When the Sloan Family troops thought that they're finished, that it's all over, a childish voice suddenly rang in the air.
"VALLAN!!" Ainsley roared to Vallan as her eyes flashed in golden light.
Her short black hair fluttered in the air as her ruby eyes bored deep into the Pegasus's eyes.
The baby gave a middle finger to Vallan as she shot a beam of golden light at the Pegasus.
No one saw the golden beam, not even Vallan.
The Pegasus himself also didn't see the golden light, too distracted by the baby's curse words that even travelled across the whole battlefield.
Blue veins popped out on the horse's forehead. He immediately glared at Ainsley until his eyes almost jumped out.
"You b*tch motherfcker! @+$;8#!" (#!!"
The Pegasus almost shot lava from his mouth as he cursed back at Ainsley. In front of the whole troops, the baby cursed at him…
If you guys buy 10 chps privi tier now, you will immediately read until the end of the war. If not, you'll have to wait until Saturday ;)
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