Chapter 251
Unknown to Xin Wei, Li Xioyu's heart has been beating really fast when he held her mouth and while their bodies became closer while he drags her to her seat.
Her face is already blushing as she bits her lips.
Although she is a swords master, at the end of the day, Li Xioyu is still a beautiful and proud young woman.
Having been touched and held by a young man is something that made her feel shy.
She did not know it, but the feeling she has with Xin Wei suddenly became complicated. She has had someone she liked for a long time, but it ended up a failure.
So she is afraid of liking anyone else from that time forth.
She has already branded men as untrustworthy beings especially those that are powerful and strong.
However, this man before her seems a bit different.
While looking at his back, her emotion suddenly turned a bit complicated.
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