/ Anime & Comics / Killer Genius ( High school Of The Dead )
I killed mothers for the sake of immortality, i killed a fetus just to see the human body in its unborn state, i did cruel expirements on the innocent.
My name shall go down in history as Europes most veil scientist , Grup Von Houser
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Escreva uma avaliaçãoKeep it up author.Keep it up author.Keep it up author.Keep it up author.Keep it up author.Keep it up author.Keep it up author.Keep it up author.Keep it up author.Keep it up author.Keep it up author.Keep it up author.Keep it up author.Keep it up author.Keep it up author.Keep it up author.Keep it up author.Keep it up author.Keep it up author.Keep it up author.Keep it up author.Keep it up author.Keep it up author.Keep it up author.
Keep it up author. To be honest generally I don't read novel's which has at least less than 60 chapters. So I cant say something about that. But I love Highschool of Dead and hoping this is cool and good to read which I am thinking it is. Lastly thank your efforts.
I'm giving 3 stars simply because of the grammar and spelling. The grammar and spelling makes it extremely hard to understand what's going on, maybe try Grammarly or even using auto correct if you use a phone? While I do understand what's going on, it's hard to understand, I also have a feeling you will drop this story like many others who give up, but if you can continue this story and persevere, then props to you, when you improve as a writer and make the story easier to read, I'll update this review! Good Luck!
Not really a fan of such short cHapters additionally you havent gotten to the actual school nor started anything in 8 plus chapterS so it is staRting to feel like a waste of potential
Some one give this novel a review 食物链顶端的男人 食物链顶端的男人 食物链顶端的男人 食物链顶端的男人 vv食物链顶端的男人 食物链顶端的男人 食物链顶端的男人 食物链顶端的男人 食物链顶端的男人 食物链顶端的男人 食物链顶端的男人 食物链顶端的男人 食物链顶端的男人 食物链顶端的男人 食物链顶端的男人 食物链顶端的男人 食物链顶端的男人 食物链顶端的男人 食物链顶端的男人 食物链顶端的男人 食物链顶端的男人 食物链顶端的男人 食物链顶端的男人 食物链顶端的男人 食物链顶端的男人 食物链顶端的男人 食物链顶端的男人 食物链顶端的男人 食物链顶端的男人 食物链顶端的男人 食物链顶端的男人 食物链顶端的男人 食物链顶端的男人 食物链顶端的男人 食物链顶端的男人 食物链顶端的男人 食物链顶端的男人 食物链顶端的男人 食物链顶端的男人 食物链顶端的男人 食物链顶端的男人 食物链顶端的男人 食物链顶端的男人 食物链顶端的男人 食物链顶端的男人 食物链顶端的男人
Autor Josh1
Hello im the author of this book and im here to tell you that you should read this book " why " you might be asking Because its a highshcool of the dead fanfic fanfics like those are rare these days except for " My Corpse Touch System " also its