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42.85% Their Girl Anna / Chapter 18: Chapter 18

Capítulo 18: Chapter 18

It has been several months since I started my new thing of, "I'm just going to get mine I don't care about you thing." I was seeing Xuimin and Daesung every now and then it always ended up in bed but at least I got pleasure out of it, Mark, and Rapmon I would see on set every other day one or the other would be always cornering me. I liked how I felt whole for just short while, so I didn't mind too much.

   I was caught several times with each one of them, by paparazzi trying to get a goods on me. the JYP always said, "that we were just friends" to the media.

   The media kept calling me the warrior angel because I always wore leather to ride my motorcycle. I got several offers from movie producers for this and photo shoot four different motorcycle companies.

   If I wasn't with one of the guys than I was working either for one of my new solo albums or for the Angels I never stopped I barely ate any more sleep was a distant memory I felt like it was starting to show.

  Today was no exception today I was going to be on M music countdown with a the angels than I was doing a separate show on it with a solo song come back.

   It felt like everybody was looking at me like I was a ticking time bomb. I even felt like one some days. they kept asking if I was OK. I kept reassuring them I was, but, they didn't seem to believe me.

   I finally gave up and put my headphones in and took a short nap these where what was keeping me alive.

     Soon I was shaken awake by Tana I gave her a smile and said "thank you." She gave a thumbs up knowing I couldn't hear threw my headphones.

            I gave a look into the mirror the makeup artist was good at her job I didn't have dark circles any longer and I had a healthy glow again.

I got ready for the stage my nerves rattling a little bit since this was a comeback stage for us our new song was not the normal cut pop we did it was harder faster and angry.

We had on our wings today but it was a new set that were made just for this song well-oiled as if we just won a bloody battle with hell it's self.

We were uncomfortable in our harnesses that allowed us to fly for our dance we even had swords why Appa wanted this stage to be so elaborate is beyond me,

the white dresses were floating material that made us look like princesses from Chinese historical drama but with gold and silver breast plates.

We got in our positions Shay Tana and I were going to face off with the back up dancers who were dressed like fallen angels their clothing was on our with ours but darker more evil looking.

The music starts that's when I start. Singing while fighting soohyun my sparing partner Our dance was a sword dance in the air

Shay and Tana held their ground with their parents than we would fight in the background as each of us sang our parts.

When we where done I was drenched in sweat and was tired but I still had my solo song to do after I ran to our dressing room stripping along the way throwing things at our manager to catch when I got to the dressing room I only had my slip on.

  My outfit was waiting for me I hurried and put it on than my hair dresser put my long black hair into a high ponytail I used CL's trick for enlarging my eyes by adding extra false eyelashes the tight little black dress left little to the imagination but I did have short shorts under so as not to flash anyone I got to the side of the stage waiting the gulping camera men made me feel like it was worth the sexiness.

Got7s song was finishing up when Mark gave me a wink than licked his lips while holding my gaze I was aroused in a instant.

When they finished their song they all came running up to me for high fives, but, Mark picked me up knowing the MC's needed time to do commentary he put me over his shoulder and  walked over to them with a large smile on his face as if he won an award.

Eric Nam and IU were waiting for us with laughing eyes Eric was the first to speak, "So mark who do you have here?"

Mark flashed a smile and said, "I got me a pretty angel I completely swept her off her feet." I put my head down at his cheesy joke.

Jackson was getting annoyed by him touching me I could see it all over his face I put my head as close to marks and said, "if you're a good boy and let me down I will show you later how naughty I can be."

He took the hint and gently lowers me down to my feet but I stumbled a bit and he had to catch me our eyed connected and my heart I was trying so hard to keep cold warmed a little to our moment we where having but it was ruined by bam-bam clearing his throat reminding us we where on air.

I fixed my clothes soothing any wrinkles in my embarrassment Eric decided to tease me, "for someone who is being swept off her feet you sure are falling for it,"

I looked him in the eyes and in English I said, "not cool man." Jackson smiled at this knowing that Amber was watching back stage and would get Eric back for me.

IU took everything with a calm stride by asking, "what are you planning to sing for us today Anna?  By the looks of it something to make a man's heart explode with excitement."

I laughed at her cuteness and said, I walk be singing, "poison, I wrote it about a girls temptation to the dark side by forbidden love."

Eric then asked me, "did you write it from your own experiences or were you inspired by something else?"

I looked down at my sparkling black high heels and blushed then looked up at him threw my eyelashes and asked flirting, "are you trying to see if I am single so you can get my number later oppa?"

This flustered him and he lost his place on his note cards Jackson swooped in and saved him by saying, "Anna you can't have him he's all mine!"

IU took this opportunity to shift  attention to the boys giving me a chance to sneak out and get it ready on stage.

I took my position on the directors cue I watched as he held his hand up putting his fingers down one by one counting down.

I had a red see threw bandage on my eyes it shielded me from the bright stage lights my hands loosely bound my opening was threw and I moved from my kneeling position to standing I sang "this is my love baby, poised to me. This is my love darling binding me never setting me free."

Chris came behind me he crossed my face then ran his other had down my side cress each and every curve sensuality. I threw my tied hands around his neck and  sang "poison me with your love baby hold me tight and don't ever let go."

During the bed he broke my tied up with and in the last second pulled the blind fold off while dipping me in his one of arms while my left leg was being held by his right hand.. It was one of our more difficult move because if he didn't catch me the moment after he pulled my blonde fold I would fall hard.

     The lights dimmed telling us that we could move when I got off stage I saw black dots. I just stood still for a few moments until it passed Chris gave me a worried look and asked, "are you OK you seem to have lost your balance there."

   I let go of his shirt I didn't realize until that moment I grabbed to steady myself and apologized tell in him I was okay it had been happening for a few days now I just figured I needed to sleep and to eat something.

    I went back to the dressing room and grabbed a bottle of water and some chips I sat down and drank and ate it all in one go  I than laid down on the couch to take a nap I passed out instantly.

   Manager Kim was the one that shook me awake this time I thanked him groggily and asked "is it time for the ending?"

    He nodded he looked worried, I got up and got ready flashing him a smile in the process, I saw Shay and Tana at the door whispering to one another.

   I didn't care anymore they had been doing this alot lately. I touched up my make up watching to see if  they where finished. When they where, I left the mirror and went up to them, Plastering one of my fake smiles on my face. they gave each other a look then Tana said," Anna let's go" I wrapped my arms around  them and smiled giving them a hug the nap did me good I felt more energetic.

    I left their side and started to skip behind them singing ring around the rosy Then followed them out the door and on to the stage I then  notice that Got7, BTS, VIXX, SHINee, and EXO were onstage also along with FX CL and Black pink and a few others.

    I skipped up to Got7 my smile hyper and full of energy, giving them a hug ignoring the rest of the BTS I gave RM a hug as well, Xuimin came up behind me and gave me a hug saying, "you did a good job" I blushed at the complement.

  I gave them all a smile bowing and saying "thank you Oppa's. For your support and for supporting us angels."

    Shay and Tana gave each other another look of what ever than turned to pay attention to Eric and IU.

  BTS got top score with their spring Day song. Rapmon hugged me and asked, "what are you doing tonight?"

    I looked at him knowing that he just wanted sex so I said, " if you want to come over tonight that's ok but I have to go to bed early I have full schedules tomorrow."

  He nodded and said, "we don't always have to have sex. falling asleep with you in my arms is enough tonight. That and your cooking.  J-hope, Suga, and Junkook have been bugging me lately trying to find out who my mystery girl is. I bet it's the same with Mark, Daesung, and Xuimin. I don't know why you won't just date one of us."

   I looked up at him and said, "this is the only way I can keep myself safe now. I am so, tired of being disappointed that is why."

  He pat my head and said, "it's been hard for you hasn't it. Well I'm not going to complain I at least get a quarter of you and that's better than none."

    We neared my dressing room and I gave him a final hug and a kiss on the cheek saying, "see you later tonight." He turned around and I watched him love turning the corner.

I was then dragged into a empty room the lights out, out of no where I felt lips on mine the familiar scent of Mark was engulfing me his hands trailed up my dress as I went for his belt I undid it and the rest of his pants.

he picked me up and brought me to a couch and lad me down my dress was on my stomach reviling my breast and he had taken my panties I was ready for him he took one final look at me and got on top of me he kissed me roughly showing me that his  patience was gone.

I wrapped my legs around him his member finding its own way inside of me as if it was meant to be I gasped as  he slid into me he was filling me up and I could fill him stretch me out.

I moaned his name he held me closer I caught his ear in my mouth and started sucking on it he let out a moan in pleasure his hard member throbbing inside of me.

He started to ride me hard and fast I bit his shoulder to keep from crying out loud and alerting others to what we were doing.

My hands clawed at him out of need to be closer I couldn't help myself from the beginning to the end he was like a drug and I was the addict.

He finally get his release after a few more moments he fell on too of me with a shudder I held onto him not wanting to let go for the moment he kept kissing up my neck until he reached my mouth I kissed him back.

When we were finished he helped me up I fixed myself as best as possible I helped him with his tie as he straightened my hair when I was fixing it I pulled him down and kissed him I wrapped my hands around his shoulders and he wrapped his arms around my waist.

We didn't want I part but we had to he had to get back to his members and I to mine that famous quote from Romeo and Juliet Shakespeare was right, "parting is a sweet sorrow."

He left first his jacket covering the lipstick stain,  I waited a few moments than went to my dressing room hoping that Shay and Tana were gone  As I approached the door I overheard Tana and Shay talking.

    Shay was the first to speak she said "we really need to talk to her and about her slutty ways and her destructive Behavior she's killing our group!"

    then Tana said ah a hint of anger in her high pitched voice "if anything it's killing our group it's you. always talking bad about her behind her back, she has been killing herself to write us music, and to promote us did you not see the dark circles under her eyes before she got her makeup on, and I think she lost another 10 kilograms she was only 40 to begin with."

shay let out a frustrated sigh and said, "that's what I'm saying it's destructive how she's doing things losing weight riding motorcycles fucking every guy that shows her attention of any kind. She is going to get hurt or worse than anything we know about. what really happened between her and gdragon Baekhyun won't look her in the eye or Jin, Tae, or Jimin what did she do to them?"

  I came in with tears running down my face saying "you really want to know what I did to the BTS boys? I caught them filming us in bed after the fact they used me as a bet,  that is why I tried to kill myself thinking my life was over anyways! then Baekhyun used me to cheat on Lisa! that's why they won't look me in the eye does that make you feel better knowing?"

I looked the pair in the eye, "If you don't know what's going on with me, either shut it, or ask me don't Talk Amongst yourselves I'm going to be talking to jyp later if you can't trust me, and I don't think I should be part of this group, and you guys can be a Duo."

I looked directly at Shay, "oh, Shay I love how you automatically assumed I did something to the BTS boys, and not the other way around your great at having my back. Oh and your beloved dragon asked me to have sex with his band members only a day after we got together I was going to make up with him a day after I calm down but then I caught him with a trainee on her knees."

The shocked expressions on their faces looked ridiculous by I addressed them again, "Now girls are you happy? I didn't think so. that's why I keep things to myself because not everybody needs to know. It's between me and them no else business."

     I was so angry at them that I went and got my things and went to the restroom next door to change not wanting to be in the same room with them any longer..

When I was I got into the stall I did some deep breathing exercises and calmed myself  enough to change  when I was about finished Lisa came in saying, "I can't believe that slut showed her face after fucking my man the nerve." So much for feeling bad for her about it.

    I than walked out of the stall and Lisa and her member froze. I gave her my bitchiest smile and replied, "first of you should always greet a Sunbae nim the moment you see them,  second if I had known Baekhyun was in a relationship I wouldn't have touched him with a ten foot pole, Third weren't you fucking Jackson behind Baekhyun back?"

I looked at my nail polish and acted like I as disinterested but continued, "If you want to talk shit remember, I am a share holder in your company, and I can either make or break you, and yours. Don't fuck with this bitch because, she has claws and bites back harder than you will ever think about. Now where is your greeting to a senior."

     They all bow to me with a stunned look on their face not being able to say a word their pretty faces frozen in shock and awe.

When I left I heard one of the girls say "I don't think we should fuck with that Sunbae. she's a little scary just to think she's supposed to be an angel."

" no you got it wrong! She's the warrior angel so she supposed to be scary especially in those biker clothes, though I wonder where she got them she looks so hot!" Another one piped-in.

   I than went and found my our manager and said, "I need to leave and go to the company I can't go home like the others."

He nodded in understanding and said," I'll call for another van for you. that way you guys can separate your ways and they can go home and relax a bit is there any thing else you need?"

    I've been found a vacant room where I could sit down and take out my notebook I've got an idea for a new song. I was writing away whenever I felt somebody sitting next to me I looked up and it was CL I gave her a side hug and smiled

  "What are you doing here by yourself? where's the rest of your band?" She asked.

" I overheard them talking shit about me so I left after yelling at them setting them straight about some things. then whenever I was changing in the bathroom that little black pink bitch Lisa came talking shit about me too. so here I am after I gave Lisa and her group mates a nice talking to about how she should treat her seniors." Answering her question in a very Frank way.

   She started laughing and then said, "I like this new you, you're kind of a avenging Angel who had just really got  tired of people giving her Shit.  so when are you going to give me a ride on your motorcycle?"

  I looked at her and said, " when you decide to buy yourself a fucking  awesome helmet and biker clothes to ride with me."

   She let out a happy squeal hugging me in the process and said, "OK that's it we got to go shopping."

I nodded in agreement and ask," what about this weekend? I think I'm free this weekend.... that is if you don't mind guys following us everywhere here lately I have four that are up my ass constantly. Literally and figuratively"

she started to laugh even harder then she asked," are you here waiting for a ride? because I can give you a ride."

I nodded in agreement and then called my manager telling him that I was getting a ride with CL he didn't seem to care a bit.

   I than packed my things up and headed out telling her sorry for being so mean to her hoboes' She laughed and then asked "oh, yeah when did she become a shareholder in my company? overheard somebody complaining that they had to go through you and to do certain things. I didn't realize you were that rich. Oh, those girls get on my nerves too. at least that little Lisa one oh dose she have a mouth on her."

  Laughed and said, 'I just did really good on the stocks and decided to buy some shares and of some of the main entertainment companies and some other companies the shares aren't a lot but there are enough that I do have some power I only kept it at 20% each. My online classes for business are paying off. It's only been a couple of weeks since I started I figured that I should do some real life application."

  She looked at me and asked jokingly, "will you marry me? I think I'd be a perfect trophy wife for you I'm hot little older but I still got some miles on me."

We started laughing as we got into her black four door SUV she then asked "where to princess Anna?"

I told her that I needed stop it jyp entertainment then if she wanted after we could go shopping for her helmet she could just borrow some my clothes until we go shopping for hers.

   when we arrived  I was nervous I was about to either going to have to sever ties or work it out CL told me she was going to go get some bubble tea while I was talking to jyp I nodded she wasn't one to meddle too much in her friends personal lives.

I messaged Appa with apprehensive move meets telling him I was coming up he replied with a quick OK.

The elevator ride was one of the shortest of my life my nerves were getting the better of me making things seem faster than they really are.

   When I got to apps office I knocked on his door his secretary was absent to call me in, he told me to come in and when I did I saw that Shay and Tana were there to. I gave a blank face and then sat across from all of them and asked, "what are they doing here? I need to talk to you alone" my voice was dripping with anger and hurt.

   He smiled and replied," probably the same reason you're here you're pissed off at them and their trust in you is broken."

I looked at him straight in the eye and said "yes I'm pissed off. not only did they talk about me behind my back negatively. they pried into my business with other people that is a no-go in my book. I don't like to gossip and when they force me to gossip it pisses me off."

I  crossed my arms and continued my tantrum," I don't care if their trust is broken me anymore. because my trust in them is broken. I have never talked bad about them behind their back. I have bent over backwards to make their lives easier giving them everything they needed to have a good career."

I pointed at them, "if they can't trust me then they need to be a Duo and I will just be a solo let's see how far they get without me doing all the work promoting doing the television shows photoshoots writing the music and the lyrics coming up with everything in  the choreography."

I was getting it all out in the open now how I felt it was like I was emotional vomiting all over them,  "here all they have to do is sing and dance I would like some help every once in awhile. but they won't give it to me they've never even offered."

I was on the verge of tears, "feel like I'm the leader not the maknae wasn't the leaders position supposed to be Shay's job? by the way why is everything being put on my shoulders? I'm only 20 years old. I started this in this group when I was 16 and I have been working my ass off since." 

I looked at Tana, "yes, Tana to answer your question I have lost another 10 kilograms because I don't get to eat any more or sleep I am living off a snack bag of chips a day some days I only get about one too two hours of sleep. But you two look nice and fresh like roses. Its pathetic that the 26 year old and the 24 year old has to rely on the 20 year old for everything."

I wasn't done ripping into them yet,  "I will finish this come back with you then all the tours but at the end of the tour we are done unless you start pulling your own weight."

They were still as mice I continued ,"Just remember I was going through hell this entire time in this group until my appa here finally bought me from those horrible people who were forcing me to do horrible things."

I smiled at appa and said, "I am finally free and I am going to finally have some fun if it's not riding my motorcycle and I'm going to fuck whoever I want and get my Wild Oats sowed. If you don't like it I will remind you again I am 20 years old, I have no dating ban, and I am doing things behind the scenes because I'm not dumb fucker who goes out with these guys one at a time."

I looked at the girls who were slut shaming me, "yes I am sleeping with four different guys who yes they know about one another. but it's keeping my ass out of tabloids in a negative light. If I just have fuck buddy's no one's feelings get hurt. there is no jealousy honestly if I don't want to see them or I don't want to fuck them I don't. we can just like hang like Buddy's no strings attached you may call it slutty I call it the only way to protect my heart and my career."

I crossed my arm and leaned back in my chair and asked,  "now are you happy that I finally opened up to you guys? oh wait I've asked you this before but I didn't get an answer. so I'm going to assume you didn't like what I had to say."

     They looked at each other and then at me really shocked at what I just told them I looked at jyp and he kind of looks proud but I finally opened up I think he knew I was about to explode he was just waiting for it.

   I knew I shouldn't have did an emotional and verbal vomit all over them,  but it needed to be said anyways I really don't care anymore if they like me, I'll like me.

    JYP than stood up and said," it really has been hard on you hasn't it. now on if they don't start pulling their weight I'll take you out of the group, and make you just a solo artist. it'll be up to them if they want to become great artist."

He patted me on the head, "I am Proud of you for finding a way to stay out of the tabloids negatively while having fun, and I really like this new bad girl concept you got going for you the avenging warrior angel.

He went to his desk and sat down elegantly, "Oh and ladies just remember if this little girl right here I hadn't begged me to put you in this group I would have cut you as trainees a long time ago you're not that good. Remember before you bad talk her and me. I'm partial owner of this company and so is she, she owns 20% of this company also, and she bought it with her own money that she earned working her ass off. that's why she's my favorite. she knows what hard work is and doesn't ride on the coattails of others she's my female version of gdragon without the smoking and drug problem. You don't have a drug problem do you?" he asked looking at me.

    I shook my head no and then said, "I do drink though but only on occasionally, and I don't get drunk I like the buzz not being drunk. with a buzz you don't lose control like you do with being drunk."

    He laughed and said," that's my good girl at least you're smart enough to keep control there's some idols that don't know how to say no, or when just stop. Now Appa is busy why don't you take your friend home."

I got up and kissed him on the head and said I'm going to be making dinner haven't decided what yet and RM is going to be staying the night don't worry it's strictly PG. Is there anything you want?"

he nodded gave me a side hug said "ok I've been craving some of your hot pot why don't you make that for dinner tonight." I nodded in agreement.

       I turned my heel around and left the room waiting for the two girls when were all in the hallway I asked "are you guys going to start helping me out, or I'm going to have to keep exploding?

      They nodded still not talking to me I think they're to shocked to talk to me honestly I always kept to myself about a lot of things.

I then said "honestly I know you guys probably don't like me. but that's ok you don't have to like me but you will start respecting my boundaries from now on."

I don't talk bad about you behind your back I'd hope that you would respect me enough not to talk about me behind mine. I also don't like gossiping about other people please keep what I said about those boys to yourself if you repeat it I will know and then you will be on my shit list." I looked them in the eyes to show I was serious.

   I walked away leaving the two dumb founded Girls behind me. when I got you the elevator I saw that they were still frozen in their spot, it made me chuckle I've never spoke disrespectfully to them before maybe I should do it more often.

  When I got to the lobby I saw outside that CL was leaning up against her car drinking on a bubble tea while  holding another one for me. I gave her a smile thinking wow she really is beautiful.

      when I got to her I gave her a side hug and took my tea from her hands saying "you should be a bubble tea model or a car model you look so hot right now! I'm actually considering marrying you can be my trophy wife." I then laughed while going to the passenger side of her car.

       when she got in I said "picture time!" her hand automatically reaching for her ever present phone ever ready with its lenses to capture moments in time we could love to either forget or reminisce about.

We didn't take a photo one with making cute faces, and another making sexy faces.

I posted  the cute picture with the caption "going with my bestie to buy helmets. so she can be a cool Angel Like Me riding motorcycles."

    we then headed off to a motorcycle supply and Retail Store that was connected to the dealership I bought my bike from. Her eyes lit up when she saw the pink butterfly helmet I saw this awesome helmet with cat ears I check the two helmets and I went up to the register and paid for them I also bought us two pairs of chaps each.

She squealed when I handed her the helmet her hands gliding over the smooth surface caressing it with her sharp well manicured nails glistening in the sunlight. 

She looked at the motorcycles as we left the store in a fit of giggles and washed with happiness and she took me home the flavor of the day was bitter sweet so far.

    she entered the house with me smiling I looked at her clothes and saw that she just needed some boots and a jacket I went up to my room with her we went into my closet and I let her pick out some boots since we were the same size in shoes I wasn't sure about the clothes though I was a little bit smaller than she was due to sudden weight loss she always look good in Red so I gave her mine red set of jacket with fringe on the arms she picked out a pair of red knee high boots.

    I changed out my little girl clothes and into my biker clothes I chose a crop top shirt with the black leather jacket and some black ripped skinny jeans  with the black high-heeled boots that went up to my thigh the setting that CL shorts weren't very good I threw her some black leather pants to go with her outfit.

     she laughed and said, "thank God you and I are the same size not many people have an ass like mine."

      I hadn't put my pants on yet so I went and Stood Beside her looking in my full length mirror and said "yep same ass just mines darker even our  waste line and  legs at the same that's kind of weird."

     she laughed and said "well at least now I know that I have a second closet that I can raid."

    I looked at her and said," as long as you don't touch the Jimmy Choo shoes,  they are my babies "

we then finish getting our clothes on and then I remembered I needed to go shopping for the Hotpot I told her about it, She smiled and said, "now I have a reason to go riding on your bike."

         she then went downstairs really happy I brought along our shoes grab my keys off the kitchen counter along with my new helmet slipping into my boots I look at her asked, "are you ready?"

       we then went to the garage her eyes lit up when she saw my bike I opened up the garage door then looked at her and said "no you're not driving. get your own bike if you want to learn I will teach you. But you're not tearing up my baby learning."

I got on and she got on behind me we put on our helmets and I drove out her holding on to my waist tightly we made it to the market no time her happy squeals erupted out with every turn.

     I put our helmet in the boot of the bike. and then squatted down and took out the spark plug to the bike, and put it in my pocket it is my safety measure.  just in case somebody wanted to steal my bike.

      we then went into the market I bought some Lobster, clams and oysters along with some fresh vegetables this was one of the reasons why I  liked south Korea it always had fresh fish and vegetables even in the smallest towns in America you had to live in a city for that kind of thing.

when we got out of the market I saw a few guys surrounding my bike it made me nervous so I looked at CL and said "don't get involved if things look like they're getting out of hand call 119, until then just stand there and look hot."

    she gave me a wide-eyed frightened look and I told her, "it's ok I have everything under control until I don't."

I handed her the bags and then walked over to the guys around my bike and I gave them  A nice bright smile after I took my Mask off

I than asked in a curious voice,  "can I help you? "their heads snapped to me like I shot a gun it wasn't every day a female went up to a group of guys that looked like thugs.

they all gave me a wolfish smile the one leaning up against my bike said in a cocky voice, "if you're free tonight that help me greatly. hey wait don't I know you from somewhere?" he kept looking me up and down trying to figure it out.

his friends started laughing at his comment and then I looked him straight in the eye I slowly but purposely walked up to him and started to play with his shirt and said "well the media's been betraying me as a warrior angel but most people just call me angel Anna."

him and his buddies all got wide-eyed and then he visibly gulped said, "dude you're a lot sexier looking in real life."

     . I let out a sigh and said," why don't you  please get off my bike you won't be able to steal it anyways it won't start for you even if I give you the keys."

I took pictures with his friends who had gotten their cell phones out I motioned for cl to come over they didn't seem to harmless, CL came over she removed her mask and her glasses and all the guys started to fan boy.

   I took the bags from her and ask the guy to move again he moved wanting to take a picture with CL I put the groceries into the boot removing mine and her helmets.

    the guy who I assumed was there leader asked, " can I have the keys I really want to see if I can start this or not."

          I handed him the key he got on the bike and put in the key turning it nothing happened not even a spark, I looked at him and said," you will never be able to start it because I rigged it. that's way I'm smarter than the average female biker."

          he handed me the keys back getting off the bike I got down and taking out the spark plug from my pocket I replaced it.  Then I got on the bike CL following me, the guy's asked for a photo of us on the bike, we looked at each other and then said, "hell why not."

       after they took their photos we put on our helmets I speed out there popping a wheelie for them to give some fan service, CL holding on for dear life.

      when we got home CL said "that was the scariest most fun thing I've ever done in my life I might just get addicted to your new wild side Jackson has nothing on you."

I laughed and asked her on our way to the kitchen, "am I the new wild and sexy Anna? Jackson will be heart broken to know I do throne him." She laughed at this.

      she then help me bring in the food. but all of a sudden she got a call from her manager she had a schedule that she had to go to tonight and she couldn't miss it she didn't left in that big black SUV of  hers.

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