my light- wet- slightly cold ball at his fiery hot ball. Probably not the best description but there were loads of steam.
I had my senses sharpened thanks to Imbuition, so I could tell where who was even in this misty weather- but- slash!
I cut through air. I could have sworn I'd heard him there.
Dick could apparently, let out faints.
And the steam wasn't going away. 'So, he could produce steam?' It seemed most probable otherwise, how come the steam didn't disappear and how could he move freely and create dummy presences?
I guess just relying on Imbuition wasn't working and the fact that I didn't know how to beat the guy still stood firm.
There probably won't be any chap tomorrow