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20% My Only / Chapter 6: CHAPTER 6

Capítulo 6: CHAPTER 6

It had been three weeks since Demetrious met Dylan and my life has not been easy with that pair, Dylan wants to spend time with his father and that is why Demetrious appears almost every night to see him, maybe he is not satisfied with seeing him when I take him to daycare, but let's be realistic what affects me is his presence since I see him at work and at home, our working relationship, which is the only one we have, has improved somewhat, I only stay extra time if it is really necessary, from rest; my work ends at the usual time. But his temper sometimes causes me to slap him over the head or whatever he's holding when he gets annoying, but he's the boss. I shake it with amusement as I imagine the scene, I finish printing the data and the contract for the account for the cosmetics advertising that we have on the door, I get up and walk to Demetrious's office.

I straighten my blue dress and knock on the door, I enter and Demetrious is focused on the computer with a frown, he took advantage of the fact that he is busy to observe his face, Demetrious has a beautiful physique and a face that makes any woman fall in love, besides that he has a charm that captivates with her striking gray eyes and can go from warm to arctic. If I know, he watched him finish sending some emails and then look at me

- Here I leave you the seduction account - I place the folder on his desk - if there is nothing else, I will retire - he looked at my watch - I would like to be home early since tomorrow is not a work day and there is nothing more to do

- There is nothing, but I would like us to talk - he said, settling in his chair - and since your sister-in-law took Dylan to the zoo and you don't have to look for him, it's the opportunity

- It's okay. You will say - take a seat, I felt my heart beat very fast, something told me to get out of there and try to relax - what happens? - I saw him breathe as he was gathering strength and he gave me that look full of determination

- I would like Dylan to carry my last name - he released me and a part of me calmed down

- Well that is something that makes sense and you are within your rights, so I am not opposed to it, "I said calmly, but I noticed that she did not say anything to me until seconds later.

- Brianna I want custody of Dylan - I felt my world opening before me

- Are you crazy! - Chille getting up from my seat

- Listen to me - he stood up and approached me, but I walked away - I want us to share custody of Dylan - he said quickly - I want us to get married

- Are you using drugs or what's wrong with you? - I was more and more angry and hurt, I felt that my legs would fail me at any moment so I sat on the chair again

- No, - he growled annoyed - Think about it Brianna, we could give him a family, I grew up with a loving family and I want that for my son, besides - he stopped to look at me - from the little you told me about your parents years ago I understand that they were excellent parents and they loved you - I felt my tears run down my face - and I want that

"What you want is to blackmail me," I said angrily, "you cheated on me!" I let you into our lives, but you already had the plan to take my son from me — shouted— besides, I'm not going to marry you.

- I'm sorry you think that way, but if you don't accept then we won't see a judge

- Shit! - I got up - no judge would take away my son

- I have my methods and believe me I would not like to get to that

- You are a bastard who only thinks of himself - I pointed at him with my finger - you just want everything and everyone to do what you want and if he does not do the man, he looks for a way to screw up the situation and obtain his wishes

- Brianna - replied

- Fuck you Demetrious Johnson! - I left the office, took my bag and left while listening to Demetrious call me

When I was going home I called my brother so he would know I was on my way and that he could take me to Dylan. I quickly got home and threw my bag at the entrance, I wanted to scream, cry and kick, but I knew that that would not change things, I listened to my mobile and when I saw the number I turned it off, almost at nine my brother arrived next to Dylan who was excited and talking up to the elbows of everything he saw, but my mind was elsewhere

- I already have dinner - my brother informed me while we were in the living room

"I'm going to go upstairs and make sure he's ready for bed," I said. "Are you in a hurry?" - I asked for

- What's wrong dwarf? I see you sad - I sighed before speaking

- I need us to talk - I looked at him seriously - I need my brother and the lawyer

- You scare me. Let me tell Sofi I get in a couple of hours more - I nodded - want something to drink

- Get out the wine, I think it would be helpful - I went upstairs and put Dylan to bed when I came downstairs, my brother was waiting for me in the living room with two glasses and a bottle of wine I sat on the sofa in front, I didn't know what to say so opt for the truth.

My brother's face went from anger to disbelief, passing through sadness as I told him everything that happened with the father of my son. I told him about my relationship with Demetrious what happened when I told him I was pregnant and I saw guilt for what happened, I also told him how it had appeared again in my life and what I wanted to do.

- You're kidding, aren't you? - I denied holding my tears and he drank his wine quickly and I did the same

- Tell me you can't take the child from me? - ask hopefully

- Brianna for what little I know about family litigation if you go to trial you can get joint custody, but if you have the resources - she denied sad I'm sorry my hopes were ruined

- You can take my son away then - I said pouring more wine and drinking it all

- Getting drunk will not help - he growled annoyed, I did not pay attention, he got up and hugged me - my advice is that you accept his proposal

- It would be a marriage without love Bruno - hiccupped with tears

- When I see him I'm going to kill him - my brother was tense

- I do not want you to get involved in that, I need to think and put my ideas in order - I cleaned my face - Go with sofí and the baby I will be fine

- Good. But tomorrow I will come - kiss my forehead - go to rest

When my brother left I went upstairs and entered Dylan's room And I saw him asleep, I couldn't allow my son to be taken from me and I would do whatever it took for him so I had to give in and marry a man who doesn't love me, because Despite the relationship we had in the past, he never told me that he loved me, and he knew that marriage would only make us suffer. Was determined. I would agree to marry, but I would not let Demetrious trample me and try to bend my pride, I would marry for my son and a part of me also knew that I was doing it because I still loved him.


- How are you doing? - My sister-in-law told me while we had coffee in the kitchen. My brother and his family had arrived early to spend the day together, but I knew they were worried about me.

- I'm fine - I forced a smile and she narrowed her gaze, my sister-in-law was a beautiful woman inside and out While I was a redhead and my hair was with soft waves, she was blonde and straight-haired with light brown eyes, of my height and very affectionate, that's why we were friends, since I met her I saw the love she had for my brother and now for her daughter; also my son adored his aunt and she adored him

- Bruno is angry - I sigh while adding sugar to his coffee - and I understand it - I looked through the door that led to the backyard and I saw my son and my brother making space between their toys to play a little soccer, I bit my lip while I remembered that during lunch my son asked about his father and I did not suppose that to tell him I looked at my sister-in-law

- I have already made my decision Sofía and I am not going to back down - she leaned a little over the bar to talk to me

- Well maybe with time they will love each other - I sadly denied

- It looks like you don't know Demetrious. He only loves himself - It was sad, but it was reality

I heard the kitchen door open and my son rushed in accompanied by his uncle

- Stop young man what's the rush? - ask curious

"My uncle and I are going to play, but I'm going to change," he replied and I smiled. Every day his pronunciation was better, almost perfect

- Goes up. But without making noise, remember that Mackenzie is taking her nap in my room - he nodded and left quickly, I turned around and looked at my brother - thanks for entertaining him - I thanked him

- I was missing more dwarf - he hugged me - he is my nephew - I smiled, but that smile vanished when I heard the bell ringing, my brother tensed beside me and walked towards the hall to reach the door

Wait, "I said nervously," Where are you going? I walked after him, I saw how he opened the door and Demetrious appeared, I hurried to get to them, but it was late, my brother made him pass and gave him a punch that knocked him to the ground.

- Bruno- I screamed and helped to lift Demetrious from the ground who was angry, my sister-in-law arrived on time and grabbed my brother by the arm

"Soothing honey," he said, standing in front of him, Demetrious next to me tried to move to respond to the blow, but I stopped him.

- Enough both! my son is upstairs and I don't want him to see them fighting - I said out loud and they calmed down

- And that's why I don't cut his face - said Demetrious - out of respect for Dylan

- Let's go to the backyard Bruno - Sofia said pulling him and leaving the two of us in the living room

- Are you OK? - I asked, he touched his face and nodded, but made a face - come on - I took him by the hand and led him to the kitchen, we arrived and I turned around. Demetrious had his gaze on our hands I released him immediately

- You did not answer my calls - he said as he looked at what he was looking for, I took the kit I had for scrapes

- I needed to think - I opened the medicine cabinet and Demetrious looked amused at the cartoon bands and raised an eyebrow

- Your son has given me more than a scare - he frowned - but only minor scratches

- We have to talk Brianna - he gritted his teeth when he cleaned his wound with alcohol - I did not mean what I said

- But you said it and there is no going back - reproach I put the cotton in the trash and put away the first aid kit - you gave me an Ultimatum. Either I marry or lose my son

- I did not want it to sound that way - my hysterical laugh came out without being able to contain it

- You are a hypocrite, you only see things your way - I accused him and he just looked at me in silence

- I see that now you are a tougher person - I claim

- I had to become tough because otherwise the world would have absorbed me and I had a child to support, who depended only on me - I reminded him bitterly and Demetrious's face was as if he had received a blow We remained in silence looking at each other until Dylan ran into the kitchen

- Dad - said my son throwing himself into the arms of Demetrious who received him warmly

- Hello champion - he gave Dylan a smile and stroked his hair - how are you behaving?

- Good - my son nodded smiling - we played soccer with the uncle - Demetrious thought for a moment and then nodded

- Okay - he said releasing it - go and I'll catch up with you in a moment - he replied, taking off the jacket he was wearing, revealing a sky blue shirt that was hugging his arms shit.

I heard my niece cry and it was the perfect opportunity to get away, Demetrious frowned and looked up confused, I just ignored him and ran up to my bedroom

- What happens baby? - I said entering the room and seeing Mackenzie with her face full of tears - already. Here is aunt - I said taking her in my arms - oh dear or mommy gives you a lot of food or what - I said smiling I was heavy

- Mommy - he said hiccupping, my niece was just like her mother; she had beautiful straight blonde hair, but with green eyes the same as my brother's and mine, she was a doll

- Let's go find Mommy - I wiped her face and went down with her, while we were going down I did everything possible to calm her down - you are a doll. Yes - I said as I blew her neck and made her laugh, I kissed her plump cheek and blew hard again and I was satisfied - you laugh because you know it true - I smiled when I heard her laugh again. When I entered the kitchen I found Demetrious waiting and watching me and Mackenzie.

- Is your niece? - I ask looking at the girl

- Yes. She is my niece - I said approaching - Mackenzie he is Demetrious - I took her hand to say hello, but my niece hid her face in my neck

- Mommy - he said against my neck

- I'm sorry - I said to Demetrious, he just nodded and smiled at my niece - let's give you some juice before going with mommy - I walked to the refrigerator and got the juice and a glass of those that are to help the children to drink without spilling anything

- Need help? - I listened to Demetrious and I was surprised - Don't worry I manage well - I smiled at my niece so as not to look at Demetrious - I already have practice with this - I said before biting my tongue I poured the juice and covered the glass to give it to Mackenzie who I take it with pleasure and began to drink - mm yummy right? - She nodded

- I'm sorry that everything has been like this - he said in a low voice

- I don't understand - I frowned seeing how he got closer to me

- That you go through everything alone - I shrugged to downplay it, even though I knew I wasn't fooling him

- I had Bruno, but when he went to work in court I managed very well alone

- Speaking of courts, now that I remember they called me and said that you should go and rectify the complaint you made against Stefan, otherwise he will be released

- I have to talk to my brother, but not today, he will be my lawyer, his specialty is criminal matters so he trusted him with closed eyes

- Good. I would like you to - he said tense he knew he hated Stefan

We went out to the backyard and I walked to the white rocking furniture where my sister-in-law was, I glanced at Demetrious I realized that he was watching the backyard carefully and then he went to my brother and Dylan, I sat down and my sister-in-law took Mackenzie at once

- Hello my love - he said kissing her and making sure she took her game, the two of us were watching as Demetrious spoke with Bruno carefully while Dylan looked for the ball - do you think they will fight again?

- No. They know that Dylan is there and he trusted his maturity - I said looking at my niece and touching her hair

- It's sexy - he said and laughed at my gaze - oh come on Brie! It's true look at him - I watched as they started the game and through his shirt I saw the muscles tense. Fucking sexy and I kicked myself for thinking about it

- It has always been sexy - I admitted

- Otherwise she will love Bruno so much - she said sighing and looked at her badly, she laughed out loud - By God! That man still interests you, he just checked - he looked at me questioningly

- Don't talk nonsense Sofia - I said taking my niece's hand - Mom sometimes says nonsensical things, right - she just looked at us and then continued drinking her juice

- You are not deceiving me and I believe that you are reciprocated by the way he looks at you - he leaned back in the rocking chair

- We better change the subject - cut to Sofia

For half an hour we watch them play and have fun. I never thought I would see Demetrious play soccer and less with a child, I also saw that the tension between my brother and Bruno had improved and was almost non-existent and that left me calmer. Demetrious said something to Bruno and he walked over to where he was and he looked a little sweaty, but he was still sexy. I should stop thinking that way, he stood in front of me and his intimidating figure made me anxious

- Sofia I'm sorry for my rudeness, but this is Demetrious - I said looking at my sister-in-law who had a very restless Mackenzie - Demetrious this is my sister-in-law

- A pleasure - said Sofia getting up with the girl in her arms

- Nice meeting the woman who takes care of Dylan - he looked sincere - I also liked meeting this beautiful girl - my niece smiled when he stroked her head. Yes honey this man is hypnotic I said to myself

- Okay. I'm going to take this girl to the swings for a while - I nodded because I knew he wanted to give us space, Demetrious took a seat next to me

- I really like this space - he said sighing and running his hands through his hair

- When I get to this house I dedicate myself to making it suitable for Dylan to grow up happy - I said looking at the swings where Mackenzie was seen laughing while her mother pushed her gently - it is a pity that she will no longer have that space - I said looking at him and I saw confusion - I agree to marry you, "I said as calmly as I could. That's it I already said it

- Brianna, I'm glad you accepted - she straightened up and looked happy and avoided grimacing because I knew she was happy because she had gotten away with it - I have to make some calls to fix everything

- Wait - I interrupted - I have conditions

- I do not understand - frowned

- We will be married, but I will not leave my job - I try to speak and raise my hand to interrupt him - there will be no intimacy between us and together we will raise Dylan

- No - he said angrily - we will be a real marriage and that is what we are going to have. Nor will you need to work

- Then there is no deal - gritted his teeth

- You don't want to go to court - my eyes filled with tears

- You are despicable, only your will is done, right? - reproach me and get up. I try to grab my hand, but I grabbed it like a girl and he was shocked - let me think this over. She needed to be alone - I lied because I knew I had no choice I just didn't want to show weakness to him - take care of Dylan for a while - I said and walked home with tears already running down my face.

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