"For us, Al. I do this for us," Unar said when he noticed that Alanor was making backward steps when he got closer.
"Us?" Alanor asked with a scoff and Unar looked at his mate's dark eyes. He could see them slowly turn golden, which meant that Alanor was feeling unsafe with him and that was ripping him apart. He hadn't intended for this to happen.
"Yes, Al. For us. I know it may seem like everything I said could have an ulterior motive, and yes it does, Al. I won't lie to you, coming to stay at the Wynters with you was not just a spring decision of the prince who was excited to see his mate, no.
"I have been planning this, plotting from the first moment I knew you were my mate," Unar said, the sincerity in his voice making Alanor let out a choked cough.
He knew he hadn't even been delusional but damn, hearing his mate say that he had plotted for this moment for their first day was driving him crazy.
Oh damn, so I'm fangirling again lol