The slashes from Rise's claws came with dreadful consequences for the undead. Each slash was similar to how Mordant would wrap his claws in darkness mana and send out long ranged attacks with them. But when it came to Rise, she added light elemental mana. These attacks easily cut through the undead like butter.
This led Walker to immobilize the three undead heavy guardians by using the white lightning slash. It was enough to cut their knees in the small spaces of the armor they wore. Stopping them temporarily was perfect for lining them up. Rise just had to slash at them and end their lives while the earth mages came behind to seal them for as long as possible.
The added bonus of Alice's song became a buff that slightly gathered around every soldier as they began facing the mummified soldiers. It was enough to both weaken the undead struck and help the other replenish their energy.
an easy link, invading the ruins, but it also angered something... sooooooo