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19.04% Their Girl Anna / Chapter 8: Chapter 8

Capítulo 8: Chapter 8

Jin was waiting for us at the door he crossed his arms when he saw Jiyong and Daesung he was looking them up and down like a disappointed parent thinking that their baby girl could do better.

I gave him a hug saying "Oppa! I love you!" He looked down at me smiling while saying "OMG such a pretty princess you are! Isn't this the outfit I got you last year for your birthday?"

I smiled and nodded while saying " I even wore some of the jewelry you got me! I almost look like princess peach! now need to die my hair blonde than I will be your living breathing princess peach doll!"

He gave me a hug than pinched my cheek and said "my baby girl is getting to be such a lovely young woman! Just remember you will always be omma Jin's favorite little girl."

After that I introduced Jiyong and Daesung to him whispering later that I had not decided who I wanted to date so until then we are just going to be friends.

The dinner party went well mama Jin got drunk and started to flirt with Papa Namjoon. Since I was between the flirty brother Jimin and alien Tae-Tae who just discovered I was a girl. Things where getting very hands on between the two one kept rubbing circles on my outer thigh the other kept trying to use lame pick up lines while rubbing my inner thigh. Even though it felt good I stopped them by slapping their hands away.

Daesung and Jiyong kept giving the boys dirty stairs threw out dinner I wasn't really expecting this bit I tried to keep the boys hands off so as not to offend  Jiyong and Daesung who were my dates.

J-hope suga and Jungkook tried to keep everyone happy by asking for advice on their careers since Jiyong and Daesung were god's in the industry and it was a great experience for the boys.

When the dinner ended the guys said their fare wells exchanging numbers talking about maybe doing some colabrations than escorted  me home to an empty house that had a note saying:

Tana and I will be gone for the next week due to photoshoot in Paris make sure you eat and go to the studio and Finnish our songs than help Mrs. Park with the new dances.

Love you the most Shay and Tana❤💋

It was nothing really new but seeing a beat Jiyong and Daesung I decided my new out fit would wait until later. I pulled the guys up off the couch than brought them into my room knowing they had a l9ng day and needed a good nights sleep.

They looked so beat that I laid them in bed and helped the with their clothing, leaving them in their boxers. I went to my dresser and pulled out a black sheer silk teddy.

I took all of my jewelry off putting it up carefully and started to undress. all of a sudden Jiyong was behind me wide awake kissing my shoulders I was aroused instantly I gave him access knowing that I wanted him as much as he wanted me. He captured my mouth kissing me with a neediness that was in tune with mine I wanted to take it further but it wasn't to be.

he helped me undo my pink polka dotted Minnie Mouse bra than he slipped the teddy over my head as he went down he crossed my sides gently my heart skipped a beat. I kiss him gently on the mouth than told him "thank you." than all three of us did our nightly routine it was nice to see their fresh faces with out all the makeup they seemed more real and better looking.

When I crawled in bed with Daesung I cuddle up to him his heat source  lulling me in to a state of comfort and I fell asleep as Jiyong got in and held me from behind this was what dreams are made of.

I woke up the next morning to an empty bed my heart sunk I liked the feeling of the warmth of their body's next me a sense of longing and emptiness was hanging in the air like a blanket I felt the hole in my heart widening even further.

I found a note on my side table that read.

Our sweet love,

We got a call this morning from our manager and we have to fly to Japan.

We will be gone for a few weeks and we will try and keep contact but you know how that works being an Idol yourself. Our numbers are in your phone in case you need us. Now that you have been sexually liberated have fun. Try new partners there are more men interested in your than you realize.

With all of our love Ji and Dae

The neat hand writing let me know it was Daesung who wrote the letter since they signed the letter individually. It made me smile knowing that they cared that much for me I was right we would become great friends in the future.

I got a text as I was finishing the note it was from Xuimin which was odd since he should be in practice at this time with the others.

❤my Xuimin❤: hey can Baekhyun go to yours he is still acting funny and the rest of us need to practice and it's distracting watching his moody face.

👑PrincessAnna: Sure! Send him over he knows the code. I will be in the bathtub, tease him and tell him to join me when he gets here.😘

A 20 minutes later I was ready for a nice relaxing bath I had lit some of my candles and had on some relaxing music and bubbles. Where getting nice and thick with a lavender and mint smell this is what my sore body needed

I was in the process of falling asleep when I herd the front door beep open. Baekhyun must be here, a moment later there was a soft knock on the bathroom door I made sure the bubbles where covering me before I said "come in." not knowing if he cared or not since he himself said I was like a  sister to him.

Baekhyun walked in a little red from blushing he was innocent and didn't really know what to expect by entering while I was naked.

I would be lying if I said I didn't at one time want to be with him, he was my first crush when I was S new trainee my broken Korean making him take interest in me at a coffee shop when we first met. But seeing him right now my desire for him was aroused again I loved how he always tried to act respectful towards me you don't see that kind of thing in US men typically don't respect women in general and if they do their buddy's call them Gay or whipped. It one of the many reasons I love South Korea American men don't even know what respectful hands are they just grab and touch a woman how ever they feel like and if a woman complains about it  she is stuck up a prude or a bitch.

He avoided looking at me and said, "Anna is there something wrong with me? Why is it that I all of a sudden see you differently? Before I thought of you as a cute little sister but now I don't know..." He was rubbing the back of his neck making it red from all of the  friction.

I sighed and said "IS it that you desire me as yours or do you lust after me? I can only help you with the lust I have no intention to be anyone's just yet. Maybe in the future but not now."

He looked at me with a new fire in his eyes and said "I have no intention to date or otherwise with anyone but if you can sedate my needs it really would be most appreciated. I just couldn't get the job done right myself yesterday and all night long."

I figured I would need to take the initiative so I rose up out of the tub making him look at me I was getting use to the idea of being naked in front of people it was like swimsuit modelling but without the swimsuit, his face went red but he had a look of lust clouding his eyes I have seen many times threw out my career.

I grabbed his hand and led him to my bed the water glistening on my lightly tan skin I pushed him on to it and started to unbutton his shirt revealing his toned dancers body I was ready to go further with him.

I left trails of kisses from his collarbone down to his newly unbuttoned pants I unzipped them and helped him out of the rest of his clothes his erect member pulsating with need.

I than went down on him sucking, and stroking his member until he gave out a loud primal moan, in his release his cum shot in to my mouth, with a sweet and salty taste. I kept sucking until I knew he was spent.

I than took one of the condoms the guys left, and I put it on him while swallowing the cum. He than decided to take charge and flip me onto my back he kissed me hard, and passionately.

Baekhyun than started to kiss and suck on each of my nipples, as he ran his fingers in to my slit not entirely entering but enough to make me wet with anticipation. He positioned himself to enter me, than he slowly entered me making me want more. my hips responded with impatiently, making him enter me fast he hit my wall which made me moan his name with pleasure.

I kissed him running my fingers threw his red hair pulling him closer to deepen the kiss. our hips moved in a steady rhythm slowly increasing as our climax was coming. I was yelling his name begging him for more, my orgasm was released with his, leaving us clinging to each other sweat dripping off our bodies.

We where lying on the bed holding on to each other relishing in our sedation we fell asleep holding each other.

When I woke up I stared at his face feeling content it was 12:26 p.m. so I knew it was time for me to get up take a quick shower and go to dance studio. When I went to get up Baekhyun grabbed me and snuggled into me his face in my hair taking in the smell of my lavender, mint, and coconut shampoo.

When I tried again to move he tightened his arms around me his right index finger playing with my clitoris to convince me to stay saying "no please stay. I like you in my arms naked. I also like the taste of you." As he moved his fingers into his mouth.

I turned around and kissed the tip of his nose than said," I have to choreograph a new song and write another song sorry honey but it's work time."

He started to rub my inner thigh making me want him again. I finally gave in as he started to trail his butterfly like kisses down my neck taking care of each individual nipple as if they where  precious jewels then he made his way down to my area and started to lick up the wetness that had pooled .

my hips responded I couldn't take it anymore so I grabbed him by the hair and brought his face to mine and kissed him roughly clawing his back wanting more he finally went inside of me I let out a relived sigh as we connected with each other.

I than moaned "harder. " he complied with my request I bit his shoulder in my haze of pleasure we came together once again his back was scratched up from my nails I instantly regretting this gave him a apology. He smiled and replied "it just means that I did a good job and you where thoroughly fucked."

Once done I hopped out of bed than too a not so quick shower since Baekhyun decided he wanted to join me. As he had me against the bathroom wall ramming into me from behind  it was so amazing that I  didn't want him to ever leave the inside of me, with nice hard thrusting he bit my shoulder leaving a perfect hickey in the shape of a heart.

I got dressed into my dance outfit of high wasted shorts and a oversized old  sweater  that had been cut off  to right beneath my breast  I had a sports bra underneath my sweater I put on some ankle socks and found my dance shoes and put them on. I put on the basics of the makeup then, I pulled long  black hair into pigtails.

I was starving  from all the sex from today. I went to the kitchen and grabbed myself  a banana and a couple of water bottles for my favorite red GOT7 backpack I looked over at a very satisfied Baekhyun and retorted "let's go find something to eat I don't feel like cooking."

He nodded in agreement than we put on our mask and sunglasses on, I put one of my Dope Trucker hats on him and we left. We stopped at a ddeokbokk'i and Boong-uh-ppang street vendor we both ate a serving of each than went our separate ways After I removed my mask and kissed him on the cheek.

When I got to the JYP building my heart stopped a little there was a crap ton of fans in front of the tall building that had the large letters JYP on it. I called the front desk and said" hey this is Anna, I have a huge favor to ask, I am in front of the building in my work out outfit. Can you please send security to help me in before the fans take notice?"

Secretary replied, "sending them now you still wearing your red got7 backpack?" I smiled seeing the security guards and answered, "Yup. I see them now thank you. Have a nice day!" I hung up the phone after she returned her farewell.

I walked up to my favorite security guard Mr. Lee and gave him a hug my arms not quite reaching around him he was a body builder on his off days And his massiveness showed it. Mr. Lee ruffled my hair threw my beanie and asked "how are you kiddo? I have missed you for the last few days. Especially in the gym you've missed 2 trainings."

I sighed his work outs were intense that was putting it nicely though most people call it body hell, trying to appease him so I don't go threw a hell week I replied, "I'll will do an extra 2 hours today OK?" We where in the lobby now he nodded than I gave him another hug saying "thank you. The fans today were a little intimidating." He gave me a Curt mood in understanding than pushed me toward the elevators.

I went in to the angel dance studio it's spaciousness was a nice comfort with its nice bamboo floors that had a high polish to the 3 walls with floor to ceiling mirrors that had been cleaned to perfection  not a streak to be seen I still wanted to get the other wall done so I could make sure all angles of my dancing looked perfect.

Starting our new song I let myself completely get absorbed into the Hip Hop pop sound coming from the speakers the time it was over I heard a clap from behind me it was Appa JYP, I ran and gave him a sweaty hug knowing he really didn't mind because he was sweaty as well since his studio was next to ours.

He hugged me back and said "you did good I like it but you forgot about something.." he pointed at the camera in the corner that was off.

I nodded and under stood what he meant I looked down at my watch and it was almost 4 which meant I had been working for 3 hours now with out recording. He gave another hug and said "alright baby girl I was just checking on you making sure you take a break for water. OK Anna fighting!" he left the room with  a wink and a wave his slender dancers body retreating behind the door.

I went and turned on the camera making sure that I saw the red flashing light indicating that it was on,  I got in to position and danced the complete dance three times each time doing a different members position. By the time I was done it was 6pm and I was starving again.

I went into the sound studio and got out the black alien ware Laptop and inserted the memory card that I had. using the video editing software to edit the film so that each dance position was running side by side  than I added audio and timed it to the video.  I checked my work three times to make sure that it was perfect than emailed it to Shay, Tana, JYP and my dance  choreographer for final input.

I checked my phone its notification light was blinking showing that I  had four messages, one from Jin, one from Xuimin, one from Jackson, and the last from Baekhyun.

I opened up Jin's first it read:

MommyJin: hey can you hang with me tonight everyone but me has something they are working on?

Smiling to myself I replied with:

👑PrincessAnna: I am working out with Mr. Lee tonight if you want to join be here at 9 with your gym bag we can work out together.

This guy didn't know what he was in for, Mr. Lee was going to make him want to die by the time he is done with him. He quickly replied back with,  "OK princess peach!"

I text him the address than looked at Xiamen's message:

❤my Xuimin❤: "thanks for whatever you did to cheer up Baekhyun he came back with a very cheerful disposition. Oh, and he won't tell us what you all did.. he just says it's between you and him. What did you two do? And did he really get in a fight with an ally cat?"

I smiled at my phone knowing I was the ally cat. and replied:

👑PrincessAnna: Your welcome, and I can't tell you! It really is between him and I please respect his privacy.  Yes he did but he tamed that kitty in the end and made it purr she was completely putty in his hands."

Jackson only wanted to text me that he was bored. So I invited him To work out also I knew he hadn't been able to find a new gym since some crazy fans found him at his old gym.

Baekhyun messaged me:  "thank you for today. wants to meet up some time next week. By the way I told everyone I got into a fight with a cat to explain about my back…  I couldn't explain the bite mark though... Say that a random fan bit you than ran off on your way here? Because technically I am your biggest fan and I did bite you in a heat of passion than ran off to work."

By the time I got my stuff ready and turned off the laptop,  Jin was at the studio door waiting but he became impatient, and picked me up and put me on his broad shoulder. my butt in his face,  I knew it was useless to fight back, but that didn't stop me from running my sharp nails up and down his back in a massaging way it was my own petty way to get him back.

He let out a small moan in pleasure and said, "please stop or I might have a reaction in front of everyone." I smiled at myself.

I stopped until we made it to the garage where a van was waiting to take us to the gym across town. There was a blanket and a pillow waiting for me to take a nap and a smiling Jackson was waiting in the van. I sat between the two boys and got comfy for a short nap.

The next thing I new was I was waking up with my head on Jackson's nice muscled lap and my legs draped over Jin's. I was very comfy indeed I wanted to feign sleep so I could stay a little longer in my comfy position Jackson was stroking my hair that fell out of it hair ties it made me want to purr like a kitten in happiness Jin was busy massaging my legs.

It was official I was a spoiled girl when I was around these two. I let out a small sexual moan in pleasure for the stroking and petting. I was just hoping that they didn't notice the hickey that was now exposed do to my shirt shifting. If they noticed no one was mentioning it to my relief, until Jackson fixed my shirt, his hand stilled for a moment than he continued the action keeping it to himself.

When they saw that I was awake they started to laugh Jackson and his hyper puppy self saying, "hey you know you moan very sexually in your dreams? If I didn't see you as a sister I would have gotten a straight as an arrow  hard on but you know I got a girl already."

Jin just blushed and got out of the car not making a comment his red ears telling me he thought the same, his broad shoulders escaping from us in to the gym. I was already in my work out outfit but the boys had to go and change in the changing room I saw Mr. Lee was in the corner talking to his little brother.

I went over to Mr. Lee and wave saying hi to his brother Jim I told him that Jin and Jackson where joining in my 4 hour workout today. That's when my stomach growled Mr. Lee raised his eyebrow and said "you have been skipping meals again." The large Bear of man waving me to follow. Jim was wagging his long rough finger at me like he was scolding me.

Mr. Lee than took me to his small  cluttered office and handed me a power bar out of his desk and a power shake I ate them quickly knowing that I didn't want to eat any more than that or in four hours I would be puking up my guts. Hopefully the guys knew not to have a large meal before this.

When I was finished Mr. Lee  started me on the dumb bells, than went and helped the boys putting Jin on the butterfly machine, and Jackson on the tire.

while doing my arms I was watching Jin closely, he was really handsome and kind looking on stage. But, while working out he was so manly and strong it was weird I never really looked at him before how his eyes would get an intense look to them. He noticed that I was staring at him, so, he gave me a cute little wink.

Our work out finished with Jackson puking and Jin saying he can't take anymore. It was 1:30 in the morning I was starving. Jin and I put Jackson in a cab and sent him home Jin's manager picked us up in his blacked out van. 

I asked if we could stop at a night market so I could get some groceries knowing that I was low at home he let us off. Jin told him we would get a cab after shopping and sent him home to his family out 2:30 when we got back to my dorm Jin helping me carry our items.

I felt bad that it was so late, and so, I told him to stay the night since I still had some of his sweats I borrowed from him the last time I stayed over at his dorms. I handed them to him knowing he doesn't wear a shirt to bed.

I cooked us a late night hot pot he dug in with a smile he was so cute when he ate. When the food was done I washed the dishes real quick than went to the living room and said, "Oppa you want sleep in bed with me tonight? I know the couch is hard and the Unnies locked their rooms when they left." He took a hard gulp and nodded, than went back to watching tv.

I went to my to my room and did my nightly routine finishing just as Jin who I assumed used the hall bathroom came in fresh. I had just changed the sheets and everything too, I didn't want him to endure the smell of lingering sex on them.

Jin walked over to the bed and got in I crawled in after him, laying my head on his chest to cuddle him, I took in his masculine aroma. I traced small circles on his chest trying to fall asleep from the rhythm of my fingers and his heart beat. All of a sudden I heard this really loud moan coming from Jin. He grabbed my hand and said, "you're really not going to make this easy for me tonight?"

I was confused about this, I looked up at him his beautiful dark eyes were so intense that I was in a state of shock, I mustered up the courage and asked, "I am I upsetting you I can go sleep on the couch if I am bothering you."

I went to get up he grabbed my hand saying, "silly girl." He than got on top of me and kissed me with a fiery passion didn't know where it came from. My body reacted moving my hips closer to him I ran my  free hand threw his light brown hair the other he let go of that's when I ran it down his back. His member started to poke me threw our clothing. I stopped kissing him and asked " Oppa it's OK if you want to.. I don't mind it would make me happy also."

He helped me out of my clothing fast after that, and some how managed to get is off as well.

I flipped him on to his back and inserted him in me and I rode him hard. I Loved the filling of him deep inside of me but him wanting to do some of the work put me on my back and started to kiss my collarbone stopping when he saw Baekhyun mark I blushed and said, "well I guess I need to get on all fours and let you spank me now oppa."

He nodded I got On all fours and he went into me and started to pump inside me harder and harder until he had me screaming name. We came together than fell asleep in each others arms our bodies entwined not bothering to put our clothing on.

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