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100% Re:Paranoia! / Chapter 121: Breaking Rules For Love

Capítulo 121: Breaking Rules For Love

Jasmine wasn't one for over-exaggerated gestures of romance, but for the night she decided to dim the lights, strategically arrange scented candles, and dress up in a way that would have left their mother scandalized.

A black piece, thin and see-through, clung to her body form-fittingly. The fabric was fragile; it could be easily torn apart with Jered's strength. A pulse of mana thrummed in her belly, spreading from her uterus to the rest of her body in a radiating wave of cozy warmth, like sitting in front of a fireplace.

It felt amazing.

While it wouldn't be conceived by normal means, the child would grow up believing Jasmine to be the mother, and, Jered, naturally the father.

'All according to the plan.'

Now he wasn't bound to that conniving whore anymore. He was free to love — to love her. It was written in the stars. And if it wasn't, she'd fly up there and carve it herself.

She simply couldn't fathom a future where Jered wasn't by her side. More like, she couldn't imagine herself being happy with anyone but him.

He, who had always been there for her. And her for him.

Her, who, for years, had deluded herself into thinking that her incestuous feelings were temporary. A pathetic self-imposed illusion from a weak woman. 'But not anymore…' a smile came over her face, stretching crimson lips into a beautiful curve, 'I have the power to make decisions…'

She knew her mother wouldn't understand.

But she didn't have to be part of the picture.

The frame wasn't big enough.

Jasmine sprayed some of her more enticing fragrances on her neck. She turned around, her creamy, shapely legs carrying her to her bed, where she sunk into it, splaying her arms above her head.

'He'll be here soon…'

Shadows bled out of the walls, warping and converging into a single point in the room. The air imploded with a plume of smoke. A surge of power licked her skin, making her hair rear on its end. It was a pleasant reaction; it was her beloved brother's power, after all. She submerged herself in it, with no resistance.

A familiar yet addicting presence snapped his eyes open in the darkness.

"Jered…" Jasmine purred, squirming. A needy warmth spread from her core.

Her lust-hazed eyes met Jered's.

"Jasmine," the way her name rolled off his tongue made her a little bit more sober. Just a bit. However, it was the woman next to him that had Jasmine bolt up in a sitting position, a frown on her face. She was about to speak, but Jered's immaculate shoes clacked against the softwood flooring in an ominous staccato, "What have you done?"

She flinched, but kept her composure.

"You!" Evelyn nearly lunged at her — if not for Jered's hand promptly holding her back, "You damn bitch!" the fire in her eyes could have molten metal.

Jasmine held both hands over her belly. Contrary to her previous mischievous and twisted playful nature, there was a coldness to her eyes, like a winter storm, but calmer, and somehow more dangerous, "I didn't peg you for someone who'd so blatantly intrude into another's property and insult her honor."


"Evelyn." Jered spoke up, calmly, not a single ripple of emotions disturbing the stillness of his eyes.

As if a switch had been turned off, Evelyn immediately clammed up.

"I'm not here to fight unnecessarily, as deserved as it might be in this case," Jered continued, tucking his hands into the pockets of his coat, "No. We shouldn't fight. We're rational human beings, aren't we? We reason. And we find a solution."

Jasmine raised a skeptical eyebrow, "Brother…" she intoned in a dulcet, purring tone, "... Look at me," she gestured to herself, as if indicating at a particular platter of gourmet food, "Do you really want to talk instead of doing something else?"

Evelyn looked visibly disgusted. She turned to look at her fiance, only to notice how utterly blasé his attitude was. 'This sort of thing must be normal between them…'

"Now," Jered ignored her, "If we're done with the pleasantries," he proceeded to sit down on a chair. Evelyn fell behind him, "Tell me, Jasmine. Was it worth it?" he all but hissed that question.

Jasmine crawled forward, staring at him with loving eyes, "It depends…" she whispered, "... do you love me now?"


Jered didn't answer, and that caused a highly unpleasant churning in Evelyn's stomach. She kept her eyes trained on him, on his lips, hoping that his next words would be a denial.

None came.

A sigh came out of his mouth, "I've always loved you, Jasmine." Evelyn blanched, stumbling back in horror. He continued, uncaring of her reaction, "As a sibling. As a friend. And as more than a friend."

"Then…" the joy in Jasmine's eyes could have outshone the stars outside.

"—But…" the unsettling 'but' cast a shadow over her face, "You haven't been very supportive of me, have you? Whereas I've accommodated all of your whims, you've always…" a brief pause ensued, "... caused trouble."

Jasmine averted her gaze, poking her fingers together.

She knew that she could be a handful… sometimes. But Jered did say he loved her, didn't he? She replayed his words in her head. Over and over. And even though she was being rebuked, her heart couldn't help but swell with happiness. So much so that her entire face was flushed, her eyes sparkling.

"Jasmine," she looked up at him, "My child. You've taken my child."

"Our child, Jered!" the words tumbled out of her mouth, "It's here now!" Jasmine rubbed her belly in soothing circles, "I-I'm the mother…"

"Oh no, you're not!" Evelyn's clenched fists were trembling. She was hunched forward, a few breaths away from charging at Jasmine and wrecking the living shit out of her.

Would Jered stop her?

She couldn't help but stare at him.

In a way, it all depended on him.

If he decided to side with Jasmine, she wouldn't only lose her child, but also her lover — and her will to live. What would be left of her then, if not the lifeless husk of a broken woman?

"Jasmine, you still don't see reason," Jered said, in what one might even mistake as melancholy, "In a way, it's my fault. I should have fixed this before it got out of hand. In my pursuit of power, I failed to realize how far down the abyss you were sinking. But not anymore."

A spark of anger flared in his eyes. Almost immediately, a gasp wrenched out of Jasmine's lips. An insistent tugging at her belly had her eyes widen in despair.

Shadows had converged around her.

Jasmine sought help from the disembodied voice in her head, but the feminine entity had retreated to the far recesses of her consciousness, acting like a meek, reproached bride in the wake of her husband's fury.

The entity had even gone as far as to give up the custody of the baby, allowing Jered to draw it out without as much as an obstacle in his path. 'What are you doing?!' Jasmine yelled at the entity.

'Shut up!' the entity hissed, 'Don't oppose him!'


Jered had never used 'Shadowport' on another person, but he instinctively knew it'd work. His powers were whispering to him.

[Shadowport has become Lv.2]

[Shadowport has become Lv.3]

[Shadowport has become Lv.4]

[Shadowport has become Lv.5]

A wispy coil of darkness was ejected out of Jasmine's uterus. Like a magnet, it was attracted to Jered's outstretched hand. The fetus was protected by a cocoon of mana. The power feeding it was twisted in nature, but even so, it instinctively knew not to harm the child within.

Jered blinked as he… drank in the sight of his child.

"Our baby…" Evelyn's hands were desperate to seize the fetus, but she was concerned that the physical contact would disturb it somehow, or break the barrier protecting it from the outside world, "Jered… please…"

"Not right now, Evelyn," he said, unconcerned, "After all, the both of you must make a choice."

Jasmine and Evelyn traded an uneasy glance.

"W-What choice…" Jasmine treaded carefully, eyes quivering.

Jered pointed a finger at the fetus, a swirling, burning light gathering at its tip. 'Giza's Gaze' rays swathed over the room as it hummed ominously, "Clearly, the existence of this child is cursed, isn't it? Since you both want it, we might as well split it in two."

"Jered!" Jasmine panicked, "T-That's not how it works!"

Evelyn was on the verge of a heart attack. She hastily seized Jered's hand, but a burst of 'Telekinesis' rendered her immobile, "Babe, please… d-d-don't do it…"

He gave her a sympathetic look, "Don't? Why?"

"I-I-It's your child…" she pleaded, moisture welling up in her blue eyes, "Our child…"

"I can make more," he said, logically, "But if keeping this child alive is going to cause me more problems down the road, I don't see why I should let it live. Well, actually, it wouldn't really die, would it? If we split it evenly, you'd both get a piece. Ah, of course, it would be a far-cry from the beautiful family you envision, but details, right?"

"Jered, stop!" Jasmine scurried forward, nearly tripping down as she climbed off of the bed, "Please, I understand, I fucked up, d-don't do it… I… I… don't want the child anymore… not if it's like that…"

He cocked his head sideways, genuinely curious, "But I thought you loved me, now you don't want it?"

"And I love you!" she basically yelled, "More than you could possibly fathom, b-b-but… not like this, Jered… this is not right…"

"Funny," he chuckled, jovially, "How you talk about right and wrong. You certainly didn't seem concerned by it when you decided to manhandle my woman and abduct my child. What's wrong, Jasmine? I thought you'd do anything for those you love; your words, not mine."

A beat of silence followed.


"..." Jasmine clenched her teeth and strode forward.

Jered was a little surprised when she nearly climbed on his lap — actually, she did, but with only one knee. Her slender hands cradled his face, "Then do it, my love," she said, bitter tears pooling up in her eyes, "But you won't, because that's not the kind of man you are. Father wasn't like that, and neither are you. Despite all of that coldness you try to portray, there is no way you'll harm the child."

"Your confidence stems from an ill-conceived illusion you have about me, sister."

"Illusion?" she chuckled, "Prove me wrong, then. Shatter that illusion. Break my heart. Show me how cruel you are, brother."

Jered's 'Giza's Gaze' swelled with intensity. The temperature skyrocketed.

The fluctuating mana ripples ruffled her hair, making her thoughtfully-curated hair flap around.

"If you don't want me, then say so… make it clear, Jered… make it painful… help me move on…" Jasmine continued, eyes trembling, bleeding hot tears, "I'm way too invested in you to stop at a mere setback. But you're giving me mixed signals… I can't stand this anymore…"

It was the first time in a while that Jasmine was so… truthful with her words. Less twisted, and more… normal. It had almost become a habit seeing her do and say weird things. He didn't know he had come to grow fond of it until she urged him to turn her down.

'What are you going to do now, son?'

A faint, familiar voice seeped into Jered's ears. It had been a while since he last heard it. The fact that he decided to speak now, of all times, was quite intriguing. The timing wasn't really ideal, but his presence was appreciated — albeit a little weird considering the context of the situation.

"Jered…" his name was barely discernible amidst Evelyn's cracked voice. The weight of her turbulent emotions was evident in the frailty of her breaths, as if each one was a struggle. He could sense the despair seeping through her, suffocating her.

She was trying hard to keep her composure, but it was a losing battle.

Jasmine scooted closer, her beautifully-done hair falling all over his face like a curtain. 'Vanilla?' He breathed in the scent of her hair, of her body lotion — of her.

She was looking at him, chin tilted down.

"You know damn well I would never hurt you," he said, feeling like a hypocrite.

Because, really, at this point would his earlier words have any impact at all?

"I know…" Jasmine loosened a soft sigh as she leaned her forehead into his.

"But you must choose, Jasmine," he continued, skimming the knuckles of his fingers down her cheek, "You both," he corrected, not forgetting about Evelyn who had a disgusted frown on her face, "I can't have either of you walking out of this while holding a grudge. I don't want to have to fear for you every time I'm not around. You understand me, don't you?"



The tense silence was only disrupted by the continuous hum of Jered's 'Giza's Gaze'.

"Evelyn… I would like to apologize to you," he gave his fiancee a meaningful look, one that made her breath freeze, "You've done nothing wrong. You were simply caught in the crossfire. I don't want to have to choose between you and my sister—"

Evelyn looked away, feeling the heartburn, the throbs of dull pain spreading across her chest. It was an indescribable kind of agony, as if her soul was the one brutally beaten. 'Is… is he…?'

Regardless of the age gap. Regardless of the circumstances that brought them into that sort of illicit relationship, Evelyn had grown to truly, and unmistakably, love him.

Being rejected by someone over a decade her junior felt kind of pathetic.

"—Likewise, I'm not keen on letting you go," he held her gaze, his magnetic, ethereal eyes making it hard to look away, "Allow me to be a little greedy. Is there any chance you'd be willing to share?"

Evelyn's mouth hung open in disbelief. Jasmine was not far behind. To them, it was a foreign concept. Of course, polygamy was not that uncommon. It was even practiced in some religions. And he had no doubt that Archiland had similar cultures.

Of course, to Jered polygamy was a simple and quick solution. Polygamy. Monogamy. It hardly mattered when his main pursuit was power. However, with the situation boiling down to this, he had to take a more hands-on approach.

Evelyn doubted her hearing for a moment. A moment too long. His words were not uttered with the levity of a poorly-thought joke. No, he was serious. As serious as she had ever seen Jered be.

A pit formed in her stomach.

"But, Jered…"

Her voice was but a whisper, barely audible amidst the heavy silence that hung in the air like a thick fog. Her heart felt like it had been seized in a rough grip, tightening ever so slowly, to make her savor the torture.

She had been emotionally pummeled to the point where her mana was flaring up in small, erratic bursts. All of her focus was on her child — her precious little one, "She's your sister…"

"What does it matter?" Jasmine scoffed with a smug smile, "Didn't you hear him? He loves me."

"Jasmine," Jered was quick to intervene. A quick glance at Evelyn made his heart sink slightly. The usual warmth that was reserved for him was conspicuously absent. Her expression was a raw display of disgust, disbelief, and betrayal. A visage that didn't fit her at all.

"However…" Jasmine bit her bottom lip, staring at her brother, reluctantly, "As much as I hate to admit it, I must agree with that woman. I don't think it'll work…"

"I know this is not ideal," at this point, Jered turned to Evelyn, "But you and Jasmine are the most important people in my life. I know this is not conventional, or 'normal'. But when has normality ever been a thing in our life? Am I wasting my time saying this? C'mon. Tell me. Do you hate me now that the skeletons are out of the closet?"

"Give me…" Evelyn tilted her head, burning tears clawing down her face, "... a reason why. Why, Jered? Why? She mocked me… she stole my baby… she's stealing you, so blatantly too, and you're taking this… neutral stance, as if you're a spectator to all of this."

"Me taking a side is not going to end well," Jered knew Jasmine was wrong. What she had done was deplorable. If he asked Lucy, he was sure she could find a special place for people like her in hell. But. "She's my sister…"

"Is… that all it matters?" Evelyn laughed. What else could she do? She was already crying.

"I'm trying to make things right."

"By doing me wrong."

"And I apologize for that," Jered got up, pushing a very irate Jasmine out of the way. 'Giza's Gaze' slowly faded to embers. The child was still ensconced inside a cocoon of wispy darkness. Safe and sound. He approached Evelyn. She recoiled, avoiding the touch of his hand for a brief moment before surrendering to it, "You're irreplaceable, Evelyn. You know the lengths I'd go for you. Didn't I hand Ashy Petals to you — to do as you please?"

"This is different…" she bit out, resentfully, "... this is about us!"

"And I'm asking you… to let Jasmine in as well…"

"You know how ridiculous this is?!" Evelyn was nearly screaming right now, "She's your—"

"My sister," Jered interrupted her, "Yes, I know… but, does it matter?" he gave her a pointed look, both hands holding her face, softly, yet firmly, "We've murdered people, Evelyn. We've done it to survive, and for money. Out of all the heinous things I've committed, why are you focusing on this harmless frivolity? How is loving someone — regardless of blood relation — any more wrong than any of that? We're not hurting anyone. No one has to know if it bothers you so much… it'd be only us three against everyone else. Can't you please concede this for me?"

"I… I…"

Evelyn's delicate frame leaned in closer to Jered until her forehead gently brushed against his chin. The height difference between the two was even more pronounced now, with Evelyn's diminutive stature only serving to emphasize Jered's towering presence.

"Can you consider it, at least?"

She stayed silent, just quietly breathing in and out, consuming his scent.


"Don't I get to say anything about this?" an impatient Jasmine chimed in, "Do you really need another woman in your life, Jered?" with a voluntary movement of her shoulders, the loose robe she was wearing was loosened even further, "I can fulfill any fantasy you have, love. Anything. You don't need her."


She spread her arms wide open, wagging her fingers in a 'come hither' motion.

"Come to me, Jered."

He stared at her, and the slight shift of his chin immediately caught Evelyn's attention. She sunk her fingers into his chest, nails tearing into the fabric, "You won't, right? You won't… right?"

'I'm so done with this…'

Dealing with women had never been so exhausting before. He could blame it on Jasmine and be done with it — it was an easy solution, but not the one he was looking for.

Was it really worth it? To alienate one to win the other?

Just the thought of Jasmine with someone else that wasn't him was extremely unpleasant.

His mother had once told him that one day he'd have to act as protective brother for Jasmine's potential love interests. 'Take up that mantle and make sure she's not hurt.' Never, ever did he think that he'd have to protect her from himself.

Because, at this point, there didn't seem to be any other way. He'd have to hurt her.

Both of them.

"I'm going away in a week's time," Jered said, suddenly.

Jasmine and Evelyn froze, their expressions becoming an imprint in time.

"I have a very important business to attend to. So important and dangerous that it borders on suicidal in some aspects," with a gentle touch, he pushed Evelyn away. Her eyes, teary and soulful, bored into his steely ones, desperate for an answer that wasn't there, "I have one week of relaxation and preparation before I endeavor myself in this job, full time, you can say. And I was hoping I could spend it all with you two. Even doing something as mundane as watching a movie," he turned his eyes to Jasmine, "Or cuddling on the couch, under a blanket," then at Evelyn, "But clearly, with how things currently are, it won't happen."

"W-What are you trying to say?" Jasmine asked, voicing Evelyn's thoughts. Both of them were staring at Jered, unblinking, as if they'd miss a crucial part of his answer if they did otherwise.

"What I'm trying to say is…" Jered alternated his gaze between the two of them, "... I can find other women."



"I can sire more children. Being with either of you isn't really going to give me anything to look forward to. Ah, bedroom time, perhaps? Then again, If I ask Jerry, I'm sure he could build a magical construct that could give better blowjobs than a whole cast of horny porn actresses. In fact, I might just do that."



"What's it gonna be? Jasmine. Evelyn," Jered said in such a lackadaisical way that it would have better fit a conversation about the weather, "I won't do anything to the child if you refuse. Threatening is beneath me. I take action. However, do remember that I'd immediately close any 'intimate' ties I have with you. You'd be only a friend to me, Evelyn. And you, Jasmine, nothing but a sister. Nothing more than that. There'll never be something more than that. Once the story ends, it'll be permanent."

"B-But—!" Jasmine panicked. So much so that the crimson in her eyes had deepened, as if all the blood in her body was converging there. Then it leaked out, running down her pale cheeks in twin, red rivulets.

"You started this, Jaz," Jered's chuckle lacked humor, "You've got to finish it. You can either have a piece of me, or give it all up. How much do you love me, Jasmine? Is it enough to compromise on this?"



"You're hurting me…"

Jered closed his eyes and heaved a deep breath.

Jasmine continued, quietly, "I've always wanted you," a fresh wave of blood flowed down, "You have no idea how hurt I was… knowing there could never be something between us. I… I tried to move on. And for a short period, I did. Then I came back, and it all started again. It all happened so fast. So hard. It discombobulated me… I didn't know what to do…"

"Now you have a choice…" Jered said, just as quietly. Then, with deliberate slowness, he extended a hand towards her, "I can't come to you, but you can come to me. To us."

Evelyn didn't look pleased. He'd be surprised if she was, but she probably accepted that there was no other alternative. His earlier speech might have given her a scare.

She could always walk away. Either of them could. He wouldn't force them into anything they didn't want. He was many things — many bad things — but that sort of man, he was not.

A long stretch of silence followed.

Jered's eyes were latched onto Jasmine's.

"You're cruel, lil' bro."

"Am I?" he smiled.

"You are," she smiled right back. A weak curve of the lips.

"Is that a yes or no?"

"It's…" Jasmine glided closer. The candles flickered, warping her shadow. The aroma of vanilla ko'ed his senses as she rose on the tip of her toes and took a loving bite of his bottom lip, "... a yes."

A reluctant one. He could see it in her eyes.

'But a yes nonetheless…'

Evelyn watched with a frown as Jered cupped Jasmine's chin and deepened the kiss.

Between the moving lips, she caught the glimpse of a tongue. No doubt courtesy of Jasmine.

Evelyn couldn't help it. For all of her self-control, a lance of jealousy speared through her heart.

'Is this really…'

Jasmine gave Evelyn a side glance as she continued to slobber all of her drool over Jered's tongue. An irreparably smug glance.

'... gonna work?'


Here's Jasmine's illustration (for this chapter). ---

Hey... sorry for disappearing for... so many months. A lot has been going on. But I've got to be a little honest. You deserve it. You're not here to listen to my excuses. My motivation to continue this story has been dropping a lot lately.

I promised I would finish this, and I really, really want to.

But one of the downsides of getting better at something is realizing you've been bad all along.

Funny how it works.

However, this story holds a special place in my heart. That's why I've been thinking of re-writing it. From scratch. Yes. Over 100 chapters worth of content, rewritten, more polished, and with a smoother flow. I'm even thinking of taking different directions. As I've said to one of my readers, Jasmine was supposed to be the first one to get together with Jered.

Then Jane.

Then everyone else.

A slowburn, realistic taboo romance was what I was going for.

I failed spectacularly.

If you guys feel like this is a good idea, I might really go through with it. I don't know anymore. If you want me to continue this, the updates are high likely to be slow.

No... this is not dropped. I just wanted to be sincere with you. I've dedicated too much of myself into this that parting with it would forever leave a bad taste in my mouth. But this limbo of inaction is getting us nowhere.

Anyway... I've rambled for too long. I'm sorry for the huge delay, and thank you for your collective support so far.

Btw... I've uploaded more illustrations for Paranoia. You can find it all in my discord server, that, and the first chapters of two new upcoming series I'm working on.

Here's the link:

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