Chapter 159
At this time, Yu Bai is already a bit crazed after hearing that Da Bao is missing. He thought that the guy has escaped and that he left the three of them to fend for themselves. He has already developed a certain phobia or fear when it comes to Xin Wei.
Ever since the hunt began, he could not sleep comfortably as he feels like someone or something is watching him. Even in his dreams, he could see the vague figure of Xin Wei standing by his window watching him with his glowing red eyes.
He has already looked at Xin Wei like he was some kind of a monster and this has affected his mental state.
Little by little, the once calm and collected Yu Bai has become too fatigued that he could not even get a good night's sleep.
And so whenever he encounters Xin Wei he would always want to rage and do everything in his power to defeat the guy. But he dared not come closer to him as his fear would always cloud his mind.
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