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90% Marvel's Phantom / Chapter 9: ch.9

Capítulo 9: ch.9

Nothing much to say, so without further ado chapter 9.


As they walked away from Hank's office, Xavier explained everything about the Danger Room. Describing what it was and what it was capable of in more detail.

"Don't worry," Logan said with a little smirk after Xavier finished telling us about some of the room's more dangerous features, "there is a first-rate med center connected to the Danger Room as long as you don't die, you can be healed."

Something tells me that that was meant more for me than Laura, seeing as she could just heal.

I wasn't about to tell him that I was pretty sure that there was nothing in that room that could permanently hurt me, whether I was tangible or not.

Either way, the Danger Room was a great way to train in dodging the few things in this world that can hurt me, such as KI and Magic.

"Don't listen to him," Ororo glared at Logan before reassuring the two of us, "the Danger Room is completely safe. We will be observing everything from the control room. The moment it looks like one of you is about to get hurt, we will stop the simulation."

"Are you guys ready?" Xavier asked as we arrived at the door leading into the Danger Room.

Laura and I looked at each other before nodding.

"Good luck," Ororo told us before continuing to a door a little further in the hallway leading to the control room with the others on her tail.

Taking a deep breath, I opened the door and walked inside with Laura.

The Danger Room looked like I remembered it from the comics and series, a big empty room made entirely out of metal. Glancing up, I saw a big glass window where the X-Men were watching us from.

"We will start with the Danger Room urban obstacle course," Logan's rough voice came over the speakers of the room, "Your goal is to get to the end of the course as fast as you can while defeating all the enemies around the city and dodging the hidden traps."

"To make this a real test and not something you can just fly through, you are only allowed to go intangible when dodging a trap or an attack Damien," Logan continued, making sure I couldn't just fly through all the obstacles and enemies.

Not that I was planning to do that anyway, I was here to train myself after all.

As soon as Logan finished talking, the entire room started changing. Walls around the room opened to let in various humanoid robots, and a road grew under our feet before skyscrapers appeared out of nowhere, hiding the humanoid robots from sight.

I looked around the city the room had created in shock. Reaching out, I touched the solid building that had materialized next to me, "wow!"

I knew this world's technology was a lot more advanced than that of my previous world even though it was a few years in the past compared to it, but What The Actual Fuck?!

The buildings seem to be made out of hard light, something that is only theoretically possible in my world right now.

The robots, on the other hand, look to be made of some sort of metal. Does that mean they have to be replaced after every training session and someone destroys them?

That doesn't seem really economical.

I shrugged, maybe there was something I wasn't seeing.

Transforming into my Ghost Form, I flew up and checked out the layout of the mini-city. I could see some of the humanoid robots standing in the middle of the streets waiting for us, but I was certain that there were more I couldn't see waiting to ambush us.

"Okay, how are we going to do this?" I asked Laura, acknowledging her superior combat training(as in me having none) and know-how in handling situations like these.

"You will scout from the air and attack from mid-range," Laura replied, her claws sliding out from in between her knuckles, "I will fight from close range and take care of any traps on the ground."

I nodded my approval of the plan.

Seeing that we were ready, a horn sounded to let us know to begin the test.

I had barely flown a few feet to scout out the situation when holes opened on the buildings around me and began bombarding me with heavy laser fire, forcing me to dodge downwards and away from the buildings as fast as I could.

"Shit!" I cried as I felt a laser singe my shoulder. I took a quick second to glance down at Laura to check how she was doing, only to see that she was fine. The lasers were aiming only at me and only if I were to fly above a certain height.

It wasn't hard to deduce that the buildings had anti-air defenses to stop students with flying abilities from just flying to the ceiling and sniping the robots.

Lowering my flying height, I continued forward, avoiding buzz saws, tasers, blasters, and everything in-between as I went. One hand shielding me from attacks I couldn't dodge in time with a misformed ecto-shield, and the other firing ghost-rays at the traps.

I grimaced when my ecto-shield flickered away, forcing me to speedily dodge away from a blaster bolt and miss the shot I was aiming at one of the traps.

Shaping a solid ecto-construct in the form of a shield and concentrating on keeping it active while fighting was a lot more difficult than I expected.

The simple thing to do would have been to make a bubble shield around my whole body like when I was in Xavier's mind, but it wouldn't have been the smart thing I can't fight with a bubble shield around me 24/7, after all.

I had to learn to make ecto-constructs while fighting.

Which is why I'm here, to train!

"Enemies!" I yelled at Laura when I saw three humanoid robots waiting on us.

Noticing me too, the robots started firing bolts at me with their blaster's arms.

Trusting the ecto-shield I had just created again, I rushed through the blaster fire and tackled one of the robots to the ground before piercing its head, my hand alight with ecto-energy.

Laura was right behind me, twisting and spinning her way through the robots like a wild animal, savagely stripping them off their limbs and heads. Her Adamantium claws cutting through the metal robots like a hot knife through butter.

Just as she was about to finish off the last robot, a metal tentacle darts out from nowhere and grabs hold of the foot of a distracted Laura mid-kick, lifting her in the air before getting ready to slam her into the ground.

Before I could think to help her, Laura bends her body forward and cuts the tentacle holding her, spins through the air, and lands on her previous target claws first, killing it.

I let out an impressed whistle.

Have you ever seen something sexier than that in your life before?

Shaking my head to clear my impure thoughts, I followed the metal tentacle that attacked Laura back to its source. The outline of another robot could be vaguely seen hiding inside one of the hard-light buildings, leaving only a little opening for its metal tentacle.

Charging up a Ghost Ray, I fired through the hard-light building, making a sizable hole in the building and blasting the robot hiding in it into scrap metal.

After that, knowing what to expect, we rushed through the rest of the course in record time, destroying and killing everything in our way.

It was safe to say that we had dominated the test.

>>>>(Xavier's office)<<<<

It has been a few minutes since Damien and Laura had completed their tests in the Danger Room and went to do their own thing.

Xavier, Logan, Ororo, and Hank were in Xavier's office, talking about the abilities their two newest students had shown in the Danger Room and what they had learned from their medical tests.

Their expectations were completely blown out of the water.

Laura, because of her combat training, instincts, and experience with these sorts of tests. Even though the Danger Room was more advanced than anything they had at the Facility, it was still comparable and she went through it like a fish in the water.

And Damien, because of the sheer range of abilities he had shown, with his strength and speed. He could become a fearsome close combat fighter once he had some more training under his belt and with his flight and energy manipulation, he could also assume the role of a long-range fighter.

Not to mention his intangibility, there are not a lot of things that can get through that, and unlike Kitty, he doesn't need to become tangible to attack.

"They are a lot stronger than I had expected," Xavier commented after a while, "and they both have an impressive amount of control over their powers."

"Laura, I can understand, but Damien has too good of a handle on his powers for someone who has had them for only a few days."

Logan and Ororo nodded at that, Laura's powers were simply releasing her claws and healing, something that did not require a lot of control.

Damien, on the other hand, had to learn how to manipulate a new kind of energy no one had ever heard of by himself and was doing a remarkably good job of it so far.

Ororo was proof of how difficult it is to get a handle on any kind of manipulation power like energy manipulation at such a young age.

While her own power was different from that of Damien with how her emotions affected the weather around her but even without that little detail, it would take her a lot more than a few days to get as proficient in her powers as Damien currently was in his.

"Maybe it has something to do with his transformation," Hank chimed in, "it could be that he has instinctive control over his powers when in that form."

"Could be," Logan agreed, "but he doesn't know how to instinctively fight, that is for sure."

"The kid is all over the place. He has had absolutely no combat training whatsoever. Right now, he is simply relying on his superior strength and speed to win." He paused for a moment, "he does have a good head on his shoulders to rely on Laura's experience. I will give him that."

"I am sure you will have him in fighting shape in no time," Xavier said.

Logan grinned at that. He so loved beating cocky kids into fighting shape. It was one of the reasons he was still here.

"Are you sure that we should be training them?" Ororo asked, concerned, "they have already refused to become part of the X-Men. Who knows what they will use this training for, one has already admitted to being raised as an emotionless assassin, and the other one is even weirder."

"I'm sure that they will come around," Xavier said confidently, "and if we don't do it, They will find someone who will, and then we have no say in what they will become."

"I examined the blood samples I took from Laura and Damien," Hank interjected, changing the subject to something more interesting, at least in his mind.

"And?" Logan stood up straight from where he was leaning against one of Xavier's bookshelves.

He had been thinking about the little bomb Laura had dropped on him earlier in the day for a while now and was more than ready to know what was going on.

"Well..." Hank started, "Laura hasn't lied. She is indeed a clone of Logan."

"I don't know much about all this cloning mumbo jumbo," Logan growled, "but I do know that a clone should look like the original and have the same gender."

"You are correct. It is fascinating, isn't it?" Hank smiled before continuing, completely missing Logan's glare, "normally, a clone is just that, a clone. A genetic twin of someone that looks exactly like them."

"But whoever did this did not simply clone you. They added to your genome before impregnating someone with it," not noticing the faces the rest of the room was making at the mention of impregnating someone with Logan's DNA, Hank continued his lecture, "if I had to make an educated guess for why they did that, I would say that the genome of the DNA sample they had of you was simply too damaged to use forcing them to add a woman's genome to help stabilize it, which made the clone end up becoming female among other changes."

"Other changes?" Xavier asked, grasping hold of that little tidbit of information.

"Like you, no doubt noticed Laura, has only two claws on her hands instead of three like Logan, but that is because she has one on each of her feet she hasn't told us about," Hank explained as he showed Xavier a scan of Laura's skeleton where two extra claws could be seen above her toes, "the extra genome that they added to Logan's DNA has mutated his X-Gene."

Xavier frowned a little at that. If Hank hadn't noticed that little detail, he wouldn't have known. He had made a point to stay out of Damien's and even Laura's mind, afraid that Damien would sense it somehow.

He could still read Laura's surface thoughts, something he did passively without needing to enter someone's mind, but the girl's thoughts were so ordered and to the point that he hardly got anything from them.

The only time she thought about anything other than exactly what she was currently doing was when she was in the presence of Damien.

"Is she my clone or not?!" Logan growled impatiently when he didn't get his answer.

"Technically, she is both your clone and your daughter," Hank said finally after thinking about how to put it.

Logan didn't know how to feel about having a daughter and suddenly becoming a father. He didn't even know if he had kids before or if he had a few running around now without himself knowing.

While they hadn't found out a whole lot about his past, they at least knew that he was older than he looked because of his healing factor. Hell, one of the kids had found a picture of him in world war 2 in their history textbook, looking just as dapper as he does now.

Whatever, he will see what comes out of it.

"And what about Damien?" Ororo asked.

"He isn't Logan's long lost son if that is what you are asking," Hank joked before noticing everyone's blank faces, "other than the inclusion of an X-Gene, his DNA is perfectly normal human DNA. There was nothing strange to see."

"He did, however, tell me to burn both of his and Laura's blood samples after I was done with them."

"And have you done so?" Xavier asked.

"Of course," Hank answered offended, "if that is what they want, I will respect it."

He may not work in a hospital or a doctor's office, but he is a real doctor, and he takes his oath seriously.

"What matters is that we lead them down the right path," Xavier said firmly, "both of them."


Hitting the floor again, I grunted in pain.

I hate fighting with a weak human body that feels pain from little things like being thrown to the ground.

It was a new day, which means another day of training and getting my ass kicked by the other X-Men in training(even though I wasn't actually one of them.)

Standing up, I glared at my opponent. Kurt, AKA Nightcrawler, stared back at me before slipping in a ridiculous fake kung-fu stance. Grinning, he stretched out his hand and beckoned me, "come at me!"

It seems that Logan had trained all of the X-Men in hand to hand combat no matter what their powers were. It also didn't help that Kurt was one of the better fighters. His ridiculous agility and balance made it almost impossible to hit him, not to mention that he had an extra limb in the form of his tail.

While the X-Men were impressed with the array of powers I had shown, Logan had seen through my lack of training and had created a rigorous training program for me to get me up to speed with the other teens.

Not that I was complaining, it was one of the reasons why I was here after all. I wasn't going to be one of those people that becomes completely powerless when their power gets nullified or when they temporarily lose it to make the story 'better'.

Noticing that I had learned my lesson and wasn't rushing recklessly at him without a plan anymore, Kurt took the initiative and made the first move.

His foot dug into the ground, accelerating him forward in a lunge. A hook that was meant for my head got blocked by my forearm as I quickly put my guard up.

Kurt looked at me in shock before stumbling back and grunting in pain as I hit him with a kick to the side.

After a few sparring matches, I had learned that Kurt liked to start a match with a right hook to the head. But that little victory is as far as I get as Kurt effortlessly flips over my next kick before sweeping my legs out from under me.

To fight with his powers, Kurt had to analyze the situation of a new place he teleports to in a split second before teleporting again, which required staggering reaction speed. It was almost impossible for a normal human to hit him without getting him by surprise.

That is how the rest of our spars go, with me getting one or two lucky blows in before getting 4x as many blows in return before ending on my back.

Seeing a hard jab that I can't block or dodge come at me, I close my eyes and flinch back. Not feeling any pain, I opened my eyes in time to see Kurt, who had been expecting to make an impact with my face, fall through my body and to the training floor.

"Hey, no vair," Kurt whined from the floor, "you can't use your powers!".

I turned around and looked at him before looking down at my intangible hands. I didn't mean to do that.

Feeling around for the cause, I felt a shroud of ecto-energy around my body with the intention of making me intangible. My powers had responded and made me intangible by themselves, or I had subconsciously used them to stop myself from feeling any more pain.

Either way, I had less control over my powers than I thought.

I thought I was spared from having to deal with the whole powers acting up shit Danny Phantom had to go through at the beginning of the show. It seems I was wrong.

"Sorry, dude," I apologized, offering him a hand to help him up, "I didn't mean to. I'm still getting a handle on my powers."

Accepting my hand, Kurt let me pull him up and clapped me on the back, "it's okay," he said lightheartedly.

Kurt had no bad bone in his body, except for his pranks, that is. But those were all in good fun.

Hearing a soft grunt of pain, I looked over at where Logan and Laura were 'sparring' I call it sparring, but for anyone other than those two monsters, what they were doing would have been a life or death battle.

Their claws were out, and they were going at it like savage animals, Adamantium claws meeting Adamantium claws in a dangerous dance of violence. As I watch, Logan gets the upper hand and slices Laura across the stomach, only for the wound to heal a second later and for them to do it all over again.

A pool of blood forming under their feet. It was a lot less than it should have been without their healing factors but it was still a substantial amount.

It was a gruesome thing to watch and made me remember the warning Logan had given me this morning.


As I had predicted, Laura had sneaked into my bed again these past two days.

Not that I bothered by it all that much, I wasn't about to say no to sleeping with a hot girl even though we haven't gone further than holding each other when sleeping.

It also made it easier for Laura to teach me how to meditate in the morning.

This morning had gone like any other morning. We woke up and just laid in bed for a few minutes enjoying each other's warmth before finally sitting up in bed where Laura would teach me a thing or two about meditation before starting her own work of searching for Zander's and Kimura's whereabouts.

After that, she would return to her room to get ready before her roommate woke up and then meet up with Logan, me, and whoever my sparring partner of the day was in the training room.

Well, I was just about to go to the training room when I opened my door, only for Logan to walk past my room.

Logan paused when my door opened before narrowing his eyes and taking a couple of sniffs of the air, "so, did you enjoy your night?" he asked looking in my eyes.

Not being a dense idiot in an anime, I answered quickly before he could skewer me on his claws, "nothing happened!"

"Oh, I know. Her scent is all over you, but luckily for you, the odor of sex is quite unmistakable," he said casually, "If you had tried to do anything inappropriately to my daughter, I would have to act like a proper father and been forced to cut something important of you off."

I flinched as his eyes moved downwards. It was said like a joke, but the glint in his eyes told me that it wasn't one.

Logically, I knew that I could quite easily take on Wolverine. He was a completely physical fighter, after all. There was literally nothing he could do to hurt me, but it was still scary to be threatened by the Motherfucking Wolverine, the man that has told the devil himself to go fuck himself.

At the same time, I was also kind of happy for Laura. She may not show it, but she wanted to be acknowledged by her father. And what was a better acknowledgment than threatening the boys in your daughter's life?

"She had latched on to you and put her trust in you, don't misuse it!" saying that, Logan walked away.


"So are you excited for your first day at Bayville High?" Kurt asked me, distracting me from my not-so-good thoughts.

The thing I had feared for a while had finally happened, Xavier had completed my enrollment to Bayville High.


Heavens_Monarch Heavens_Monarch

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