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79.41% Superman in the Multiverse (MHA, DC, and Marvel) / Chapter 80: Chapter 79 - The Unforeseen Consequences

Capítulo 80: Chapter 79 - The Unforeseen Consequences

---Washington D.C---

Not fully accepting that Doomsday was a true threat, Maria called in the Avengers and X-Men to handle the situation. Arriving a short time after me the debris made touchdown a few moments after their arrival. First of the Quinjet was Jean, Natasha, and Enchantresses, and they weren't happy that I just left them behind.

"If you three are here, who is watching the Raft?", I asked.

"I asked Vision to watch it.", Tony replied, "So what exactly are we dealing with? Advanced Alien Robot or maybe another variant of Venom?"

"Can I smash it?", Hulk questioned cracking his knuckles.

"Must you always resort to smashing things...", She Hulk sighed, "This is why your insurance is through the roof!"

"No, it's actually because he goes through the roof!", Deadpool laughed.

Watching a giant grey skinned hand grab the edge of the crater, I watched Doomsday climb out of the hole. Instead of the monster I was used to seeing what I saw was a Darkseid Doomsday some fucker had fused the two together. Clearly not inheriting Darkseid's intelligence the creature roared shattering every pane of glass in the air.

"Jesus!! Turn it the fuck down you fuck face!!", Deadpool shouted, "You fucking shattered my iPeach!! Asshole!!"

"iPeach?", I said with confusion.

"Yeah, it's cause the author doesn't want to pay Apple for any potential legal fees. Just like he careful with referencing the House of Mouse.", Deadpool told me, "Otherwise he might have included other universes too!"

"Author?", I asked.

"Don't listen to him, half the shit that comes out of his mouth makes no sense.", Wolverine informed me.

"You wouldn't understand.", Deadpool said pretending to light a smoke, "Right author?"

(Author: Just shut up Deadpool, you are ruining the immersion!)

"Whatever...forty year old virgin.", he jabbed.

(Author: I am not forty, and I am not fucking virgin asshole!! Just for that the MC is taking Vanessa!)

"Listen here motherfucker!! You leave her out of this, and fucking fix our damn relationship!! I am tired of sleeping on a lumpy ass sofa covered with Beast's fur!! It smells like ass!!", Deadpool cried.

" he going to be okay?", I questioned.

"He will recover.", Xavier sighed, "Hopefully..."

"I am begging you author!! Fix my fucking relationship!!", Deadpool screamed, "I don't want to die alone like Wolverine!! I am funny, emotional, and I am into kinky things!! You have to show me mercy man!!"

Ignoring Deadpool's rants I refocused my attention towards the front. Seeing several other Doomsdays appear there was a Venom Doomsday, Hyperion Doomsday, and a Thor Doomsday as well. Realizing that somehow someone had weaponized Doomsday cells, I knew this wasn't good. Telling them to be careful, Hulk didn't stick around for my warning as he barreled towards them. Leaping at them he hammer fisted the Darkseid Doomsday who shrugged the blow off like it wasn't even a problem.

"Uh oh...", Hulk said.

Hitting Hulk in the stomach, Hulk puked up a little blood as he slid backwards. The Darkseid Doomsday roared and immediately went for the throat next. Sensing that Hulk headbutted him which only slowed him down a little. Sucker punching him, Hulk came fly back at us almost at the speed of sound. Catching him before he could bulldoze the team down it took a moment for him to fix his equilibrium.

"Ugh...that hurt.", Hulk stated standing up like a drunk man.

"If that hurt you...", several of the X-Men said.

"Hello", Deadpool said making a phone call, "Yes this is Mr. Deadpool, I'd like to increase my life insurance policy. No, I am not about to do something incredibly dangerous or stupid."

'Is he seriously making a call right now...', all of us thought.

"Perfect!! Thank you!!", he chuckled hanging up the phone, "Alright, move aside you overgrown nightlight!! Time to make the fucking chimichangas!!"

Grabbing him by the collar before he ran out there, I told Wade to wait. Informing that the Darkseid Doomsday was the most dangerous, I said that he had the power to vaporize people at will. Asking me what that meant, Deadpool's vocabulary appeared to need updating as that word was incredibly important if he wanted to live.

"It means you will be erased completely.", Xavier said.

"Not a single cell of yours will be left, you'll be gone permanently.", I told him.

"And you were about to let me run out there!!", he shouted.

"You made the decision yourself...", Natasha sighed.

"Listen my BDSM Goddess, I wasn't properly informed of the danger!", he argued.

"What was that...", Natasha growled.

Tossing him I cracked my neck, and walked towards the Doomsdays. Recognizing me as a threat they all ran at me together. Catching the Darkseid Doomsday's arm, I spun him around and sent him flying into the others. Flying down the street, I chased after them to keep them from splitting off.

"Gonna be honest guys...I really feel like we weren't need.", Tony said.

"Yeah...this isn't fun.", Hulk complained, "I can't smash anything!"

"We can always provide support.", Jean stated.

"She's right, lets get a move on.", Natasha told them.

Following their lead, the teams raced after me. Finding us throwing down near the Vice President's residence they watched me casually dodging punches, and beating the crap out of them. For the time being I was trying to gather intel on these Doomsdays. My issue with this situation was the fact there was a Darkseid Doomsday here, the other three were plausible. Darkseid was a New God so he should have been immune to the Doomsday Virus, but somehow he changed and lost his sanity. For something like that to happen a much more powerful entity had to have helped the process along.

Seeing the other people arrive, the Thor Doomsday went to attack them but quickly had it's neck snapped by me. Tossing him into a stasis dimension, where he wouldn't heal, I turned to the other three who immediately went on the defensive.

'Interesting...they are learning from each others deaths. Almost like they are linked in some fashion.', I thought.

"Kid, I am sensing some major reality alteration around these three. Someone made this happen, and they did a piss poor job doing it.", Spectre told me telepathically, "They aren't going to survive long in their current states, they are unstable."

"You mean like going to explode!?", I asked.

"Yeah, all the energy in them is going to erupt. Get them off the planet asap.", Spectre told me.

Dashing forward I gave the three of them an earthshaking upper cut that sent them into deep space in mere seconds. A few moments after that three bright lights erupted in the sky signaling their detonation.

"What the hell was that?", Wolverine inquired.

"Doomsday gathers solar radiation to get it's power. They were unstable so all the energy they had was released just now.", I replied, "Spectre says those weren't natural occurrences, someone purposefully made them."

Before they were able to ask more, an eerily familiar cackle rang out from behind us. Looking towards the source I saw Joker standing there in what appeared to be Royal clothing. Realizing which version he was, I got in front of the teams.

"Joker...", I said in a cold tone.

"That's Emperor Joker to you!", he laughed, "I have moved up in the world, or rather in the universe!"

"What are you doing here?", I questioned.

"A little of this and a little of that.", he replied, "I decided that I should share the fun of my universe with everyone! It really something you know, I have made quite a lot of friends! So many little friends, people you may recognize even!"

Showing me various realities he had warped with his insanity, I saw countless worlds ruined by him. The break in the universe barriers had allowed him to escape from the rightful ending he was supposed to have, and had led to this.

"Joker, we don't have time for this. We have matters to attend too.", a Darkseid fused Brainiac stated appearing through a Boom Tube, "All of us agreed to wait till we were ready."

"I never agreed to wait, where is the fun in that!", Joker laughed, "I am enjoying tormenting people, it is who I am!"

"A deal is a deal...", Darkseid said as his glowed red, "Or should I end you here?"

Raising a hand to him, Joker turned back with a wicked smile. Daring him to try, it looked like this team of theirs wasn't completely united at the moment. After a brief showdown, Joker relented saying that they better hurry up with the kill or he would start again. Leaving in a huff Joker headed out first leaving Darkseid behind.

"We will meet again Superman.", Darkseid said leaving the area.

Once I was sure they were gone I looked back at the teams. Looking to me for answers I said we needed to call a meeting with the Alliance now.


Calling an emergency meeting, I broke the news I had learned in the brief encounter. Informing them of who Emperor Joker was, the Supermen understood how bad this was. It was a sure bet that Emperor Joker would like target all of the Batmen, but that would also mean he'd be at odds with the Batman Who Laughs. With his filter removed those versions of Batman wouldn't have any problem killing Joker, and most had the ability to alter reality with the cards they carried.

"How bad is it?", Batman (New Earth) asked.

"Allow me to there are 'Light' and 'Dark' Universes. The light ones are where life continues to flourish, and the dark are the ones headed to the end of their lives. There is a place called the World Forge where universes are made and destroyed, but the person who handles that is dead so no one is eradicating the Dark Universes. With no one destroying the dying universes they are left to fester till an anomaly happens...", I said, "The Batman Who Laughs was once a normal Batman, but he was infected with a very deadly variant of the Joker toxin. He maintains Batman's intelligence though he has Jokers insanity and tendencies. On his Earth he killed all of the Justice League in a matter of weeks."

"All of us!?", Flash (Universe 15) gasped.

"He used Black Kryptonite to make Supergirl and Superman go insane, and kill their families before they themselves died.", I informed them, "That is only part of it though...there are other Batmen like him who fused themselves with members of the League and villains to gain power. There is a Batman/Flash fusion, a Batman/Darkseid fusion, and many more. All of them form a group called the Dark Knights, and they work for an entity called Barbatos...the one who killed the person that oversees the World Forge."

"Hold on...your saying that there are Batmen villains out there hunting us down?!", Wonder Woman (Girlfriend) asked.

"Specifically Batmen and Jokers, yes. They have no issue inflicting as much pain and suffering as they can before they kill you. The most dangerous part is they know your weaknesses, and will exploit them with deadly precision. If they fight with Emperor Joker and his group we are looking at a much worse situation than Nekron. Both sides can warp reality around them, and they don't give a crap about the consequences. We have to assume that villains from all over are supporting either side.", I told them.

"If that's the case how do we fight them?", Nick asked.

"Fortunately the Dark Knights are vulnerable to tenth and nth metals so we can make weapons with those. With Emperor Joker we need to find the version of Mister Mxyzptlk he took the power from.", I said, "The Darkseid/Brainiac combo can be dealt with pretty easily, but I am unsure who else is on their teams. That is the wild card in all of this, we are in the dark about that."

"So what's your recommendation?", Shazam (Universe 22) questioned.

"We need to look for them before they come to us.", I said, "With the all the breaches locating them is going to be difficult, but that also plays in our favor as well. The biggest thing is, don't engage alone. Since they can alter reality they could kill with a snap of a finger."

"Do you have anything that can protect from that?", they asked.

"I do, but gathering enough material would be extremely difficult. Tenth Metal can shield you somewhat from it, but...gathering enough to be effective is difficult. Everything in the universe has a small amount of tenth's processing it that is difficult. I had to forge it in the hottest star I could find, and I barely had a few pounds of the metal with me.", I informed them.

"Is there a process to do it?", Superboy (Universe 16) inquired.

"Yes...a very labor intensive process. It would probably be best if you contacted the Olympians for assistance. I think the Smith God Hephaestus can point you in the right direction.", I stated.

"And us?", Nick replied.

"We will need to ask Odin, he will likely know. If we use my method we are talking months maybe years to make enough.", I sighed, "I could use my Reality Altering power, but I am afraid it won't be as pure as we need it. Experimentation is required before I could give you a solid answer on that."

"Got it, so in the meantime we should keep regular contact to ensure we all survive this.", Batman (Universe 10) said.

"Agreed.", we all said.

With that the meeting ended. Giving the teams present updated information regarding Doomsday and the people I was referring too they had several questions about them. Answering the best I could, I made sure they had enough information to judge the situation better before leaping into the fray.

"So basically Doomsday is a science experiment gone wrong.", Bruce Banner said, "You have temporal power right, can't you reverse the process?"

"That's more difficult than you think.", I told him, "When you start messing with time lots of things can go awry. If they were pulled from a timeline I effectively change their history by erasing him. That single change has many unforeseen consequences."

"Agreed, we should minimize the amount we tamper with time.", Doctor Strange agreed, "The method you have for containing him is something Stark should be able to build with assistance from Mr. Fantastic, Bruce Banner, and Hank Pym."

"Yeah...teleporter pads are something I have been working on. Between the four of us we should be able to figure something out.", Tony agreed, "I will also want to upgrade my armor as well..."

"Since we are dealing with global level threat, Wakanda will also aide with research.", Black Panther promised, "We wouldn't be able to fight such a beast alone."

"Glad to have the assistance.", Tony chuckled shaking his hand.

Sitting down with Fury to discuss plans for evacuation, and defense I slipped away. Following me Jean, Natasha, and Enchantress all were interested in where I was going. Once we were in a private area I transmitted the corpses over to Kelex to have him start the process of identifying the makeup and profile for the Doomsday I had. I needed to find out everything I could about them because they were a serious threat to any world they appeared on.

"Going to have your AI dissect them?", Natasha questioned.

"Yes, I need to clarify something. If this is a virus I need to start developing an antidote in case someone gets infected.", I told her.

"Makes sense.", Jean stated, "Why the secrecy though?"

"Because...I don't need Nick prying for information like DNA sequence and what not. I know he has stolen Tony's tech, last thing I want is him taking this tech...Abomination was already on his plate of failed operations.", I sighed.

"Abomination was the militaries fault.", Natasha argued.

"Who do you think got them access to the Hulk's blood, and researchers to help engineer the serum?", I asked, "Nick has his hands in many more pies than you realize. Just like I know he has you trying to infiltrate Hydra."

"You knew...", she said.

"How else would they have known the frequencies for SHIELD radios, the location of The Raft, and who was onboard the prison?", I chuckled, "I do think it is cute you didn't think I would know that."

"Don't patronize me.", she said with a smile, "So...about our date..."

"Right, how about dinner?", I inquired.

"Where will we go?", she replied.

"I was planning on cooking, I am sure you might like that more than going all men probably do that for you.", I said.

"You can cook?", she giggled with a smile, "This I got to see, I haven't been with a man that can cook. Sure, I would love to see what you can whip up. How about the evening of your Asgard meeting?"

"Sure, I am seeing them in three days.", I stated.

"Perfect.", she laughed with a smile, "So now what?"

"Want to raid some Hydra and AIM bases?", I suggested.

"Let me get my gear, and then we can certainly do that.", she replied with a playful smirk, "If I have fun maybe I will reward you."

"I think that is the other way around.", I chuckled with my own playful smirk.

"Let's move on.", Jean said getting between us.

Once Natasha was suited up, the three of us raided several bases around the globe. Allowing Enchantress to use the minimal amount of magic she knew, I had her assist us to improve her chances of getting an easier sentence. Spending time with them jumping from base to base till the end of the day, I dropped Natasha and Jean off before returning home with Enchantress.

---Xavier's School---

Having enjoyed her time using her powers without restraint, Jean was in a very pleasant mood. Planning out her date with me, she wanted to make sure things went off without a hitch. After Scott's rude interference in her affairs, she felt embarrassed that her ex had tried to attack me. Jean felt relaxed around me, and was able to be unchained from her normal constraints. Unlike prior relationships she could cut loose without fear of killing me which was something she was always fearful of with others. Moreover, being able to fight without being treated like a child was very nice.

Scott had always treated her like a delicate flower which was nice on dates, but in combat she wanted to be treated as an equal. Logan and Scott both shielded her from danger all the time when the X-Men fought which upset her greatly. Now that she had much better control of her powers, she would ensure they stopped treating her that way. If they didn't, she would join my team and be treated like a valued member of the team.

'I am tired of being treated like a monster or a delicate flower. With him...he doesn't fear me or downplay my worth in the field.', she thought with a smile, 'He's like me...always being cautious of hurting people. We understand each other better than anyone else.'

"Jean, do you mind if I come in?", Xavier asked knocking on the door.

"Of course Professor.", she said granting him permission.

Wheeling himself in, Xavier asked how the days training went. Explaining how I taught her, she demonstrated her control effortlessly. She admitted she had room for improvement, but said it was much better than before.

"I see, so effectively you are using your processing power to get an image of the area and using that to pin point places on a three dimensional map. That is quite ingenious really, it makes use of your overwhelming power and allows you to make precise pinpoint actions without fear of harming people.", Xavier stated with a happy smile, "I am glad that the meeting allowed you to have such a breakthrough."

"Me too.", she giggled.

"I can see you are quite fond of him.", Xavier teased.

"He is different from other men. Today during combat he gave me goals and let me decide how to achieve them. I...I wasn't being micromanaged or sheltered, he gave me full rein over my actions.", she said with excitement, "I could actually fight, and help the team! I wasn't being held back, or stopped from being me!"

"That amount of freedom is surely very enjoyable.", he chuckled.

"We all took credit for our work, and he made sure the four of us were on the report. He didn't try to take the credit, or downplay our roles.", Jean stated with a bright smile, "Professor...I have been dying to get out there, and help people. With him I can get out there, and really make a difference."

"I understand Jean, for a while now you have been feeling like a bird trapped in a cage.", Xavier admitted, "Now that you have the means to do what your heart desires, don't hold yourself back. Embrace it, and don't stop chasing that dream of yours."

"Thank you Professor.", Jean replied before something came to mind, "Professor!! Clark has something that can heal your injury!"

"You mean my paralysis?", he clarified.

"Yes!!", Jean stated with excitement, "I should have asked him to heal you. When I see him next I will bring it up to him."

Barging into her room Deadpool seemed excited about this news. Glaring at him for barging into her room she was about to throw him out the window before he spoke.

"Can he cure my cancer?!", Deadpool asked, "Can he restore my money making face!! If I get rid of my cancer I can finally take my mask off in front of Vanessa!!"

Remembering that he was suffering from his condition, Jean stopped herself from throwing him out the window. She promised to ask if he stopped going threw her clothing. Promising to do so he quickly left the room much to her delight. Thanking Jean for the consideration, Xavier said that he was fine either way. Having been in a wheelchair for this long, it didn't matter to him now.

---Avenger's Headquarters---

Doing her nightly workout routine, Natasha was thinking about what I had said. She had been a bit curious about Abomination's creation and Red Hulk. It had always been strange to her that the military had managed to develop that so quickly yet floundered on the Super Soldier serum. Roger's had willingly let them take his blood after he thawed out, and still they hadn't made any progress.

'If he is right...I have been helping screw up a lot more than I thought.', Natasha thought.

Having been the result of a freak science experiment, she had always been wary of governments to some degree. She ended up working for Nick because he gave her freedom, and protection from the remnants of the program that made her. Not only that, she had a lot of people that wanted her dead after everything she had done, and not enough friends to hide her. Having worked with Nick for a while she thought he was a good guy, although a bit paranoid. It never occurred to her that SHIELD may have made some of the very people she was always fighting.

'I need to find out.', she thought, 'This is going to bug me if I don't look into it.'

---SHIELD Regional Data Center, Undisclosed Location---

Going to one of SHIELD hidden data centers Natasha used a stolen ID badge she had been using for her mission to infiltrate Hydra to get in. Getting into the computer system, she started looking up the information on Abomination. Sure enough she found records of information being traded to the military for materials SHIELD needed to replicate Stark's tech. The more she dug the more she was disgusted by what she saw.

Recent events had caused the military to start weaponizing mutants to fight on the battlefield. Weaponizing men, women, and children flashbacks to her time as a lab rat came flooding back to her. Seeing that SHIELD was providing researchers to aid with this project her stomach tossed and turned. As she was about to finish up, she found notes on an upcoming raid on the X-Men stronghold in upper New York. Finding plans to theoretically use the Xavier and Jean as bombs, she knew she had to warn them before it was too late.

Signing out of the equipment she quickly went to leave the facility. As she was heading back to her bike though, she sensed that someone was watching her. Looking around several lasers pointed at vital points on her body. Walking towards her a familiar face appeared from the woods.

"General Ross...", she said, "I should have known..."

"Digging into classified documentation is treasonous act.", he told her, "One that I could have you executed for here and now, but one that a turncoat like you would do easily."

"I was retrieving information for my mission that Director Fury has me on.", she lied.

"Oh, you mean the Hydra Infiltration Mission?", he replied with a smile.

Realizing something was amiss she secretly turned on the phone I gave her pretending to shift her hair.

"I am well aware of Fury's intention to eradicate Hydra, it's the right move.", Ross agreed, "My problem is he decided to use a former Russian Agent to do it. Fury is become too lax with his judgment, a swift attack on their main base is all we need to do. Unfortunately he wants to play his little spy games under the guise of sparing lives. Not only that, he is allying himself with a man from outside our universe and simply taking his word for what is happening."

"All the information we have been provided by him has been verified. If you were so in the know, you'd know that.", Natasha said.

"I know that, but it doesn't change the point that he accepted the information without question. Needless to say others like me agree that it's time things change.", he said, "We have assets that we can use to win this war, and we should be using them."

"You intend to use women and children!!", she spat.

"They are mutants, not humans!!", Ross shouted, "Every single one of them from the Hulk to that bastard Deadpool!! All of them have no place in our society, and should be eradicated."

"You are a sick bastard!! Using children as weapons!", she hissed.

"I will do whatever is needed to protect my country, even if I have to go to hell for it!!", he shouted.

"I am glad you and I agree on that.", I said in a cold tone flying behind him, "Because that's where I will send you."

Turning around he saw me hovering over him with glowing red eyes. Having heard everything he said, and read his mind I knew I had to put him down permanently. Moving from Natasha to me the lasers tried to target me, but I bent the light around me so they couldn't get a clear shot.

"You say the Hulk is scum, but you are just like him, you are far worse than him. While he tries to hide and not harm anyone, you go around in forcing your misguided views on others. You fully intended to execute Natasha here, and make it look like a mutant had jumped her just to get Nick to break ties with the X-Men.", I growled, "Your world is being invaded almost daily, and you decide to slaughter people that could be helping you survive."

"If they were true patriots they would have accepted the Registration Act, and registered themselves like good citizens.", he replied.

"So you and your goons could show up in the night to spirit them away.", I seethed, "Don't try talking your way out of this. You'd willing send children in to support your twist view of how things should be. As a fellow American from another universe, you disgust me. This ends here Ross, this will be where I bury you for good."

"Don't think I haven't prepared for your arrival.", he said with a smug smile as several helicopters came into view, "I brought plenty of firepower to deal with the likes of you. We have been busy developing weapons to kill the Hulk, and you are the perfect test subject to try them on."

Cracking a smile as I looked at him, I couldn't believe how stupid he was. He honestly compared me to the Hulk, and assumed conventional weapons could hurt me. In my head The Spectre was laughing his ass off as he thought this guy was the moron of the century. Seeing the smirk on my face, Natasha felt relieved and decided she needed to get out of here so I didn't need to hold back. With a snap of my finger Natasha was in my arms much to the shock of Ross.

"I think it's time I show you exactly why Odin chose to make peace with me rather than fight me over his son.", I said as the sky started to crackle, "You made a very poor decision trying to kill Natasha, and made even worse decision by admitting your crimes to me. As the Protector of Life and the Entity of Death I will personally escort you to the afterlife along with your soldiers. This reality has no room for trash like pray to the One Above All that I give you a quick death because right now...I want to hear you scream!"

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