Chapter 473 Kicked out of school
The city of Aspin-1 is one of the most prosperous cities in the kingdom of Lamak. According to Xin Wei's knowledge, a kingdom is like a state of a country. The kingdom of Lamak is only one of the 5 kingdoms under the empire of Syun.
As he tried to compare and piece together the information in his mind, Xin Wei still feels a bit confused.
As soon as he arrived in the city of Aspin-1 by bus, he quickly walked to the public library and began reading.
It was already nighttime when he was done researching and was forced to leave the library.
As he walked out, he looks around and found that the streets are like that on earth.
He did not have anything with him as his stuff was not given back to him.
It seems that those people who sent him to prison did not expect him to ever be able to get out of that place.
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