Leo pushed me against the lockers. He threw my school shirt away and started touching me. He started trailing his fingers down my well-defined abdominal muscles, then over my happy trail. His other hand pinching my nipple. I shivered in pleasure, panting. Unable to control himself, he started reaching down towards my pubic area. Realizing what is happening, I pushed Leo. I pushed a little bit too hard and he slammed his back towards the opposite locker. I stared angrily at him.
"Stop. People might come in at any moment." I said to him.
Leo smiled at me cheekily. He licked his fingers that had just touched my body and watched me enticingly. He stared at my enlarging bulge hungrily.
"Your body tastes salty." He teased me in a hoarse voice.
I gulped.
I walked towards him and slammed my hand right next to his head. I leaned close towards his face, staring straight at him. When our faces are just inches away from each other, I stopped.
"Stop teasing me, or you will regret it." I warned in a low, husky voice.
"What will you do to me." He smirked playfully.
I grabbed his hair and pulled.
"Ow, ow, ow, stop! I give! I give!"
I walked towards the shower room while pulling his hair. Then, I shoved him inside and turned the shower on, soaking Leo with icy cold water. Finally, I immediately ran back to my locker, changed as fast as I could into my sports uniform and left.
Leo, with his school uniform completely soaked, was unable to react.
"Hunter, come back!"
I already left the locker room by then and was unable to hear him.
It was quite lucky that I decided to go to the locker room and change 15 minutes before PE class starts. Since I know Leo might do something stupid, I did not want our classmates to glare at us again. Therefore, when Leo finally managed to come out, there was still a few minutes until class.
"Hunter, why did you leave me behind?" Leo whined.
"Why did you think." I sarcastically replied.
"Now my whole uniform is soaked, I have no idea if it will be dry by 4th period."
I shrugged, indicating that it was not my problem.
Leo hatefully glared at me.
It was the first day of school, so our PE teacher decided that we will play something fun: dodgeball.
We were divided into 2 teams: team red and team blue. Leo and I both got onto team blue.
"Why are you in the same team as me." I unpleasantly commented.
"Maybe it's God telling us that we should always be together?"
"I should not have asked."
As the game started, Leo became pretentious and hid behind me. "Hubby, you will protect me when the time comes right."
He put his arms on my back and protruded his face outwards. I tilted my head back, "No." I replied decisively.
Leo decided to stay behind me anyway.
Then suddenly, a dodgeball flew towards us. I immediately dodged, but as Leo was right behind me, he was unable to see the ball before it was too late. The ball hit him on the nose.
"Owww..." He whimpered.
I headed towards him and took a look.
"Well, at least his nose isn't broken." I thought.
"Hubby, comfort me, I've been hurt." He looked at me tearfully.
I turned my back on him and focused on the game. Leo tried to say something but was forced by the coach to leave the stage.
At the end, our team won. It was a very close game. I was the only person left on the team, while the other team had 3 people. Luckily, most of the dodgeballs were on my side so I was able to strike out all of them before they had a chance to retaliate.
Leo, in the mean time, was at the side cheering along with other members of our team. However, what he yelled while cheering was less than pleasant.
"Kyaa! Hunter sugoi desu!"
"He's sooooo Haawwwttt!"
"Please shower me with your man juice!"
The last phrase was so ridiculous that the members of both team stopped cheering and stared at him. Luckily, the coach was preoccupied with something else at the time and did not hear those cheers, otherwise there would've been another incident.
When the game finished, I immediately ran towards Leo. He opened his arms wide open, thinking I was going to hug him. Instead, I hand-chopped his head.
"Ouch! What did you do that for?" Leo, disappointed that he didn't get a hug, asked me.
"You know what." I replied. I didn't overdo his punishment as I was still quite happy with my win.
When we returned to the locker room along with our classmates, Leo found that his school uniform was still not completely dry. He stared at his locker helplessly. I snaked a glance at him and sighed.
"Here, I have a spare uniform. Use it." I took out the uniform and handed it over to Leo.
Leo was so grateful that he immediately tried to hug me. I dodged.
"Thank you Hunter! You're the best!" He screamed.
I scratched my head, looking downwards.
I didn't know if it was my punishment last time, or the teacher's warning, but Leo didn't try to do anything to me while I changed this time. He did sneak quite a few glances at me though.
When Leo changed into my spare uniform, it looked really baggy, as my body figure is taller and more buff than him. However, the bagginess gave Leo a lazy look, which was quite charming in its own way.
4th period is Science. Leo sat next to me again. I really hoped that he would not do anything awkward but maybe I was expecting too much from him.
When he went on his computer, he started reading a web novel. I was slightly curious on what he was reading so I took a look at the title of the novel.
"Hunter x Leo: The Lonely Summer Night"
My face immediately darkened. It was a fan fiction of me and Leo, probably written by someone in this school. The novel was very explicit, causing me to want to barf only to find out that my little guy had gone hard again. Being aroused twice in one afternoon got me quite pent up, making me a little more moody than usual. I was shifting from my seat, hoping that class would end soon.
"Leo, this is all your fault." I cursed in my mind.
Leo saw me staring at his computer screen and gave me an innocent smile. I wanted to punch him in the face right then and there.
When class ended, I immediately rushed to the bathroom to "relief" myself. After half an hour, I came out with a refreshened face. I found Leo waiting for me outside the bathroom.
"Why are you waiting for me?" I asked cautiously.
"Were you taking the dump, what took you so long?" Leo asked innocently.
"I definitely know what you were thinking inside." I thought and sneered.
"Yeah, I had a huge breakfast this morning."
We headed out of campus. Leo headed home while I headed for the gym. We walked in opposite directions. Leo tilted his head back and waved, making an air kiss. I completely ignored him.
I usually went to the gym for an hour, but since I had no homework today, I decided to stay for a few more hours. I ended up returning home at 7pm.
I made myself a simple dinner and headed back to my room. I started playing video games.
It was around 9pm when I heard someone knocking on the door. I immediately ran down the stairs and headed towards the front door. I turned the doorknob and opened the door.
Facing me was a man with a tall and broad stature. He was slightly taller than me, but our size was about the same. He was wearing a standard suit and pulling on a piece of luggage. His hair was slicked backwards, his handsome face looking just like mine except there was a slight scar on his right eyebrow, and another much longer scar starting at the bottom left of his jawline upwards towards his cheek. Along with his heavy jade-colored eyes, he exuded an irresistible mature charm.
"Welcome back, father." I greeted him.
"I'm back." Father replied. His eyes softened as he looked at me.
He removed his high-class leather shoes and walked in. As both of us were walking up the staircase and towards the master bedroom, Father asked, "So how was the first day of school?"
"It was fine." Except for a certain someone being extremely annoying.
As he entered the master bedroom, he started undressing. I went along to help him, removing his blazer and unbottoning his shirt. It was then that I noticed there was a slight crimson-colored stain on his shirt.
"It's probably from a nosebleed." I thought.
Father removed his dress pants on his own and gave them to me. I headed to the bathroom and threw all the clothes in the laundry basket. When I returned to the master bedroom, Father had already put on a t-shirt and lounge pants.
I followed him down towards the living room and we both sat down on the sofa. Father turned on the TV and switched to the news channel.
As the news was playing in the background, I started conversing with him.
"How was your work trip, father?" I asked in a monotone voice.
"Mhm... Same old same old." He tilted his head and looked at me, giving a slight smile. "I have another work trip coming up though."
"On Sunday."
I nodded at him. We both continued to watch the news for another 15 minutes. Then, Father went to the study room and I returned to my own room.
At 11pm, I decided to go to sleep. I changed into my pyjamas and headed to bed. After tossing and turning for quite a long time, I was still unable to fall asleep. I stared at the ceiling.
After a while, I got up, took my pillow and headed towards the master bedroom. I can hear the sound of the shower running. I sat beside the King-sized bed located at the left of the master bedroom and waited for my father to come out.
The sound of dripping water stopped. After a few minutes, Father came out. He was completely naked, only wearing a towel to cover his pelvic area. I stared indifferently as a water droplet fell from his neck down towards his chest. There was a long diagonal scar running from the bottom right corner of his upper left. The water droplet continued dripping down. One can see two small circular bullet scars on the right lumbar region of his well-defined abdomen.
"I can't sleep." I told my father in a soft voice.
Father's soft eyes stared at me for a while.
"Wait a minute." He went into the closet and wore a boxer brief. He returned to the master bedroom after throwing his towel in the laundry basket.
Father climbed onto the King-sized bed and motioned for me to come over.
I headed towards him, leaning my head close to his chest. I curled my body up right next to Father and started falling asleep. The steady beat of my father's heart became my lullaby.
Father wrapped his arms around me. "Sweet dreams." He whispered in my ear.
The next day, I had to wake up earlier since I need to make breakfast for both my father and myself. I also need to prepare my lunchbox.
I naturally woke up at 7am to find that Father was already gone.
"He probably went to the study." I thought.
I went down to the kitchen and grabbed myself a glass of water before starting to cook.
After I finished cooking, I walked up the stairs and approached the study room door.
I knocked on the door.
"Father, breakfast is ready." I called out.
After waiting for a while, Father finally replied, "Coming."
I wanted to go into the study to find him but the door was locked with a 6-digit passcode. I shrugged and went down to the dining room.
Father arrived after waiting for a few minutes. We sat opposite to each other.
The breakfast was a peaceful one. Neither of us like talking much, so there were only the clanking sounds of the moving metal cutleries. However, this gave me a more serene and homely feel than yesterday, making me feel more relaxed.
After we both finished our breakfast, Father headed back to the study room while I washed the dishes. Then, I went out and took a jog around the block. Finally, I returned home, took a shower and changed to my uniform. It was 8:30am by the time I was done with everything, and as usual, a person punctually arrived in front of the front door.
"G-" Leo wanted to speak but I immediately put my palm against his mouth.
"Don't say anything stupid. My father can hear us." I urged in a threatening tone.
"But I just wanted to say good morning." Leo whined.
"Oh, you're here Leo." A deep masculine voice resounded behind my back. Its tone was not overbearing, but quite gentle like the calm wind.
I tilted my head back and saw my father waking down the staircase.
"Yes, Uncle. We're heading off to school now!"
"Ok. Becareful on the road, and please take care of Hunter." My father smiled.
"I certainly will." Leo winked mischievously at me. I rolled my eyes.
"Bye Father."
"Bye son." Father closed the front door shortly afterwards.
As we walked to school, I couldn't help but see that the trees are turning red, signalling the arrival of autumn. As the wind blew, many leaves were swept away, making a wonderful scenery.
Leo, as clingy as always, wrapped his arms around mine again. I wanted to get him off, but I didn't know what came over him, he wrapped his arms tightly and didn't let go. I furrowed my brows.
"Would you get off me?" I asked in a dissatisfied voice.
"Hm.....?" He stared at me innocently, pretending to not understand what I was saying.
I wanted to say something but was interrupted when someone ran over towards us.
"Hey, Leo! Hunter!" A girl wearing our school uniform ran over, waving her hands at us. She had straight long hair reaching down to her shoulders, and contained a charming smile. Yes, she was more charming than beautiful as her behavior and slight habits did not even contain any sort of femininity. One can say straight out that she is a tomboy.
Desperately trying to catch up to her while panting was a boy with a short and skinny stature. His facial features were average compared to a certain vixen clinging on to me right now.
"Rebecca! James!" Leo yelled. He ran towards Rebecca and gave her a huge hug.
Meanwhile, "Hah! Hah! I'm dying.... why do you always run so fast?" James was gasping for air. He grabbed his knees and tried to breathe in as much oxygen as he could. Leo also wanted to hug James as well, but James stopped him as he was still panting.
"Aren't you going to come for a hug as well?" Rebecca asked teasingly.
I shook my head and started walking towards the school ahead of everyone else.
"Tch! What a buzzkill." Rebecca joked.
"Don't mind him." Leo said.
Rebecca started walking side by side with Leo behind me, with James trailing at the end.
"So, why didn't you guys come to school yesterday?" Leo asked in a curious tone.
"I just came back from a month-long vacation to Europe." Rebecca replied.
Leo and Rebecca started chatting enthusiastically. As they talked, I tilted my head back, listening to their conversations. James wanted to join in from time to time, but his voice was always cancelled out by Leo and Rebecca. He gave up at the end.
I walked back in a slower place, allowing Leo and Rebecca to overtake me, and walked side by side with James.
"So, how was your summer vacation."
"It was good." He answered politely. James and I started to have our own conversations, but our voices were much smaller and less interactive than Leo and Rebecca's.
As we arrived at school, I slightly hoped that Leo will continue hanging around with Rebecca, but reality often disappoints you. Leo stared at James and I, pouting. He immediately separated James and I and started clinging on to me again.
"Hunter, you can't cheat on me with other guys." Leo said.
"It's just James." I replied. "Stop being mean to him. We were just having a conversation."
"No. You are only allowed to look at me."
I didn't know whether to laugh or to cry. James was obviously just a friend but Leo was still eating vinegar when he saw us together.
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