Chapter 345
Sandwich between two women, Xin Wei looks a bit perturbed and he did not want to say anything about this, as he too is having a hard time adjusting his state of mind when it comes to marrying. He is still young in his own opinion and needs some time to think about marriage.
Having the mind of a person from that on earth, he knew that marriage has a lot of responsibility attached to it. He is not some kind of breeder that likes to spread his seed all over the place.
Looking at the two women sitting with him inside his cabin room inside the airship, Xin Wei could not help but scratch his head while showing an awkward expression.
"Are you really that hesitant to marry us?" suddenly Li Xioyu looks at Xin Wei in his eyes and blurted these words while showing a wronged expression.
She did not want to say it but she could tell that Xin Wei has that reluctance in his expression.
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