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93.54% Re:Ron - Life Of A Reincarnated Sidekick / Chapter 29: To R-18 Or Not To R-18!

Capítulo 29: To R-18 Or Not To R-18!

I am beat up.

My body is weary.

My mind exhausted.

And my back is in serious need of a rubbin'.

Me and Kim just finished our latest mission. Saving some people who thought that traveling in the woods, even when a snow storm was forecasted, would be such a swell idea! Stupid hikers.

I will gladly say Kim was awesome as always and that I was handy in a pinch, but the real MVP was Rufus. My favorite lil guy not only found the hikers in their tents, that were nearly torn ragged by the wind alone, but also found us a cave to bunker down in.

While Kim tended to the hikers, I spent my time packing down snow to cover most of the entrance. I remembered that snow is a good insulator, err, even if that doesn't exactly help in this scenario. But at least it will block out most of the chilling wind! I was just happy the hikers had packed away some rations to last a few days. I was hungry!

I'm more than happy that we got there at the tail end of it, to be honest. Despite one of the people we saved grumbling we could have at least came to rescue them sooner.. Punk, we got the speedy flight here!

Thankfully I had the foresight to get an extra large sleeping bag to bundle up with Kim. Of course she didn't fight me when I offered her to join me in my sleeping bag.

Come midday the storm had slowed down enough that I could send off a flare. The emergency team saw it and came to retrieve us in a jiffy.

The poor and miserable hikers had rushed the helicopter and there was no room for me and Kim. So we stayed behind for the return flight to pick us up.

"So... Did you sleep well?" Yep, I'm a regular casanova. I speaketh well.

Kim had given me a kiss on the cheek after she rolled her eyes. "Seeing as we shared the same sleeping bag, I think you know how well I slept." She nuzzled her nose into my neck and I held her close. "It was very... warm."

That'd be an understatement... Having a very hot kinda girlfriend rubbing her ass against me just to get me 'warmed up' made for an interesting night.

"I distinctly remember someone who said I had very warm hands..." I made sure they stayed warm by consistently rubbing her body up and down.

Meanwhile Rufus was hibernating in my cargo pants. Otherwise he'd be pestering me to be the alpha. Embrace my alphaness. Mate with my mates, ect ect.

We stayed in our embrace until I heard the return helicopter. Shame. I was enjoying the hug.. Even if it did, safely and unfortunately, prevent my hand from going lower than her waist.




School the next day had to have been the most annoying.

Seems Karen had it out for me and made it known every time I crossed her path.

"Move it doofus." Was all I heard before Karen's muscle brained boyfriend shoulder checked me into a locker. Which, to be honest, if I wasn't thinking about other things I would have noticed him stomping his way over to me. The big lug had struted his stuff when he walked away.. To his demise.

But I'm in a dilemma... I have to figure out where to take my girls out on a date!

Seriously. It isn't easy when you are a broke kid. I'm almost tempted to make the Naco already... But I have no clue how to just yet. Like the universe is waiting for Bueno Nacho to show up and enlighten me just as it did when me and Rufus met.

And I do have to admit I have a bit of a male macho side that refuses to ask for my dates to pay. Even if it is a ridiculous notion.

"Ron? Hello? Ron! Bonnie, we may need to pinch some sense in him. You get the left, I get the right." I wish I was paying attention to what Kim was saying at the time, because getting goosed was not a plan in my itinerary thank you very much!

"Yip!", and yes, I did jump.. Slightly ashamed of myself. "What was that for!"

Bonnie and Kim were.. Well, they were 'gripping' the air.

"Nice ass. Firm but soft. Perfect to grab a hold on. I give it a 8.5 out of 10." Gee, thanks Bonnie. Glad to know my score.. Not!

"I dunno Bonnie, I think there are more applications we can work with. I want to give it a 9 because I can visualize what it would look without any covering." Uhh... Well thanks Kim, also, did not need a score from you. But thanks.

"So what has you so distracted, Ron? You didn't even dodge Fred when half the school could hear him stomping to you." Tara was pointing out to me. "Shame poor Fred had to repeatedly slam his nose into a wall.." She had whispered softly. Umm Tara? Elephant ears hear all! But thanks to you too, princess.

So I just stare at them...

They stare back...

"Want to go on a date?" I had asked.

Their response was a very resounding yes.




There comes a time in a well aged man turned young man's life when he realizes that maybe.. Just maybe.. He done goofed.

I say this because the girls took the reins out of my hands and gladly took charge. I was told to wait at the food court at the mall for them. Well, more like Bonnie said "Sit tight and keep those sexy cheeks ready for us." Which should have been the first indicator that I was gonna be in for a world of... Fun.

I got dressed in a simple dark blue tee with a sky blue button up shirt and khaki pants.

I know. I know. Definitely not very Ron of me. But a guy does have to impress his girls. Especially important gal friends who are technically girlfriends and two of them are even intimate with one another and and and and... Breathe Ronald. Just Breathe.

Rufus was encouraging me, with his usual way of "It is time.. You must assert the women that you are Alpha! No other male can claim them!" and the ocassional few tears he shed when saying "They grow up so fast. My Friend finally becomes a man." Kinda wanted to smack him. Just a little bit.

"I shall stay home and protect it well while you are gone, Friend! I have faith in you!" I was ready to leave and Rufus did volunteer to stay home. Truthfully, I think he's staying so he can have a cheese and movie night to himself.

I left a half block of cheese out for my best guy.

Well then.. Time to go to the Middleton Mall!

Where I sat at for two hours.... Very frustrating. Just how long do I have to waaaaaaitohmypubertygoodness.

The people in the food court split, goodness to honest Moses split the waters split, when three young women walked their way to me. No doubt it was to me because their eyes were dead at me like a predator watches its prey.

Bonnie was in a pair of designer jeans with purposely ragged seams that fit like a coat of paint, and a red halter-bandana top thing that hugged her bare tits and left most of her back bare. And a pair of low heel knee high red boots.

Kim was rocking a leather pants that clung to the legs and showed her curves explicitly well, and a plaid cowgirl shirt that was tied into a knot at the front just under breasts, cowgirl boots to match.

Tara decidedly had chosen that less is more. She was only in a sports bra that helped support her breasts but did not hide her bosom, also snug cut off jeans and knee high boots. You could see just a bare bit of skin between the jeans and boots.

Are they really freshman students? Not college girls? Just with a light touch up of makeup they matured to my strike zone...

Oh frack a quack. They figured me out.

"Hey Ron! What do you think?" Kim did a slow, very slow twirl, oh god her butt jiggled "I think we did good, especially with Bonnie's makeup expertise." Yeah, makeup, uh huh...

"I think you broke him, Kimmy." Bonnie had that damn sexy and sultry smirk.

"You hungry Ron? I know we took too long. But Bonnie insisted we got this just right." Tara had to always be so sweet to me.

"Psh. Like you girls disagreed with me. You two were even more enthusiastic than I was."

Kim had muttered a "and Tara was extra grabby too. My nipples are still sore." Nope. Didn't hear that.

"You know me well, Tara. I'm always hungry! A growing boy needs to eat after all."

"Well let me go grab us something to eat then! You in the mood for mexican?"


I watched Tara skip away and felt a shift in my space. Oh hi girls. I see you both are sitting next to me. That's nice.

"Kim, you won the rock paper scissors, so you get to choose where we go first." Huh? Shouldn't I be the one taking you three around? Like a normal date?

"Well I already know you want Club Banana, and you're last, so we will save that for then.. Tara probably wants to see that arcade room.. So hmm.. I think I want to go to the Scented Pleasures!" And I guess I get to follow around and be the pack mule? Never mind, it is a normal date.

Tara returned with scrumptious foods and I do admit I had tuned the girls out while I delved into the cheesy goodness that was presented to me.


The girls watched Ron eating while they talked. He was completely oblivious to their talk that involved today's plan.

Years of cultivating him has led to this perfect moment. Even if Tara's tastes have changed, she still loved Ron and had waited patiently just as Bonnie and Kim have.. The date! The one thing I have waited for him to finally ask to go out on!

But first.. They watched him eat. He was always a messy eater, but subtle nudges and small comments have changed that. Now he eats that taco like a pro. The way his tongue gently curled around the edges to catch every last drop of juices and melted cheese so it didn't drip on his hands or napkin.

Goddess, they never realised what a long tongue he had. Each one wanted to just grab hold a hold of those ears and ground her pussy into his face. Begging to cum for him. Demanding to his.


So over the years of having three best gal pals, I have learned to always smile and nod at the right times. Make suitable comments like "No way!" and "You don't day?" or even the occasional "Pic or it didn't happen!" just for giggles. Since I'm always there, I know it ...

Anyways, I never thought I would be dragged by these girls into a scented haven / nightmare. We've never done anything like this before. Ya know, couply things.

We've done arcades, we've gone biking, I've had my nails painted in a fabulous twilight purple, been to nearly all their cheerleading practices and tryouts (I get randomly sick at times, no idea why, I stopped questioning it years ago). Heck, we have shared food together!.. Which, kinda is, a couply thing.. Anywho now... Just never this.

It was an odd domesticated feeling. It felt familiar, it felt great even, but still odd.

On a side note, I found a bar of soap that smelled like black oak trees, campfires, and whiskey. I bought it just because I can dangit!

Kim was spot on with her saying Tara wanted to go to the arcade. I saw her bump a few guys over just to try out the crane game.. A crane game?!?! Not really surprised with her hyper activity. Believe me, it's not new to see.

Though the guys did get uppity.. Tara turned on the magic show and used the infamous Kim Possible dog pout look.. It was super effective.

They left... But never were out of sight...

I don't like that.

It would be just my luck they turn out to be a walking pack of cliches. My life is already chalk full of that, so here's to hoping they aren't...

They girls did have me join in a few games, but I just had a blast watching them have fun.

Yep. I'm domesticated.

Oh well.

We were there for a little over an hour before Bonnie said it was time for her choice.

"Now c'mon Tara, I know you love playing whack a mole but it is time for Club Banana!" Bonnie was having s hard time removing Tara from her beloved game. But Kim came to save the day.

She whispered in Tara's ear, "Plus we can try out a few outfits and model. You know you want Bonnie and Ron to see you in those bikinis you were eyeballing last week."

I wish I knew what they were talking about because Tara had a fire light up in her eyes and she actually put the foam mallet down. She grabbed Kim and Bonnie by the arm and walked briskly to their new target.

Well at least Kim got her away. I shook my head and followed after... Not before noticing the goon squad was still watching the girls... Sigh, hope they don't do anything stupid.

Now... Remember how I said I done goofed? Well I got caught in a trance. I was either at a nice few steps behind the girls or by their side most the day. But this time. I was about ten paces behind... And I did what every guy and girl in this mall has done. I admired their form.

I saw curves and curves and oh my, curves.

Of course, seeing the dimples on their lower backs taunting me did not help. The dang near catwalk like struts only made my eyes more mesmerized at the three ladies in front of me.

I know they noticed. I noticed them noticing me. They noticed me noticing them noticing me. Hell, even the other mall walkers noticed us noticing each others noticing.

So clearly, you would think the goon squad would not come and bug us? Oh no no no. Oh they just haaaaaad to make themselves into a total ass by intercepting the girls. Just great.


Now I am a nice guy. I like being laid back. I do enjoy the missions, even if a lot of people are very... Incapable.

But I'm nice.

I say that because one od the goons gave Kim a nice slap on the ass. He touched my girl. He touched MY girl. The entire goon squad has got in all three of my girls personal bubble and I might have snapped.

Just a teensy bit really.

I dropped the bags and only lightly launched myself at the guy who touched Kim. His nose will be fine. I only kneed him at running speed. Now his jewels on the other hand.. Well I might have pivoted ON them and threw myself at the next guy in my line of sight.

I might have yelled that nobody touches MY girls. Honestly I don't remember, but I was told that I did.

And so that second guy's arm might have been bent. But only for a split second! I snapped it back when his buddies were trying to run and I had to use him as a discus. He's really lucky that it popped back rather than cracking and tearing into his muscles. That's a rather rough operation I hear.

The other two I could have taken but Kim blocked me.. Well, more like she rested her hand on my shoulder and I froze when she said "Calm down baby, it'll be okay."

Tara did a quick kick, nodded that she was pleased by his cry, and walked back to us. It was actually adorable.

But Bonnie. She waited for the fourth one. The rather gorilla looking guy. He got up, dazed from the fall when I threw his buddy at him, and Bonnie, her eyes glinting, drew back a manicured hand and gave him a measured right cross to the button, right on the jaw. He yelped, spun around once, and collapsed.

It was comical to watch and rather adorably vicious when she kicked him right between the cheeks. I don't think he's going to be able to poop right for a week.

And that was the story we gave the mall cops. The same story onlookers gave the mall cops. The same story the cameras showed the mall cops.

I was exhausted when we finally left. We did have to make a report with the officers that collected the cliche goon squad that already had repeat offenses on their record. So we got to leave unobstructed and took a cab back to Bonnie's. We were quiet the entire eide back and now I need a nap.

I dropped the bags in the hall leading away from the door when I heard. "So we're your girls are we?"

I was about to defend myself with a retort. I truly was.. But I found myself against a wall and a Kim Possible, one of three best gal pals, shoving her tongue down my throat.

Bonnie and Tara were amused, and by the looks of it, aroused by Kim's aggressive attack.

When she let me go to get some air, Bonnie was already on me. And man did she have some serious tongue skills. I felt myself losing before she pulled back.

And, of course, my Tara was on me with a sweet and innocent chaste kiss before she worked her way across my jawline and down my neck. She had my toes curling and me groaning in just a few seconds. Never mind. Tara is the expert of the three.

She backed away soon. And there they were. All lined up in front of me. Like an all you csn eat buffet.. Heh, I guess tonight I'm skipping the dinner and going straight to the dessert.

"First one to Bonnie's room wins." I barely finished my sentence when all three took off. At least this will give me time to compose myself. I make sure the bags are definitely out of the way, just to be safe, before I take the leisure stroll to the bedroom.

If the dancing jig by Kim wasn't any indicator, then the fact that Bonnie was pouting had shown me who had won the race.

Of course, once I closed the door behind me, they all gave me their best orbit gum megawatt smile.

Tonight... Is going to be an exhausting one.

I hope I can keep my beliefs intact...

PopPop PopPop

A long long long wait. But I recuperated! I read a lot of stories that have updated and even got into a new fanfiction. Buffy the vampire slayer verse! Xander centric of course. I'm part of the 'Die Angel and Spike' group after all.

So now that the wait is over, I hope you all enjoy the story! Even if I do ruin your childhood. Bwu - Ha - Ha!!!


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