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53.96% ATG: Heavenly Procrastinator / Chapter 34: XXXIV

Capítulo 34: XXXIV

"Why do you look so giddy with joy?" Fu Xian questioned.

A woman dressed entirely in tight silver armour questioned another, who was considerably thicker than the latter in the chest department.

"I just met the man of my life." Yue Ying replied.

"Oh?" She raised an eyebrow. "Does the Lady Goddess know?"

"Well… she was the one who gave me the assignment of dual-cultivating with him. Though his consciousness was sealed for the entirety of our time together, it felt so real. He even smiled a few times."

"... Right. Why would she ask you to rape someone? Seems rather strange to me."

"He had a heaven-defying body or something like that and she wanted to observe how effective it was. It seemed true enough… from my short days with him, I broke through to the eighth level. After that, she told me to stop."

"The 'man of your life' might just become the Lady Goddess' pet."

"Don't be absurd, she wouldn't let any man touch her let alone sleep with one."

"You never know…"

"Hmph." She poured slightly. "You only know how to bring people down."

"So, how did he look like?"

"... Well, he was tall, lean, handsome and so very cute with his smooth baby face. I still fondly recall brushing his wild chestnut brown hair into beautiful and tidy curls. I swear, every time I embraced him with my chest, he made a delightful smile. We were truly made for each other… I couldn't imagine a better man to be my first."

"You're just delusional." Fu Xian chuckled. "While you were busy raping that fellow, I dirtied my hands with the blood of nearly five billion people."

"Why this time?"

"You know the Lady Goddess. One small offence and she wants someone to pay for it."

The two servants were in agreement on that.


The next time Rokas woke, he was chained to a formation in a rather nice-looking room. The formation wasn't exactly comforting as he was seated with his arms and legs chained. Even his mouth was sealed shut.

His clothes were different… Brahma Monarch God Realm gold, to be precise.  He felt strangely tired despite having been unconscious for what seemed to be a long time.

[Profound strength: Sovereign Profound V → Divine Origin Realm I]

'System… explain how your analysis ignored two people. Aren't you omniscient?'

[System: Oops, I missed two.]

'Whose side are you on?'

[System: Your side, always.]

'... Right. That's why I'm sealed up?'

[System: I find your lack of faith disturbing. You said you wanted to seduce Qianye Ying'er, didn't you? I helped you.]

Rokas rolled his eyes.

'This is not how I imagined it.'

[System: Relax, it's not like you're dead or anything. Besides, you toooootally wanted to get closer to Qianye Ying'er. Otherwise, you would've at least tried to go full throttle.]

'And gotten caught either way. This all leads to the fact that you deceived me.'

[System: We participate in a minuscule amount of tomfoolery. Anyway, who was the baboon flying around in space with a giant red-green glowstick? I can tell you it wasn't me.]

'Sure, that part is my fault but I had precautions for that. Turns out that one wasn't as reliable as I had thought. I was so very close to safety in the Moon God Realm. Even if I failed to convince Jasmine to stay, the Moon God Emperor would certainly treat me well for bringing his daughter to him. From there, I could have asked for an opportunity to visit the Dragon God Realm…'

'I could have become the world's greatest young patriarch. Almost anything would have been possible. Instead…'

[System: Bruddha is a slave. At the very least you're Qianye Ying'er's slave, amiright?]

'You really do belong in a trash compactor.'

[System: Hey… you wanted to seduce Qianye Ying'er. I'm letting you cook.]

'Fine… I'll cook. Patiently.'

[System: Handsome slave rizz. The Slave who Conquered The Goddess sounds like a great animanga title.]

'... I mean, it could certainly be worse.' Rokas thought to himself after a while, looking down at his binds. 'It's not quite my kink but at least my captor is Qianye Ying'er. Although, my view of her character is very biassed due to my strong preference for blondes alongside my weird fetish for evil women. She's definitely… not the best when it comes to being a good person.'

'Meeting her like this isn't ideal at all.'

Rokas tried to move but he was sealed to the point of being frozen. He couldn't move a single inch, no matter how hard he tried. It was quite an uncomfortable experience.

'Seems that Ying'er has some use for me given that I'm locked up at maximum-security style. What use… though? Does she want me to join the Brahma Monarch God Realm? Surely, there was a gentler way to go about it. Though, it likely has a lot to do with my physique.'

[System: Gotta keep that dragon rod still, you feel me?]

'I don't feel you.'

The door in front of him opened as a golden radiance surged into the room. Rokas blinked, finding the light several shades too bright for his eyes. Eventually, the light subsided as a heavenly figure emerged from its decline.

She stepped forward until he was within arm's reach and suddenly stopped. 

"While you were resting so peacefully, I did some experimenting with your body."

"Hmm…-" Rokas raised an eyebrow. 

"You have such fierce blood… even diluted by a hundred times, it would eat away at the host until there was nothing left but a mindless body. A powerful body… but a rather useless one nonetheless. Although, it could easily be purged before that fatal stage by stronger profound practitioners."

'That's what happens when you forcefully extract it.' Rokas thought. 'Even when Xuanyuan Wentian had my approval, he had to go through hell to adapt to it.'

"I am curious, where did you attain the Nine Profound Exquisite Body?" 


Qianye Ying'er flicked her fingers and his mouthpiece faded away.

"Bonded with a woman who has it?" Rokas answered like that was an obvious answer. "She's quite the beauty."

"You think you're clever, don't you? I asked you where, not how…" 

"Sorry, I have no idea." Rokas shook his head as he defended his wife. 'She's inside of me just sounds like a bad joke.'

"You're a terrible liar." Qianye Ying'er seemed unamused. "No matter, a simple soul search will do."

'Am I royally fucked?'

'If she knew everything…'

Rokas closed his eyes as Qianye Ying'er sent a golden sphere toward him. He felt a wave of golden light flood into the depths of his soul once it struck his head. 

'I can't allow that to happen.'

Rokas put on his best fight, unleashing all of his divine souls and combining them into one. Taking the form of a nine-headed flood dragon, it stormed forwards and coiled around the golden wave. As the seconds passed, it ceased to move… and now, obeyed the dragon.

It had been consumed.

'That's a relief.'

Rokas let out a sigh of relief.

"You think you have the better of me?"

Within an instant, every inch of his body received a deep cut. Rokas suppressed his groan of pain as he did not wish to appear weak.

'This isn't going well for me…'

"No, of course not…" Rokas shook his head. "You are very powerful and I could never even dream of reaching a minuscule sliver of your golden might. But, might I ask, what is the use of having that aforementioned information? Sorry to say but her vital virginity was already taken and I'm pretty sure it could only be done by a man…"

Rokas tried to keep in his sarcasm, to great effect. 

'Well, there is that special method.'

"You are not used to being in such a vulnerable position, it seems. Your proud and smug temperament escapes no matter what words you say. Though, you are right. It is a rather pointless question given that you have already taken it for yourself."

'Ying'er why you bullying me.'

"Fortunately, there is a way to take it from you."


"You can steal body constitutions?" Rokas raised an eyebrow.

"The Nine Profound Exquisite Body originated from a woman, was taken from a woman… and can be returned to a different woman."

"Can't say I've ever heard of something so bizarre. Where'd you get that from?"

"An ancient manual, one that couldn't be found wherever you are from." Qianye Ying'er stepped forward and looked down on him. "While you were asleep, it was not just your blood that I fiddled with. I allowed one of my servants to… have her way with you for a time. The results were quite impressive."

'I was raped by a fodder character?' Rokas thought. 'This just keeps getting better. Thank you so much, System.'

[System: There's light at the end of the tunnel.]


"The process of taking the Nine Profound Exquisite Body… well, you will not be awake to feel it. It's a great shame for you. Although, you should be honoured, in the end. You would be my first…"

His chair suddenly changed to a table and his arms were stretched to their respective sides. Rokas observed with a befuddled expression.

'Is she really going to…'

Once again, he was knocked unconscious.

Qianye Ying'er tried to access his memories once again but was repelled. After another failed attempt, she gave up. The thought of being unable to breach into a person who had only just stepped into the Divine way left her slightly irritated… but she moved on. 

"The Heavenly Slaughter Star God ran off with the Heretic God's immortal blood… and, in the end, it found its way to me anyway." Qianye Ying'er chuckled in her own amusement as she erased Rokas' clothes. "Along with it, that same person has the Nine Profound Exquisite Body and an extraordinary one at that. It truly is fate…"

Qianye Ying'er undressed and… started to fuck… well, rape him.



[Profound Strength: Divine Origin I → Divine Tribulation Realm I]

Three entire months would go swiftly by as Rokas spent a majority of that time as a glorified dildo. Although it was Qianye Ying'er violating him, he despised being strapped to a table and always being knocked unconscious. There was little pleasure to be found in his situation.

Eventually, he regained consciousness while Qianye Ying'er was away.

'If she wants to treat man's like a slave… well, I have a present.' 

Rokas used Shapeshifting and extended the size and girth of his cock. Now his little brother was hanging at a solid twenty inches. Which… was too big.

It was a whole weapon.

(For humans, at least.)

"This manual was a farce all along."

Qianye Ying'er tore it to pieces, letting out a furious sigh. As she recalled whom she found it from… her eyes widened in anger. It was an associate of the Moon God Realm, although she had been certain that he had defected.

Though… if there was a positive, the yang energy she had received was other-worldly. The shackles of the Divine Master Realm did not seem quite as unbreakable anymore…

"What's this?" Qianye Ying'er observed the dragon rod at its towering size with a befuddled expression. 'It wasn't that large ever before.'

As she tried to put it in, she felt extremely uncomfortable. It was too fucking big!

Turning to Rokas, who was grinning in his sleep, she shook him awake.


"Don't 'huh' me… what did you do?"

"What do you mean?" Rokas titled his head.

"Why is it so… big?"

"Aww… you can't take it?" Rokas pouted slightly, in a rather mocking manner as his absolutely huge cock bounced from side to side like it was an inflated ballon. "What a shame, indeed."

She slapped him.

"That stung…" Rokas frowned, shaking his head. "Any harder and my head would've rolled off."

"Make it how it was before."

"How about you let me breathe first?" Rokas countered. "My arms and legs are about to fall off, no doubt. I can't even feel them if I'm to be honest. Maybe the seal is the only thing keeping them together…"

"You are in no position to make demands."

"Clearly, I'm not," Rokas added five more inches. "All I ask for are proper living conditions. It's not like I can run away from someone as powerful as you… so why not?"

"Should I kill you for being so disobedient?"

"And where would you find someone else like me?" Rokas replied, tilting his head to the side as he questioned.

"A circus, perhaps." Qianye Ying'er replied, nodding slightly. "I suppose you do deserve a small break for all of your hard work."

'The sarcasm is strong with this one.'

"I'll allow you to be free within the confines of this room once I am done. That is fair, no?"

"And… are you going to knock me unconscious again?"

"What of it?" 

Her sharp reply sounded both threatening and mighty. Rokas took a moment to think before answering.

"From the few glimpses that I saw, your technique was lacking. No rotation, no dynamic movement, no stylish flair… it was some dead technique, not even going to lie. I can understand why you'd be embarrassed and simply resort to knocking me unconscious to avoid the truth."

"You are truly brave." Qianye Ying'er remarked. "But what makes you believe that your opinion is relevant in any way? 

"Honestly… it's fine, go ahead and knock me out. I won't be missing out on much anyway."

"That works for me." Qianye Ying'er replied. "Even if you were conscious, you'd have to be dreaming if I did not keep your body still."

'Sounds like torture. My hands like to go places.'

"So… what I said about your technique was true."

"I never confirmed that, did I?"

"You strongly suggested it."

"Cease your pointless bickering and do as promised."

Rokas shrank his dragon rod back to the 'perfect' size.

"This is how it was before… just wake me up after. I have things I want to do."

"Good boy." Qianye Ying'er patted his head of brown hair.

"Did you just…" Rokas raised an eyebrow in protest, feeling violated.

"So very proud…"

"Forget having my vital yin and having me use you in such a way. Do you know how many men would give their life for something as simple as a pat on the head from me?" Qianye Ying'er lowered herself slightly and whispered into his ear. "You should be eternally grateful for all the blessings that I've given you."

"... Those so-called 'men' just have no sense of self-worth."

"Or is it that they have no value and they know it? No point in lying to yourself… isn't that right?" Qianye Ying'er straightened up, walking around his makeshift bed. "But you, unlike the vast majority, are valuable. Not just valuable but worthy to the point of having me…"

"Rape me?"

"Raped by a goddess?" Qianye Ying'er paused as she questioned, tilting her head slightly. "Sounds quite ridiculous to me."

"I didn't consent to it nor did I enjoy it in any capacity… so, yes, it was rape."

She knocked the smart ass out.

The silence… was less amusing, to be sure. There was something about his humorous speech that she found pleasant to listen to.

"The high pride of a dragon is an amusing thing."

[Qianye Ying'er (Magician I) Confidant Rank: 0 → 1]


The next time Rokas woke, the formation binding him had been removed. He assessed the exit and the walls around him only to find out that he was stuck in a bigger cage. Then again, he could finally move his body. 

It was a start.

'Freedom at last, or at least, some form of it. System… play me a track.'

[System: Nah, fam. You were talking mad shit about me being unreliable. Now you want me to play a track?]

'Stop being a drama queen. I've had time to think and the situation isn't all that bad. A jump from the Sovereign Profound Realm to the Divine Tribulation Realm in like three months? That would've never happened if you didn't lie to me. So… I guess, you were looking out for me in a way.'

[System: It finally came to you, huh?]

Rokas nodded.

'Past these rough pastures, I see a land of gold all for the taking. Thanks to Shared Growth, I'll scale the cultivation levels swiftly and eventually break free from these confines. Ying'er will certainly have some benefits… but, given the wide disparity between us, I'll have most of them. Not to mention the potential of climbing the ladder of importance in the Brahma Monarch God Realm.'

'I don't see myself being a slave for too long given what should happen once I am on the verge of the next realm…'

[System: Do you also see the ominous conflict beyond it?]

'... Yeah. It's scarlet and unforgiving. A bit flat too.'

[System: Good luck moving forward then, best buddy.]

'I'm going to need it.' Rokas thought of Jasmine, sighing. 'She's cooking my ass when we next meet.'

She did, in fact, cook him.

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