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28% Revolutionary against the revolution / Chapter 7: Wedding day

Capítulo 7: Wedding day

I thought in my times that marriage was a hassle. Picking a date, then talking with the local priest if he is free that day, then finding a place to feast and party after the marriage, finding who will be your ushers (Groomsmen) and bridesmaids, then inviting guest, then for some guest organizing pickups, then you have to take of yourself, well for men it's simple just get a good suit and a nice haircut and that's it, but for women, it's a lot, and I mean A LOT, complicated.

And now imagine a royal wedding, not that kind of constitutional monarchy where the royalty holds none or only ceremonial powers, but the wedding where the King is the law, where King is treated as a voice from God after the pope. The sheer political magnitude that the marriages carry is unfathomable. Just one little mishap and that's it, you are ruined and screwed.

In my times' gatherings and marriages were just that, celebrations and gatherings, but Aldric told me that here balls, weddings, or even tea parties were a political battleground where most of the connections were made and deals approved or disapproved.

So you can imagine what is happening in my and Marie's marriage, heck after a ball I haven't seen her that much, because both of us were just pushed left and right in the preparations for the upcoming wedding.

I was wearing a black suit though it was supposed to be gold, but on my request, it was changed to black. On my chest, countless medals stood proudly with the biggest of them all being the diamond-covered habit of the Order of Holy Spirit, on my back, there was a Royal French cape with Bourbon dynasties symbols on it.

Currently, it was 1 pm May 16th, 1770, I was currently waiting for my soon-wife-to-be Marie Antoinette in the Council Room, the chamber is decorated with fine woodwork crafted by Antoine Rousseau and the walls were based on drawings by Ange-Jacques Gabriel. The elaborate motifs illustrate subjects addressed by the king during council meetings, such as war and justice. The décor also includes a Rococo-style clock on the right side of the wall, a bust of Alexander the Great in porphyry(a hard igneous rock) on the left side of the entrance, and two vases of Mars and Minerva in Sevres porcelain and chased bronze by Pierre-Philippe Thomire. The room was also used for official presentations, which were a necessary rite for admission to the Court.

And I wasn't alone with me where The King of France Louis XV wearing a red suit, with a bunch of medals of all kind plastered on the left side of his chest; he was taping his foot slowly and with a certain rhythm. Next to him, on his right stood a really fat man, with a grey wig on his head, he wore more darker red clothes than the King and he had red cheeks and a double chin, this man was, as I later learned, Louis Philippe d'Orleans, my cousin to make it clearer and he was the head of a cadet branch of the House Bourbon, and he was called The First Prince of the Blood, but that nickname wasn't just there to look cool it actually symbolized that if every member of House Bourbon would…let's say disappear, then his family would take the throne for themselves as he can trace his roots to Philippe I, the younger son of Luis XIII and younger brother of Louis XIV, or better known as the Sun King.

To say that I wasn't suspicious of him at all would be a lie. Maybe it's my paranoia talking, but I just can't trust him knowing that if my family would die he would take the throne, but maybe he doesn't want the throne as a hot chair as it is right now and will be even hotter, not in the good kind, in the future. I even searched the memories of this body about Louis Phillipe, but all I got that he spent a lot of time in Paris and had a knack for business as he greatly augmented the already huge wealth of the House Orleans. As a saying goes we just have to wait and see…

Soon the door to the Council Room opened and came through them my beautiful wife wearing a silvery dress with gold ornaments on it and a silver cape trailing her behind her back, her ash-blonde hair was done in a simple braid originating at the neck and going up the back of the head and locks around the forehead, she wore some light make up on her face.

She did a curtsy and went next to me and gave me her hand which I took immediately and then we went out of the Council Room fallowed by the King and the First Prince of the Blood.

We crossed the crowded State Apartaments then we went outside and went towards Royal Chapel.

The Royal Chapel was white, it had large glass windows and buttresses that were inspired by Gothic architecture. On the roof you could see countless statues of women, men both warriors and saints and some mythological creatures and the roof of the Chapel was of a light blue colour.

But the surprise awaited me inside as a couple of servants opened the massive door to the Chapel, it was the two-floor layout and I can already see the gathered nobles, on the sealing, there was a lot of paintings on them, but the biggest one were in the middle of the sealing they were clearly dedicated to the Holy Trinity: In the center, one could clearly see a painting of God in all of his glory surrounded by people praying to him, in the apse, there was the scene of the resurrection of Jesus the son of god and him being taken to heaven, and above the Royal tribune one can see the painting of the holy spirit, with the white bird and golden aura surrounding it. Father, Son, and The Holy Spirit the Holy Trinity was certainly an eye-catcher.

Next was the altar which was at the back as in any other Church or Chapel it was covered in gold and behind it, you can see the golden statues of angels, we went in the Chapel and walked straight to the altar ignoring the gazes of many nobles gathered here, then we knelt before the altar on which a man waited for us, a priest which I later learned was Archbishop of Reims by the name Charles Antoine de La Roche-Aymon.

His mitre's lower part was colored in gold while the rest was white, then he had a Chasuble with golden ornaments, silver Pectrola cross, and a white alb and a white pallium, while in his hand was a golden Crozier. He looked like any other priest I saw wearing white, the only difference was that he had some gold on him to make him stand out more, maybe to show that he has a higher rank than that of a regular clergyman

With a gentle smile on his face, he started the ceremony by congratulating all present that will witness this unity in the eye of God; it wasn't that different from the marriages in the future. After a couple of prayers came and went a servant presented the wedding rings the archbishop looked at me.

''Louis-Auguste de France, wilt thou have this woman to thy wedded wife, to live together according to God's law in the holy estate of matrimony? Wilt thou love her, comfort her, honour and keep her, in sickness and in health; and, forsaking all other, keep thee only unto her, so long as ye both shall live?''

He asked me.

''I will.''

Nodding to me he turned to Marie.

''Maria Antonia Josepha Johanna, wilt thou have this man to thy wedded husband, to live together according to God's law in the holy estate of matrimony? Wilt thou love him, comfort him, honour and keep him, in sickness and in health; and, forsaking all other, keep thee only unto him, so long as ye both shall live?''

''I will.''

She answered and I felt like a heavy load was taken from my shoulders as I smiled at her and she responded in kind.

Then I take her right hand and repeat after the Archbishop

''I, Louis-Auguste de France, take thee, Maria Antoina Josepha Johanna to my wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse: for richer, for poorer; in sickness and in health; to love and to cherish, till death us do part, according to God's holy law; and thereto I give thee my troth.''

Then we loose hands as Marie takes me by my right hand and repeats.

''I, Maria Antoina Josepha Johanna, take thee, Louis-Auguste de France, to my wedded husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse: for richer, for poorer; in sickness and in health; to love and to cherish, till death us do part, according to God's holy law; and thereto I give thee my troth.''

We loose hand once again as the Archbishop proceeds to bless the ring that was on a small red pillow in servant's hands.

''Bless, O Lord, this ring, and grant that he who gives it and she who shall wear it may remain faithful to each other, and abide in thy peace and favour, and live together in love until their lives' end. Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.''

I then take the ring from the servant and turned to Marie as I gently lift her hand and place the ring on her delicate fourth finger and then once again repeat after the Archbishop.

''With this ring, I thee wed; with my body I thee honour; and all my worldly goods with thee I share: in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.''

''Let us pray.''

The Archbishop says and I and Marie go back to kneeling before the golden altar as congregation remains standing.

''O Eternal God, Creator and Preserver of all mankind, the giver of all spiritual grace, the author of everlasting life: send thy blessing upon these thy servants, this man, and this woman, whom we bless in thy name; that, living faithfully together, they may surely perform and keep the vow and covenant betwixt them made, whereof this ring was given and received is a token and pledge; and may ever remain in perfect love and peace together, and live according to thy laws; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.''

Then we stood up and the Archbishop joins our right hands together and says.

''Those whom God hath joined together let no man put asunder.''

Then he turns his attention to the congregation.

''Forasmuch as Louis-Auguste and Maria have consented together in holy wedlock, and have witnessed the same before God and this company, and thereto have given and pledged their troth either to other, and have declared the same by giving and receiving of a ring, and by joining of hands; I pronounce that they be man and wife together, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.''

Later he turns to us.

''God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit, bless, preserve, and keep you; the Lord mercifully with his favour look upon you; and so fill you with all spiritual benediction and grace, that ye may so live together in this life, that in the world to come ye may have life everlasting. Amen.''

And with that, we were officially husband and wife and she received a title Dauphine of France.

After the ceremony the signing of the registers took place. Then we attended the ambassador's reception before going to the Hall of Mirrors which was lit up for the occasion.

The Hall of Mirrors was a very lavish room the statues even the ornaments were made from gold, giving this room a very over the top luxurious feeling, with about 30 painted compositions of Louis XIV the Sun King which depict his history during the years of his reign on the vaulted ceiling. Military and diplomatic victories and reforms with a view to reorganizing the kingdom are illustrated through allegories from Antiquity. Economic prosperity is revealed in the number and size of the 357 mirrors bedecking the 17 arches opposite the windows, demonstrating that the new French manufacture could rival the Venetian monopoly on mirror manufacturing. This room was solely made to show the political, economic, and artistic success of France.

In the 73meters(approx. 239.5feet) long room we, the royal family and Maria, and the gathered guest played some games, danced and talked, we danced into the evening and storm came which sadly canceled the planned firework show that I was quite waiting for it as I wanted to see how the fireworks looked in the 18th century.

Well, no matter, I think I will have plenty of time to see some fireworks, after all, I'm Prince and the heir to the throne.

The wedding day ended with a sumptuous feast served in the new Royal Opera House which was inaugurated and tried today.

The Royal Opera House design was one of perfect elegance and harmony. It had lavish "permanent" decoration with movable features and allowed spectators to be seated in boxes on different levels, the decorum was really colourful with emerald green, blue and silver being the predominant colours and as every room in Versailles, it had a lot of statues and painting showing mythological beings, famous French people and Saints.

At first, I was surprised, because it looks just like a big expensive looking ballroom, then I asked why it is that a building named Royal Opera House looks like a ballroom and so I was redirected to a man called Blaise-Henri Arnoult, First Theatre Technician to the King.

When I talked to the man he was really enthusiastic saying that this is his truest masterpiece as he was responsible for installing the mechanics and everything relating to the stage, and he produced a true masterpiece. The specifications called for the space to be capable of being used for multiple purposes, including as a theatre hall, ballroom, and a hall for feasts. Using a complex system of movable floors on winches and hoists, Arnoult succeeded in creating an adjustable hall that was built to last. Although it took nearly two days of work to transform the location, it was no longer necessary to constantly build new decoration and machinery each time: everything could be reused as needed.

I was quite amazed that he managed to pull that off as I thought that most of the technologies here were pretty primitive and things like these were just a fairy tale in these times, I was glad that I had an opportunity to open my eyes sooner than later.

As for the man responsible for this complex machinery, I already had countless off plans in my mind just for him and what he could do for me with a good financial backing, a good team of experts behind him, and with unlimited freedom…

Already all the things I could do with a man like Blaise-Henri Arnoult, it makes me tingle with the hope that he can create some of the wonders from my time that would be invaluable for me.

''You seem happy.''

My wife Marie Antoinette said as we sat down at the rectangular and white table and red chairs.

We were on the second floor right and in the middle of the Royal Opera House, behind us hanged a giant red cloth with golden symbols of fleurs-de-lis(French monarchy symbol) around us countless of people sat below and around us, but they had white round tables and dark green chairs.

Madame du Barry, me and Marie sat at the Kings right in that order with du barry being closest to him, while on his left sat Louis Philippe d'Orleans followed by my brothers and the sisters.

''Of course, I'm happy with marrying such a beautiful girl like you!''

I said with a smile to her and I could see her getting hotter as she looked down at the embarrassment.

Well, I was glad that the wedding sort of ended, but I'm more happy to know that I have a man like Blaise-Henri Arnoult around, after the wedding, I will get my hands on him, I just need to have a man like him under my command and I will need to work fast to seize him before anyone else realizes what a treasure that man is and no I'm not turning gay for him even if he has that defined jawline, those broad shoulders and shining black hair with brown eyes. As the saying goes I'm not gay, but engineering genius is an engineering genius

''I-I'm happy too.''

Marie said silently, well she is definitely cute when she gets all flustered I kind of want to tease her even more, but we will have time for later as now its time to feast!

Servants came and go serving various foods starting from common meats, soups, and salads and later going to a more exotic seafood and the like, then came time for the deserts and servants brought us plates of jelly, mine and Marie's was red while everyone else's at the table was yellow.

I could see Marie looking at the jelly with curiosity in her eyes then she picked up the silver spoon and gave it a few experimental taps and the jelly started moving in the plate. Then something clicked in my wife's head as she started taping the jelly from one side, then another and then from the top, and the jelly moved in delight as she taped it.

And it would be out of place, but completely fine by me action if not for her seriousness when she toyed with the jelly, her brows were furrowed, her red lips were set in a straight line and she herself was so concentrated on that jelly-like a mad scientist would concentrate on his newest project. It was quite an amusing sight, so I may or not have laughed in her seriousness and she may or not have heard me as she slowly stopped all of her actions and slowly turned to still serious and all.


She stammered as our eyes met. She immediately went full red from the embarrassment of getting caught.

''Don't worry, It's just I found your actions amusing.''

I said with a smile on my face at her embarrassment

''I'm sorry for such unsightly behavior…but I have never seen this kind of desert''

She replied.

''Oh…Really? Well, it's called jelly and how it's made…Well, I am not so sure. It's just water mixed with some fruit juice maybe and kept in a cold place for a couple of hours, even more, to give it solid form.''

Well, it's true. I honestly don't know how the jelly is made here even if I had it here for a couple of times.

At first, I was just surprised as Marie, well maybe less, to see something I knew from my time here and in my time we just go to the supermarket, buy some bags of jelly and then mix the jelly powder with boiling water, then we put it in a fridge, wait for a couple of hours and here is your jelly, but how it's made here I have no idea, but it would be interesting to find out.

''Don't you have anything close to jelly at home?''

I asked out of mere curiosity.

''Hmm…No I have never seen anything close to this jelly in Austria.''

And then it clicked to me as I remembered one of my history class lessons…Globalization is almost non-existent in these times, I clearly remember my teacher saying that before industrialization and even after it an ordinary human could live all of their lives in a mare village or town and never see anything past it. The only exception to this was royalty, clergy, merchants, sailors, and the armies. Of course with better sea routes and the ongoing colonization a mare person has more luck to see the world as a colonizer, but still, the globalization here is far and I mean FAR lower than in my times where you can travel everywhere by air, ground or sea.

To give you an example, let's take cold borscht as an example. This soup is believed that it probably originated in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and it consists of beet sour or beet juice blended with sour cream, buttermilk, soured milk, kefir, or yogurt. It is served refrigerated, typically over finely chopped beetroot, cucumbers, radishes, and green onion, together with halves of a hard-boiled egg and sprinkled with fresh dill. Chopped veal, ham, or crawfish tails may be added as well.

Yet even though Grand Duchy of Lithuania exist here as a part of Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth I still haven't seen Cold borscht or anything resembling that, which I find strange as my grandmother here was Maria Karolina Zofia Felicja Leszczynska who was a Polish princess and daughter of King Stanislaus I of Poland, which sadly I didn't had a chance to met as she died 2 years ago in 1768, but from the memories I have from this body, she was quite generous, pious and a very likable person by family and common folk alike.

But, yeah things went slowly here than in the future and only way other customs, foods, and other things were introduced through merchants, travelers, foreign marriage and especially via conquest and even then the most liked customs are assimilated by conquerors while others are destroyed over time.

''Well as the saying goes, there is the first time for everything, just follow my lead, I assure you that it tastes quite good.''

Then I just cut up the jelly into small pieces to make it easier for here as it was her first time eating so I wasn't sure she could take a big load of jelly into her mouth for her first time (A/N: Legends say that there is a bad sexual joke hidden somewhere here)

Just as I ate the piece of the jelly I turned to her and saw her already chewing on it.

"Well, how is it? Is it good?''

I asked her. It's always interesting to hear about food or anything really from the people who try it for the first time.

''It's really good for a dessert, I like it how it turns to almost to liquid into my mouth.''

Well, that's jelly for you my dear Marie it's especially good in summer because at least I, myself, associate jelly with hot weather and sun.

''Oh speaking of deserts I almost forgot…''

She said and that intrigued me before I could ask her what's up she stood up and addressed the King.

''Your Majesty, thank you for your kindness that you showed me and for this great feast and I wanted to repay you in kind so I bring baked goods from Austria itself.''

That had me all intrigued. I wonder what kind of dessert she will introduce as too? Maybe it will be Salzburger Nockerl, maybe the oldest cake in the world the Linzer Torte? Or maybe my personal favorite Cremeschitte? Ohh… the possibilities are endless.

Marie then gestured to some servants and said something in German and soon they come with various trays.

Then the servants put the trays in front of us and with a bow they retreated.

''This is kipferl it's made of a layered yeast-leavened dough, the Austrian Royal bakers put some chocolate in it which makes kipferl sweet.''

No, no, no this is not kipferl or whatever anybody with some eyes can recognize its identifiable shape of a crescent, well it was more round, but still, it obviously was a croissant the poster boy or food of France. Seriously when you think of France first you thing it is croissant and baguette.

Seriously what's next? Will I learn that baguette is not even French?

I saw the king take a bite out of croiss-kipferl.

''Hmm…It has quite flaky texture, the chocolate within makes it a perfect pastry.''

The King said as he continued munching on.

''Thank you for your kind words. What about you Royal Highness?"

Marie asked me, well I suppose a bite won't do any harm, plus I want to taste it for myself how it tastes.

So without any further ado, I took a bite, well I can certainly say that it is not fresh, because it's was a bit hard and the chocolate was kind of solid, well if Marie really took it from Austria so it's probably a week old, so of course it won't be fresh, it was still good old croissant, but the taste was a bit better than in my times, maybe it's because of the lack of any kind of food additives.

Well, all food that's handmade and with natural ingredients will be tastier than processed food.

''Well if it was fresh I think this croissant would taste better, but it still very good thank you, my lady.''

Why was everyone looking at me weirdly? Did I say something weird, I think I didn't say anything out of blue….


Hmm…Ups? It kind of slipped out, you know for my whole life it was a croissant and while I compered between this and the ones I have had and it slipped my mind that here it was called something Austrian instead of its proper name.

''What? it has this slight crescent shape…"

I tried to justify my words.

''A croissant…Yes, from this day this dish will be known as croissant in France and eventually in the whole world!''

The King said with an acknowledging nod.

Well at least one wrong has been done right and from this day forward kipferl will be known as croissant and who knows, maybe one day it will become the dish that people around the world will associate with France and it's cuisine? We will need just to live and see.

Then Marie brought some more delicacies from her homeland like the Linzer Torte that I mentioned earlier. Linzer Torte is a shortcake with a crumbly, buttery pastry shell that is accentuated by lemon juice, cinnamon and almonds it was filled with redcurrant jam, then we had some Apfelstrudel this sweet treat consists of thin layers of dough filled with a flavorful apple filling, according to Marie it's served to the highest society in Austria including the Archduke and Duchess of Austria.

You could say it was quite a fulfilling dinner...Well, it sounded funnier in my head... Wait! I'm in my head!

Just let's forget about this as it was time for some other gifts that were given to me and Marie, they included neckless, earrings, some beauty products other things like exotic flowers, vases.

Then it was time for useless chatter as everybody moving and talking with each other, congratulating us.

Weirdly I didn't saw my teacher Duc de La Vauguyon anywhere, I'm sure as my mentor he would have come, even be demanded to come; I wonder where he is…

Either way, everything went smoothly this evening until the King loudly announced.

''Thank you all that had gathered today for a historic event that will be forever known in history as the glorious France and Austria who were once enemies now are becoming most trusted allies who will walk shoulder to shoulder in this world from today onward and for years to come, it's time for this royal pair that brought our two countries together to finally have the bedding ceremony and solidify their union for now and forever"

This was met with clapping from the gathered crowd and a confused face from me.

I totally forgot about the bedding ceremony…

This was not in the plan…

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