"There's more in the pot, serve yourself if you want more,"
Li Xiuying was waiting for the water to boil, ready to cook the noodles.
"Grandpa, you must have worked hard kneading the dough, right?"
"Not at all, since your grandma and I got here and took the Foundation Building Pills, our bodies have improved countless times. No matter how exhausting the work, we don't feel tired at all. Even if we do get tired, just resting for a little while does the trick. Before, when we were outside, we would be out of breath just from walking a bit further than usual."
"Grandpa, Grandma, you must tell me right away if you're not feeling well. Both mom and I can heal you, and today we even saved a doctor,"
Watching the interested expressions light up on her grandparents' faces, Su Jin leaned against the doorframe with a smile and told them about the events of the morning.
"The doctor has a phobia of germs?"
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