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62.16% A Gamers Guide to Necromancy / Chapter 46: A Cloak and Dagger Operation.

Capítulo 46: A Cloak and Dagger Operation.

- Yukio (Earlier) -

Watching her girlfriend as she watched another news report about Kuros heroics she giggled slightly.

"What are you giggling about?" Ellie asked as she finally shut of the computer and coming to the bed, her modest breasts attracting her eyes as she walked, making Ellie smirk proudly.

Ellie only slept in her panties, same as her. They had nothing the other hadn't seen, touched and licked a thousand times before, modesty was pretty pointless at this point.

"You. You were so focused on the screen... but I'm not surprised, Kuro was on it after all." She said with a smile as Ellie sat on the bed next to her.

"...okay? What's that supposed to mean?" Ellie asked after a moment, staring at her in confusion.

"That you're interested in Kuro, you seemed to be having fun in class with him." She said, watching Ellie's eyes widen briefly.

"Nah, I was just wondering what the news had to say about someone with powers. That's all." She replies quickly, waving her hand.

"Then why were you blushing?" She asked in amusement.

"I wasn't?" Ellie asked with a frown.

"Not just now, in class. When I care over your face was red." She explained making Ellie blanch, looking away.

"No! It's not like that, I like girls, you should know that..." Ellie explained away quickly.

"Of course you do, but that doesn't mean you can't like guys to." She said with a shrug.

"I... look, I didn't want to bring it up but... when we were fighting he pinned me, and while I was trying to push him off I accidentally pushed my ass against his dick, he got hard. It was embarrassing." Ellie said with a blush. "I wasn't blushing out of attraction, it was just embarrassing that's all. I could feel it pushing between my cheeks, and our exercise clothes are thin."

"Uhuh... but you didn't hit him when he got off you, even if it was your fault you get punchy when guys embarrass you. Plus... you're panties were a bit wet when you got undressed after class. I know you Ellie, and I know when your aroused." She said calmly, watching Ellie's eyes widen in shock, and the slightest amount of fear.

"I didn't... fine, his shaft brushed against my pussy okay, yes I got horny. I'm sorry." Ellie said with a sigh of defeat, freezing as Yukio leaned forwards, kissing her deeply.

"Why are you apologising? I'm not angry. We've always been honest with each other, right? So... honestly, do you find Kuro attractive?" She asked making Ellie blush.

"Ugh.. fine, yes okay, I think he's hot... but I've never liked guys before..." Ellie said, doubt filling her tone as a confused look settled on her face.

"Maybe you just have very specific tastes?" She asked making Ellie laugh.

"Knew I shouldn't have watched those vampire flicks... why aren't you angry?" She asked hesitantly. "I basically humped a guy I find cute, while dating you... and you aren't angry."

"Because I love you." Yukio said easily, watching Ellie's face turn bright red. "I want you to be happy and I know you love me, Kuro isn't going to steal you away from me. So... you said you don't like guys, but. if you had a chance to... test that with Kuro, with no consequences, would you?" She asked calmly, smiling at the blush as it traveled even further down Ellie's bare chest.

"I... of course not, I'm dating you." Ellie said stubbornly.

"And Kuro is dating Rogue and Kitty, so what?" She asked with a slight tilt to her head.

"So... it's not right, even if you and those two were alright with it... if anyone found out..." Ellie trailed off.

"And since when has the rebellious Negasonic cared what other people thought?" She asked in amusement.

"I... what are you suggesting?" Ellie asked after a moment of silence, almost scared to hear the answer.

"Suggesting? Nothing. But you've been off since that class, I think the best way to get you back to normal would be for you to find out... are you really interested in men? All I'm saying is that if an opportunity to find out comes up? Don't turn it down because you think I'd hate you for it. No matter what happens, you'll still be my girlfriend and I'll still love you." She said kindly, kissing her girlfriend again.

"...and what if I... test it and find out I really do like Kuro?" She asked after a moment of silent thought.

"Then maybe Kuro has room for a third girlfriend, and maybe a fourth." She said with a casual shrug before she burst into giggles at Ellie's dumbstruck face.

"I didn't think you liked men?" She asked after a moment making her smile.

"I don't, not really. But I think I could really enjoy spending some time with Kuro as long as you were there as well. I guess I'm Ellie-sexual?" She said with a smirk as Ellie went deep red again.

That was always so fun.

"I... look, I'll think about it okay?" Ellie said with a sigh.

"That's all I ask, but for now..." she trailed off with a grin, seeing Ellie's eyes widen just before she was pounced.

Ellie was her girlfriend after all, and clearly she needed some reassuring that their relationship was solid.

- Mary-Jane Watson (Spinneret) -

"See!? I told you that you can't just assume Kuro is evil." Her daughter cheered triumphantly.

"And you can't assume he's good from one good deed, Kuro's a good actor." She replied immediately, making her daughter scoff.

They'd managed to arrange for a hotel room for now, she knew where some lost treasure was from a old adventure with Peter, and taking some so she could pawn it had set them up for a while.

"He killed your father, Annie." She said making her daughter flinch. "He raped me for hours, and if Peter hadn't given his life to stop it you would have had the

same treatment, I know you fell for his kind act, we all did, but it was just that... an act. He would have violated you for hours before he had his queen violate our minds. He isn't a good person, you need to accept that." She said sternly, watching her daughter storm off. She wouldn't leave the hotel room at least.

After she'd gotten them set up it'd all finally hit her... Peter was dead and they were trapped on a different earth.

She'd broken down, still feeling Kuro's touch on her body, his hands groping her, his vile shaft splitting her apart, his seed on her tongue, leaking from her holes. She couldn't sleep without waking up in a cold sweat, nightmares of what had happened, what would have happened if she hadn't escaped, what would happen if Kuro came looking for her.

By now she'd showered a hundred times, but she still felt filthy, she'd taken some morning after pills just in case so at least she didn't have to worry about that. cruel as it was to think, maybe it would have been better if Peter had waited a few moments more. Annie was groped but she'd recovered from that quickly... maybe it would have been better if she was subjected to just a little bit more to wipe this ridiculous idea from her mind that Kuro could be good. She wouldn't still look up to him if she went through even a fraction of what she experienced.

Why would he save Peter though? A young and inexperienced Peter at that... and why did he have the Masters of the Mystic Arts Ring? She'd seen Doctor Strange's before, she recognised the portal he made.

What was his plan? Kuro didn't do anything if it didn't benefit him.

She couldn't warn Peter without coming off as a crazy woman, he didn't have the weird experience that her Peter had yet, and she couldn't warn anyone without being locked up, either in a madhouse or by people wanting future knowledge. Her suit was destroyed by Kuro so she was utterly powerless again.

But she couldn't leave Kuro to his devices, she couldn't fail another world.

So what should she do? The one advantage she had was that this Kuro didn't seem to know her younger self, she'd checked their school and Kuro wasn't even attending the same school as them, he had no reason to suspect her as anything other than a normal woman.

- Kuro -

-5 Affection with Mary-Jane Watson (Spinneret) [-75/100] for deceiving her daughter.

+10 Affection with Anna-May Parker (Spiderling) [30/100] for saving her father.


I hate Marvel sometimes, Peter is clearly too young to have a child which means it's either some time-travel bullshit or some multiverse bullshit. Judging by the weird affection scores, I'm guessing Multiverse bullshit, some other Kuro has pissed off MJ and I'm paying for it.

Or it's time travel Bullshit and I'm paying for my own future actions which is just as annoying.

Aren't Spiderling and Spinneret from the Spider-Family comics? I never read them but I can remember seeing bits of them as one of the few worlds where Peter Parker can actually have a happy relationship without the writers fucking him. Multiverse Bullshit it is! Woo...

Whatever, I need to focus anyway.

"You ready?" I quietly ask Rogue, getting a nod from her.

Focusing for a moment, I open up a portal and step towards it, Rogue hesitates for a moment before she joins me, stepping through the hole in the air.

"Kuro?" Tandy asks, standing up quickly as we appear in her living room, looking around wildly as the portal closes. "I didn't think you'd be this quick... wait, who is that?" she asks spotting Rogue who is standing somewhat behind me awkwardly.

"Tandy, meet Rogue, she's offered to help. Rogue, meet Tandy. Now can we focus on the important thing? You know, the whole reason we're here?" I ask deadpan making Tandy's face flush in embarrassment.

"Yeah, sorry... I've been checking the windows but he hasn't showed up yet... but he's done it every single night so far." she says quietly, hugging herself slightly.

"Right, so it's a waiting game... Tandy, you keep checking the windows, with the curtains mostly closed he won't be able to see you have help until it's too late... if he shows up we'll grab him." I order quickly, making her nod. "Rogue, me and you will handle the fighting, if it comes to it." I say making her nod hesitantly.

"If I touch him, he should go down hard. Might be able to see why he's doing this too, Sugah. What happens after we catch him?" she asks making me pause.

"Not sure yet, I want to know why he's doing this before I decide. If he's just some teenage stalker with a crush, I'll beat his ass and toss him through a portal to some dirty alleyway. If he's got worse plans for Tandy? Well, I'll decide later." I say.

"...Are you going to kill him?" she asks hesitantly making me sigh.

"I know X-men aren't supposed to kill, but I have to admit Logan has a point, when he took me to pick up the new girl he slaughtered the slavers without mercy or hesitation, sometimes the world is just... better off without someone in it. If this guy turns out to be a serial killer or something like that? Yes, yes I will." I say making her pause, before she takes a deep breath and nods at me.

"Professor Logan would approve and he is my favourite teacher... fine, if this guys that bad, he won't be missed." she says after a moment.

"...Your life is crazy, Kuro." Tandy says after a moment.

"I'm not the one being stalked... but yeah, it really is. Is it going to be a problem if I have to consider a permanent solution?" I ask her making her shake her head.

"This guy has tormented me for days, I don't know what he wants but all I want is him gone." she says quickly, looking at her she looks paler than I remember, bags under her eyes and she's... jittery. Her eyes keep flittering around as if she's expecting her stalker to jump out from behind the couch.

"Don't worry, the next time he shows up will be the last." I promise, giving her a tight hug, despite the fact that we both agreed to not get close, Tandy immediately snuggles into my arms happily.

Glancing at Rogue I catch a slight smile on her face, that's good I was a bit worried about her getting possessive.

- Later -

"He's here..." Tandy says as she peaks through the curtains making me sigh in relief, I might not need as much sleep as normal thanks to my Peak Condition perk but god damn... it's already Four AM... and I like sleeping dammit.

Tandy's mother is completely out of it, I went up and checked. Oddly enough Rogue and Tandy bonded over bad parents, I guess the adopted daughter of Mystique would know a thing or two about that...

"So, now what?" Rogue asks.

"Now we jump him, Tandy stay here... tell me exactly where he is and I'll open a portal behind him." I say getting up.

"In the alleyway across the street, he's standing right at the opening just staring at the house." she says quickly.

"Right then, ready Rogue?" I ask getting a nod as she stands next to me. "Portal in three... two... one..." I say, making a portal at zero and jumping through it, appearing directly behind him as I lash out, punching him in the face hard as he spins around, his hood being knocked off as the dark-skinned teen stares at me in shock and confusion. "Hi, Tandy sends her love." I say as I grab him, throwing him over my shoulder and smashing him into the ground in a move I experienced earlier. Only I was the one being thrown... Logan doesn't hold back much.

As he hits the ground he disperses into a cloud of darkness, making both mine and Rogue's eyes widen in shock.

"He's a mutant?!" Rogue asks as she cloud moves away, reforming back into a human form.

"No, I would have negated his powers if he was. Can you drain him?" I ask as we get ready, a crazed look in the teens eyes as he glares at us... is that hunger in his eyes? Not the best sign.

-100 Reputation with Tyrone Johnson (Cloak) [-100/100] for getting between him and the Light. Dudes crazy, but having a power that compels him to consume the living would do that.

Cloak? That sounds... familiar? Nope, I've got nothing.

"I'll try..." Rogue says as he charges us, before he turns back into a cloud of rolling shadows, attempting to engulf us. Getting an idea I create an Arrow of light magic, watching it repel him slightly. The shadows try doing... something to my mind, but Isis is having none of it.

Rogue isn't so lucky, and almost immediately she starts to break down into whimpers, closing the distance between us I create several light arrows sticking them into the floor, creating a space around us bathed in light as the shadows are pushed back again. It's not how the spell is supposed to be used but it'll do the trick for now, I can already see the shadows devouring the light arrows slowly, it's taking a while simply due to the amount of arrows I'm tossing out.

"I... thanks... that was unpleasant..." she says as she steadies herself. "I can't grab him while he's a cloud, and if you're too close my powers shut off..." she says making me frown. Tossing a light arrow into the clouds I watch as the darkness consumes it... not the best but I did notice the cloud shrink slightly as the arrow is devoured.

The arrows are saturating his Darkness, Master. Keep it up and you'll force him into his human form!

Well, if at first you don't succeed...

Light Arrow, Light Arrow, Light Arrow. It's amazing how many problems can be solved by spell-spamming.

As the shadows slowly pull away, revealing the teen again I rush forwards, he raises a hand to try and stop me but I ignore him as I stab him in the stomach with the first light arrow, having kept it in my hand the entire time.

His eyes widen in shock as I feel some warm blood start to leak onto my hand, wasting no time I grab him again and toss him towards Rogue, being far enough away that I'm not nullifying her any-more.

Grabbing his face, he immediately tries to pry her hands from him as he flails around, his face become withered as Rogue holds on to him. I think she's pretty pissed about whatever the cloud did to her...

After what seems like an eternity she lets go, leaving him laid out on the floor unmoving... I think he's still alive.

"Ugh... that was disgusting..." she mutters as she stands up, gagging slightly. "He won't be moving any time soon... his powers are... nasty." she says as she walks over to me, almost sighing in relief as my powers negate hers again.

"Did you see anything?" I ask making her nod.

"Let's take him back to Tandy... I only want to say this once.." she says as I grab the unmoving teen, tossing him over my shoulder as I reopen the portal, carrying him through it.

"Kuro! I thought I'd gotten you both killed..." she says hugging me and Rogue as I toss him down. "Seeing all that darkness coming from the alleyway I was thought..." she trails off.

"Nah, we aren't that easy to kill off... so, Rogue... who the fuck is this guy and why is he a walking cloud of darkness?" I ask making her turn to Tandy.

"Do you recognise him? I saw his memories... it's part of my power, you two met when you were much younger, you were in a car crash... trapped under water." she starts making Tandy frown as she looks over 'Tyrone'.

Seriously, I feel like I know the name Cloak, but it's just not ringing a bell.

Cloak is part of the hero team, Cloak and Dagger. Tandy is the other half. Or they would be but somehow I don't think that's going to happen. Shiro has a weird sense of humour... he made Tyrone awaken his powers again much sooner, and without the Light to satiate him he's gone insane from the Dark Hunger.

Ahh... yeah I have no idea who they are. One of the comics I just missed completely I guess.

"I... that was years ago, I vaguely remember the crash and some other kid, but no, I don't recognise him..." she admits.

"I don't blame you... whatever happened to you two gave him these powers... you as well, that's why he was searching for you, his powers made him... hunger to consume the life force from other people with his Darkness, he thought your... Light could satisfy his hunger." she explains hesitantly, flinching slightly as she did.

"You okay Rogue?" I ask making her nod.

"Bad memories, he tried not to listen to his powers... but he didn't exactly do well at it, he's killed before... more and more as time went by... Serial Killer might just be the right word for him." she admits as she shakes her head, trying to shrug off the memories.

"I don't have powers... I think? What... what would he have done to me?" she asks after a moment, looking down at herself in confusion.

"I don't know, he didn't either. He was just trying to 'find his light'. The later memories are... unhinged, they barely make sense." she admits slowly.

"So... what do we do with him?" Tandy asks as we look at the unconscious teen.

"He wasn't a bad person... but he's gone mad from the Hunger, I think he'll keep trying to kill if we leave him alone." Rogue admits.

"I... I'll go with whatever Kuro wants to do." Tandy says quickly.

"Well, if you think he'd keep killing then there's only one real answer..." I say calmly, opening another portal. "It's better I don't do it here. Don't want to leave any evidence... it's for the best." I say grabbing him and opening another portal.

Rogue looks hesitant but Tandy gives me a nod as I walk through it.

You know how to avoid having a murder investigated? Do it somewhere where there isn't anybody to investigate it. Such as... a war-zone filled with slavers.

Logan's trip is having some unexpected benefits. Who's going to investigate some random dead guy on a mountain in Afghanistan? Stripping him down and sticking his clothes in my inventory to stop his western clothes from attracting unwanted suspicions I decide to kill him the easiest way I know how.


Knew I kept this for a reason, one gunshot later and Tyrone is gone from this world, a clip full of bullets to the face makes him far less recognisable.

Hearing some shouting in the distance, I open the portal and jump back through calmly.

"...Was that a mountain?" Rogue asks as she looks at the closing portal.

"Yup, NYPD won't be investigating a murder in the middle east after all. And like that, you're safe again Tandy. A serial killers life is a small price to pay for that." I say giving her a smile as she hugs me tightly.

+40 Affection with Tandy Bowen (Dagger) [75/100] for saving her.

+10 Affection with Rogue [75/100] for being willing to do what's necessary to protect your girls.

Which is funny since Tyrone would have regained his senses after Dagger's power were awoken, she wasn't in any danger.

Yeah well, I'm not telling them that.

"Thank you... both of you..." she mumbles as she hugs me tighter, making me and Rogue share a smile. We've done good work tonight, from a certain point of view. From their point of view, and I'll let them keep that delusion.

Sorry Tyrone, but you've actually served a decent purpose... Rogue was draining him for a long, long time. And if I remember correctly, that's how she gains the powers of Captain Marvel in some versions. So... theoretically...

"It was nothing, just came along to help out Kuro." Rogue says easily, unaware of the potential side-effects of tonight. Rogue is an easy target to grind obedience and affection, powering her up with Cloak's weird darkness powers seems like fun, if she needs a 'Light' I'll just do it. My light magic actually seemed to bring him to his senses at the end, which is why I stabbed him before he could speak. It's better for Rogue's conscious if she's draining a mad-man.

I don't care either way.

"Kuro... what school are you going to now?" she asks hesitantly.

"Xavier's school for Gifted Students on Monday and Tuesday, Mid-town high-school on Wednesday and Thursday, Massachusetts Academy Friday and Saturday. Don't ask." I say calmly.

"Mid-town isn't that far away... maybe it's time for a change." she says after a moment, looking at me nervously.

"Oh really, missing me already? What happened to staying impersonal?" I ask teasingly smirking down at her as she blushes and slaps my chest.

"Shut up. You're the only person I talk to at school anyway, and mum won't care, I can get her to agree if I time it right." she mutters making me chuckle.

"Well aren't you adorable? And to be fair, you're the only person I spoke to either, so it'd be nice to have you around." I say making her smile shyly.

"So... are you two together?" she asks moving away from me as she looks between me and Rogue.

"Yes... but Kuro already has one other girlfriend... and I'm pretty sure he's banging one of our teachers." Rogue explains with a slight smirk as Tandy laughs under her breath.

"Yeah... you might have powers now, but you haven't changed much. You wouldn't be you if you could keep it in your pants. I was going to invite you to stay the night, but if mum catches you here she might actually kill you. She's still pissed about that whole thing..." she trails off.

"Wait.. what thing? What did I do?" I ask with a frown, going over my memories quickly.

"...the time you got us both drunk and talked us into a threesome. How the hell did you forget that?" she asks with a sigh, ahh... yeah I vaguely remember that. Past Kuro had a bit to drink as well so it's a bit blurry. "She got dumped after her boyfriend at the time caught her, which is why I wasn't angry. Guy was an asshole, a threesome is a small price to pay to get rid of him."

"...You're welcome, Glad to be of service." I say after a moment making her giggle.

"I'll let you know if anything comes of it, but you should probably get going... I know how you are about not getting enough sleep. You get all broody and irritated..." she says giving me another hug.

"...Sleep is good, see you around Tandy. Come on Rogue, bed awaits us. We have Logan's class first thing again tomorrow.. and getting my ass kicked is bad enough without me being exhausted at the same time." I mutter, opening a portal. Giving Tandy a quick kiss I let go of her, heading through the portal with a wave and a yawn...

She has a point, I do get irritated when I don't get enough sleep.

"You did good tonight Rogue, I know you don't like your power but you did great." I say giving her a kiss as we get changed back into our sleepwear, making her blush.

"You know we're going to get in trouble the moment the Headmaster finds out about this?" she says quietly.

"Let me worry about that... he needs me a hell of a lot more than I need him, worse comes to worse? Emma Frost would love a pair of transfers to her school, but Xavier won't let it go that far. Don't worry, babe. I'll handle everything." I say making her smile at me as we get back into bed, Kitty immediately cuddling against us, still fast asleep.

...Seriously just how heavy of a sleeper is she?

- Tuesday – 28/04/2009 -

"Huh... that was easy." Ellie says with a smirk as I pick myself of the ground.

"Yeah, Yeah... I'm still warming up." I grumble shaking myself slightly.

"Sure, whatever helps you sleep well at night..." she taunts as she gets back into position.

"If I slept well last night you'd be face down on the ground... like you're about to be in a moment." I say getting into position myself, as she prepares to rush at me I get my game head on and actually fight properly. I was still half-asleep in our first fight and it ended up with me being slammed into the ground.

We're in the danger room today, separated into groups. Logan is busy helping someone else today so I'm free from the demon. Instead I got to pair with Ellie, Yukio and Rogue.

My upgrade quest finished while I was sleeping again, so I have the ability to disable my power, next I'm going for the ability to pick and choose what powers I allow. It needs 20 hours and 200 Nullifications total.. but that's childs play.

Rogue and Yukio are just watching for now, I was supposed to be sparring with Rogue but Ellie wanted revenge.

"Woo! Go Ellie! Sorry Kuro!" Yukio cheers.

"Nah, Kuro's going to kick her ass... Sorry Ellie." Rogue counters casually.

"Well, I can't lose now. Don't want to disappoint Rogue..." I say with a smirk as she smirks back.

"Same, Yukio won't let me live it down if I don't kick your ass." she says as she rushes towards me, as I dodge her initial punch she tries to get me the same why she did last time, with a leg sweep.

Last time I was too asleep to notice, but hitting the ground has woke me right up, jumping over her extended leg, I use my superior strength to my advantage, pushing her back and grabbing her leg as she flies backwards, swinging her around and tossing her across the little arena the Danger Room made for us.

The X-Men use it for more advanced and realistic simulations for their training, but we're just using it to make some normal fighting arenas. This one looks like a Mortal Kombat stage... the Wu Shi Academy stage to be exact, they probably shouldn't have let me design it to be honest. They did take away my spikes when I tried to fill the pit with them though. I know the original Wu Shi Academy didn't have death pit spikes but I think it would have improved it.

Watching Ellie bounce along the floor I take a moment to simply laugh at her, I could have gone all Hulk Smash and beat her against the ground, but watching her fly of the stage, falling into the spike-less pit is so much better.

The glare on her face as she climbs the ladder out is equally satisfying.

"Enjoy the climb? I hear it's a good work... a few more times and you'll be in great shape." I say in amusement as she brushes herself off.

"I am in great shape... why did you add a giant pit again?" she asks in annoyance.

"So I could throw you into it. Let's be honest... if you tossed me into the pit, you'd be just as amused." I say making her pause, before she sighs and nods.

"It would be pretty funny, let's try it out." she says getting back into position making me smirk.

"I'm awake now, you really want to go for a fly again? I could take two of you without breaking a sweat." I taunt making her scowl, before she can respond Yukio pipes in, interrupting us.

"Really? Let's find out!" she says walking next to her girlfriend with a grin. "Me and Ellie versus you..." she suggests making me hesitate... Yukio is actually a really good fighter, even if she lacks the strength and power I have. Negating her won't be that useful.

"What's wrong Kuro, don't tell me your all bark and no bite?" Ellie asks with a smirk, wasting no time to get even with me as she sees an opening.

"What if we make it more interesting?" Yukio says with a hint of... something to her tone, getting both our attentions.

"What do you have in mind?" I ask hesitantly. I don't really know Yukio that well, even the Deadpool movie doesn't tell you that much about her.

"A bet! We fight in an anything goes 2v1 battle, people only losing when they're knocked out of the arena or they surrender. The winner/winners gets to order the loser/losers around for the rest of today!" she suggests happily making Ellie's eyes widen, grabbing her girlfriend and whispering something to her quickly.

Quest Added

[Bark and Bite]

Objective : Kick Ellie and Yukio's asses and prove you aren't all talk.

Reward : Increased Rep with the Students and Teachers here for beating them in a two on one fight so early in your time here (Yukio is a very honest girl, she'll happily tell people you beat them), the ability to order them around for today.

Failure Cost : Decreased Rep with the Students and Teachers (no-one likes a braggart), Ellie and Yukio get to order you around all day (Soul-Bound Bets would ensure your obedience)

Bonus Objective: Take no damage

Bonus Reward: Martial Arts and Athletics Proficiency increased

Hidden Objective: ?

Hidden Reward: ?

...Worst case is I lose and look like a dumbass, even with the bet I highly doubt Ellie and Yukio would have me do anything terrible, embarrassing? Yes, but not harmful. Best case? I get two free upgrades.

"What's wrong, Ellie? Don't tell me your all bark and no bite? I'm game if you aren't too scared..." I taunt back making her look at me with a scowl.

"Bring it on." she growls, she's easy to mess with.

"This is going to be fun..." Yukio says as she gets into a far more professional stance than me or Ellie, I doubt I'll be getting my bonus upgrades... but I should be able to make up the difference between, after all... anything goes right?

I have Skill Creation, time to put it to work...

[Light Chains]

250 MP to cast

Creates a set of chains made of Pure Light to bind and hold a target

Effect – Bind Target

Range – Short

Duration – Short

"Rogue, count us down please." I say getting a nod from her.

"Sure thing, Sugah... Five, Four, Three, Two, One... Fight!" she shouts, the moment she does I cast my new spell, bright white chains bursting from the ground and wrapping around Yukio before she can react, tightly binding her as she falls to the ground, her legs chained together.

"What the..." Ellie starts before I rush her, she barely has time to realise her mistake before I charge into her without pausing. Just call me the Juggernaut bitch.

Sending her flying away from her bound girlfriend I rush over to her and lift her from the ground, tossing her from the arena again as her eyes widen in shock.

"Bye, bye! Anything goes right?" I say as I turn back to Yukio, that took all of a few seconds but my chains are already failing... the problem with having Light Magic Proficiency at Novice, my Light spells are still kinda weak. It doesn't help that by moving away from her she could use her own Electricity to weaken the chain, a normal human would have been held longer.

As she breaks free she gets up quickly, recovering before I can close the distance between us, throwing a wild swing at her she calmly... deflects it? She can't block my attacks, I'm too strong in comparison to her but she can just direct my punch away from her as she dodges.

As she moves in to attack me, I respond by lashing out and kicking her in the stomach hard, sending her backwards, unlike Ellie she only goes a few steps before she steadies herself, a look of concentration on her face.

Focusing myself I send a light arrow at her, casting Light Chains at the same time, as she dodges under the admittedly slow arrow the chains burst from the ground again, this time she's ready and manages to avoid their grasp.

What she doesn't avoid is part three of this plan, my arrow and chains were just to get her into the right position and knock her off balance, closing the distance I grab her, wrapping my arms around her chest pinning her arms to her side as I squeeze her hard. Another Light Chains captures her now immobile legs stopping her from kicking me as I bear hug her with most of my strength.

"Anything goes, right?" I ask her, our faces inches from each other.

"I- Urgh... I should have been more specific, huh?" she asks mostly calm, the occasion grunt of pain leaving her as my grip gets tighter.

"Yup... surrender?" I ask recasting my chains just in case.

"N-nope..." she grunts out, struggling as she tries to break free, out of the corner of my eyes I see Ellie re-enter the arena, starting to rush towards us before Rogue stops her.

"You went out of the arena, you're out of the fight." she says sternly. "If you get involved you both lose anyway." she says sternly making Ellie pause, looking indecisive.

"Don't worry, Ellie... It'll be over soon anyway..." I say with a grin tightening my grip again as Yukio moans in pain, I can almost feel her bones creaking under my strength.

"I... just give up Yukio, a dumb spar isn't worth getting seriously hurt." Ellie says making Yukio sigh, a look of stubbornness appearing on her face, looking completely out of place. After a moment she sighs again.

"I give up... cheater." she mumbles as I let her go, a quick Healing Scan shows that I've actually cracked three of her ribs.

"Wait, come here..." I say as I cast Minor Heal on her, it takes a few times to get her back into shape but after a few casts her ribs are back in perfect condition.

"Thanks Kuro... she gets weirdly stubborn about fighting sometimes." Ellie mutters. "Either she barely tries at all because she's scared of hurting her partner or she decides to fight to the death. Dumb-ass." Ellie scolds fondly as she checks Yukio over, watching her girlfriend pout looking like a particularity angry kitty.

+10 Affection with Ellie Phimister (Negasonic Teenage Warhead) [25/100] for healing Yukio (even if you hurt her in the first place...)

Quest Complete

[Bark and Bite]

Objective : Kick Ellie and Yukio's asses and prove you aren't all talk.

Reward : Increased Rep with the Students and Teachers here for beating them in a two on one fight so early in your time here (Yukio is a very honest girl, she'll happily tell people you beat them), the ability to order them around for today.

Bonus Objective: Take no damage

Bonus Reward: Martial Arts and Athletics Proficiency Upgraded

Hidden Objective: Cheat your way to victory.

Hidden Reward: White Magic Proficiency Upgraded

...I think I just got an erection.

"So, as you can see... I am not all bark. Feel free to praise me." I say with a smirk as Ellie sighs in annoyance.

"Fine, congratulations you beat up a pair of girls. I'm sure you're proud." she drawls out making me laugh.

"I believe in equal rights, equal lefts as well. These fists are unisex..." I reply making her laugh.

"Yeah, fine... well done. You didn't actually use your fists though, you really like grappling huh?" she asks after a moment, pausing as I heal the growing bruise on her stomach.

"Yes, it's a legitimate tactic. I wasn't going to try beating Yukio in a game of skill... that's a losing game so I just used raw power. Can't beat my ass with her better fighting style if she can't move." I admit, making Ellie nod.

"Fair enough, playing to your strengths is smart... Logan would approve. You win." she admits with a shrug.

"And that means..." I say making her sigh again.

"Ugh... it means we have to do what you say until midnight, happy now?" she asks flipping me off as I laugh.

"Yeah pretty happy, victory is sweet after all..." I say with a grin, making her roll her eyes.

"So, what do you want us to do?" she asks with her arms crossed.

"Right now? Nothing, Logan could show up any minute and I don't want to end up fighting him again. But after this class is done... when we get changed into our normal clothes, I want you two to switch outfits and stay that way for the rest of the day." I order making her stare at me in confusion.

"...Why?" she asks after a moment.

"Because the idea of you wearing a skirt, and Yukio wearing your punk rocker look is hilarious?" I say with a shrug making her facepalm.

"Great... I hate skirts. This is gonna suck." she mumbles, Yukio seems pretty happy about it.

"I haven't seen you wear a skirt in ages... this is going to be fun." Yukio counters making Ellie sigh again.

For now, it's back to actually studying. Spitting up, I spar with Rogue for the rest of the class, letting her fight normally for once. She loses pretty badly, but she doesn't seem particularly bothered... honestly she seems to like grappling, and her hands have a tendency to roam while we fight...

It's actually more effective than most fighting styles, her groping is more distracting than any punches.

After class ends we head to the changing rooms, Ellie and Yukio heading into one stall together, waiting outside with a smirk I watch as Yukio happily jumps out wearing Ellie's torn jeans and punk themed t-shirt giving a spin as she does.

...The stall remains closed as Ellie hides inside it.

"Ellie... either you can come out or I'm coming in." I say with a smirk, her hand popping out and flipping me off before it goes back inside, I can hear Yukio giggling behind me.

"Well... I warned you." I say stepping past the curtain as she glares at me. "I don't know why you're so embarrassed... you look good." I say with a smirk as I look over her, Yukio dresses like your typical girl next door, a long modest skirt down to her shins and a cute blouse... Ellie doesn't seem to find it as funny as me.

"I look ridiculous, how Yukio wears this all day I don't know... do I really have to go to class like this?" she mutters as she tugs at the blouse with a scowl.

"Tell you what... since I'm such a nice guy I'll give you a choice, you can go back to your room and get a new outfit... if you give me your underwear and don't put any more on." I offer making her stare at me in annoyance.

"You're a pervert." she says with a deadpan look.

"Hey, I'm giving you a choice. There wouldn't be much point in the bet if it didn't embarrass you or benefit me. Blame Yukio." I say making her sigh.

"Trust me, I do... Yukio's games always end with me embarrassed, normally it doesn't include being in public though." she says, pausing for a moment. "Ugh, fine... are you going to turn around?" she asks after a moment.

"Wasn't planning on it... like I said, it might as well benefit me, or are you planning on wimping out?" I ask making her groan.

"A bet's a bet..." she says pulling her skirt up, I can't really see anything since she's lifted it from behind the front still down but after a moment she pulls down a pair of incredibly frilly pink panties and steps out of them.

"Okay, there's no way in hell that those are yours." I say as she kicks them off her leg.

"Yukio insisted that underwear counted as part of the outfit, then she stole mine. Trust me, it's almost a relief to have them off." she mutters as she turns away, unbuttoning her blouse and awkwardly undoing her bra and pulling it off and redoing her blouse, I can just see her nipples against the thin cloth. Tossing it to the ground she crosses her arms over her chest and gives me a deadpan stare. "Happy now? Can I get go and get changed?" she asks as I pick up the underwear, sticking the bra inn my inventory and the panties in my pocket. "Those are Yukio's favourite... you better give them back later."

"Sure, sure... better go quickly or you'll be late for class..." I say making her eyes widen. The school is big, and the dorms are quite far away from the class.

Today should be fun.

- Ellie -

Rushing back to her room she practically tore the clothes off as she grabbed a new outfit.

"Aww... you looked cute." Yukio says in amusement as she sits on the bed, watching her get changed.

"No, you look cute dressed like that. It doesn't suit me at all... also... you let him win." she accused.

"Nope... I was planning on it but I didn't need to, Kuro is scarily strong, I thought he was going to snap me in two. Turns out saying anything goes to a magic mutant was a bad idea." Yukio admitted with a embarrassed shrug.

...She could really pull off the punk look. She could at least thank Kuro for giving her a sight like that.

"And now we both have to do whatever Kuro says for the rest of the day... did you really think this through? Kuro's a pervert... and honest one but a pervert all the same..." she replied.

"This is for the best, a single day for you to work out your feelings over him, and once it's over you can just play it off as a bet. No hard feelings, and any awkwardness will be forgotten soon enough." Yukio explained as she pulled on a pair of jeans and a t-shirt, looking down at where her nipples were clearly viable with a frown.

Grabbing a jacket she tossed it on, covering herself better as she sighed.

"Yeah, yeah... just remember that this was your idea when Kuro decides to bend you over." she muttered, feeling herself grow aroused at the image of Kuro and Yukio... that was... surprisingly hot.

"I won't, it's just a bet after all." she said with a shrug as they set off back to class before they were late, Professor Ororo would not approve of them being late...

One day, she'd manage to be as laid back and carefree as Yukio, one day. Not today though...

Running through the hallways she scowled as they barely reached the classroom in time, seeing Kuro sitting in the back row smirking at them. As he gestured for her to sit next to him she gave Yukio an annoyed look.

"Aww... you looked better before..." he said quietly as she sat next to him, Yukio giggling beside her. Great, trapped between the pervert and the mischievous girlfriend. "You know... I can see that you aren't wearing a bra... but I have to check to make sure you kept your side of the deal..." he said trailing off as she stared at him.

"And how are you supposed to do that?" she asked quietly, immediately feeling his hand on her lower back, slowly moving down and slipping beneath her jeans, groping her bare ass as she glared at him lightly, trying not to draw attention. "There, no underwear... happy now?" she asked as calmly as she could. After a moment she felt a second hand on her ass, making her sigh as she glared at her unrepentantly grinning girlfriend.

"What? It looked fun..."

This class was going to be a pain...

- Later -

Okay, Professor Ororo absolutely saw Kuro feeling her up... and she didn't say a thing? The fuck? The rest of the classes had continued the same way, Kuro teasing her for his amusement... and Yukio joining in for her own amusement.

Yukio could be a little devil sometimes...

Standing in Kuro's room she frowned as she watched him sit down on the bed looking at both of them.

"So... what do you want?" she asked hesitantly, seeing him smirk at her. "Also... what do you have on Professor Ororo for her to ignore you fucking around in her class?" she asked after a moment making him laugh.

"For... certain reasons the big boss here really wants me to stay, and he's already pissed me off, so I can get away with a lot. Call it preferential treatment. And for what I want... I'm not sure yet. I have you both for the rest of the night, might as well make the most of it right?" he asks making her sigh.

"I would have." she admits. "I had some fun ideas of how to embarrass you, but a bets a bet... you won, do what you want." she reluctantly admits. Her pride had bit her in the ass, but she wasn't a sore loser.

"Thanks, I think I will... take your tops off." he orders, moving and laying back on the bed, his hands laced behind his head as he watched them, glancing at Yukio she sighed as she saw her girlfriends t-shirt already over her head, her plain black sports bra covering Yukio's breasts. They were both b-cup so they could swap bras without any real issue, even if they both had different ideas over what underwear they preferred. "Good girl Yukio, lose the sports bra as well." he ordered, not wanting to leave Yukio alone she quickly pulled her own t-shirt off, letting it drop as she resisted the urge to cover her exposed tits as he looked over her body. She didn't have the breasts that Rogue or even Kitty had, but he didn't seem to mind. As Yukio joined her in exposing her breasts, she meet Yukio's eyes, seeing the carefree smile on her face.

"Good girls, come here... kneel on the bed, one at each side of my legs." he ordered, patting the bed as they approached, kneeling beside him, as they did he reached up and gently groped Yukio's breasts, getting a quiet moan from her as his fingers played with her nipple.

"Just gonna ignore me, huh?" she asked sarcastically, making Kuro laugh.

"Don't worry yourself, I have plenty of time for both of you, besides I've spent the last couple of hours feeling you up, thought I should spread it out a little..." he said teasingly, before he moved away from Yukio, wrapping an arm around her neck and pulling her closer, his lips capturing hers as his tongue pressed against her closed mouth.

After a moment, she parted her lips allowing his tongue entry, her hand resting on his still covered chest as their tongue's danced, her eyes closing after a moment. As he broke the kiss she opened her eyes, glancing hesitantly at her girlfriend before her eyes widened slightly.

She was expecting Yukio to at least regret this a little... she was very good at reading her girlfriend, the look in her eyes was pure lust nothing more, no hesitation as she watched her girlfriend make out with another person.

"Both of you, lose the jeans. Yukio you can keep your panties on for now." he said easily, watching them carefully as they obeyed quickly, clearly Yukio had no plans on stopping this, and she wasn't leaving her girlfriend alone.

Honestly, it wasn't like this was even that bad... it's just a game, just a bet. Just like Yukio said, she could just try it out and see how she liked it, if she didn't? Tomorrow she could brush it all off, not make any more bets and just stay friends with Kuro instead.

Pulling her jeans down she tossed them off the bed, once again resisting the urge to cover herself as Kuro looked over her naked body, a appreciative smirk on his face. She was starting to wish she'd given herself some extra care down there this morning, the bush topping her slit embarrassing her. She kept it mostly trimmed... when she could be bothered.

"Right... now, kiss each other." he ordered making her pause.

"Really? Don't you see enough of this with Rogue and Kitty?" she asked, before Yukio captured her lips, stopping her from saying anything else.

"Rogue and Kitty would make out for my entertainment, but they're straight... mostly, not 100% sure about Kitty, but they both prefer men at any rate... so I want to see how much of a difference it makes when both girls are into girls." he said as he watched them, his hands moving to both their asses, Yukio's covered by her sports panties, not that it did much to stop Kuro's wandering hands.

"Right... both of you lay down next to me now." he said after a few minutes, if it wasn't for his fingers gently digging into her ass. Breaking the kiss they stared at each other for a moment, panting slightly, it seemed so much more intense with someone watching... Laying down she watched as Kuro pulled his shirt off and tossed it to the side, exposing his chiselled chest to their eyes... suddenly the strength he displayed made a lot more sense. She liked the softness of Yukio's breasts but the solid abs were pretty sexy as well...

Then he undid his jeans and tossed them off to the side, keeping his boxers on, tented by his growing erection... it already seemed bigger than their strap-on. Maybe she should have tried out a larger one instead of just using their smaller toys... Kuro looked like he could split her in two.

Grabbing them, he pulled them both closer so they were resting on his chest, his hands still playing with their asses. After a moment he grabbed her wrist, moving her hand and resting it on his bulge, smirking at her.

She was many things, a coward wasn't one of them... moving quickly she slid her hand beneath his boxers, wrapping her fingers around his shaft... it was hot to touch, nothing like the cold plastic she was used to... it was harder than she expected as well, as she started stroking it she turned back to see Kuro making out with Yukio, his hand groping her bare chest as they swapped saliva, she could see how hard Yukio's nipples had gotten under Kuro's surprisingly skillful fingers.

After a moment, Yukio's hand joined hers, Kuro breaking the kiss with Yukio and capturing her lips instead, their hands kept getting in each others way, lacking the experience to work together properly, so she moved her hand away, moving it back when he kissed Yukio.

She lost track of how long they did this, swapping between which one was kissing him and which one was jerking him off, the shaft at it's full size now, her fingers could barely wrap around the thick shaft... at some point Yukio fully stripped him of his boxers, leaving him as naked as her, though Yukio still had her panties on.

After a while, he broke the kiss, looking between them with a strange look on his face.

"What is it?" she asked as he looked back and forth.

"I'm trying to decide which of you has poutier lips... looks like it's you Ellie, congratulations... can you guess what I want you to do with them?" he asked her with a smirk, his hand resting on her cheek as he ran his thumb along her lips gently as her eyes widened, glancing down at the pole of meat standing proud..

Taking a deep breath she moved down the bed, kneeling between his legs as she looked up at him and Yukio as she was leaning against his chest, sprawled over him as she placed a series of kisses along his shoulder and chest.

Taking a deep breath, she leaned down and placed a light kiss on the tip of the shaft, the taste salty pre-cum filling her mouth almost immediately. It wasn't as bad as she expected... moving her head even lower she ran her tongue along his shaft, from the base to the tip before she took the bulbous head into her mouth.

Honestly, she was just copying what she saw in porn, she watched it for the girls but sometimes she watched straight porn... for the same reason guys watched lesbian porn she guessed.

"You're her first real dick... she's only played with toys and me before you." Yukio said, kissing Kuro repeatedly, her hand resting on Ellie's head as she guided it further down the hot shaft. "You like that don't you? Having a lesbians lips wrapped around your manly dick, making her girlfriend watch..."

"Naturally, you must have known something like this would happen when you made that bet?" he asked, smirking at Yukio. "No man would miss a chance to have a threesome with a hot lesbian couple, you practically served yourself up to me... why?" he asked making Yukio hesitate.

"Because Ellie has a thing for you." she admitted, making her eyes widen as Kuro turned to her, she wasn't exactly in a position to refute Yukio's words, her mouth stuffed with dick.

"Well, well... isn't that interesting." he said, before gripping her short hair and pulling her off his shaft. "Yukio, be a dear and take her place, Ellie, let's talk." he said pulling her next to him as Yukio placed a series of kisses along his chest, getting lower and lower before she reached his dick, wrapping her lips around it obediently.

"I... it's not like that." she muttered as she leaned against his chest, his hand going back to her ass immediately.

"Oh, what is it like then?" he asked her, his free hand guiding Yukio as she blew him, despite seeing her girlfriend sucking someone off... she didn't feel even remotely betrayed... Yukio looked beautiful as she stared up at them, drool trailing down her chin.

"I... don't know. I like girls, I've never liked a single guy, not even celebrities... but there's something different about you, and Yukio noticed.. and then decided to help me work it out. She means well... she just has weird ideas sometimes." she admitted with a fond sigh, leaning against Kuro's chest, her head on his shoulder.

"...then I'll give you a proper choice, no catch this time. If you really want to, you and Yukio can leave, I've had enough fun, bet's over. Or you can stay... and you know what will happen if you do... your choice." he offered making her eyes widen.

"...No catch? Not even going to wait till you've... finished?" she asked hesitantly.

"I can finish myself off, I'm close anyway. I'd rather not force you to do anything, I was testing you in the changing room, and then in the classroom to see how far you'd let me go. You never even tried to stop me..." he said easily making her blush, thinking hard.

"...tonight doesn't mean anything, in the morning I'll decide if I want a repeat, but you should try everything once right?" she asked, kissing him briefly. She knew she was blushing but he didn't call her out on it.

"Fair enough... tonight is just some fun, just an experiment." he said capturing her lips.

...And like that she couldn't blame Yukio for this any more, she'd been offered an out, and turned him down.

Watching as Yukio sped up her bobbing, her eyes widened as Kuro grunted thrusting his hips up slightly, moments later she saw the thick white cum leak out from her lips and trail down his shaft as she pulled back, the last of the cum landing on her cheek.

As Yukio held the cum in her mouth, Kuro pushed her towards her girlfriend.

"Go on, give her a kiss. You should try everything once right?" he said teasingly, giving him an annoyed stare she did as she was told, kissing her girlfriend deeply as Yukio pushed some of the cum into her mouth with her tongue, swallowing quickly she had to admit it wasn't nearly as bad as she expected it to be. Kinda salty but it wasn't unpleasant.

"There we go, clean your girlfriends face." he ordered making her blush as she licked the cum from Yukio's cheek making her giggle.

"W-what now?" she asked, yelping as Kuro grabbed her, spinning her around onto her back as he smirked down at her, glancing down she saw him aiming his still hard shaft at her admittedly wet slit. "I... just be gentle. Our toys are smaller than you..." she mumbled, spreading her legs as Yukio wrapped her arm around Kuro's shoulder, watching as he moved his long dick towards her, the tip slowly spreading her lower lips as it pushed into her, he listened to her request as he slowly fed the thick shaft into her, inch after inch disappearing into her tight slit.

"How does it feel, baby?" Yukio asked, a strange hint of... something to her tone.

"He's... so big... it's splitting me in two." she admitted as she felt him finally bottom out in her, reaching depths previously untouched.

"Go on, Kuro... fuck her. Pound my girlfriends pussy." Yukio encouraged, playing with herself as she whispered into his ears. Smirking, Kuro pulled out till only the tip was still within her, as she attempted to brace herself he thrust down into her again in one fast move, piercing straight to the entrance of her womb, a loud moan leaving her as he started to move properly, setting a constant rhythm as he started to pound her, the bed shaking with each thrust.

Each time he moved, a jolt of pleasure ran through her body, her moans quickly filling the room, almost drowning out Yukio's encouragements, urging him to fuck her harder.

"You've never moaned that loud for me..." Yukio said, placing kisses across her face. "You love it don't you? A real dick pounding your dyke pussy... I bet toys won't even do it for you after Kuro ruins you, ruins us both."

Oh god... it made sense now, Yukio was just getting hornier as she watched her get fucked... Yukio was a cuckold. She wanted to see her get fucked by another person, wanted to see Ellie stolen from her... how the hell did she miss that?

As Kuro pulled out she whined in disappointment before she could stop herself, barely having time to question the sudden emptiness before she was spun around and pulled onto her hands and knees, Kuro immediately thrusting back into her.

"Needed to change position to speed up... get ready Ellie..." he warned her, giving her a moment to adjust before he started moving again, speeding up quickly as he bottomed out inside her repeatedly, holding her hip with one hand while the other was tightly gripping her short hair, pulling her head up and making her stare straight at the masturbating Yukio, the sports panties around one of her ankles as she fingered herself desperately.

Moaning loudly, she watched Yukio speed up her fingers in time in response... she was getting off listening to Ellie moan, well... she always tried to give Yukio what she wanted... letting go of her restraint she let her voice ring out, filling the room and covering the sound of flesh striking flesh.

Feeling Kuro speed up again, her eyes widened as her mouth dropped open, her climax approaching at record speed, a scream escaping her as she clenched down on his shaft, as she did Kuro seemingly went wild, throwing gentleness out of the window as her arms failed her, falling face down ass up on the bed, unable to do anything but take it as he railed into her mercilessly, losing track of how long she'd spent like that, it was easier to count the orgasms he was forcing on her than to try keeping track of time.

Somewhere between climax four and five, he thrust forwards with an almost primal grunt, her eyes widening as she felt her insides being flooded with a seemingly endless wave of cum.

As he pulled out of her with a satisfied groan he turned her around again, propping her upright with her back to the headboard before he grabbed Yukio, forcing her into Ellie's former position face down ass up, Yukio's face pushed into her soiled pussy as she looked up at her with wide eyes.

"Get licking Yukio, I want her clean and ready for round two when I'm done with you..." he ordered, Yukio's tongue immediately getting to work lapping at her sore abused slit as he moved behind her, lining up with Yukio's own pussy and thrusting in to the hilt, a ear-piercing scream leaving her as she was penetrated.

Looking into Kuro's eyes she felt her face grow hot... they weren't escaping until he was finished with them... she couldn't bring herself to regret her choice.

- Kuro – Wednesday (Early Morning) – 29/04/2009 -

Watching the two sleeping girls I try to stop myself from laughing out loud, looking at the weapon of untold power in my hands...

This will be the key to my victory in Marvel... my ultimate secret weapon...

[How to Love Good]

A Grimoire on the Art of Eromancy written by it's founder, Luna Love-very-Good and her willing research assistant Shiro Eis. Ignore the weird animal drawings, they're kinda her thing.

Unlimited Power!

- Bonus Scene – External Influence -

"You trait-" he cut off, eldritch black magic binding and gagging him as the scum finished capturing him.

"Enough out of you, Nicodemus... you've served your purpose." she said as she dragged him into what was clearly a ritual circle, despite his best efforts to free himself.

"What are you playing at Selene, you can't kill us. We'll simply return, all you're doing is making enemies." Absalom tried reasoning with the crazed woman, simply making her smirk.

"Oh don't be such a fool, I didn't live this long by being stupid... I may not be able to kill you permanently, but I don't need to. You fools are nothing more than a gift, Death has a new agent with a new list. I intend to buy myself off her hit list, no matter the cost." Selene explained, making his blood run cold as he felt his powers be drained from him. They'd return in time... but if Selene was planning on handing him over to the newest Agent of Death then time was the one thing he didn't have.

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