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Capítulo 91: Chapter 92

"This… This can't be true..." Madara mumbled after literally watching a movie recapping Black Zetsu's life and goal

"To be honest, I wouldn't have shown you this if it was a lie... Nah, instead, I would've just killed you, and voila, no more problem for me." I let out which was true since I could absorb him and he couldn't be revived by anyone but me

"All this time... And everything would have been for nothing..?" Madara mumbled again as he looked at the fake moon I made in the Genjutsu with an expression that made me almost willing to make some rain with how melancholic his expression was

"Hey, at least now you can redeem yourself... While I agree that Hashirama's way of seeking peace was flawed, your vision of it was also too extreme." I said as I shrugged my shoulders

"Peace will never prevail, would it?" Madara asked as he stopped looking up and shifted his gaze to me, truly seeking an answer

"While right now all five great shinobi countries are under a peace treaty, mainly due to Konoha's overwhelming victory, I do agree that peace will surely end one day... I would expect them to join hands against us the day I die or become too old, though that won't happen." I said as I agreed that everlasting peace was never going to happen, after all, humans are stupid individuals and each of them being different was bound to bring conflicts

"...Though there are ways of making it last for a few generations, and one of them would be to gather to face a common enemy." I added as Madara knew one of the ways I thought about because he replied "Facing the Ōtsutsuki? Sure, if all humans found out that a Clan of space foreigner wants to kill all of them with ease, they will avoid internal conflict, but..."

"Yeah, I don't think being large in numbers will be useful, most of them will die before even trying to fight since the number of powerful individuals is extremely low, and even those that are part of them might not even threaten a low-ranked Ōtsutsuki's life... But there's no better way to make them understand than directly face the truth." I explained as Madara was now fully aware of the Ōtsutsuki Clan's existence and motive

"So you're going to use him?" Madara asked as he smirked and so did I because he was right

"I mean, we literally have an Ōtsutsuki at home who have bad intentions, if I have to hunt him then I should at least use him to prepare the shinobi world for his Clan's possible future invasion." I replied as Madara learned about Isshiki's and also Kaguya's arrival on our planet

"You're a lot more vicious than I expected, this makes me proud." Madara declared which made me roll my eyes as I retorted "Don't try to act like a father now, you're too late for this."

The moment I finished my words, something sparked in my mind and so I asked "Say... How did you fall in love with my mother? If there was even a hint of love because I can't help but think that you only tried to get a Senju-Uchiha hybrid."

"Your mother..? Hm, I did love her once, but when I set my goal, I knew that being bound to someone would only make me softer so I... Cut all ties I had with her." Madara explained as he stayed expressionless when talking about her and looked into the horizon

"So you abandoned her without saying a word?" I asked again but couldn't be mad at him considering that I was the one killing her during my birth

"...Yes." Madara mumbled before looking at me and adding "You have white hair just like her, and technically the same blue eyes, though they have a weird flower pattern, surely a result of her bloodline."

"Uh?" I let out as I didn't know anything about her minus the fact that she was a Senju and that her name was Ayako

"Her grandfather came from the Hyūga Clan, a man who was exiled during the Warring States Period, from what she told me, he was blind since the day he met her grandmother because they sealed his eyes." Madara first revealed which surprised me and made me wonder if it was the way this world decided to explain my locked Tenseigan

"...I see." I mumbled as I was lost in my thoughts but Madara added something "Also, did Hashirama tell you about your great grandmother?"

"Tell me what?" I asked as I wondered what was wrong with her and the next thing he said surprised me

"Knowing him, he surely forgot to tell you... Your great grandmother, she was Hashirama's aunt." Madara finally revealed which did surprise me quite a lot

'I knew that Tsunade and I were bound to share an ancestor but I didn't expect her to be my third cousin' I thought as it meant that we shared less than two percent of our genetics so it was fine, after all, I knew that some Clan married people far closer to them since marriage between blood-related people was common in this world where intern Clan relationship was nearly mandatory

"Seems like I have quite an interesting lineage." I said as I chuckled a little when I realized that my DNA consisted of an Uchiha, a Senju, a moderate portion of a Hyūga, and highly likely some Uzumaki blood as well, only missing a 'near' relative from the Kaguya Clan

"Talking about lineage, do you truly intend to revive an Ōtsutsuki to help us? She's one of them after all." Madara asked as he learned of my goal but was now wary of anyone coming from their Clan

"She betrayed them, you don't have to worry. Also, she wants to protect the Earth, not kill all of us." I explained as I was the one knowing Kaguya the most since she pretty much met me once a week when I went to sleep

"What if she betrays us as well?" Madara still insisted as he was quite the cautious man who didn't want to experience more betrayal

"As I said, she won't. You can trust me now, can't you?" I added as I rolled my eyes since I knew what Kaguya required and aimed for

"Fine." Madara let out as he crossed his arms and looked away before asking "Though I agreed to help you, how are we going to justify my sudden reappearance?"

"Oh that... You won't show yourself, at least not until we battle against that Isshiki guy." I first replied which made him raise an eyebrow so I added "If you reappear to face the common threat of our planet, don't you think everyone will think of you in a more positive light?"

When I finished speaking, Madara let out a chuckle before saying "I see, you want to make them believe that I faked my death because of him... It's a clever idea, though I'm not someone who enjoys playing the hero."

"Maybe, but this will at least make it easier for Konoha, and the world, to accept your return." I said before adding "Though this won't happen soon, for now I will give you a fake identity as an employee in the Ancor Vantian."

"Me? An employee?" Madara asked with a frown as he was too proud to do such a thing

"You will be something like a security guard or whatever, also, since the Ancor Vantian travels through many countries you can take the opportunity to have fun, just... Don't reveal yourself, please?" I explained as I did have a part of me that wanted to see Madara as a waiter or cleaning the toilets

"Mmh... Fine, this will do." Madara replied as he was quite cooperative with me now that he broke free from the Curse of Hatred, perks of my Genjutsu combined with showing him the truth about our world

Maybe... Maybe when everything is over I will be able to see Madara and Hashirama playfully drink together while my mother and Mito happily take care of my grandchildren...

'Let's aim for such a future' I thought before stopping the technique, bringing us back to reality with Madara still half-lying on his wooden bed but he didn't look to be eighty-eight years old like he used to

"You truly rejuvenated me..?" Madara mumbled as he was still dumbfounded even after knowing that it would happen

"Told you, as long as you are not dead I can do it." I said as I shrugged my shoulder before looking at the Demonic Statue of the Outer Path above the bed

"I will leave you with a clone of mine, he will teleport you to the Ancor Vantian. Oh, also, Chikako is already free from Black Zetsu's control so I will bring her back to Konoha, she lost too many years because of your little schemes, she deserves to rest." I said as I made a clone before adding "I might give you something to do now that I think about it."

"You want me to gather powerful shinobi for the future? We did send her for that and this idea might still be useful." Madara said as he was quick to catch on to what I wanted to say

"Yep, mainly that boy you forcefully gave your Rinnegan, he should still have them even though I rejuvenated you so he will be a great asset." I said as Nagato, Yahiko, and that other child who was able to paint things in the air were still alive and so was Hanzō though he was quite old now

They actually worked together to keep Amegakure and the Land of Rain peaceful, after all, Hanzō wasn't influenced by Danzō since the latter was eliminated a while ago.

They kept their neutral state even through the following war.

"Alright, I will also use him as a training dummy so it will be worth my time." Madara replied with some eagerness since it involved a battle while I prayed for Nagato to stay safe, and sane, after facing Madara

"Good. Now, if you'll excuse me I have someone to revive. If you need anything just talk to my clone, he can pretty much do everything I can." I then said as I approached the Demonic Statue of the Outer Path and laid my hand on it

"Mh." Madara muttered as I was going to teleport myself and the statue but then he suddenly confessed "I... Thank you, Yuichi." before looking away, not willing to face me after saying that

'Tsundere' I thought with a smile before teleporting away to an island I haven't visited in a long while

"No one's gonna bother me here." I said out loud as I was back to Uzushiogakure, or where it once stood

I did come back here in the past to completely clean the area of all buildings, after all, I knew that one day the Uzumaki Clan will have to come back and live here because they are, how should I put it... They reproduce quickly, too quickly.

Because of that, they will lack space within Konoha in a decade or so, that's why I wished to rebuild their village.

Though to make communication easier, I also began to search for a technique allowing near-instant travel between our villages, some of the clones I made to train different techniques were tasked with doing so.

As of today, I could have one of my clones make a small group of people travel from two specific coordinates, but using them like that isn't efficient, instead, I want to create something like a portal between two coordinates that can only be activated by certain individuals, preferably a new kind of Tokubetsu Jōnin trained for such Space-Time Ninjutsu.

Nevertheless, I also modified the Fūinjutsu that was used to prevent enemies or strangers from coming to the island, I made it a lot better which is why no one would bother me here.

A barren island cut from the outside world.

Looking at my bracer, I poked it before saying "Hey Shiromari, sorry to wake you up but I need you to take out the homunculus container."

Right after asking, I saw two eyes looking at me as well as his mouth which release a yawn before morphing back into his chibi form and, once far away, took a bigger appearance to spit out what I wanted.

"Thanks." I let out as I moved closer to the container and opened it, revealing the world's first artificial yet organic created life form, the one Orochimaru and I made which had an appearance close to Kaguya's

"It's time?" Shiromari let out as he was aware of my goal with the homunculus

"Yes, though there shouldn't be any disturbance, could you watch over me when I transfer the chakra? I will be quite weakened afterward." I asked to which Shiromari nodded before flying a bit further from the statue while I prepared another barrier to not let any sound leave the island just in case

After that, I settled my hand on the homunculus' stomach where I put a seal that locked her consciousness, and woke her up, revealing her Rinnegan as well as her expressionless face since her mind was fully under my control, the soul I used being modified by me.

"Follow me." I said as the naked homunculus got up from the container and walked alongside me to the front of the Demonic Statue of the Outer Path

"You will use the Six Paths Ten-Tails Coffin Seal the moment the Ten-Tails is fully awakened." I ordered the homunculus who didn't need to nod to give me an answer

I then floated until I was facing the statue's head and laid my hands on it before forcefully transferring the Tailed Beasts chakra I absorbed over the years, doing it differently than Nagato since their way of doing it was far too slow as I poured everything into the statue's mouth.

Every second that passed, I felt a large portion of my chakra, only the portion related to the Tailed Beasts, get drained by the statue as its eyes slowly opened one by one.

While it was indeed a lot quicker than how the Akatsuki did it, taking three days only for Shukaku when they were nine, it still took me nine hours for the whole process to be finished, making me lose a significant amount of chakra but I would be able to recover it quicker than before since I won't be 'generating' it but 'regenerating' it instead.

The moment I finished, the Statue began to unleash a painful screeching before beginning to morph, making me take some steps back while taking the homunculus with me since we had to wait for it to be fully transformed.

The amount of chakra it released was enormous, even though it was chakra I previously possessed, seeing the amount in front of me was a whole lot different feeling.

The Ten-Tails also directly looked humanoid, albeit the size was far bigger than anything else I saw, it looked muscular yet slightly bloated with many spikes sprouting from its body, a single eye on the right, his mouth and nose facing us, and one ear on the left along with many hands-like tails coming from his back.

Noticing that it was time, I teleported the homunculus and myself on top of the beast and shouted "Use it now!" which she did after doing a single hand sign, the mirrored ram, absorbing the beast inside of her as it seemed like it was squeezing down upon itself.

Once it was fully absorbed, the homunculus looked more like an Ōtsutsuki as her skin became grey while horns and some spikes came out from her body.

I knew that it wasn't enough to revive Kaguya since it only made the homunculus the Ten-Tails' Jinchuriki.

To bring back Kaguya from this body, I had to feed it with a massive amount of chakra, not the Tailed Beasts' chakra but common chakra which was initially provided by the God Tree absorbing many shinobi chakra.

And since I didn't want to create a God Tree to do so, I had to use my personal reserve of chakra that grew over my thirty-seven years of life, forcing my clones with no immediate usefulness to dispel so I could have as much chakra as possible within my body.

I lived most of the time by sealing a large portion of my chakra, only revealing Kage-level chakra to my foes, but, since my body was naturally absorbing chakra like an endless well, just like it did for Natural Energy which caused me some problem to use Sage Mode before, I could transfer to the homunculus more chakra than even the amount of the Ten-Tails.

Going back down with our feet on the ground, I took both of the homunculus hands with my own and closed my eyes before slowly transferring my chakra, temporarily weakening me even further as she required quite the amount to come back.

Though, surprisingly enough, she absorbed the chakra far quicker than the statue absorbed the Tailed-Beasts chakra, only taking about three hours.

When I sensed that my chakra was no longer being absorbed, I opened my eyes and saw that it was no longer the homunculus in front of me but Kaguya's delicate facial features, the natural light coming from the moon embellishing them as the sun settled out a few hours ago.


She also didn't have to pass by the unstable rabbit-like form, instead, she directly transformed from the homunculus to herself.

"Sucking me dry on our first real meeting, you sure are naughty Kaguya." I mumbled as I felt my consciousness falter since I was experiencing heavy chakra exhaustion for the first time in my life

Unfortunately, before I could hear her answer, I fell unconscious and only sensed her warmth as she caught me before I could fall to the ground.

Let's hope that my condition won't take too long.

Yasashiki Yasashiki


Kaguya’s finally here! 92 chapters for the second wife to ‘appear’.

Anyway, if you find grammatical mistakes, please comment.

Thanks for reading and I hope that you enjoyed it!

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