Chapter 395 Mystical phenomenon
The danger of the current situation is beyond what Xin Wei could comprehend, that is why he would not dare stay in this place just in case something would happen.
That dangerous premonition he just had while looking at that small mountain is something that made his scalp tingle and his hair stand on end.
He knew by his instinct that if he did not make a move and stay all of them would surely die in this place.
After entering the house, he quickly called the girls.
"Guys, we have to leave this place immediately…" he said as he grabs a sack and quickly filled it with food.
"Grab all the sack in the house and fill it with food, this would make it easier for me to carry them," he said as he did not stop moving and filling the sack.
The three showed confusion but they did not ask why.
"Are we leaving this place?" Yenyen was the first one to ask.
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