Chapter 519 Old acquaintances
Xin Wei and Xi Shanshan got off the train from Aspin-1 city. It was the first time Xin Wei left Aspin-1 city so he feels a bit excited as he looks around the train station while following Xi Shanshan from behind.
"Slow down…" Xin Wei said as he held Xi Shanshan's soft hands.
He could tell that the young woman is worried, so he tried to calm her down.
Feeling the warm hand of Xin Wei, she suddenly stopped and looks the other way as a blush crept on her face.
Xin Wei did not expect that he would hold her hand, but he did not let go for some unknown reason. He just squeezes her hand lightly and then walked beside her as they went out of the station.
Since it is already around 4 in the morning, there are already people in the train station and some passengers who are sleeping are there waiting for their train to arrive.
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