Once again, Yong Liwei was caught off-guard by the woman beside him. There were times where she could be easily embarrassed about things such as these but also, there were times where she just was this shameless. She was simply unbelievable.
He flicked her forehead lightly as he spoke, "don't even tempt me to do you right now. I don't think it will do good to your condition."
A small pout appeared on her lips as she lightly rubbed her forehead. Just then, a 'bright' idea entered her mind which made her grinned playfully as she replied, "we can always ask the doctor!"
Of course, they could but he rather not do it with her in fear that he might lose his control. Besides, he was bothered by something else sp he simply couldn't just let his desires get ahead of him. It has been months after all and Yong Liwei knew how attracted he was towards her despite having no feelings for her. It was something different than love. At least that was what he thought.
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